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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Ohhhh, you just got hit with the R bomb! You better keep quiet or you'll get hit with the double R bomb.

A Liberal calling you a racist in 2019 = I don't know how else to win an argument against facts.

See also: Nazi, Sexist, Misogynist, Homophobe, Transphobe, Islamophobe, etc.

It's funny, I have a number of liberal friends(yes, I have them) who have moved into predominately white school districts, for the quality of education. Then they complain about the lack of diversity.
I watched the fights last night. Usman was awesome. I was rooting for Usman in that fight, and it had nothing to do with Trump. Covington is an ******* with a big mouth. He needed humbled.

One judge (not sure what that judge was smoking) had it 3 rounds to 1 for Covington going into the 5th. I am glad Usman knocked him out, because the way the judges had it scored, it was likely to end up a majority draw had it gone to the judges. FWIW, I had Usman up 3-1 going into the 5th. Not sure what some of these judges see that I do not.

Look, Covington is a good fighter. A really good fighter. He just needs to ditch this heel bullshit, stop running his mouth, and worry about fighting instead of showing out. I think it would be beneficial. Personally, I hope they get to do it again. This was a really good fight.
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It's funny, I have a number of liberal friends(yes, I have them) who have moved into predominately white school districts, for the quality of education. Then they complain about the lack of diversity.

Joe Biden agrees.

I watched the fights last night. Usman was awesome. I was rooting for Usman in that fight, and it had nothing to do with Trump. Covington is an ******* with a big mouth. He needed humbled.

One judge (not sure what that judge was smoking) had it 3 rounds to 1 for Covington going into the 5th. I am glad Usman knocked him out, because the way the judges had it scored, it was likely to end up a majority draw had it gone to the judges. FWIW, I had Usman up 3-1 going into the 5th. Not sure what some of these judges see that I do not.

Look, Covington is a good fighter. A really good fighter. He just needs to ditch this heel bullshit, stop running his mouth, and worry about fighting instead of showing out. I think it would be beneficial. Personally, I hope they get to do it again. This was a really good fight.

I watched the fight as well and agree, I don't know what that judge was watching. The one thing with Usman that concerned me a bit was would he have the stamina if it went the distance. He answered that concern. Really well-rounded fighter.

Yeah, Covington is a good fighter but he just needs to shut the **** up already.
Again, sorry, had no idea how sensitive the MAGA crew would get from Covington getting his *** whooped. My bad, didn't put two and two together, didn't realize I'd be stepping into a mine field. Should've known better.

You take your little victories, Tibsy. If an MMA fighter (who happens to support the President) losing gets you that excited, well you go boy. And guys, let Tibs have his fun. Having TDS must be a debilitating and miserable existence so any victory (as trivial or inconsequential as it may be) is still a victory.

That Covington sure got his *** whooped, yeah! Orange man sucks!
Sticking with the genesis of this thread, this is technically winning, as Trump is ahead in all three categories. Rather high for a fake news, witch hunt type event, no? Trump surely won't be pleased.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fox News Poll: Has the President abused power? Obstructed Congress? Committed bribery?<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FNS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FNS</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FoxNews?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FoxNews</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Polls?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Polls</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Impeachment?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Impeachment</a> <a href="https://t.co/vSCha4ZF42">pic.twitter.com/vSCha4ZF42</a></p>— FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) <a href="https://twitter.com/FoxNewsSunday/status/1206222424590704640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels,’ could seal 2020 win

Kanye West isn’t the only one anymore.

A growing number of polls show that President Trump is gaining the support of black voters above what any Republican president has ever received. Both Emerson Polling and Rasmussen Reports have it at about 34%, a stunning number.

And a new Zogby Analytics survey found that African American support is at the “highest levels of the year,” driven by a strong economy, historically low black unemployment, and Trump’s agenda to support minority small businesses, historically black colleges and universities, and passage of criminal justice reform....
Read about this journalist getting in Adam Schiff's face on an Acela train from DC to New York (a train I've ridden often).

The man Tibs said was "saving the Republic" and worthy of Michael Avenatti American Patriot status...gets it. This is great.

Adam Schiff is Shameless
December 16, 2019
by Lauri B. Regan

Last Thursday afternoon I boarded an Amtrak Acela train from Washington, D.C. to New York. While in D.C., I enjoyed spending time at the Trump International Hotel where people were happy - not just because of the holidays, but because of where they were, surrounded by people of like mind.

In particular, the hotel lobby bar on Wednesday night was filled with festive people who had just left the White House Chanukah party at which Trump had signed the Executive Order on Combatting Anti-Semitism. Jews across the country were thrilled that the administration was finally doing what the Democrats in the House of Representatives had blocked.

While waiting to board the train, I thought I recognized a couple of congresspeople but no one of import. That is, until I entered the train and noticed two secret servicemen and a D.C. police officer accompanying someone on the platform. I turned around and saw Adam Schiff walking towards me.

Not one to shy from confrontation, I could not hold back my disgust. As he neared, I looked at his staffer and asked how he could work for such a despicable jerk and then turned to Schiff and asked him if he understood what he was doing to our democracy. He just stared blankly through those massive bulbous eyes that only exude hate and contempt. I mockingly said, “Talk about abuse of power -- how in the world do you look at yourself every day in the mirror? You’re simply an awful human being and a liar. How do you live with yourself?” He wished me happy holidays and walked away.

I was looking forward to dialing in shortly to a conference call explaining the Executive Order that was being hosted by the White House and it occurred to me that as a fellow Jew, Schiff should (if he weren’t a partisan, self-righteous, hateful hack suffering from serious mental illness) at least be able to thank Trump for fighting anti-Semitism on college campuses.

So, on my way to the restroom armed with my Trump water bottle on full display, I stopped by Schiff’s seat. I told him how elated I was over the EO and isn’t Trump just wonderful for the Jewish people; wasn’t the EO just terrific. He unsurprisingly replied that unfortunately he couldn’t agree. I responded that yes, it’s unfortunate since it’s Jews like him who are doing the most harm to our people, not Trump. I added that he’s just an awful person if he couldn’t even support an order to fight anti-Semitism and protect Jewish students on campuses.

Upon arrival in New York, there were two more staffers and an NYPD officer waiting for Schiff and his entourage, escorting them away. I was wondering what he was doing in NYC but also why he needed so much protection. After all, I’ve seen Senators Robert Menendez and Ted Cruz on the train unaccompanied; and in fact, as I was walking through Penn Station, I walked past Richard Blumenthal also unaccompanied.

I also wondered how much it was costing Schiff to travel with his entourage and who was paying for the trip. The Acela can get quite pricey at often close to $600 for a round trip ticket during busy travel times like the holidays. Two Secret Servicemen cost the taxpayers money as well. So, what was so important in NYC? I soon discovered it was Stephen Colbert!

Schiff needed protection likely because of his high profile during the impeachment hearings (and his singular obsession with destroying Trump over the past three years) and possible death threats. Yet clearly those death threats haven’t prevented him from putting himself out there as this attention and media-seeking ***** can’t get enough of himself on television. But why should taxpayers be paying for him to appear on a late-night talk show?

And what of the timing of this? According to the Democrats running this circus, this is a very serious moment in the history of our country warranting serious measures that have only been taken two other times in the nation’s history. So, what does Schiff do? He travels to New York to appear on a comedy show. Lovely. Worse than that, he uses the platform to excoriate Republicans claiming this is their “most shameful hour.”

Nancy Pelosi recently stated, “[The impeachment] isn’t about politics, it isn’t about patriotism -- uh, partisanship -- it’s about patriotism.” Talk about a Freudian slip. But let’s just say for a moment that this is about patriotism. Where were Pelosi and Schiff during the eight years of Obama’s endless scandals?

Where were they during Fast & Furious during which the Obama administration was responsible for the murder of a Border Patrol officer? Where were they during Benghazi when the Obama administration (and their gal Hillary) was responsible for the murder of four Americans including a U.S. ambassador? Where were they when Obama sic’d an alphabet city of government institutions and agencies on conservatives from the IRS to the NSA? Where were they when Obama during a meeting to discuss missile defense with Russian Foreign Minister Dmitri Medvedev was caught on a hot mike asking Putin to give him space, stating, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” Talk about abuses of power not to mention Russia collusion!

Schiff went on national television to call Republicans shameful and that’s not partisan? Can’t reasonable minds disagree? Isn’t that what a democracy is and why we have a jury system, not to mention a Constitution that governs impeachment (as well as Federalist Papers that afford us an opportunity to understand that the Framers never intended it to be used to overturn an election and the will of 60 million Americans)?

Schiff condescendingly told Colbert:
I wonder how [the Republicans] are going to explain one day when their grandchild comes to them and says, ‘Granddad, Grandma, please tell me what you did when that unethical man, that terrible man, that man who was putting people in cages, dividing our country, extorting our allies, please tell me what you did to stand up to that man. What will their answer be? For all too many, it will be nothing. It will be nothing except shame.

This coming from the unethical, terrible man who can’t even thank a U.S. president for taking measures that will keep his grandchildren safe. Schiff is such a stone-cold partisan that he can’t even put aside his quest for power to care about protecting his grandchildren from anti-Semitism. That is shameful and I’d love to see him try and explain it to his grandkids.

Schiff, Pelosi, and the rest of the Democrats leading this grossly partisan and undemocratic process are hypocritical jerks who prove day after day that all they care about is partisanship and power. The Constitution? Nah. Democracy? Nope. Patriotism? What’s that? The American people? Seriously…?

But the “Late Show” where Schiff was afforded a platform to call Republicans shameful? That’s a priority during this very serious time in our country’s history? You betcha. And who cares if it costs taxpayer money to transport him here, surround him with security in the form of Secret Service and local police forces. Certainly not Adam Schiff. When Schiff looks in the mirror, he sees “shameful” staring back at him. He’s just too stupid and shameless to know it.
Sticking with the genesis of this thread, this is technically winning, as Trump is ahead in all three categories. Rather high for a fake news, witch hunt type event, no? Trump surely won't be pleased.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Fox News Poll: Has the President abused power? Obstructed Congress? Committed bribery?<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FNS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FNS</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/FoxNews?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FoxNews</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Polls?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Polls</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Impeachment?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Impeachment</a> <a href="https://t.co/vSCha4ZF42">pic.twitter.com/vSCha4ZF42</a></p>— FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) <a href="https://twitter.com/FoxNewsSunday/status/1206222424590704640?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 15, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I know polls are claimed to have a +/- 5% accuracy rate, but one would think in my 68 years someone would ask me a single question, just once.
Christmas shopping?


Trump-Themed Pop-Up Store Opens In Wilmington..The four stores across Massachusetts sell Trump and Second Amendment memorabilia

"Trump stores that are unaffiliated with the campaign are cropping up across the nation, in states as diverse as Louisiana and South Dakota"



Trump better look over his shoulder, here comes Bloomberg and his awesome followers -
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Look out <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TeamPete?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TeamPete</a> because us Bloomberg Heads have our own dance! Taken at the Mike Bloomberg rally in Beverly Hills. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Bloomberg2020?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Bloomberg2020</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/MovesLikeBloomberg?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MovesLikeBloomberg</a> <a href="https://t.co/UCNo0fRZcE">pic.twitter.com/UCNo0fRZcE</a></p>— Nick Ciarelli (@nickciarelli) <a href="https://twitter.com/nickciarelli/status/1205354210465742848?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 13, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Charles, I hereby demand that you give me back 23 seconds of my life.

The fact that votes from those ***-gerbils count as much as mine makes me borderline homicidal.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters consider it likely that senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Trump from winning the presidency. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say that’s unlikely. This includes 36% who say it’s Very Likely they broke the law to get Trump and 24% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters consider it likely that senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Trump from winning the presidency. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say that’s unlikely. This includes 36% who say it’s Very Likely they broke the law to get Trump and 24% who say it’s Not At All Likely.


It should be close to 90%, if it not for the fake MSM, and their 24/7 propaganda machine.
SAGINAW, Mich. — Some swing voters here who voted for Barack Obama and then Donald Trump are firmly in Trump’s camp now — and they're sick of impeachment.

Why it matters: The two-plus hour conversation revealed major warning signs for the Democratic Party in a crucial swing county that will be a pivotal area to win in 2020.

This was the biggest takeaway from our Engagious/FPG focus group last week, which included 10 voters who flipped from Obama in 2012 to Trump in 2016. While a focus group is not a statistically significant sample like a poll, these responses show how some voters are thinking and talking about the 2020 election in crucial counties.

Why Saginaw matters: Trump won Saginaw County by just over 1% in 2016, and Obama won by nearly 12% in 2012.

The big picture:

  • These voters hate the fact that House Democrats are moving toward impeaching the president. They call it a distraction from the issues that would actually improve their lives, like preserving Social Security, cracking down on illegal immigration, and keeping jobs in the U.S.
  • "I think she's wasting a lot of [taxpayer] money on a ghost chase," said Chad Y., a 43-year-old Obama/Trump voter, of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "The money she's spending on that could go to help the homeless or go towards health care."
  • Another participant, 73-year-0ld Michael G., said Democrats' focus is in the wrong direction. "Instead of working on policies and things that will help the people, they are just working to basically preserve their own position ... [T]hey don't really care about you and [me], I don't think."

Tibs et al,

There are no such things as a

There are Americans of Nigerian descent. But there are no "Nigerian-Americans". The sooner ALL Americans realize that we're American first and whatever else 2nd, we'll all be MUCH better off. (Note, I have NEVER referred to myself as a Scandanavian American. None of my friends have ever identified as German Americans or Canadian Americans. Because we're ALL Americans.)

Moreover, ALL of us, (even the American Indians) come from some other descent line. We're ALL American-something. So why don't we just accept that we are one of the most diverse countries in the world with Americans of virtually every descent?
Diversity is not a strength. Commonality is a strength. Strength comes from the things we have in common, not from constantly having your differences pointed out. That’s how you end up with tribalism. Kinda what America is headed for.
Moreover, ALL of us, (even the American Indians) come from some other descent line. We're ALL American-something. So why don't we just accept that we are one of the most diverse countries in the world with Americans of virtually every descent?

Great question, wig. Why don't you ask your fellow Trump-base knuckle draggers who mock and deride my Hungarian cultural heritage every other post on this board, 24/7 over the past 3-4 years?

Your question, quite succinctly, should be directed at them.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey finds that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters consider it likely that senior federal law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Trump from winning the presidency. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say that’s unlikely. This includes 36% who say it’s Very Likely they broke the law to get Trump and 24% who say it’s Not At All Likely.


Tibs is such a strong advocate for the rule of law in the United States of America, he has to be steaming over this.