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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

We would have a lot more sympathy for your feelings in Trump if you ever backed them up with any actual facts. I have never said he wasn’t an *** hole. He is a giant *** hole. But then he is dealing with even bigger *** holes in Congress who are worse because they try to hide behind a false moral supremacy when they actually are bigger slime balls than Trump could ever be. I would not want Trump over for dinner but I don’t see a problem with what he is doing to run this Country. He isn’t the President we want but he is the President we need. Maybe when he is done cutting through all the partisan bullshit we can get back to having someone civil and refined in the White House but that wasn’t getting **** done. Congress needs an enema and Trump is just the douche bag we need to do it.

Case and point is the insistence he lies all the time. No he doesn’t. He tells the truth more than any President in ages. He exaggerates his speech’s but he tells you straight out what he is doing and feeling rather than hide behind fancy speech and euphemism. He hasn’t broken the law but he has broken unspoken rules of Washington and exposed the lies and hypocrisy. The Democrats and lifetime politicians will stop at nothing to bring him down through real lies and receipt as well as perversions of the Constitution because he threatens their sleazy existence as bloodsucking leeches on the soul of society.

You should be cheering for him. Classic liberals should get behind him. He is working to restore a Washington that works for us and not for the special interests. He is not a corporate shill or a product of the corrupt government food chain. He is something entirely different in modern politics and it scares the hell out of you. It shouldn’t, when he is done he will leave a leaner transformed system that has had it flaws exposed for us the people to fix not the politicians.

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SIL, you are spot on with your analysis. It is so apparent, even a caveman can understand it. It is those that have so bought into the fake media narrative, that are blinded to the truth.

Also, I love, and take great delight in Trump's obvious trolling of his opposition. I laugh my *** off when he says outrageous things that send the left into a mega-tantrum. I used to think that the MSM was merely biased. Now I can see that they are corrupt, and are nothing more than mouthpieces for a corrupt Washington swamp. Hopefully, within the next year, it will be revealed just how corrupt they are.


It is quite comical to me when people that support socialism and big government complain about a president that wants to cut regulations and the size of government being a tyrant.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Convict Trump: The Constitution is more important than abortion<br><br>While Trump has an excellent record of appointing conservative judges and advancing a prolife agenda, his criminal conduct endangers the Constitution. - <a href="https://twitter.com/PaulDMiller2?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@PaulDMiller2</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/impeachment?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#impeachment</a><a href="https://t.co/dOr4Ge62Ue">https://t.co/dOr4Ge62Ue</a></p>— The Christian Post (@ChristianPost) <a href="https://twitter.com/ChristianPost/status/1209263668564779008?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 24, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
And some more Christmas Eve reading for you. Excellent article which summarizes all that's gone wrong with foreign policy under Trump. Enjoy!

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Trump's Personal Pathology Is America's Foreign Policy <a href="https://t.co/CtUIpZXIi6">https://t.co/CtUIpZXIi6</a></p>— The Bulwark (@BulwarkOnline) <a href="https://twitter.com/BulwarkOnline/status/1202946591734325249?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 6, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

"The Constitution is more important than abortion"

If you had to fit a train wreck into as few words as possible, this would get the Oscar. Speaking of utterly morally bankrupt. That statement is spectacular.

It's instructive that 'Christian' publications would promulgate the fiction that Trump has committed a crime or violated the Constitution or abused his power in the dearth of evidence after such exhaustive searches. They look nearly as ridiculous as the house. Nearly. That's a high mountain to crest. You'll know a tree by its fruit.

Anyway, see if you can find the hidden message in this...

Polls? I thought you guys hated and mistrusted polls.

A few loose canons? I think you'd be shocked how many Christians and conservatives find this president's words, actions and behavior repulsive.

I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for you guys - even as you support his economic policies and achievements - if you'd be intellectually honest enough to criticize Trump for his moral shortcomings, his unhinged behavior. Or be man enough to admit he constantly lies; admit that his dubious connections to despots and dictators is troublesome, or call out his foreign policy missteps.

What makes this seem like a cult, is the fact the whole lot of you bristle at even the thought that Trump could do anything wrong. You can't admit there may be merit to him being accused of wrongdoing. The response from the base is always the same. It's 100% Trump support all of the time. There is no tolerance for the slightest criticism. Everybody else is lying, cheating, plotting against him, he is a Saint in your eyes. That's pretty ******* scary, in my book. It's a mentality sympathetic to tyrants and kings. That's not the America I know and love.

And nothing the Dems are doing, or not doing, influences my views on Trump. No matter how weak or frail the Dem candidates may be in 2020, it doesn't matter one iota when it comes to judging and weighing in on this presidency. There should be no false equivalence in supporting Trump cause you don't like the Dem options. He should be viewed and judged on his own merit, based on the person he is, and the President he is.

I understand this board is locked-in on Trump support and adulation until the end of time. This isn't about swaying hearts and minds. I simply post my own views, as honestly as I can, even if they are wildly unpopular.
Groundhog Day Tibsy.

lather, rinse, repeat.


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The constitution is more important than abortion? The irony of that statement is that THEY they subvert the constitution to try to bring down this duly elected president. They are the lying, cheating, criminals who deserve prosecution. And these guilty perpetrators of falsehoods are going throw pro-life values to the wind to try to build support to bring President Trump down. How despicably immoral is that???
Merry Christmas everyone! I truly had a spectacular day with family and friends. I am blessed beyond belief (even if I'm not the believer everyone wants me to be).

So, I didn't talk politics ALL DAY, because, that's just what you do around family these days.... I will say this.

While our populace is as crazy and bipolar as I've ever seen it, I actually think America's policy on things is the best I've seen in the past 25 years. See, this is where Tibs and I really don't see eye-to-eye. He sees a reflection of the nonsense that is Washington D.C. as what America is. He sits 5000 miles away, reads the websites that spew what he consideres "unbiased", finds the memes he likes to rial up the Steeler Nation crowd. He thinks the sky-is-falling ideology and partisan Olympics is what is really happening over here.

Let me tell you Tibs.... it's not. Things are good. Things are really good. This country is starting to see the forest from the trees. The world is starting to see the forest from the trees. The democrats LOVE trees. They love separating us. They love telling people they are victims of "systemic" social ills. The love tearing us apart.

These are all trees that don't need to be bothered with. The forest is getting healthier. Economies around the world are stronger because the US economy is better. We have avoided a world recession in my opinion because of Donald Trump. Without him and the booming US economy, the weight of China's and Europe's slow down would have bogged down the world. It hasn't. Thanks be to Trump.

Without Trump, the world would still be in the ludicrous ideology that "open borders work". They don't.

Without Trump, we would still be bombing 7 countries with drones. Now we have a glimpse of peace (even if it isn't democracy). We are withdrawing from Afghanistan (which the recent document release says was a clusterfuck for eight years under Obama). We are getting out of the Middle East. We are energy independent from them. DESPITE all the warmongers in congress saying otherwise (even though they talk both sides of the coin). Arguably, we haven't been this at peace as a country since 2001. I bet we have fewer overseas servicemen since then to tell you the truth.

Economy, peace, less war, prosperity, work, home ownership, crime...

You argue about such meaningless things. Tibs, you are that annoying person at a great party poo pooing the music when everyone is having a good time. You and your cry wolf crowd are LOSING. Over and over and over again. I don't care anymore. I really don't. The important things are going well. Your hate for Orange Man is so clouding what is good in the world, you can't even ACKNOWLEDGE the good anymore. And it's not just you, it's your whole damn party.

I hope Nancy Pelosi's Christmas was as ******* sour as she made the world seem this last month. Because it means nothing in the scheme of things. And it's not the truth. Things are great.
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Merry Christmas everyone. Mine blew pretty hard.

The sermon last night was about how we should be thinking about how to help people who have to experience Christmas as just another day of struggle in tough times. Whether that's illness, or job situation, or relationships. Made me think about my ****** comment to you in another thread, and I apologize about that. I don't know how to help, but I know how to not pile on. Chin up Man. It will get better.
Nice post deljzc. Overall, you make some valid points. But this line stuck out:

You argue about such meaningless things. Tibs, you are that annoying person at a great party

So the things I argue are 'meaningless and annoying' because I disagree with you regarding this President? That's a pretty cheap way to dismiss an opposing political viewpoint. Believe me, those not in the Trump cult look at Trump supporters as the most annoying people on the planet. My posts and viewpoints are 'meaningless and annoying' around here, because I'm in the absolute minority. On a Trump board like this, the Trump presidency is the 'great party,' as you describe. So essentially what you're saying is - as have many others - stop ******* up our 'great party' with your whining and annoying posts. Understood. Perhaps it's time to introduce a Trump-loyalty clause to membership on the board, so you can weed out all the undesireables and keep these threads nice and cozy. Might not be such a bad idea. It seems most of you come to this board to find comfort and tribalism that keeps the Trump cult clicking.
Nice post deljzc. Overall, you make some valid points. But this line stuck out:

So the things I argue are 'meaningless and annoying' because I disagree with you regarding this President? That's a pretty cheap way to dismiss an opposing political viewpoint. Believe me, those not in the Trump cult look at Trump supporters as the most annoying people on the planet. My posts and viewpoints are 'meaningless and annoying' around here, because I'm in the absolute minority. On a Trump board like this, the Trump presidency is the 'great party,' as you describe. So essentially what you're saying is - as have many others - stop ******* up our 'great party' with your whining and annoying posts. Understood. Perhaps it's time to introduce a Trump-loyalty clause to membership on the board, so you can weed out all the undesireables and keep these threads nice and cozy. Might not be such a bad idea. It seems most of you come to this board to find comfort and tribalism that keeps the Trump cult clicking.

that's not what he's saying at all. In fact, your message would come across a lot better if you didnt reference your intended recipients as racist homophobic mysoginistic bigots embracing their white privilege. I don't recall over the previous eight years anyone referencing all Obama supporters as cocksuckers needing safe spaces to destroy after killing pigs. But, you do you.
Nice post deljzc. Overall, you make some valid points. But this line stuck out:

So the things I argue are 'meaningless and annoying' because I disagree with you regarding this President? That's a pretty cheap way to dismiss an opposing political viewpoint. Believe me, those not in the Trump cult look at Trump supporters as the most annoying people on the planet. My posts and viewpoints are 'meaningless and annoying' around here, because I'm in the absolute minority. On a Trump board like this, the Trump presidency is the 'great party,' as you describe. So essentially what you're saying is - as have many others - stop ******* up our 'great party' with your whining and annoying posts. Understood. Perhaps it's time to introduce a Trump-loyalty clause to membership on the board, so you can weed out all the undesireables and keep these threads nice and cozy. Might not be such a bad idea. It seems most of you come to this board to find comfort and tribalism that keeps the Trump cult clicking.

You routinely keep regurgitating "cult" or that we "worship" this man. Again, mindless accusations because that's what you people are so naturally accustomed to doing.

A "cult" by definition is "relatively a small group of people"

Steeler Nation's favorite/most valuable Steeler would most likely be Big Ben. While not infallible, he performs well and does great things. So do we "worship" Big Ben?
Think of it that way. Because that's the way it is. Taste your words before they come out of your mouth.
...well, in this case before you type them.
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So the things I argue are 'meaningless and annoying' because I disagree with you regarding this President?

No because the things you argue are meaningless and annoying.

Believe me, those not in the Trump cult look at Trump supporters as the most annoying people on the planet. My posts and viewpoints are 'meaningless and annoying' around here, because I'm in the absolute minority.

No, your posts are just meaningless and annoying, not because you're in the minority.

On a Trump board like this, the Trump presidency is the 'great party,' as you describe. So essentially what you're saying is - as have many others - stop ******* up our 'great party' with your whining and annoying posts. Understood. Perhaps it's time to introduce a Trump-loyalty clause to membership on the board, so you can weed out all the undesireables and keep these threads nice and cozy. Might not be such a bad idea. It seems most of you come to this board to find comfort and tribalism that keeps the Trump cult clicking.

The only one considered for weeding out would be you, which I would not be in favor of. Everyone can see that you are devolving into another Elfie.

What a meanigless and annyoying post Tibs.
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Former NFL player Jack Brewer, who is black, will be among the many African-Americans to cast their vote for President Trump in November. He predicts that the President will receive over 20% of the black vote which may well hand him a victory.

Although 20% may sound almost too good to be true, two polls conducted last month by Emerson and Rasmussen showed Trump’s support among blacks at 34%. In 2016, he earned just 8% of the black vote. According to the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, “Republican presidential candidates since 1976 have averaged 10% support from black voters, ranging from a low of 4% for John McCain in 2008 when he ran against Mr. Obama to 17% for Gerald Ford in 1976.”

Brewer, a lifelong Democrat, told the Washington Times, “There is an awakening going on right now in the country. I’m going to take the guy who’s actually putting in the policies that are going to make life better for my young black son and my young black daughter, versus somebody who gives me lip service — like, unfortunately, the Democrats have done for our community for years.”

stock market just keeps going higher and higher. Thinking I am getting out for the most part. I am absolutely shocked at how much profit has been made in last few years. Trump has earned a 2nd term on this alone.
stock market just keeps going higher and higher. Thinking I am getting out for the most part. I am absolutely shocked at how much profit has been made in last few years. Trump has earned a 2nd term on this alone.

The TDS haters like to call him dumb. He is clearly a brilliant businessman and strategist.
The TDS haters like to call him dumb. He is clearly a brilliant businessman and strategist.

true. but it cant continue like this. gotta have some type of adjustment soon.
Nice post deljzc. Overall, you make some valid points. But this line stuck out:

So the things I argue are 'meaningless and annoying' because I disagree with you regarding this President? That's a pretty cheap way to dismiss an opposing political viewpoint. Believe me, those not in the Trump cult look at Trump supporters as the most annoying people on the planet. My posts and viewpoints are 'meaningless and annoying' around here, because I'm in the absolute minority. On a Trump board like this, the Trump presidency is the 'great party,' as you describe. So essentially what you're saying is - as have many others - stop ******* up our 'great party' with your whining and annoying posts. Understood. Perhaps it's time to introduce a Trump-loyalty clause to membership on the board, so you can weed out all the undesireables and keep these threads nice and cozy. Might not be such a bad idea. It seems most of you come to this board to find comfort and tribalism that keeps the Trump cult clicking.

It's not meaningless, but put it in damn perspective for once.

You and the Democrats crying wolf about our "Constitution" and "The Republic" is annoying. What a bunch of ABSOLUTE nonsense. And I really mean that.

These impeachment hearings mean nothing. Doesn't matter if I disagree or agree. The amount of energy spent on it is not NEAR the proportion the "crime" means, if there even is a crime.

Look, Merry Christmas and all, but you know you and your Never-Trumpers and Resisters and Democrats have cried wolf too many times now for it to matter. You KNOW this. You sat here the day after the election and said the world was going to fall apart. Every month you find something else to lecture me on about how Trump is "changing things for the worse".

The world isn't falling apart. So just shut up about the "end" so much.....
I have a daughter where everything is a crisis, then I'll speak to her and ask have you done this, this and this? She usually replies no, and understands that she's overreacting.

I honestly think this is the same mentality as the current Democrat, drama is more important than rational thought. Just my opinion.

Always offended for the other guy, without realizing the other guy is better off today than than they were 10 years ago.

The saying "it's the economy stupid" still holds true today.
stock market just keeps going higher and higher. Thinking I am getting out for the most part. I am absolutely shocked at how much profit has been made in last few years. Trump has earned a 2nd term on this alone.

You can always let a broker you trust handle your investments. I did this with my 401K even when I was still working, transferring it quarterly from my company's plan to mine.
I speak with them every month or two and make adjustments accordingly. They thought there could be a significant down turn in the second half of this year, but opted to stay aggressive until signs became clearer, and it never happened.
Currently they don't see any short term down turns until the 2nd or 3rd quarter.

Not advice, Lord knows I could be wrong, just that I will take a wait and see approach, trust someone that knows what their doing, and acknowledge that it is an election year after all.
In 2008 before the crash, I was on a plane with a guy who predicted it and said he pulled everything out and started betting on sports instead.

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The Official Thread Dedicated to &quot;Trump Winning&quot;

I am not an expert, but I think there will be a pre-election drop in the market just because of jitters that Trump might lose. I would pull out 70% and then put it back in after he wins.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
You can always let a broker you trust handle your investments. I did this with my 401K even when I was still working, transferring it quarterly from my company's plan to mine.
I speak with them every month or two and make adjustments accordingly. They thought there could be a significant down turn in the second half of this year, but opted to stay aggressive until signs became clearer, and it never happened.
Currently they don't see any short term down turns until the 2nd or 3rd quarter.

Not advice, Lord knows I could be wrong, just that I will take a wait and see approach, trust someone that knows what their doing, and acknowledge that it is an election year after all.

I have a guy I trust..
We had meetings last week to come up with end of year plan. I think I have decided to get about 80% out of the market.
We are up 48% on investments since election of 2016. That is insane to me.

If the market keeps going up then I chose wrong but if it corrects itself like alot of people think it will, then I am safe.

It is probably all a gamble