Polls? I thought you guys hated and mistrusted polls.
A few loose canons? I think you'd be shocked how many Christians and conservatives find this president's words, actions and behavior repulsive.
I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for you guys - even as you support his economic policies and achievements - if you'd be intellectually honest enough to criticize Trump for his moral shortcomings, his unhinged behavior. Or be man enough to admit he constantly lies; admit that his dubious connections to despots and dictators is troublesome, or call out his foreign policy missteps.
What makes this seem like a cult, is the fact the whole lot of you bristle at even the thought that Trump could do anything wrong. You can't admit there may be merit to him being accused of wrongdoing. The response from the base is always the same. It's 100% Trump support all of the time. There is no tolerance for the slightest criticism. Everybody else is lying, cheating, plotting against him, he is a Saint in your eyes. That's pretty ******* scary, in my book. It's a mentality sympathetic to tyrants and kings. That's not the America I know and love.
And nothing the Dems are doing, or not doing, influences my views on Trump. No matter how weak or frail the Dem candidates may be in 2020, it doesn't matter one iota when it comes to judging and weighing in on this presidency. There should be no false equivalence in supporting Trump cause you don't like the Dem options. He should be viewed and judged on his own merit, based on the person he is, and the President he is.
I understand this board is locked-in on Trump support and adulation until the end of time. This isn't about swaying hearts and minds. I simply post my own views, as honestly as I can, even if they are wildly unpopular.