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The " F " the media thread

Ask the Trump-appointed federal judge who just ruled against Trump & the WH.
Don't change the subject. I don't need to ask some judge to try and make sense of your statement. You tell me.
Don't change the subject. I don't need to ask some judge to try and make sense of your statement. You tell me.

If you insist on playing dumb, this court ruling proves press freedom is alive and well. The government can't stop a journalist from doing his job simply because it disagrees with the reporting. It also proves Trump's authoritarian tendencies (see Erdogan, Putin, Orban) to try to shut down anyone who dares question or oppose him. Thankfully, that's not how the United States works. And as Trump will soon find out, that's not how the Special Counsel works, either.
If you insist on playing dumb, this court ruling proves press freedom is alive and well. The government can't stop a journalist from doing his job simply beacause it disagrees with the reporting. It also proves Trump's authoritarian tendecies (see Erdogan, Putin, Orban) to try to shut down anyone who dares question or oppose him. Thankfully, that's not how the United States works. And as Trump will soon find out, that's not how the Special Counsel works, either.

You call that an answer? That's rhetoric.You really have become very typical.
You call that an answer? That's rhetoric.You really have become very typical.
Sounds like you'd prefer journalists to bow down and defer to our elected officials. Or to heap praise upon them, never questioning their motives or decisions. You should look into property prices in Moscow, you'd feel right at home.
Hate me all you want for respecting and believing in the Constitution and the sanctity of the Free Press.

You'll have to take your crocodile tears elsewhere, as your authoritarian Lord & Saviour gets curb stomped in his never ending effort to dismantle democracy & the rule of law. Too bad.

Yes, we remembered when you railed on and on when Obama banned a reporter because he didn't like the questions he asked.

You're such a blatant partisan.

If you think this was by any means an attempt to "dismantle democracy," you're further embedded in the Progressive loony-bin than I previously gave you credit for. Democracy is dismantled when "the free press" is nothing more than an extension of one political party and feeds 300 Million Americans agendas, not news. Thank the good God above we have someone who finally pushes back asking for a bare minimum of common decency from the Press. It's refreshing.

I know it hurts those of you who enjoy being the lemmings of the "free" press. You don't like your Kool-aid tainted.
Sounds like you'd prefer journalists to bow down and defer to our elected officials.

I think I'm at liberty to say that isn't what he or any decent American is looking for. Quite the opposite. We'd prefer journalists be honest. Accountable. Fair. Balanced. Not agents of one party looking to overthrow a President they disagree with. We'd prefer journalists treat the President with the same respect and decorum they do all Presidents. We'd prefer journalists print the truth and stick to the news.

I'll repeat, thank the Good God above there is now a President holding the "journalists" accountable for their actions.
Sounds like you'd prefer journalists to bow down and defer to our elected officials. Or to heap praise upon them, never questioning their motives or decisions. You should look into property prices in Moscow, you'd feel right at home.
Still can't answer the question, can you? Going back and forth with you has become a complete waste of time. Carry on.
Still can't answer the question, can you? Going back and forth with you has become a complete waste of time. Carry on.
Acosta regularly asks tough questions of the President, Sarah Sanders et al. Trump has routinely gone after him, calling him out by name, attacked him personally. To 'get rid of the problem' Trump threw a hissy fit and withdrew Acosta's WH press credentials. That's an atttack on the Constitutional right to free speech and the freedom of the press. A federal judge agreed, and ordered Trump to reinstate Acosta's press credentials and access to the WH. Why is it so hard to understand on what this has to do with 'either the Constitution or the sanctity of the free press?' I guess you asked a question you didn't want to hear an answer to, as it's uncomfortable for anyone who supports this authoritarian President.
Acosta regularly asks tough questions of the President, Sarah Sanders et al. Trump has routinely gone after him, calling him out by name, attacked him personally. To 'get rid of the problem' Trump threw a hissy fit and withdrew Acosta's WH press credentials. That's an atttack on the Constitutional right to free speech and the freedom of the press. A federal judge agreed .

Wrong. Again. He was reinstated because of the 5th amendment right to due process. Quit spreading a lie. The first amendment does not give that little ***** the right be at the White House or to badger government officials and ignore the rules. He will behave and be respectful or he will be gone, and he can't use the 1st amendment as an excuse to fight it.
Authoritarian? That's rich. Was he the one who mandated that all Americans must have health insurance and if not they would be fined. That's authoritarian. Trying to pass policies you don't agree with such as tax cuts and border security and not catering to the globalist crowd is not authoritarian. You just disagree with his policies and need a far over utilized word that is a favorite amongst other globalists.
Wrong. Again. He was reinstated because of the 5th amendment right to due process. Quit spreading a lie. The first amendment does not give that little ***** the right be at the White House or to badger government officials and ignore the rules. He will behave and be respectful or he will be gone, and he can't use the 1st amendment as an excuse to fight it.

The judge ruled First Amendment rights apply 'once the White House opened up the grounds to reporters.'


CNN has argued that the ban on Acosta violated his First Amendment rights because it amounts to “viewpoint discrimination” — that is, the president is punishing him for statements and coverage he didn’t like. The network has also said the action violates Acosta’s Fifth Amendment right to due process because his exclusion follows no written guidelines or rules and has no appeal or review procedures.

Until the White House’s action last week, no reporter credentialed to cover the president had ever had a press pass revoked.

Media organizations have been alarmed by the White House’s treatment of Acosta, saying that revoking his “hard pass” to enter the White House is a threat to other journalists who might be similarly banned. Trump has suggested other reporters could face a similar fate if they displease him in some unspecified way. Thirteen news organizations, including The Washington Post and Fox News, said Wednesday they would jointly file a friend-of-the-court brief supporting CNN’s position.

H ha!!!! Trump and Sanders should never take another question from him again. That would be hilarious. Dead weight.

Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again, but Acosta is owed due process if his hard pass is going to be revoked.

— Paul McLeod (@pdmcleod) November 16, 2018

I can just see it now....

Tiny Acosta: Mr. President...

Trump: Not you. I don't take questions from Fake News. Next...

Acosta has been neutered. MAGA!
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Authoritarian? That's rich.

Is it not authoritarian to constantly attack the media & journalists, calling his critics 'fake news'?
Is it not authoritarian to constantly attack the Special Counsel, the FBI/DOJ who are investigating him?
Is it not authoritarian to constantly spread lies and false information to deceive the public?

I guess your definition of the term is something different than mine.
You're such a blatant partisan. You don't like your Kool-aid tainted.

Says the head of the SN Trump peanut gallery, who over the past few weeks have:

- 0 posts on the white, ex-marine who mowed down a bunch of innocent people, including a police sergeant, in Thousand Oaks, CA
- 0 posts on Trump skipping WWI ceremony in Paris because he didn't want to get his hair wet and/or simply wasn't in the mood
- 0 posts on Trump skipping the annual President's visit to Arlington on Veteran's Day because he didn't want to get his hair wet and/or simply wasn't in the mood
- minimal posts on deranged Trump cultist caught sending pipe bombs to Soros and Democrats, mostly about how it was a hoax, not a real threat, etc.
- minimal posts on white extremist who shot up Pittsburgh synagogue, mostly about how upsetting it was so many people dared protest Trump visit when he was specifically asked by mourning families to stay away

Yup, like you say, blatant partisans who don't like their kool-aid tainted.
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“The court made clear that there is no absolute First Amendment right to access the White House. In response to the court, we will temporarily reinstate the reporter’s hard pass. We will also further develop rules and processes to ensure fair and orderly press conferences in the future,” said Sanders.

“There must be decorum at the White House,” she added.

Damn right. No more yelping hyenna's.
A few CNN reporters told me that they’re embarrassed by Acosta & CNN. A WH correspondent from a major network (not Fox) told me “This isn’t the Jim F*ing Acosta Show. We all hate him. He’s an ******* and he actually is disrespectful to the president.”

— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) November 13, 2018
Damn right. No more yelping hyenna's.

The press needs to continue standing up to this misogyonist, belligerent bully. Trump is the ultimate 'yelping hyena.' I hope Acosta and the entire WH press core double their efforts to ask hard-hitting questions of this lying *******, as well as his hired gun, the professional pinch-hitter liar-in-chief, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Donald Trump has made no secret of his contempt for reporters, whom he calls "fake news" and "enemy of the American people." He is also had unkind things to say about women and people who are African-American.

This week, he hit a trifecta, singling out three African-American women who are journalists. The women - Abby Phillip, April Ryan and Yamiche Alcindor - earned his contempt apparently just for asking him questions.

Mr Trump called one of Ms Phillip's questions "stupid," described Ms Ryan as "a loser" and brushed off Ms Alcindor, saying her question was "racist."

President Donald Trump has insulted a female member of the White House press corps, suggesting that the reporter was in “shock” by the very fact that she was called on to ask him a question, and that she does not think.

Yeah, so much for professionalism, civility and decorum. That **** went right out the window the second Trump stepped into office.
Acosta on the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, freedom of the press.... things that should definitely be sacred to us all.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FNowThisPolitics%2Fvideos%2F772400426438595%2F&show_text=1&width=476" width="476" height="587" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
Is it not authoritarian to constantly attack the media & journalists, calling his critics 'fake news'?
Is it not authoritarian to constantly attack the Special Counsel, the FBI/DOJ who are investigating him?
Is it not authoritarian to constantly spread lies and false information to deceive the public?

Nope. Not one of those things is Authoritarian by definition. Your definition is simply wrong.

favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.

As was stated, enforcing ObamaCare on the citizens WAS Authoritarian.

Says the head of the SN Trump peanut gallery, who over the past few weeks have:

- 0 posts on the white, ex-marine who mowed down a bunch of innocent people, including a police sergeant, in Thousand Oaks, CA
- 0 posts on Trump skipping WWI ceremony in Paris because he didn't want to get his hair wet and/or simply wasn't in the mood
- 0 posts on Trump skipping the annual President's visit to Arlington on Veteran's Day because he didn't want to get his hair wet and/or simply wasn't in the mood
- minimal posts on deranged Trump cultist caught sending pipe bombs to Soros and Democrats, mostly about how it was a hoax, not a real threat, etc.
- minimal posts on white extremist who shot up Pittsburgh synagogue, mostly about how upsetting it was so many people dared protest Trump visit when he was specifically asked by mourning families to stay away

Yup, like you say, blatant partisans who don't like their kool-aid tainted.

Yup. Pretty much.

See the marine killing people in Thousand Oaks was no different than any other senseless murder and had no political inclinations. I don't post about every senseless murder in this country. It wasn't like James Hodgkinson who's attack on US Congressmen was politically motivated.

See Trump skipping the WWII ceremony in Paris or Arlington weren't good decisions IMHO, but it's really irrelevant. The press made it into a news story. I refuse to give stories like this credence because this is the same press that looks to belittle the President for 2 scoops. And precedent for our Presidents willy nilly choosing to attend or not was set by the likes of Obama who refused to show up at Dover when the remains of General Harry Greene's body showed up at Dover AFB - the first General killed in action since I believe Vietnam? But it didn't end there:

To date, Obama has skipped some very significant funerals, often choosing to play golf or fundraise with political fat-cats instead. He passed on the funeral of America's top Cold War ally, Lady Margaret Thatcher, in 2013, sending only a low-level delegation ranking below that of the group he sent to the funeral of Venezuela's anti-American dictator, Hugo Chavez, the same year.

Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, the greatest Asian leader of the post-colonial era, and a lion-hearted U.S. ally, got about the same after he died in 2015, as did South Korea's former president Kim Young-sam and Georgia's Eduard Shevardnadze. Even rock-solid ally Israel's Ariel Sharon, who died in 2014, got only Vice President Joe Biden.

Domestically, Obama also gave the back of his hand to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a giant among his peers, skipping his funeral this year.

Even more painful, he's failed to show up for the funerals of important military men who lost their lives under his command. Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2014, got nothing more than a representative, while American Sniper Chris Kyle got absolutely nothing, not even a mention in the 2013 State of the Union address the same day.

God I remember your endless posts about how disrespectful Obama was of these moments and these leaders, how you went on an on about what poor decisions these were...

As far as the last two posts, you'll notice if you look at my post history that for the past month, most of my posts have been down. I haven't been on much due to extenuating life circumstances. You've said I had "minimal" posts on the shooting at the Jewish synagogue. I'll challenge you to find any post I made about that. Can't recall I posted once there.

Once again, Tibs (like the media he worships) spreading fake news.
This is not a First Amendment issue. CNN can assign someone else to that position any day. It is about a reporter acting horribly, and grandstanding at a press conference It was a press conference that had a hundred other reporters, many of which are critical of Trump. The rest of the reporters had to sit and watch this shameful behavior by this colleague.
Acosta regularly asks tough questions of the President, Sarah Sanders et al. Trump has routinely gone after him, calling him out by name, attacked him personally. To 'get rid of the problem' Trump threw a hissy fit and withdrew Acosta's WH press credentials. That's an atttack on the Constitutional right to free speech and the freedom of the press. A federal judge agreed, and ordered Trump to reinstate Acosta's press credentials and access to the WH. Why is it so hard to understand on what this has to do with 'either the Constitution or the sanctity of the free press?' I guess you asked a question you didn't want to hear an answer to, as it's uncomfortable for anyone who supports this authoritarian President.

Jim Acosta does not ask tough questions you dork. He engages in debate, and that is not what he's there for. He is not there to second guess, he's not there to present presuppositions or make accusations, which he always does, not to mention talking over answers.

This dickwad may as well be accusing Miller of being a racist. This ******* is a reporter?
He is a snot nosed left wing advocate posing as a reporter is what he is.

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This is not a First Amendment issue. CNN can assign someone else to that position any day. It is about a reporter acting horribly, and grandstanding at a press conference It was a press conference that had a hundred other reporters, many of which are critical of Trump. The rest of the reporters had to sit and watch this shameful behavior by this colleague.

I thought the same thing. He was granted a press pass. Is that not a privilege, rather than a right? If it was granted then couldn't it be taken away?
I wouldn't be allowed to walk in that room and ask questions...so am I being denied my rights?
H ha!!!! Trump and Sanders should never take another question from him again. That would be hilarious. Dead weight.

Judge Kelly says Trump need not ever call on Jim Acosta again, but Acosta is owed due process if his hard pass is going to be revoked.

— Paul McLeod (@pdmcleod) November 16, 2018

I can just see it now....

Tiny Acosta: Mr. President...

Trump: Not you. I don't take questions from Fake News. Next...

Acosta has been neutered. MAGA!

Exactly. This is irrelevant. The Pres can just ignore him or toy with him...whichever he chooses.
Presuming Acostas rights were violated then with rights come responsibility.

The right to protest does not give one the right to be violent.
The freedom of speech doesn't allow one to yell "fire" in a crowded theater as a joke.
Acostas "right" to be in that room asking questions does not give him the right to be disruptive and belligerent.