This thread is pitiful and enlightening at the same time. I work for the federal government. My job is lifecycle logistics basically. We manage the lifecycle, primarily sustainment, of military equipment.
First off, I received the email. Nowhere in the email did it say we’d be fired if we failed to respond. I know no one that responded. No one has been fired, regardless of what the media is telling you. There’s a reason it wasn’t in the email. It’s illegal. But just keep going on believing people are being threatened via email because the media is pushing a narrative to make people angry and fearful.
Second, it’s amazing how little people know about what GS employees do. You guys have this picture in your head that we either simply don’t show up to work or show up and do absolutely nothing all day. See, I’m rarely at my desk. I am out on Fort Bragg talking to soldiers, helping them diagnose and repair weapons and weapons systems. I get to deploy with soldiers to any variety of third world **** holes so I can help them there. And as an added bonus, in roughly three weeks I get to go with 2BCT down to beautiful Fort Johnson, LA for two weeks for their JRTC rotation. While I’m there, I’ll miss my grandson’s birthday which is no big deal, and that says nothing of all the birthdays and holidays I’ve missed over the years because I was out ******* off stealing taxpayer dollars. In just a few hours, I’ll be teaching 8 SF operators how to operate the Common Remote Operated Weapons System, better known as CROWS. I’ll not only be teaching them how to operate it, but teaching them how to mount and employ the weapons that get mounted on the system. Oh, I also have certifications that I have to maintain that I pay for out of my own pocket so there’s an added perk.
Oh and all the work I do has to be logged DAILY in a system called LAP360 that has visibility as high as the SECDEF’s office. Does he look at it? Probably not. But it’s there if he gets bored or is curious about what his workforce is up to on a given day.
Are there employees not pulling their weight or screwing around? Sure. Absolutely. But to act like all of us are the same person sitting in some office in DC wasting time and money is insulting. It gets old being pigeonholed like that.