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The NBA and athlete's "platform" hypocrisy


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May 10, 2019
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Professional athletes are encouraged by ESPN and other liberal outlets to "use their platform," "create a conversation," and "be change agents." We've seen the likes of Kap and LBJ embrace this evangel fully in recent years.

However, James Harden and the NBA filthy lucre machine just genuflected to a Communist government and stepped on the voices of those in Hong Kong crying for freedom from an oppressive regime:


"Houston Rockets star James Harden has offered an apology as the controversy over general manager Daryl Morey's tweet of support for Hong Kong protesters continues to grow at a crucial time for the NBA in China.

Harden spoke while standing with teammate Russell Westbrook at a practice in Tokyo on Monday, three days after Morey posted a now-deleted tweet that read: "Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong."

The incident has come at a particularly awkward moment for the league, whose players have often been outspoken about social issues in the United States.

The strong reactions to Morey's tweet underscore Beijing's sensitivity about foreign attitudes toward the ongoing Hong Kong protests that have lately grown into violence in the semiautonomous territory. China has accused foreign parties in the United States and elsewhere of encouraging the demonstrations.

The NBA said it hopes the league can help to unify people and cultural divides while maintaining an openness to a flow of ideas when it weighed in on the controversy Sunday night. Fostering strong relationships with China has been a priority for the league for at least three decades. The NBA has a China office and just announced plans to add a gaming team in Shanghai to the NBA 2K League, and officials in both countries say as many as 500 million Chinese fans watched at least one NBA game last season.

"We recognize that the views expressed by Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey have deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China, which is regrettable," the NBA said in a statement. "While Daryl has made it clear that his tweet does not represent the Rockets or the NBA, the values of the league support individuals' educating themselves and sharing their views on matters important to them."

So? When it comes to police brutality and systemic oppression in China, the NBA and its entitled athletes are willing to turn a blind eye where profits are at stake, and there is no political capital nor virtue-signaling to be had.

Don't be so hard on James Harden, though. It's doubtful that he learned much about the history of communism in high school or the university.
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China?They're shitbag communists. Communism is the world leader in murder and oppression of the human soul.
Infuriating hypocrisy. They can kneel during the National Anthem to protest this false notion of police oppression of minorities. They can wear pig socks. But when someone stands up for those protesting REAL oppression from a Communist regime, they back track and say "whoops" money is at stake, take that back, GO COMMUNISM!

Hollow *******.
The NBA. Are they still around?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

I'm no defender/supporter of the NBA but...the NBA is still entrenched as the #2 sport in America. Revenue grew a staggering 25% in 2017 alone (it grew 13% in 2016, still staggering). It's a league that's growing, period. The NBA is growing 3x faster than the NFL right now. Some project the NBA will be generating more revenue than the NFL in 10 years or less.

Football still dominates, but NBA basketball is still ahead of MLB based on surveys of Americans. Gallup: 37% of Americans call football their fave sport. 11% say basketball, only 9% say baseball.
Basketball's growth in revenue is also tied greatly to international interest. To say Basketball is more popular than American Football outside the U.S. is like saying kids like sugar more than vegetables.

IF NBA revenue surpasses the NFL it is because it taps into huge global market and TV revenue in Europe and Asia. Remember, those economies are equivalent to ours. They watch TV and streaming services just like us. And ad revenue is comparable. The NBA could have three similar TV contracts while the NFL has one. Even if the NFL TV contract in the U.S. is twice as much as the NBA, if you add in the potential TV revenue in China and Europe, all of sudden the NBA makes more money on TV than the NFL.

Hard to imagine that, but it certainly could happen.
The NBA showed it has no soul with the handling of this situation. "For the love of money is the root of all evil.." Not money, but the love of it. Adam Silver's statement couldn't have been anymore lawyerly trying to placate the Chicoms and give a brief nod to American notions of free speech and unalienable rights.

Look at how fast the Communists condemned the Rockets GM for a tweet? The hard left is totalitarian at heart and we see the same spirit in the fellow travelers in the US. You'll never hear the hard left raise a peep at Communist nor Islamist brutality and systemic oppression because they are bedfellows in the ideological struggles of our age and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Activism is the newest fad for NBA players who seem to be the ones most influenced by social trends. It’s like a few years ago when they all started wearing fake glasses and sweater vests.

Lebron is desperate to be seen as some kind of icon so he is down for whatever social justice nonsense will get him likes.

the fact that alleged socially conscious players are silent, or even worse, supporting China on this, clearly shows that their activism is just a fashion accessory and has no core beliefs behind it. That sums up most of the current left.
Activism is the newest fad for NBA players who seem to be the ones most influenced by social trends. It’s like a few years ago when they all started wearing fake glasses and sweater vests.

Lebron is desperate to be seen as some kind of icon so he is down for whatever social justice nonsense will get him likes.

the fact that alleged socially conscious players are silent, or even worse, supporting China on this, clearly shows that their activism is just a fashion accessory and has no core beliefs behind it. That sums up most of the current left.

ESPN keeps citing the players being put in a bad position with the questions about it. Funny how the players, Pop, and Kerr have no problems commenting on every social issue and higher criticism of this country.

This also highlights the abject ignorance of most players who are mostly as ill equipped to comment on foreign affairs as they are the flash points here. They really should stick to putting the ball in the hoop and doing good works in their own communities instead of being pawns in the national conversation.
This also highlights the abject ignorance of most players who are mostly as ill equipped to comment on foreign affairs as they are the flash points here. They really should stick to putting the ball in the hoop and doing good works in their own communities instead of being pawns in the national conversation.

Wow, this is terrifying.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Journalist gets quickly shut down when she asked James Harden, Russell Westbrook if they would refrain from speaking out on politics/social justice after China debacle... <a href="https://t.co/VkXSWo0N0s">pic.twitter.com/VkXSWo0N0s</a></p>— gifdsports (@gifdsports) <a href="https://twitter.com/gifdsports/status/1182290925109891073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 10, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Wow, this is terrifying.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Journalist gets quickly shut down when she asked James Harden, Russell Westbrook if they would refrain from speaking out on politics/social justice after China debacle... <a href="https://t.co/VkXSWo0N0s">pic.twitter.com/VkXSWo0N0s</a></p>— gifdsports (@gifdsports) <a href="https://twitter.com/gifdsports/status/1182290925109891073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 10, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


We are bending to the will of a Communist regime, so as not to offend them. Yet at home, they may disparage ours to no end.

What bothers me most is the 'convenience' of abolishing the 1st. When it suits their side, it's ok to quell free speech. When it comes to voicing their opinions...shoving them down our throats...the 1st must be protected.

This is another example of selective free speech and it is eroding here and abroad.
The NBA. Are they still around?

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

Only because of billions of dollars from Nike and China, where Nike makes it **** products.

It’s a story about really Nike, its dependence on the Chinese market, its dependence on Asian market. Nike dictates – Nike is a $40 billion a year business and the NBA is an $8 billion a year business. Nike is the one telling the NBA we can’t get crossways with the Chinese government and we will acquiesce. And we will shut up, dribble and obey.


******** on America and the President and private companies in America is as safe as yelling at a pillow.

Doing something genuine, like criticizing a genocidal nation that literally kills political prisoners to harvest organs??


No, can't do that.
Only because of billions of dollars from Nike and China, where Nike makes it **** products.

It’s a story about really Nike, its dependence on the Chinese market, its dependence on Asian market. Nike dictates – Nike is a $40 billion a year business and the NBA is an $8 billion a year business. Nike is the one telling the NBA we can’t get crossways with the Chinese government and we will acquiesce. And we will shut up, dribble and obey.


******** on America and the President and private companies in America is as safe as yelling at a pillow.

Doing something genuine, like criticizing a genocidal nation that literally kills political prisoners to harvest organs??


No, can't do that.

And where are all of the environmentalists, storming China's border demanding they reduce greenhouse gases?

And where are all the feminists protesting Islam's treatment of women?
And where are all of the environmentalists, storming China's border demanding they reduce greenhouse gases?

So what that China produces vastly more CO2 than does the United States, or that China is the worst polluter the planet has ever seen? So what?

We must stop the white privilege nationalists known as the United States. Greta von Lecturemuch told me so.

And where are all the feminists protesting Islam's treatment of women?

Afraid of getting killed. Duh.

So back to shrieking about the white male patriarchy. You know, the one that protects feminists and allows them to shriek about the white male patriarchy without getting stoned or raped to death.
LBJ says Daryl Morey was "misinformed" and "uneducated" in tweeting support for the Hong Kong protesters:


LeBron James believes Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey "wasn't educated" before he sent the tweet in support of antigovernment protesters in Hong Kong that damaged relations between China and the NBA.

Speaking to the media for the first time since Morey's tweet on Oct. 4 set off a firestorm, James declined to comment about the politically tense situation between China and the NBA but did talk about Morey's tweet and how it has jeopardized the relationship between China and the league, owners, teams and players.

"I don't want to get into a [verbal] feud with Daryl Morey, but I believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand, and he spoke," James said before the Los Angeles Lakers played the Golden State Warriors in a preseason game at Staples Center. "And so many people could have been harmed not only financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we tweet and say and we do, even though, yes, we do have freedom of speech, but there can be a lot of negative that comes with that, too."

"I believe he was either misinformed or not really educated on the situation, and if he was, then so be it," James said. "I have no idea, but that is just my belief. Because when you say things or do things, if you are doing it and you know the people that can be affected by it and the families and individuals and everyone that can be affected by it, sometimes things can be changed as well. And also social media is not always the proper way to go about things as well, but that's just my belief."

Soon after speaking with reporters, James took to social media to "clear up the confusion."

"I do not believe there was any consideration for the consequences and ramifications of the tweet. I'm not discussing the substance. Others can talk about that."

The irony is that LBJ doesn't hesitate to speak out on perceived "systematic oppression" and "police brutality" in the US, but when faced with a government that truly does oppress and brutalize its citizens, the quisling was more concerned about his personal safety and Nike business interests in China. Pure cowardice and ignorance.

Note carefully LBJ's concerns that "people could have been harmed...financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually."

Notice which area of life he put first....and last.
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**** Lebron. And **** the fake news MSM communists.

**** the NBA.
**** Nike.
**** China.
**** Islam.
**** the Dims.
**** Turkey.
**** Syria.

And **** Baker Mayfield, that **********.
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Celtics player, Enes Kanter -- a target of the Islamist regime in Turkey:

Enes Kanter

-Haven’t seen or talked to my family 5 years
-Jailed my dad
-My siblings can’t find jobs
-Revoked my passport
-International arrest warrant
-My family can’t leave the country
-Got Death Threats everyday
-Got attacked, harassed
-Tried to kidnap me in Indonesia

11:34 PM · Oct 14, 2019 from Boston, MA·Twitter for iPhone

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So I guess it's different to be owned and paid to play a game verses owned and working in a field.

Who said money doesn't buy...
Protest past slavery in America. Support current slavery in china. Great thinking Lebron.