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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

I identify as a legal historian scholar Supreme, and unequivocally state that the American people do not seek impeachment, thus it is so.

Why one would have to be blind not to see this.

Wow, the argument is OVER.

The ever-growing list of editorial boards across the country calling for impeachment:

New York Times
USA Today
Washington Post
Boston Globe
Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Daily News
Chicago Sun-Times
LA Times
SF Chronicle
Mercury News
Orlando Sentinel
Tampa Bay Times
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
Detroit Free Press
Syracuse Post-Standard
Portland Press Herald
York Dispatch

The York Dispatch? Is that supposed to be a joke?

Oh, and for the single human on earth who gives a flying **** what editorial boards have to say (not me), which of those papers endorsed Trump in 2016???

And which of those rags predicted today's economy, lack of wars, stock market explosion, trade deals?!?!?

Yeah, thought so.
This bodes well for the Democrats. (actually not really)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Two polls out today on impeachment, both disasters for Washington Democrats:<br><br>USA Today:<br>41% support<br>56% oppose<br>Independents oppose by 11 points<br><br>Quinnipiac:<br>45% support<br>51% oppose<br>Independents oppose by 22 (!) points, 58-36</p>— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) <a href="https://twitter.com/RepMarkMeadows/status/1206683973310660615?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 16, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Surveillance of Trump Aide

WASHINGTON—A secretive surveillance court issued a rare public order on Tuesday, rebuking the FBI for its handling of warrant applications on Carter Page, a onetime Trump campaign foreign-policy adviser.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court—which operates in near total secret—called a recent watchdog report “troubling” and described the behavior of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as “antithetical to the heightened duty of candor” owed to the court.

The court ordered the government to explain to the court by early next year what steps it was taking to prevent such lapses in the future. The court order comes after a critical watchdog report found serious lapses in the FBI’s handling of the warrant against Mr. Page.

And your feel good moment of the day

SEAL who shot bin Laden says James Comey is 'human ****'

Former Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill bashed former FBI Director James Comey after the release of the Department of Justice inspector general's report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses by FBI officials during President Trump's 2016 campaign.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his report on Dec. 9, following his two-year investigation into the FBI's and the DOJ's use of FISA warrants to surveil Trump’s campaign for evidence of election interference collusion with Russian agents. The report outlined 17 "significant errors or omissions" by FBI officials in the FISA applications to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page but determined political bias played no role in the opening of the Russia investigation.

O'Neill, 43, slammed the 59-year-old former FBI chief on Twitter on Monday.

"I fought for everything I believed in so I will say this now: James Comey is human ****," said O’Neill, who claims to have killed al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden during the U.S. raid on bin Laden’s compound in May 2011.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I fought for everything I believed in so I will say this now: James Comey is human ****.</p>— Robert J. O'Neill (@mchooyah) <a href="https://twitter.com/mchooyah/status/1206785336401186816?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'm going out on a limb and saying THIS is a true American Patriot and a Hero (not porn lawyer Avenatti or reprehensible Adam Schitt).
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I fought for everything I believed in so I will say this now: James Comey is human ****.</p>— Robert J. O'Neill (@mchooyah) <a href="https://twitter.com/mchooyah/status/1206785336401186816?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

I'm going out on a limb and saying THIS is a true American Patriot and a Hero (not porn lawyer Avenatti or reprehensible Adam Schitt).

I still can't believe he called Avenatti in American Patriot. TDS is dangerous folks.
I guess some people just love being lied to. Must be a form of masochism.

There you go again making baseless generalizations. Typical libtard, You resort to this kind of **** because its all you have.

So when will you answer my question? If Obama had made the indentical call to Zelinski , would you have supported impeaching him?

You won't answer that because you have zero integrity.

How about the dossier that you believed to be valid. Do you still believe it?
The ever-growing list of editorial boards across the country calling for impeachment:

New York Times
USA Today
Washington Post
Boston Globe
Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Daily News
Chicago Sun-Times
LA Times
SF Chronicle
Mercury News
Orlando Sentinel
Tampa Bay Times
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
Detroit Free Press
Syracuse Post-Standard
Portland Press Herald
York Dispatch

These are all - of course(!) - . It's a huge, lunatic, nationwide conspiracy against Trump, who did absolutely nothing wrong, had a 'perfect' call, is a stable genius...the greatest ever...yada yada...


Would have these opinion writers favored impeaching Obama had he made the identical call to Zelinsky? **** no.

You know it and I know it. Not to hard to figure out that it's a huge, lunatic, nationwide conspiracy against Trump, who did absolutely nothing wrong, had a 'perfect' call, is a stable genius...the greatest ever...and they hate him for it.
Make it so #1


McConnell Suggests Senate Will Move to Dismiss Impeachment After Opening Arguments

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) hinted in a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday morning that the Senate will move to dismiss the pending articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump after opening arguments in the expected trial.



Poor little Tibs

meanwhile back in Nancy's district...

In Pelosi’s District Homeless Drug Addicts Are Now Pooping In The Grocery Stores


here’s a pic of a man on drugs taking a poo in aisle 10 of @Safeway Marina Sunday morning in #SF. Why is this okay? @KTVU @kpix @kron @KGOdesk @sfchronicle pic.twitter.com

The cost of living in San Francisco is staggering. Renting a two-bedroom apartment costs $4,650 a month on average, which is the highest rate in the country, and if you want to buy a home in the Bay Area, the median price is $825,000.

San Francisco has more drug addicts than public high school students.

And which of those rags predicted today's economy, lack of wars, stock market explosion, trade deals?!?!?

And how many predicted Trump's victory? Academia will be the next bubble to burst, The MSM has already been exposed. Entertainment is on the ropes.

Things are proceeding nicely.
now now, you're just going to get them all upset again



Last edited:
The ever-growing list of editorial boards across the country calling for impeachment:

New York Times
USA Today
Washington Post
Boston Globe
Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Daily News
Chicago Sun-Times
LA Times
SF Chronicle
Mercury News
Orlando Sentinel
Tampa Bay Times
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
Detroit Free Press
Syracuse Post-Standard
Portland Press Herald
York Dispatch
The Hungarian Libtard Daily

You forgot one.
meanwhile back in Nancy's district...

In Pelosi’s District Homeless Drug Addicts Are Now Pooping In The Grocery Stores


here’s a pic of a man on drugs taking a poo in aisle 10 of @Safeway Marina Sunday morning in #SF. Why is this okay? @KTVU @kpix @kron @KGOdesk @sfchronicle pic.twitter.com

The cost of living in San Francisco is staggering. Renting a two-bedroom apartment costs $4,650 a month on average, which is the highest rate in the country, and if you want to buy a home in the Bay Area, the median price is $825,000.

San Francisco has more drug addicts than public high school students.


About 12 years ago ex #2 and went on a trip to wine country. One of the nights we stayed at her friend’s house in Sausalito, across the bay from SF. Their house was $1.25 million. It was a ******* dump. Pretty much zero lot line, 1/2 the size of my house. Had a hell of a view though.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
About 12 years ago ex #2 and I went on a trip to wine country. One of the nights we stayed at her friend’s house in Sausalito, across the bay from SF. Their house was $1.25 million. It was a ******* dump. Pretty much zero lot line, 1/2 the size of my house. Had a hell of a view though.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
Fact is that if Obama had made the call nobody would have said a word. That's what the deep state does. The FBI, DOJ, CIA etc.. are all part of the same political cabal. I'd love to hear the call from Obama to Iran when he sent them pallets full of money in different currencies. I wonder how many laws that broke?
So, the Dems will get to do their circle jerk and impeach the President? What are they going to do with all of their free time and whining? Go after Pence next? This is setting a dangerous precedent.
Fact is that if Obama had made the call nobody would have said a word. That's what the deep state does. The FBI, DOJ, CIA etc.. are all part of the same political cabal. I'd love to hear the call from Obama to Iran when he sent them pallets full of money in different currencies. I wonder how many laws that broke?

Chuckie Schumer warned Trump that the intelligence community "has six ways to Sunday to get back at you."

That's all this is.
So, the Dems will get to do their circle jerk and impeach the President? What are they going to do with all of their free time and whining? Go after Pence next? This is setting a dangerous precedent.

The good thing is that the circle jerk and Impeachment tree thus far is falling in the forest.
This is setting a dangerous precedent.

Dems finally get Hitlery in the WH (They are setting this up for next year BTW.) They lose the house, then the Republicans with the majority in the House and the Senate actually do get her impeached....

Way more actual evidence to support her getting impeached than Trump too.

Can you imagine the left losing their minds lol. OMG it would be epic.
Chuckie Schumer warned Trump that the intelligence community "has six ways to Sunday to get back at you."

That's all this is.

Yup, and he was right. However the dems made a huge mistake. They've been talking about impeachment since before he was elected. People start to become skeptical when they see these people continually scream about it. Then they allowed the testimony to be seen in public. Huge mistake. The cross examination of the witnesses was devastating. Every single one of them had to admit that the president never told them to do anything wrong. It was all 3rd or 4th hand hearsay and was convoluted and contradictory. It sounded like a bunch of 7th grade school girls gossiping about a who likes whom.