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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

As I have noted a couple of times, I did not vote Trump in 2016. I voted Gary "Aleppo" Johnson as a protest vote.

But the past three years have absolutely infuriated me. Those ******* ******** blocking the LA freeways to "protest," the blatant corruption of the NSA and FBI in spying on a political campaign, the asinine Kavanaugh hearings, etc. have made me 1000% a Trump voter in 2020.

In Arizona.

My wife will join me.

Congrats, lefties, well-done. Two more votes for Trump in a "swing state." Gag on that.

This is me 100%. Man I really had to hold my nose after the Aleppo gaffe, but protests votes are not intended to be fun I guess. And I too am definitely voting for him this time.
As I have noted a couple of times, I did not vote Trump in 2016. I voted Gary "Aleppo" Johnson as a protest vote.

But the past three years have absolutely infuriated me. Those ******* ******** blocking the LA freeways to "protest," the blatant corruption of the NSA and FBI in spying on a political campaign, the asinine Kavanaugh hearings, etc. have made me 1000% a Trump voter in 2020.

I begrudgingly voted for Trump in 2016 as it was more of a vote against Hillary Clinton, but after seeing how effective his agenda has been for America (not his ******* tweets or mean insults) and he's not wanting to trample on our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, it's a no-brainer in 2020 IMO.

You'd think with minority unemployment at record lows and many different wage industries at soaring highs, in addition to the content of this video, it'd be circulated throughout the MSM as a big win for African-Americans?

This video was not even on the front page of a YT search when I input the very specific words Garrett used. What am I missing here?
I begrudgingly voted for Trump in 2016 as it was more of a vote against Hillary Clinton, but after seeing how effective his agenda has been for America (not his ******* tweets or mean insults) and he's not wanting to trample on our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights, it's a no-brainer in 2020 IMO.

Preach it! I ******* hate that about him, but its his bully pulpit so I guess he can use it however he likes. I've always lived by the adage that you'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. However, I cannot deny how effective it has been at exposing the swamp rats in D.C. For that I give him kudos, I just feel like there is a time and a place for that; not everyday.
If he had Reagan's statesmanship and class, his approval % would probably be in the 80s.

And you don't have to act like an obnoxious, boorish prick to convey strength and one who's not to be ****** with. Oh well, it could be worse with HRC (can you imagine?) or one of these Socialist lunatics (I don't even want to attempt to imagine).
Hi, libtard deranged sky-screamers. Guess what? 2020 is a leap year. Donald J. Trump will be your President for an extra day! Ha ha ha! **** off.
Will somebody knock this guy's dentures out please?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BIDEN: “How old are you honey? 11 years old. Talk to me before we leave, ok?” <br><br>What is it with this guy? <a href="https://t.co/t9v54gaRP6">pic.twitter.com/t9v54gaRP6</a></p>— ALX &#55356;&#56826;&#55356;&#56824; (@alx) <a href="https://twitter.com/alx/status/1212570955513552897?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 2, 2020</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
anyone who voted for that ******* Mango Mussolini has something seriously wrong with them.

i'm voting for him again.
LOL....you yinzers are so graphic.


Too bad Trump could not arrange to have Soleimani's hand shipped to Washington, D.C. Every time the Middle East comes looking for American dollars or tries to get America involved in another shitstorm in that part of the world, Trump simply raises the hand with the middle finger extended.
So this is what its like to have a Commander-in-Chief who is a normally motivated American.
I can’t listen to or watch Hannity. We are always seconds from the apocalypse according to him.

He drives me nuts too. He also can't talk about somebody without stringing together 5 different nicknames for them.....every....single......time he says their name. Which might be 10 times per story.
He drives me nuts too. He also can't talk about somebody without stringing together 5 different nicknames for them.....every....single......time he says their name. Which might be 10 times per story.

Yeah, that sounds pretty juvenile coming from a TV host. Hannity is a quack.
I hate how he harps on the same talking points over and over but that being said, he is mostly right with the facts.
He is like the guy at baseball games shooting hotdogs and t-shirts, but he uses red meat.
Yeah, that sounds pretty juvenile coming from a TV host. Hannity is a quack.

Hannity isn't a quack. He has good sources, and has been right about almost everything for three years. He just unecessarily hypes things when he doesn't need to. I can only take him in small doses.
Yeah, that sounds pretty juvenile coming from a TV host. Hannity is a quack.

You may not like his delivery, which I'm not fond of either, but he certainly is no quack.

He's as spot on as Rush. Who knows, maybe that's where he gets his material from. lol

Devlin Hodges was a quack.

The NY Post had a video from surveillance camera of the drone strike. If you saw it, it was an intense fireball that flashed for the duration of the clip.

Riddle me this: Not seeing how an intact, non-charred hand makes it out of that? About as likely as a hijacker's passport emerging intact from 911 rubble and fire hot enough to melt steel from what we were told. We're not seeing pictures as much as we're seeing propaganda images regardless of the righteousness of our cause on the morality continuum.

We know about as much about this ID'd corpse as we do Epstein and whatever they buried at sea after Abbotabad.
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The NY Post had a video from surveillance camera of the drone strike. If you saw it, it was an intense fireball that flashed for the duration of the clip.

Riddle me this: Not seeing how an intact, non-charred hand makes it out of that? About as likely as a hijacker's passport emerging intact from 911 rubble and fire hot enough to melt steel from what we were told. We're not seeing pictures as much as we're seeing propaganda images regardless of the righteousness of our cause on the morality continuum.

We know about as much about this ID'd corpse as we do Epstein and whatever they buried at sea after Abbotabad.

So he's really hiding in a cave somewhere?

Its a ******* explosion, any high energy explosion will create a fireball on camera, then the body parts start raining down, some more intact than others.

Your hysterical twitter friends can put their little tinfoil caps back in the closet for the next time, lol
You may not like his delivery, which I'm not fond of either, but he certainly is no quack.

He's as spot on as Rush. Who knows, maybe that's where he gets his material from. lol

Devlin Hodges was a quack.

My biggest problem with Hannity is he repeats himself over and over and over again. If you watch him once a week you hear the same thing week to week. It is mind numbing.

I told you she would become useful

AOC: 'In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party'

Ocasio-Cortez labeled House Democrats' centrist wing "the tea party of the left."

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez complained in an interview published Monday that Democrats nationwide can cultivate “too big of a tent,” asserting that she and her party’s 2020 frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden, would be in different political parties in any other nation.

Asked for a profile by New York Magazine about what role she might play as a member of Congress should Biden capture the White House, the freshman House Democrat from New York responded with a groan.

“Oh God,” she said. “In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party, but in America, we are.”

The remarks from Ocasio-Cortez represent a fresh repudiation of Biden




She's a Bernie bot

Go Bernie Go!

Run as third party if they try to ratfuck you again!
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