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The " F " the media thread

Acostas "right" to be in that room asking questions does not give him the right to be disruptive and belligerent.

Does Trump have the right to be disruptive and belligerent? Did we appoint a King or elect a President?

The right to protest does not give one the right to be violent.

That's a stretch and a half. Violent? Come on man, what are you talking about? Asking direct questions, not allowing Trump to cut him off and talk over him, or to avoid answering the question does not make a journalist 'violent.' The man is simply doing his job.
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Jim Acosta does not ask tough questions you dork. He engages in debate, and that is not what he's there for. He is not there to second guess, he's not there to present presuppositions or make accusations, which he always does, not to mention talking over answers.

This dickwad may as well be accusing Miller of being a racist. This ******* is a reporter?
He is a snot nosed left wing advocate posing as a reporter is what he is.

OMG that was so hard to watch. I'm not shocked that Tibs admires this tool.

I think the next few months are going to be fun though. It's going to be like military justice. See, Jim's a tool. His peers don't like him. Most frankly can't stand him. He prevents the rest of the reporters from asking their questions, etc. So the White House is now saying fine, we'll do it like Full Metal Jacket. Everyone remember the scene where the heavy set guy (Pyle) that eventually went ballistic was beaten at night by bars of soap in socks because they all had to do extra grueling PT because he kept failing?

The White House is going to do the same. If Acosta behaves as he so childishly did with Miller above, Trump or Sanders will simply say "You all can thank Jim, this press conference is over" and they will walk out.

Eventually the mob will police Acosta and CNN for being the vermin they are because Acosta will prevent them from doing their jobs.

I'm a little tired of hearing that Trump should be on better behavior. There's two sides. It's been 30 years coming for the media to behave.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MsUmP1PGBGE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
OMG that was so hard to watch. I'm not shocked that Tibs admires this tool.

I think the next few months are going to be fun though. It's going to be like military justice. See, Jim's a tool. His peers don't like him. Most frankly can't stand him. He prevents the rest of the reporters from asking their questions, etc. So the White House is now saying fine, we'll do it like Full Metal Jacket. Everyone remember the scene where the heavy set guy (Pyle) that eventually went ballistic was beaten at night by bars of soap in socks because they all had to do extra grueling PT because he kept failing?

The White House is going to do the same. If Acosta behaves as he so childishly did with Miller above, Trump or Sanders will simply say "You all can thank Jim, this press conference is over" and they will walk out.

Eventually the mob will police Acosta and CNN for being the vermin they are because Acosta will prevent them from doing their jobs.

I'm a little tired of hearing that Trump should be on better behavior. There's two sides. It's been 30 years coming for the media to behave.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MsUmP1PGBGE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

On a related note, I was 16 when that movie came out. One Saturday my Dad, who couldn’t give a **** less about anything Hollywood even back then, took me and my younger siblings to the theatre. He told me to pick one, and I picked FMJ. I don’t know if I laughed harder at the Sarge berating everyone or at my 12 year old sister’s shocked expression.
I thought the same thing. He was granted a press pass. Is that not a privilege, rather than a right? If it was granted then couldn't it be taken away?
I wouldn't be allowed to walk in that room and ask questions...so am I being denied my rights?
That was my thinking. The due process reasoning is bizarre. In any case, we’ve gotten to the point where the administration has to create written rules so they can revoke the privelege from grown up professionals who don’t know how to act on the job. CNN is like the parent who hears that their kid did something wrong and wants to blame everyone but their kid, and Trump is like the unfortunate parent who has that kid over at his house.
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That was my thinking. The due process reasoning is bizarre. In any case, we’ve gotten to the point where the administration has to create written rules so they can revoke the privelege from grown up professionals who don’t know how to act on the job. CNN is like the parent who hears that their kid did something wrong and wants to blame everyone but their kid, and Trump is like the unfotunate parent who has that kid over at his house.

And the other media outlets whose reporters act like they have some sense are like the parents whose kids are stuck playing with that one kid.
Is it not authoritarian to constantly attack the media & journalists, calling his critics 'fake news'?
Is it not authoritarian to constantly attack the Special Counsel, the FBI/DOJ who are investigating him?
Is it not authoritarian to constantly spread lies and false information to deceive the public?

I guess your definition of the term is something different than mine.

No it isn't authoritarian to call shills for the political left who are making up stories and telling half truths fake news. The special counsel investigation is a witch hunt. You are a Neo-Socialist so you will criticize any thing the President does because his politics are different than yours.
Here are the new White House rules for the jackals in the fake news media, complete with some bitchslaps to CNN and Acosta's bitchy little head.


The White House has issued a set of rules for reporters by which to conduct themselves for future press conferences.

They include…:

(1) A journalist called upon to ask a question will ask a single question and then will yield the floor to other journalists;

(2) At the discretion of the President or other White House official taking questions, a follow-up question or questions may be permitted; and where a follow up has been allowed and asked, the questioner will then yield the floor;

(3) “Yielding the floor” includes, when applicable, physically surrendering the microphone to White House staff for use by the next questioner.

(4) Failure to abide by any of rules (1)-(3) may result in suspension or revocation of the journalist’s hard pass.

WH accompanying statement:

“For years, members of the White House press corps have attended countless press events with the President and other officials without engaging in the behavior Mr. Acosta displayed at the November 7, 2018 press conference,” said Sanders’ statement. “We would have greatly preferred to continue hosting White House press conferences in reliance on a set of understood professional norms, and we believe the overwhelming majority of journalists covering the White House share that preference. But, given the position taken by CNN, we now feel obligated to replace previously shared practices with explicit rules.”

Sanders went on to say that they may expand the rules if unprofessionalism is continuously shown in areas outside of press specific areas. A good example of this would be when CNN’s Jim Acosta decided that the White House egg roll event was a good time to try to push gotcha questions on President Donald Trump about his immigration policies. Sanders noted, however, that they’d rather not have to pass such rules.

“If unprofessional behavior occurs in those settings, or if a court should decide that explicit rules are required to regulate conduct there, we will be forced to reconsider this decision,” said Sanders’ statement.

“The White House’s interaction with the press is, and generally should be, subject to a natural give-and-take. President Trump believes strongly in the First Amendment, and a free press and is the most accessible President in modern history,” Sanders added. “It would be a great loss for all if, instead of relying on the professionalism of White House journalists, we were compelled to devise a lengthy and detailed code of conduct for White House events.”
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I'd like to have seen them just let him keep going. Eventually he would have hogged the mic long enough that his colleagues would not have had a chance to ask a question before the presser is over. Eventually they would then police their own ranks. Assuming they have the cahonnes to stand up to him
Only thing better would have been if he knocked him out cold after berating him. I would pay to see that.
BuzzFeed News. Stop your fake news! Even a douche like Mueller went on record to dispute their report that Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress.
Is it authoritarian to call Buzzfeed and everyone who reported it a bunch of *********?
Is it authoritarian to call Buzzfeed and everyone who reported it a bunch of *********?

Oh my, the left reacted to it as if they eat a pound of cat nip. Less than 24 hours later, they learned it was fake news.
How many more times are they going to step in **** because they can't help foaming at the mouth when they hear TrumpBad news and go flying off the handle with it? Jesus, what little credibility they had to begin with erodes more with every **** up like this. At this point somebody could run an internet story that Trump traveled back in time and killed Lincoln. CNN, ABC and NBC would be fighting to see who could get it in print first. Morons.
The media doesn't care if the stories are fake or not. Most people will read or hear the headline and never hear or read the truth. So they are left with the impression that it is true. That's why the fake news doesn't care about journalistic standards or accuracy when it comes to Trump. Anything bad gets published or leaked out regardless of truth.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Wow! Unbelievably NASTY decorum in White House Press Briefing room! <a href="https://twitter.com/Acosta?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@Acosta</a> walks by new radio show host <a href="https://twitter.com/SebGorka?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SebGorka</a> and says to him: “Why are you here? This place is for journalists only.” Really Jim? And <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FakeNewsers?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FakeNewsers</a> too? Welcome to the press room, Seb!</p>— John Fredericks (@jfradioshow) <a href="https://twitter.com/jfradioshow/status/1085990447930114049?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 17, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

What a complete ******* Acosta is.

On the other side of the coin, Tibs says: Jim Acosta is a True American hero, a thorough and tenacious journalist with the highest standards of honesty, integrity and decorum and should be praised for his never ending objectivity.

Jim Acosta is to journalism what Hannibal Lecter was to veganism.
. They want it to be fake and give the reader the impression that it is legit.

I disagree, they want it to be true, but in lieu of that , they are okay with it being "uncorroborated". It is all about ratings. MSNBC knows if they run with a Trump impeachment scenerio, the hordes of Trump haters will ascend on them like a swarm of locusts, all too willing to believe it all. Sound like people we all know? The rest of us just wait for the evidence.
I disagree, they want it to be true, but in lieu of that , they are okay with it being "uncorroborated". It is all about ratings. MSNBC knows if they run with a Trump impeachment scenerio, the hordes of Trump haters will ascend on them like a swarm of locusts, all too willing to believe it all. Sound like people we all know? The rest of us just wait for the evidence.

Yes exactly, they want it to be true. I didn't word that quite so well...not that they want it to be fake but rather not caring if it is.
Jim Acosta loves him some Jim Acosta.
NPR all week talked about the Buzzfeed article. They always threw this caveat "we haven't confirmed this independently" but then went right ahead and brought in "experts" to talk about it and never mentioned again for 5 minutes that this could all be horseshit (which it was).

The media sucks. And that is not an "attack on democracy" to say it. If they don't stop playing games to generate clicks and eyeballs. If they don't stop exaggerating headlines and bringing in "experts" to support the narrative they want to push, the country and this President are going to continue to use them as examples of how far we've fallen as a country.

Tibs can continue to give them pass after pass after pass because (to him), they are promoting HIS aggenda and (so in his opinion), no harm is done. But this is outrageous.

This fake news was literally the headline story across this country for 3-4 days.