It never gets old...
I could make them feel better. All hits.
It never gets old...
I could make them feel better. All hits.
Democratic idiocy is going to create landslide elections. Turnout is going to be enormous.
Fair enough SojournerSteel. So we can take that as a ringing endorsement from you of the Trump = OJ analogy. Maybe Trump too will somehow avoid justice, game the system and get off scott free. Duly noted.
Didja know?
ST's graphic reminded me of this. Funny how the illegal herds squat almost exactly where the dimwits win elections isn't it? Kinda feel like we're running out of time to clean up the voter roles by November, and Lord knows the dims will use anything and anyone to regain power.
CNN Analyst Defends 'Making Up' Story About GOP Senators Talking Impeachment
It’s hard to keep track of all the fake news, these days. It seems covering for Democrats lying isn’t good enough for CNN anymore; now, their analysts are helping the Democrats’ impeachment effort by fabricating stories themselves. Case in point? Wednesday, CNN analyst Joe Lockhart tweeted an appalling conversation he overheard between two Republican Senators during that day’s impeachment trial, only to admit later that he had made the whole thing up.
Wednesday morning, Lockhart, who was also former President Bill Clinton’s White House Press Secretary and should know better, tweeted out this disparaging conversation he supposedly heard between two GOP Senators:
Overheard convo between two Republican Senators who only watch Fox News. "is this stuff real? I haven't heard any of this before. I thought it was all about a server. If half the stuff Schiff is saying is true, we're up ****'s creek. Hope the White House has exculpatory evidence
That tweet racked up over 8,000 retweets and 34,000 likes, as of Thursday morning. Journalists like Jennifer Rubin from the Washington Post retweeted it as if it were real. Of course, it was fake news. Lockhart waited about 10 minutes before admitting he made it up. Can you guess how much attention the “correction” tweet received? Just a fraction of the same engagement.
It remains to be seen whether Lockhart will be censured by the upstanding network that employs him, but don’t hold your breath. Lockhart was on CNN’s New Day Thursday morning after his tweets blew up, and was not asked about them once. So much for #FactsFirst.
All this coming from the same network who prides itself in it’s fact-checking of the President and gets triggered by Christian satire sites like The Babylon Bee.
Lockhart himself didn’t seem too apologetic. Hours later, he patted himself on the back for “poking the bear” and attacked critics who called him out for his fake news:
Yep and then the corrupt media have the bully pulpit to pile on any pure BS, lies and vitriol they want without repercussions. Like this CNN clown....
That tweet racked up over 8,000 retweets and 34,000 likes, as of Thursday morning. Journalists like Jennifer Rubin from the Washington Post retweeted it as if it were real.
You meant THAT Jennifer Rubin? Nooooo waaayy!!!
Where's my shocked face??
Here's hers
Wtf Allegheny County.
This whole thing has largely been an American liberal Jewish plot against POTUS with the entire Production from start to finish.
What the Apostle Peter or Paul would call a "cunningly devised fable" or "Jewish fable."
The production team and cast: Zucker, Schiff, Nadler, Vindman, Weissman, Sondland, Feldman, Gerhardt, Karlan, Goldman, Rubin, Schumer, etc.
But they can't get their witnesses to agree or story straight, so this has been largely reduced to Schiff spinning yarns about what Putin is saying to himself and what Trump actually said and thought in the face of the released transcript.
They think we are really stupid.
I don't get the whole U.S. liberal Democrat Jew thing.
I don't really get it either. A classical liberal Jew is about to defend Trump's constitutional rights as the Chief Executive Officer of this great country.
Go Bernie!
Bernie Or Bust 2020 Pledge
We the People resolve to use our resources, including a PAC, persuasion, and the power of a true Progressive movement, to ensure that no Neo-liberal (obvious or otherwise) nominee of the Democratic Party can win in the general election
TO: DNC, media/political elites, mainline Democrats, and other cronies of big money interests: you have been warned. Learn from history.
Socialists talking about learning from history. That’s rich.Go Bernie!
Bernie Or Bust 2020 Pledge
We the People resolve to use our resources, including a PAC, persuasion, and the power of a true Progressive movement, to ensure that no Neo-liberal (obvious or otherwise) nominee of the Democratic Party can win in the general election
TO: DNC, media/political elites, mainline Democrats, and other cronies of big money interests: you have been warned. Learn from history.