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The "It's Evil and UnAmerican not to accept election results" crowd is out protesting

Just another example of the way the Left operates that EVERY Trump voter sees. It's this behavior that led to the Trump victory. The Left demands a certain set of behaviors of their opponents and subjects that they themselves refer to adhere to themselves.
What they are too stupid to realize is that if they keep this up for the next 4 years, they might as well hand Trump an additional 4 after that.
The left has a history of bad behavior, dating back to the 60s. Look at the way they attempt to silence free speech on college campuses. They can go **** themselves. This is the way democracy works. Go away. See you in 4years.
I thought I heard somebody say she would "live with the outcome," and then noted that the media ripped Trump a new ******* for not stating unequivocally that he would abide by the results ...

And now the weeping snowflakes are blocking streets and yelling, "Not my President"?

**** them. Refuse to live with the outcome? Then

What a violent lot! The spoiled entitlement participation trophy generation. **** those little twits. Grow the **** up.
Could you imagine the adjectives that mainstream media would be using if the table was turned.

What if Clinton won in a close race? What if a bunch of southern, young whites waving confederate flags got together in Tuscaloosa or Baton Rouge or College Station are started yelling "Not my President" and "Lock her up". Blocked streets and caused businesses to close.

This could be very feasible. We all know it. And I'm not even blaming the young adults in either scenario (unless violence or vandalism happen, but let's not go there yet).

My question (and we all know the answer) is how these situations would be covered and DESCRIBED differently by main stream media. What adjectives would they be using? What would we be told to "feel" about these two scenarios? What type of "reflection of society" would these be characterized as?

And THAT difference, which we all know would exist, is why so many in this country are so skeptical of journalists right now.
Not enough of them voted, it doesn't matter

WE got

The Presidency

The House

The Senate

The Supreme Court
Not enough of them voted, it doesn't matter

WE got

The Presidency

The House

The Senate

The Supreme Court

Yes! The Supreme Court is YUGE! We'll keep the commie progressives out of power for 50 years with Trump's appointments.
The spoiled entitlement participation trophy generation.

Anxious and Fearful' Students Demand Day Off to Cry About Trump

College students at several schools have started petitions urging their universities and professors to cancel classes in the wake of Donald Trump’s electoral victory, citing “emotional distress.”

A petition to cancel classes at Loyola University has 298 supporters, over halfway to its goal of 500 signatories, though some signatures appear to have been revoked Wednesday.

“A Trump election directly endangers the lives of...people of color, lgbtqa+, non-Christian, and female” students"

“Loyola students are exhausted and exasperated from this election and no one wants to go to class,” the petition explains.


Awww...the snowflakes got their feelings hurt. Boo Hoo,

The left has a history of bad behavior, dating back to the 60s. Look at the way they attempt to silence free speech on college campuses. They can go **** themselves. This is the way democracy works. Go away. See you in 4years.

This is exactly why I dropped out of college. Sure it was fun and an experience I will never forget. But the amount of entitlement these leftist feel is unreal. UGA(Athens) had it's share of libs. I encourage them to pursue higher education and make a positive impact out in the community. Don't use it as a platform to spread "social injustice" to those trying to get through their day. Dumb *** kids
Watching CNN and they are talking to the protestors...it is comedy gold! One guy goes on for 5 minutes that Hilary is an attorney and she needs to sue the United States because his vote didn't count, it's the same as when black votes count for 1/3, and on and on and on. Just made some popcorn because these hypocrites are pure entertainment gold!!
Why don't they protest the DNC for ******* over Bernie and picking Hillary?

Anti-Trump protesters take to streets of Oakland, East Liberty

Anti-Trump protests continued in Pittsburgh this evening as hundreds of people poured into the streets of Oakland and East Liberty.

Police had used smoke bombs to disperse the crowd on Centre Avenue near South Graham Street around 9:30 p.m., and an argument ensued between the police and protestors.

and the media is just going with it and doing nothing by trying to divide the country further...

The racists already did that. Oh and the candidates were supposed to accept the results, these people have a legitimate anger we have just let a fascist clown racist into the White House.

The narrative the media pushed about "white high school males" is only a small part of the story. The majority of Trump voters average about $72,000 a year, this was about race.

This is racism.
Let’s call this what it is

Donald Trump won the presidency last night. Many voters were stunned, after the media overwhelmingly predicted a Clinton win and Trump began to look desperate, sending a lawyer to Nevada to demand information about when a line ended for early voting. Now, Americans are looking back at the past few months and trying to understand what happened.

In the days before the election, the Washington Post published a piece entitled, “What is this election missing? Empathy for Trump voters.” But a lot of people who have watched this election closely pointed out there has actually been a lot of outpouring of empathy for Trump voters.

Throughout the campaign, the media was on a perpetual quest to understand what attracted people to Trump’s message. Journalists considered economic disadvantage as a major factor for why Trump voters felt unheard — and interpreted Trump’s support as evidence that these people reject the establishment Republicans and Democrats who have left them behind.

That was the popular narrative for months. It appears that many members of the media wanted to consider anything but racism, as if it couldn’t possibly that be so straightforward. But it really is.

America’s demographics are changing, and they’re changing quickly. By 2055, there will no longer be a single racial or ethnic majority in the United States and 14 percent of the country will be foreign born, according to the Pew Research Center. Forty-three percent of Millennials are people of color.

Let’s be clear: This is scaring white voters. White people believe that they are more often the victims of racism than black people, according to a 2011 new study from researchers at Tufts University’s School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School. The research also found that white voters perceived social progress for people of color to be much swifter than it actually is.

The authors wrote, “These data are the first to demonstrate that not only do whites think more progress has been made toward equality than do blacks, but whites also now believe that this progress is linked to a new inequality — at their expense.”

Research has also established that as U.S. demographics shift, the pro-white and racist attitudes of white people become more apparent, according to a study from New York University and Northwestern University. The same researchers also found those who read about these demographic changes often are generally more supportive of conservative policies and more likely to identify as conservative.

Throughout history, there are many examples of how the racism of white voters has been mobilized to favor a candidate for president. We saw Barry Goldwater and President Richard Nixon employ the Southern Strategy, which took advantage of white people’s anxieties about the economic and social advancement of people of color. Writing in Slate, Jamelle Bouie describes this pattern of progress and white backlash, starting with the Reconstruction:

Like clockwork, white Americans embraced a man who promised a kind of supremacy. We haven’t left our long cycle of progress and backlash. We are still the country that produced George Wallace. We are still the country that killed Emmett Till.

We have also seen these fears manifest themselves overseas as European far-right political parties with anti-immigrant sentiments win historic victories.

The fear of white voters — the fear we will no longer be at the center of American politics and culture, having our needs tended to first, and the fear that we will be asked to acknowledge our role in white supremacy and to stop doing harm to people of color, whether it be violence or perpetuating racist stereotypes — has always been there. Now, we need to acknowledge that it is largely what motivated Trump voters. A majority of Trump supporters said they saw black people as “less evolved” than white people, according to a Slate survey with a sample of 2,000 non-Hispanic white people.

When we say that class is what takes a Trump voter from dangerous to misguided and confused, we are condescending to low-income people living in rural areas. By doing this, the media takes away their agency and suggests they didn’t know any better. But they know exactly what they have done.

The economic hurt experienced by some Trump voters — along with whatever stereotypes people hold about Americans living in rural areas, especially the southern United States — does not allow anyone a free ride to support a racist presidential candidate.

And as Dylan Matthews explained at Vox, we don’t actually know that this “economic anxiety” characterization of Trump supporters is accurate. An analysis from Gallup’s Jonathan Rothwell found that personal finances alone couldn’t account for Trump supporters’ motivations. On average, his supporters did not have lower incomes than other Americans. The analysis did find that the voters’ concerns may be for their children and their ability to find work that doesn’t require a lot of education. But these supporters were also the most likely to have issues with immigration despite the fact that they were least likely to meet an immigrant in their neighborhood.

In fact, the research shows that people’s racial resentments are what correlate with their support for Trump.

Nonetheless, many members of the media have remained focused on the anxieties of working class Trump voters — all while failing to acknowledge that many people of color belong to the working class, and that these people weren’t supporting Donald Trump.

Hillary Clinton’s gender has also introduced another media narrative that Trump’s success represents the country’s rejection of female leaders. That isn’t entirely wrong, but it’s missing something far more important. White women are no less culpable than white men for the election of Donald Trump.

White women (53 percent of them) voted against this white woman and for this white man who has fully embraced white supremacy. The racism of many white women in this country overwhelmed any interest they may have had in seeing the first female president. Their vote was just as harmful as the white men who voted last night. As white women, we need to look at each other and demand that we do better in the future. A feminism that ignores their decisions is not feminism at all but a continuation of white supremacy.

]When we remember Donald Trump’s now infamous words at the Republican National Convention about how some Americans have been forgotten, and other Americans are doing well, it’s important to realize he wasn’t talking about the working class. He was tapping into the idea that for people of color to succeed, white people need to lose something.

Anxious and Fearful' Students Demand Day Off to Cry About Trump

College students at several schools have started petitions urging their universities and professors to cancel classes in the wake of Donald Trump’s electoral victory, citing “emotional distress.”

A petition to cancel classes at Loyola University has 298 supporters, over halfway to its goal of 500 signatories, though some signatures appear to have been revoked Wednesday.

“A Trump election directly endangers the lives of...people of color, lgbtqa+, non-Christian, and female” students"

“Loyola students are exhausted and exasperated from this election and no one wants to go to class,” the petition explains.


Awww...the snowflakes got their feelings hurt. Boo Hoo,


I wonder how many tax dollars could be saved if the government weaned them from tit?

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app
Watching CNN and they are talking to the protestors...it is comedy gold! One guy goes on for 5 minutes that Hilary is an attorney and she needs to sue the United States because his vote didn't count, it's the same as when black votes count for 1/3, and on and on and on. Just made some popcorn because these hypocrites are pure entertainment gold!!


If it was pure racist, why didn't it show up in 08 or 12? This was about middle class America taking a stand against the Socialist policies of the Democratic Party. It was about personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, and accountability.
I think someone is trying to bait us. Trying to get one of us to say that one little word that will get us banned for life.

Sent from my iPad using Steeler Nation mobile app
How could THIS election be racist?

Trump is white.
Hillary is white, too.