We would have a lot more sympathy for your feelings in Trump if you ever backed them up with any actual facts. I have never said he wasn’t an *** hole. He is a giant *** hole. But then he is dealing with even bigger *** holes in Congress who are worse because they try to hide behind a false moral supremacy when they actually are bigger slime balls than Trump could ever be. I would not want Trump over for dinner but I don’t see a problem with what he is doing to run this Country. He isn’t the President we want but he is the President we need. Maybe when he is done cutting through all the partisan bullshit we can get back to having someone civil and refined in the White House but that wasn’t getting **** done. Congress needs an enema and Trump is just the douche bag we need to do it.
Case and point is the insistence he lies all the time. No he doesn’t. He tells the truth more than any President in ages. He exaggerates his speech’s but he tells you straight out what he is doing and feeling rather than hide behind fancy speech and euphemism. He hasn’t broken the law but he has broken unspoken rules of Washington and exposed the lies and hypocrisy. The Democrats and lifetime politicians will stop at nothing to bring him down through real lies and receipt as well as perversions of the Constitution because he threatens their sleazy existence as bloodsucking leeches on the soul of society.
You should be cheering for him. Classic liberals should get behind him. He is working to restore a Washington that works for us and not for the special interests. He is not a corporate shill or a product of the corrupt government food chain. He is something entirely different in modern politics and it scares the hell out of you. It shouldn’t, when he is done he will leave a leaner transformed system that has had it flaws exposed for us the people to fix not the politicians.
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SIL, you are spot on with your analysis. It is so apparent, even a caveman can understand it. It is those that have so bought into the fake media narrative, that are blinded to the truth.
Also, I love, and take great delight in Trump's obvious trolling of his opposition. I laugh my *** off when he says outrageous things that send the left into a mega-tantrum. I used to think that the MSM was merely biased. Now I can see that they are corrupt, and are nothing more than mouthpieces for a corrupt Washington swamp. Hopefully, within the next year, it will be revealed just how corrupt they are.