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The Left is ISIS

I'm still laughing about what got Tim's panties in a bunch. I simply wrote:

...here at SN, twisted far-right day dreams are the norm

That's what triggered Tim, Supe and others. Twisted far-right day dreams.

I didn't write the Alt Right daydreams, or racists' daydreams, or nazi daydreams.

I stand by what I wrote. I consider many members on this board very much far right, or at the minimum leaning in that direction. It shocks me how upset that makes many here. If that offends you then I'm sorry. You may not consider yourselves that necessarily, but posts on this board speak for themselves.

This board leans very much to the right and a whole lot of you like that. I have no problem with that. It's what makes the board what it is.

When Indy posts: "The Left ...is rooting for Hurricane Irma to kill Americans" and that passes the smell test, I don't consider that normal, or moderate right-wing politics.

That's what I refer to as a far-right day dream, **** like that.
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Ok DBS, we got a bit sidetracked by Circus Clown Tim. I figured I owe you a proper response to your post.

You can't seriously think the left wants to destroy western civilization. The left is western civilization, or at least very much a core part of western civilization. Why would it want to destroy itself?

The Political left is the antithesis of western civilization. Your philosophy and policy espouse overreaching state power and the erosion of personal liberty and the protection of the God given rights of the individual. As a specific example I site the way the European "Social Democracies" imprison their own citizens when those citizens express an opinion that is contrary to the officially endorsed groupthink, as in the instance of an Austrian man that was recently sentenced to five months in jail for posting the truth about Islamic immigrant crime on FaceBook. The left demands the collectivization of my property and wages, one of the most important rights of all since If I do not own what I produce via the sweat of my brow then I am not a free man but a slave.

What? Give me one shred of evidence the left is 'an ally with the Islamists" and working towards "destroying western civilization." What does that even mean? Where are you getting this from?

Did you watch the Pat Condel video Burgundy posted? He spells it out and it is easily observable. The reasoning by the Quislings are trying to admit even more low IQ barbarians is because they imagine they will garner more votes via the new arrivals. Have you not seen all the things leftist pundits and academics have said and written about how everything in our society is evil because its based on things written by white men who owned slaves so now they must be erased from history? Have you not seen the skreeds declaring white people have no culture and have stolen everything that is good in our society?

Again, the reason I agreed with Trog that this seems like a 'twisted dream' is because it seems like a twisted dream. Please elaborate how and when 'the left' is siding with or working with Jihadists. By agreeing to take on refugees from war-torn lands? By not generalizing and ostracizing Muslims ie painting with a broad brush?

The fact this thread titled ''The Left is ISIS" was started by IndySteel is no shocker. I would never expect sane, measured posts from him. But I'll give you a chance to explain your thoughts on this.

"Refugees" that are 90% military aged men. The largest groups of "Refugees" now coming into Southern Europe are not even Syrian they are Muslim North Africans. And the best example I can give you of leftists working with Jihadis is Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of our neighbor to the north allowing middle eastern born "Canadians" to travel back to the middle east, kill American service men, then return to Canada to rest and recuperate while receiving medical treatment on the dime(or Looney) of the Canuck tax payer. The Trudeau government even released and paid $11 Million to a "Canadian" Jihadi repatriated from Gitmo into the custody of the Canadian government who killed one American soldier and blinded another in a grenade attack.
Exterminating millions of innocent defenseless babies is very Hitler/Nazi(since they love comparing everyone not like them) like and the lefties champion that ****. Hell they're proud of it. The party of evil twisted power hungry control freaks hell bent on the destruction of the country as we know it.
I'm still laughing about what got Tim's panties in a bunch. I simply wrote:

That's what triggered Tim, Supe and others. Twisted far-right day dreams.

I didn't write the Alt Right daydreams, or racists' daydreams, or nazi daydreams.

I stand by what I wrote. I consider many members on this board very much far right, or at the minimum leaning in that direction. It shocks me how upset that makes many here. If that offends you then I'm sorry. You may not consider yourselves that necessarily, but posts on this board speak for themselves.

This board leans very much to the right and a whole lot of you like that. I have no problem with that. It's what makes the board what it is.

When Indy posts: "The Left ...is rooting for Hurricane Irma to kill Americans" and that passes the smell test, I don't consider that normal, or moderate right-wing politics.

That's what I refer to as a far-right day dream, **** like that.

Jesus, you've been stewing on this that long? LOL. Glad to know I really cut through you like butter. Man, I closed the browser, went back to work, worked till 7, jumped on the treadmill, did four miles, spoke to my mom, and logged back in and I'm still in your head. That is a compliment I suppose.

I take great pleasure in pointing out your inconsistencies, your double standards, your selective outrage. If you think you bother me, you've got far more time on your hands under your bed behind your protective wall than I originally gave you credit for.

You refer to people on this board as Alt Right....INCESSANTLY. How many times have you written the phrase "the Alt Right members of this board?" It makes you the fool...because no one here you lump into that category - Indy, Spike, me, DBS, Supe...whoever...are close to Alt Right.

You've just been spoon fed so much of the Liberal hate from the Liberal rags you read that you regurgitate their talking points. If you are Conservative, you are a racist. If you are Conservative, you are an Islamaphobe. If you are Conservative, you are a White Supremacist. We've seen your evolution this way. But since Charlottesville, it's become your calling card. Like MSM, you are now to the point of addressing everyone here that is a Conservative as "Alt Right" or inferring they are Alt Right through phrases like "twisted Far right."

It's cool, you're entitled to be a parrot of the Left, but I'm gonna call you out on it.

This is Alt Right...which doesn't represent a member here:


This is Alt Left:


Your new norm is anyone that disagrees with you is an African American-lynching, Muslim-hating, Gay-hating, mass shooting-supporting nut job. If we play by your loose rules where you indiscriminately insult everyone here on a daily basis with these labels, should we now address you as AntiFa Tibs, the Christian Hating, America hating, child murder-supporting, Constitution-hating LIEberal?

This could get interesting...again if we play by your rules?
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When Indy posts: "The Left ...is rooting for Hurricane Irma to kill Americans" and that passes the smell test, I don't consider that normal, or moderate right-wing politics.

That's what I refer to as a far-right day dream, **** like that.

What about **** like this?...

The hate that runs deep among those on the left manifested itself post Trump election through violence and speech.
You are so naïve as to believe that this professor is the only one that feels this way?

Far right daydream my ***.

Was the call for Trumps assassination by a democrat a far right daydream too? I wouldn't discount the notion that its yours however.
How about the lefty that tried to assassinate Republican senators? A far right daydream too?
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<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/QUgYQt0EDO2HK" width="480" height="432" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/martin-freeman-sleeping-work-problems-QUgYQt0EDO2HK"></a></p>

They're so innocent aren't they?

I love how just on page one here you can find about 10 references to civil war. You can clearly see the desire for violence by some here whenever something in our society goes against their bigoted desires.

It's one of two conditions:

Either a desire for violence ,or ignorance on such an epic scale that they think a small group of violent alt- righters are going to cause a civil war.

That IS the alt-right

Yet THEY are not the alt-right..........lol
They're so innocent aren't they?

I love how just on page one here you can find about 10 references to civil war. You can clearly see the desire for violence by some here whenever something in our society goes against their bigoted desires.

It's one of two conditions:

Either a desire for violence ,or ignorance on such an epic scale that they think a small group of violent alt- righters are going to cause a civil war.

That IS the alt-right

Yet THEY are not the alt-right..........lol

you ******* bumbling twit.
saying that x can cause y does not mean you are advocating for it.
you ******* bumbling twit.
saying that x can cause y does not mean you are advocating for it.

So then it's epic ignorance? I know better than that because i have read the posts, but.......good for you champ!....good for you....
At every opportunity, you lump together the great, different mass of folks here that disagree with you.
It makes it easier to label those your feeble mind fears and feels disagreeable towards, so, like any TSA automaton, you simply lump all together and call your mental herd whatever makes you feel better.
Or, whatever your daily/hourly email updates tells you so that you can stay on the leftist/statist message.

When you start to realize how weak you are, you whine to your peers/handlers and they drop some soma into you en route to your mental re-education camp.
I think you've had this breakdown/ rebuild cycle about annually since you began posting here. I would expect this cycle will continue to shorten as your inner being fights your dinosaur sized brain for control of your pathetically confused self. Or selves.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Steeler Nation mobile app

My evening beat the **** out of your evening petting your kitty cats under the bed. I promise ya :)

Tonight, watched my son's football team beat the 5th ranked team in the county 63-8. Headed out to dinner with the family and the football community to celebrate...here...in America...

BTW, what self respecting male admits "I'm a cat owner?" Is that followed by "And I drive a Prius?"

(yes I'm sure other cat owners will now flame me...go on)

Just busting your balls Tibs. Enjoy the felines.
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At every opportunity, you lump together the great, different mass of folks here that disagree with you.
It makes it easier to label those your feeble mind fears and feels disagreeable towards, so, like any TSA automaton, you simply lump all together and call your mental herd whatever makes you feel better.
Or, whatever your daily/hourly email updates tells you so that you can stay on the leftist/statist message.

When you start to realize how weak you are, you whine to your peers/handlers and they drop some soma into you en route to your mental re-education camp.
I think you've had this breakdown/ rebuild cycle about annually since you began posting here. I would expect this cycle will continue to shorten as your inner being fights your dinosaur sized brain for control of your pathetically confused self. Or selves.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Steeler Nation mobile app

You sir, get post of the day. Well played.
At every opportunity, you lump together the great, different mass of folks here that disagree with you.
It makes it easier to label those your feeble mind fears and feels disagreeable towards, so, like any TSA automaton, you simply lump all together and call your mental herd whatever makes you feel better.
Or, whatever your daily/hourly email updates tells you so that you can stay on the leftist/statist message.

When you start to realize how weak you are, you whine to your peers/handlers and they drop some soma into you en route to your mental re-education camp.
I think you've had this breakdown/ rebuild cycle about annually since you began posting here. I would expect this cycle will continue to shorten as your inner being fights your dinosaur sized brain for control of your pathetically confused self. Or selves.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Steeler Nation mobile app

Hmmmmmm.......you're right Canadian Bacon, with that mindset I think It would be fitting and prudent to switch sides....where do I pick up one of those MAGA hats or a white bed sheet?
My evening beat the **** out of your evening petting your kitty cats under the bed. I promise ya :)

Tonight, watched my son's football team beat the 5th ranked team in the county 63-8. Headed out to dinner with the family and the football community to celebrate...here...in America...

BTW, what self respecting male admits "I'm a cat owner?" Is that followed by "And I drive a Prius?"

(yes I'm sure other cat owners will now flame me...go on)

Just busting your balls Tibs. Enjoy the felines.

You forgot the part where you help black kids and some of your best friends are black....just trying to help..... I mean I know you're not black but i'm still trying to help.....wait how does this work?
