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Trump Signs ‘Never Again’ Holocaust Education Act Into Law
I don't know what public education is like elsewhere, but my kids were pummeled with the Holocaust from middle school through high school. It's already ridiculous. In general there was a weird focus on all kinds of terrible things in their history and literature curriculums and not really any positive stuff that I can recall. For example, both kids had a big block of time spent on the yellow fever epidemic and had to read a book on it. I went and met with the middle school principal back then to complain about all the negative stuff they were reading and asked whey they weren't reading literally anything that was uplifting. We were having something of a high school suicide epidemic in our area, so I thought they might consider my complaints seriously. Nah.
Never again? Do we really need special education materials to make sure we don't have another holocaust here?
I realize that if Trump didn't sign it, it would confirm that he is Hitler reincarnated, so I it's probably not a battle to pick.