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The official DOGE TRACKER is here!

All the ones complaining about federal workers doing nothing. We’re all the same.
It didn't help that many of them posted videos on X and Tik Tok the last few years bragging about how little work they're doing.
OTOH my office manager, who is great at her job, is pissed off because just got her first raise in three years and it was 53 cents an hour.
I haven't had a raise in about that long either.
Life in the private sector.
It didn't help that many of them posted videos on X and Tik Tok the last few years bragging about how little work they're doing.
OTOH my office manager, who is great at her job, is pissed off because just got her first raise in three years and it was 53 cents an hour.
I haven't had a raise in about that long either.
Life in the private sector.
I never understood this. I worked for a mid-range systems integration company, and I was paid decently, but there were a handful of "senior" level engineers that were paid better than I. We had several large projects where the senior engineers got "stuck" and couldn't progress on the installations. I was called to go help them and I resolved each issue on probably 5 different occasions. So, I schedule a meeting with my manager, and I request a raise. He scoffs and says verbatim, "for what?" I proceed to tell him how I was needed on some of the company's largest projects to bail out his senior guys. He tells me to get lost. I put a plan in place and quit to start my own company. The company ended up dissolving when those businesses followed me and well, that made me smile. Now, my company didn't work out either, I learned that partnering with the right people are paramount to success but it all leads me to where I am now, and I'm crushing it. Don't let businesses disrespect you and treat you like cattle. (not you, Ron...just in general.)
It didn't help that many of them posted videos on X and Tik Tok the last few years bragging about how little work they're doing.
OTOH my office manager, who is great at her job, is pissed off because just got her first raise in three years and it was 53 cents an hour.
I haven't had a raise in about that long either.
Life in the private sector.
You're absolutely right. For instance, there is a woman that works here on Bragg that was complaining that since they are going back into the office she wouldn't have time to deliver pizzas or work on her new business, basically admitting she wasn't doing her job. On tiktok. I was in disbelief. You have to be stupid to do that stuff. I do believe she was dismissed for violating the terms of her telework agreement. But those folks are in the minority. At least I hope they are. It just irritates me that people take those few examples and label all of us. No, not everybody does that, but a lot of people do.

As far as raises go, the General Schedule typically goes like this. You have a rate, which would be like GS -8, GS-9, etc. Each grade has steps for pay increases. Step 1-3 you get a raise annually. Step 4-6 it is every two years. Step 7-10 is every three years. After that, any raise you get coincides with inflation annually. You can get what is called a QSI or qualitative step increase. It's basically a step increase for outstanding performance over a year. I got QSI's in 2022 and 2023. Our agency has three divisions, and each division gets two per year to award to those deemed deserving. For reference, our division has 67 people.
I saw a video yesterday where a dumb ***** was complaining that her boss said she couldn't clock in until she actually showed up for work. She had been doing mobile clock-ins from home as soon as she woke up. Her argument was that she was getting ready for work, make up etc... and if it wasn't for her job she wouldn't have gotten out of bed, thinking that justified it. People are ******* stupid.
All the ones complaining about federal workers doing nothing. We’re all the same.
Sorry, but i do not read that at all.
Seems you are unable to separate your personal efforts -- that you take great pains to type above -- from criticisms of others that you acknowledge milk the system.

Whats up with that?
Sorry, but i do not read that at all.
Seems you are unable to separate your personal efforts -- that you take great pains to type above -- from criticisms of others that you acknowledge milk the system.

Whats up with that?
I guess the fact that I am a federal employee makes me feel like the target of everyone's ire. No, I haven't been called out personally. It's a weird place to be in when people all across the nation look at you as kind of an enemy (for lack of a better word) for your profession, like you're stealing from them. It strange to read and see those kinds of comments. It's out there everywhere in every comment section to every article written about this stuff.

I think federal Daleks can handle 15 sentences a week in a single email.
Welcome to the real world, government employees.

And reading comments like the two above, you're just kind of like "Damn, what people must think." It kind of makes you feel the need to defend yourself. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.
Don't let businesses disrespect you and treat you like cattle. (not you, Ron...just in general.)
I have a pretty plum job as a corporate funeral director and get paid a decent buck. I get full Social Security in five years so my plan is to lay low until then and not attract attention to myself from the higher ups and quietly slip out the door in 2030.
I guess the fact that I am a federal employee makes me feel like the target of everyone's ire. No, I haven't been called out personally. It's a weird place to be in when people all across the nation look at you as kind of an enemy (for lack of a better word) for your profession, like you're stealing from them. It strange to read and see those kinds of comments. It's out there everywhere in every comment section to every article written about this stuff.

And reading comments like the two above, you're just kind of like "Damn, what people must think." It kind of makes you feel the need to defend yourself. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.
Sarge, I don't view it that way. I see it more as the fed employees who are not military.
I guess the fact that I am a federal employee makes me feel like the target of everyone's ire. No, I haven't been called out personally. It's a weird place to be in when people all across the nation look at you as kind of an enemy (for lack of a better word) for your profession, like you're stealing from them. It strange to read and see those kinds of comments. It's out there everywhere in every comment section to every article written about this stuff.

And reading comments like the two above, you're just kind of like "Damn, what people must think." It kind of makes you feel the need to defend yourself. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.
Isn't it your choice to take this work?
I guess the fact that I am a federal employee makes me feel like the target of everyone's ire. No, I haven't been called out personally. It's a weird place to be in when people all across the nation look at you as kind of an enemy (for lack of a better word) for your profession, like you're stealing from them. It strange to read and see those kinds of comments. It's out there everywhere in every comment section to every article written about this stuff.

And reading comments like the two above, you're just kind of like "Damn, what people must think." It kind of makes you feel the need to defend yourself. I don't know, maybe I'm just being overly sensitive.
Sarge, you're probably one of the most levelheaded posters on this site and I doubt anyone questions your dedication, other than Trog perhaps.
Isn't it your choice to take this work?
It is. You’re right. After thinking about this for a little bit I guess deep down I really don’t give a **** what anyone else thinks. I got bills to pay and mouths to feed. I have a career that I love and I do it well. I don’t know why I felt the need to defend myself over something I have no reason to defend myself about. Guess I got overly sensitive. Sorry for whining. It won’t happen again.
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It is. You’re right. After thinking about this for a little bit I guess deep down I really don’t give a **** what anyone else thinks. I got bills to pay and mouths to feed. I have a career that I love and I do it well. I don’t know why I felt the need to defend myself over something I have no reason to defend myself about. Guess I got overly sensitive. Sorry for whining. It won’t happen again.

No one here has accused you of mooching. At least not that I’ve seen.
Here we go again.
Congresspeople are not hired, they are elected and not considered federal employees.
…and in case you’ve forgotten PhD’s aren’t medical doctors either.

She’s not as stupid as you’re trying to make her out to be, otherwise she’d be a democrat.
Oh she is, and who funds her paycheck?
Oh she is, and who funds her paycheck?
Oh but she’s not.
Duh well of course taxpayers fund her paycheck , all I did was to set you straight on the fact that congresspeople are not considered employees.
What do you have against learning something new?
Oh but she’s not.
Duh well of course taxpayers fund her paycheck , all I did was to set you straight on the fact that congresspeople are not considered employees.
What do you have against learning something new?
9ly77z (1).gif
Got the second DOGE email last night. We are directed to respond this time. In fact, we are required to respond weekly now. Wonder how many people are going to email (or not) themselves out of a job. Fun times.

Also, we are being told that a RIF is coming. Department of Defense entities were initially exempt, but apparently not anymore. Sucks, but if you’re handling business, it shouldn’t be much of a problem. At least I would hope not.
All the ones complaining about federal workers doing nothing. We’re all the same.

I don't think anyone said all, you would certainly be the last person on the planet I'd ever think of like that.

Our government is a bloated money sucking black hole with ridiculous waste and corruption.

We've known that since childhood. This is probably the first time in my life any effort has been put forth to show us just what our tax dollars are being spent on.

A country 37 trillion in debt has two options,cut spending,dissolve redundant agencies we have no use for. The DHS would top that list for me.....or we raise taxes dramatically and put 100% of it toward debt,while cutting spending.

Then you have the part of actually producing things again in this nation and not farming it out to a bunch of other countries.

Energy independence would be the easiest to accomplish. It's all downhill after that.
I guess the fact that I am a federal employee makes me feel like the target of everyone's ire. No, I haven't been called out personally. It's a weird place to be in when people all across the nation look at you as kind of an enemy (for lack of a better word) for your profession, like you're stealing from them. It strange to read and see those kinds of comments. It's out there everywhere in every comment section to every article written about this stuff.

Here is my position: Absolutely a LOT of government employees are amazing at their jobs, very dedicated, and provide a vast amount of crucial work. I do not doubt that for a millisecond. My dad worked for the state for 40 years. Hardest working man I have ever known. He accrued so much vacation time and sick leave that the HR department told him, "Jack, you have too much time saved up and you can't have so much vacation and sick leave so you're going to lose that time!" My dad responded, "Okay" and kept working.

His influence affects me through today. I have taken probably 8 weeks of sick leave in my 46-year work life, the vast majority when I suffered a spiral fracture of my tib/fib on the left side. I don't like missing work - **** just piles up and makes it tough to maintain a productive day. I have worked as many as 43 days straight. I have worked at least 12 hours in a day hundreds of times. My dad would not be impressed - he'd say, "So what? You're doing what you are being paid to do." I wish every government employee was like my dad and you, Sarge but ...

Any business entity, government or otherwise, that gets as massive as the Fed or a ton of state governments (looking at you, CA and NY) has a LOT of flab and useless, lazy employees. It is simply a fact of life. As you probably know, I am an attorney. For the past 15 years I have handled employment law (wrongful termination). I have met with numerous government employees, some of whom have great cases. (I have tried three of their cases to good result.)

Others? They don't have much to do in their government jobs and spend most of their time gossiping and whining about so-and-so getting a promotion. They are paid huge amounts of money with incredible benefits and as far as I could determine, provide minimal value.
It is. You’re right. After thinking about this for a little bit I guess deep down I really don’t give a **** what anyone else thinks. I got bills to pay and mouths to feed. I have a career that I love and I do it well. I don’t know why I felt the need to defend myself over something I have no reason to defend myself about. Guess I got overly sensitive. Sorry for whining. It won’t happen again.
I've got no beef with legit government workers who perform a valuable function.
My problem is with those who get paid for 40 hours a week and work about 3 hours, if at all, since I'm paying their salary.
I still do a little window cleaning for some old clients after I sold my company and F me, I could have been sending phony window cleaning invoices to the Feds and got paid.
Money for nothing and your chicks for free.
Majorie Taylor comment about fed employees not deserving their paycheck was taken out of context imo.
She had a Trump moment by her poor choice of words.

Keep in mind she made her comment during a Government reform and Oversight meeting.
What I think she was implying was that generally speaking the paychecks received is not of equal value to what a federal employee produces, which is nothing…hence “doesn’t deserve”.
Doesn’t merit, or doesn’t reflect, would be better choices. She says they can be fired implying that we wouldn’t miss a beat if they were.
That’s the best that I can put it.
She employs staff members herself, so I’m sure she believes that not all do not deserve paychecks. She was making a generalization.
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Within each major department or section of the US government, it should be possible to ask the boss/Commissioner/jefe for their choice on one entire division to remove and another to face a 50% staffing cut.

Start there, understanding that the same exercise will happen again, and that the responsibility of the former division would be absorbed elsewhere. Good employees, useful in other divisions go to head of the recruiting list.

Simple headcount reduction.
At my government job, I have a worthless coworker whose job I have to do. I don't get one dime more for it, and he gets paid more than I do. He claims health issues, and lives on FMLA excuses. He is seriously absent about 40% of the time, and probably more. As a result, I have to do more of the few responsibilities he has, as his absenteeism impacts my results. He has had many responsibilities taken from him, and they all fall on me, but he is not there to perform the ones he has, so I have to do those often, too.

Mrs. Fan left employment there recently, because she had an absolutely insane boss, who was about as qualified as a drunk Kamala Harris. She "got injured" at work, and had workers' comp require them to get her an equally or better paid job, so she is a department head now. She is completely destroying that department, and people are leaving like crazy. I promise that if this town had more professional level jobs, more of us would be gone.

I have more stories, but you get it. Lots of great people there, but just enough of the nonsense to screw it all up. This is a common government employment problem as far as I can tell, and the US taxpayer is tired of it. Simple.