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The in your face confrontations of the left has morphed into calls for violence.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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The in your face confrontations of the left has morphed into calls for violence.

Before it was comedy material with Democratic leaders virtually saying nothing to quiet the calls.** With the elections just around the corner, I'm beginning to worry that the in your face shouting and confrontation will lead to violence and some liberals might actually be using violence.

Recently that biased man, Eric Holder told his crowd. If they go low you kick them.** Nice work Mr. Holder.** Of course, he walked this back and said he meant in the metaphorical sense.** Somehow I doubt all the people in the crowd took it that way.

A sample:


Personally I think calls for violence in the news should be a minor crime. But its not.
That is just the tip of the iceberg. Read this by Rep. Scalise who was shot by a whack Liberal Lefty, who now it's just come out in the past days was supposedly screaming "This is for healthcare!" as he was spraying bullets at US Congressmen:


This summer, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to harass cabinet officials. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that you “cannot be civil” with members of the Republican Party. And Wednesday, videotape was released of former Attorney General Eric Holder telling a Democratic audience at a campaign rally in Georgia on Sunday that they should “kick” Republicans when they perceive them as “going low.”

Despite the continued reports of politically motivated threats or violence, Democratic Party leaders have worked to keep this anger burning and incite even more harassment and violence.

Beginning with my own near-death experience at the hands of a deranged shooter who sought to assassinate a baseball field of Republicans, there is a growing list of violent or threatening actions taken against conservatives by Democrats.

  • Ashley Kavanaugh, Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s wife and his daughters received multiple credible threats.
  • Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman, received death threats against her children on Twitter.
  • Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., received such a threatening phone call that the man has now been indicted.
  • Jamie Gardner, wife of Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., wife, received a text of a beheading after the vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.
  • Several Republican Senators had their personal information, including home addresses, posted to Wikipedia for threatening purposes by a Democrat House staffer.
  • Congressman Clay Higgins (R-La.) received threatening phone calls that led to a man’s arrest.
  • Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kent., and his wife Kelly Paul have both received credible threats that have led to arrests.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife, as well as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, were chased out of restaurants.
  • Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by protesters and harassed out of a DC restaurant.
  • Rudy Peters, a Republican California Congressional candidate, was nearly stabbed while campaigning.
  • My office has continued to receive threats against my life that have led to arrests.
  • A female pro-life activist was violently assaulted by a man that has now been found guilty of eight counts of assault for this and similar incidents.
  • And this list goes on. The threats and the violence have not let up and instead of seeing my Democrat colleagues calling for an end, there have been calls for their supporters to keep going, to do even more to threaten Republicans.

As a survivor of a politically motivated attack, it is tragic to think this is an acceptable state of political discourse in our country. I refuse to stand for this and I will continue to call for an end to it. A healthy, strong democracy is not possible if anyone lives in fear of expressing their views.

If this is going to stop, it must start with Democratic leaders, who need to condemn, rather than promote these dangerous calls to action.

In America, we win battles at the ballot box, not through mob rule or intimidation. While it’s clear many Democrats refuse to accept the election of President Trump, if they want change, they need to convince people with their ideas and actually win elections, rather than call for violent resistance, harassment, and mob rule.

As I see, working in Congress every day, it’s possible to agree without being disagreeable and address political differences in a civil manner. That’s an example leaders need to continue to set.

Instead, when Democratic leaders like Eric Holder call for violence, that is a direct threat to our democracy.

I hope he and others think long and hard about the world they are creating and the impact they are leaving on this country.

As the oldest democracy, our country has long been heralded as the freest country in the world. It doesn’t feel so free if anyone lives in fear for holding or expressing a differing opinion.

Let’s end this violence and return to civility before someone else gets hurt.


I recall former poster Tibs and current poster Trogolodyte would deny, incessantly, that the Left calls for violence.

I wonder if they still hold the same position.

You're right. This is sad. New laws need to be passes to protect officials from harassment, and people calling for it in the media.

We could be close to a tipping point where the left really does something unforgivable. They were almost there with that nut who tried to shoot up a softball field of politicians.

With most of Democrats identifying themselves as socialists, and calls for violence, we might be a step or two away from it. Remember the communists and Nazi's were leftist revolutions who called for violence. You could say the same for Castro. T While I don't see a plot to overthrown the elected officials, one ugly incident of planned violence is not too far off....I think

Shame on Clinton, Holder and Waters
Do you guys even know what socialism is? It centers on the government owning the means of production and the distribution of goods. I don't
know of any US politician advocating for this. Advocating for higher minimum wage or universal healthcare is not the same as advocating for a socialized
Someone is going to violently harass the wrong person....then they will meet Mr or Mrs Glock
Do you guys even know what socialism is? It centers on the government owning the means of production and the distribution of goods. I don't know of any US politician advocating for this. Advocating for higher minimum wage or universal healthcare is not the same as advocating for a socialized economy.

Two of your favorites, Sanders and Hyphen, very specifically advocate just that. Oh, they don't state that the government should literally take oil production and steel production and automobile manufacturing out of private hands, but they want to exercise control (ownership) another way - taxes and regulation. Both very plainly advocate massive taxes and regulation of private industry to the extent that the government is an owner of the business.

Look at it this way, 21. I say, "Hey, you can run your business, so I'm not a socialist. But I will tell you whom to hire, at what wages, what profits you can keep (less than you give me, by the way), what markets you can operate in, what safety procedures you have to follow, what you pay for benefits, what health insurance you provide, and how much you are allowed to earn by running the business."

You think I'm not a socialist?

Finally, both Sanders and Hyphen flat-out want the government to be the sold provider of health insurance, and thereby health care.

So go ahead and keep pretending they are not socialists, if it makes you feel better ... but you and I know the truth.
Do you guys even know what socialism is? It centers on the government owning the means of production and the distribution of goods. I don't
know of any US politician advocating for this. Advocating for higher minimum wage or universal healthcare is not the same as advocating for a socialized

From Webster:
Definition of socialism <!--2. Cognate x-ref fields, Example: bani --> <!--3. Entry level sls --> <!--4. Entry level def --> 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

government ownership and the means of production and the distribution of goods. Healthcare is a good, my dollars are a good. you are advocating for government control of the distribution of both of these goods.

Definition of communism <!--2. Cognate x-ref fields, Example: bani --> <!--3. Entry level sls --> <!--4. Entry level def --> 1a : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
b : a theory advocating elimination of private property

2 capitalized
a : a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.
b : a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
c : a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably
d : communist systems collectively

my money is also my private property, as is a company's money. you are advocating that our money be taken from us and given to others.

For doctors/nurses, you are advocating forcing them to accept $x for their personal services (i.e. their "good" is the medical care they provide). In doing that, you are also taking away (or lessening) their ability to care for someone else and their ability to charge $X+1 (or whatever) for that same service.

When you "democratic socialism", which is really just a first step towards actual socialism" fails, and it would, the "fix" will be to eliminate private property altogether to make it even more "fair". The government will be more able to achieve the proper results.
Do you guys even know what socialism is? It centers on the government owning the means of production and the distribution of goods. I don't
know of any US politician advocating for this. Advocating for higher minimum wage or universal healthcare is not the same as advocating for a socialized

With most of Democrats identifying themselves as socialists, and calls for violence, we might be a step or two away from it. Remember the communists and Nazi's were leftist revolutions who called for violence. You could say the same for Castro. T While I don't see a plot to overthrown the elected officials, one ugly incident of planned violence is not too far off....I think

Old Dr. Demento Show special.

It's funny how the bad oppressive ideas in history repeat themselves. It's because they're forgotten by future generations who did not get taught about it. The people in power didn't forget. They just repackage it under a new name. They'll call it progressive. Oh man what a forward thinking term. And democratic socialism...hahaha. I love that one. Makes it seem so noble and pure.

Ever decent human being in this country who knows better should be fighting against it by teaching everyone the history of it. This is the last truly free place on the planet.
That is just the tip of the iceberg. Read this by Rep. Scalise who was shot by a whack Liberal Lefty, who now it's just come out in the past days was supposedly screaming "This is for healthcare!" as he was spraying bullets at US Congressmen:


This summer, California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to harass cabinet officials. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that you “cannot be civil” with members of the Republican Party. And Wednesday, videotape was released of former Attorney General Eric Holder telling a Democratic audience at a campaign rally in Georgia on Sunday that they should “kick” Republicans when they perceive them as “going low.”

Despite the continued reports of politically motivated threats or violence, Democratic Party leaders have worked to keep this anger burning and incite even more harassment and violence.

Beginning with my own near-death experience at the hands of a deranged shooter who sought to assassinate a baseball field of Republicans, there is a growing list of violent or threatening actions taken against conservatives by Democrats.

  • Ashley Kavanaugh, Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s wife and his daughters received multiple credible threats.
  • Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman, received death threats against her children on Twitter.
  • Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., received such a threatening phone call that the man has now been indicted.
  • Jamie Gardner, wife of Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., wife, received a text of a beheading after the vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.
  • Several Republican Senators had their personal information, including home addresses, posted to Wikipedia for threatening purposes by a Democrat House staffer.
  • Congressman Clay Higgins (R-La.) received threatening phone calls that led to a man’s arrest.
  • Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kent., and his wife Kelly Paul have both received credible threats that have led to arrests.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife, as well as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, were chased out of restaurants.
  • Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by protesters and harassed out of a DC restaurant.
  • Rudy Peters, a Republican California Congressional candidate, was nearly stabbed while campaigning.
  • My office has continued to receive threats against my life that have led to arrests.
  • A female pro-life activist was violently assaulted by a man that has now been found guilty of eight counts of assault for this and similar incidents.
  • And this list goes on. The threats and the violence have not let up and instead of seeing my Democrat colleagues calling for an end, there have been calls for their supporters to keep going, to do even more to threaten Republicans.

What stands out to me on that list is the number of threats against women (and especially the wives of politically active conservative men) and children. I thought the people making these threats represented an ideology that absolutely abhors violence against women.
You think the socialists are turning violent now, just wait till they gain political power. We already saw how socialists weaponize the state against their detractors when the Obama regime targeted people with the IRS. Given enough time and power socialism always sets up gulags.
I thought the Right were the ones that were against Gays. The Hypocrites strike again! Gay jokes are tolerated if they are just meant to be against the Republicans, I guess.

Comedian Chelsea Handler was slammed on social media on Thursday for posting a tweet about a Republican Senator that many users saw as "homophobic" and in poor taste.

“If you’re wondering why Republicans took a sick day today, it’s probably because it’s #NationalComingOutDay. Looking at you @LindseyGrahamSC,” Handler tweeted.

Many on social media were not amused and derided Handler’s joke as homophobic, tired, and lazy.

“Not sure homophobic insults are the cleverest means of attacking opponents… Yikes.,” wrote one Twitter user.

It was not the first time Handler has been accused of homophobia. Earlier this year, Handler tweeted another homophobic joke directed at Graham.

“Holy, f--- f---. I just [watched] the video of trumps bipartisan “meeting” yesterday. Hey, @LindseyGrahamSC what kind of d--- s---ing video do they have on you for you 2 be acting like this? Wouldn’t coming out be more honorable?”

In April, the 43-year-old comedian tweeted another homophobic joke directed at Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Despite the backlash, Handler has not apologized or deleted the tweet.

Handler is the latest in a line of liberal commentators to have come under fire for a joke deemed “homophobic.”


Last month, HBO’s Bill Maher chided Graham for his defense of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Last year CBS’s “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert came under fire as well over a joke seen as crude.

He later apologized and said he would "change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be."

"Now, I’m not going to repeat the phrase," he said. "But I just want to say, for the record, life is short, and anyone who expresses their love for another person, in their own way, is, to me, an American hero. And I think we can all agree on that. I hope even the president and I can agree on that -- nothing else but that.”
They're a bunch of anarchist tosers who arent getting their way. How they believe that this strengthens their positions is beyond me. They must think that the intimidation is worth any bad press that somehow leaks out about it.

You're right. This is sad. New laws need to be passes to protect officials from harassment, and people calling for it in the media.

Recall the new hate crime laws passed in 2009 ….to willfully cause bodily injury, or attempt to do so using a dangerous weapon, because of the victim’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin. The Act also extends federal hate crime prohibitions to crimes committed because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

How about they add "political affiliation" to that list.
While this law at times may be controversial and ambiguous...there is beyond a reasonable doubt that attacking a Republican/conservative for being a Republican/conservative is an act of hate. Prosecute those ******** to the fullest extent of the hate law.
Recall the new hate crime laws passed in 2009 ….to willfully cause bodily injury, or attempt to do so using a dangerous weapon, because of the victim’s actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin. The Act also extends federal hate crime prohibitions to crimes committed because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

How about they add "political affiliation" to that list.
While this law at times may be controversial and ambiguous...there is beyond a reasonable doubt that attacking a Republican/conservative for being a Republican/conservative is an act of hate. Prosecute those ******** to the fullest extent of the hate law.

I dont think you get how the antibigotry rules work here...
If side a is prejudiced against something its evil... if side B is its ok... that rule will only fly if you make it specific to hate crimes against Dems, Socialist and communists 3rd partys and maybe the green party... absolutely not Republicans or libertarians or constitutionalists...