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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

So either they are lying or they got trolled.

Maybe it's both. Maybe they got trolled, and they are lying because it is embarrassing as hell.

Or maybe people heard it was 800,000 and said "**** that" to avoid the crowds. I hate crowds. Crowds are full of people, and people mostly suck.

Or, perhaps people are just tired of the noise. That wouldn't surprise me either.
Well... If you have their phone numbers...
Charge them a cancellation fee. ;-)
Commies using a commie app to do commie ****.

And lots of Americans too ******* stupid to realize that.
Here is the effervescent loveliness bleating and mooing about her efforts to sabotage a political rally in America:


Fat, disgusting, ugly lying commie who should be hanged for treason. The other is that Mary Jo Laupp clown.
I doubt a man with balls would have bone-spurred his way out of military service.
I doubt a man with balls would have bone-spurred his way out of military service.

Here are some of the best opening lines from famous authors(The kind that write books) . Maybe read them over to help you with your writer's block.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. —Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (1859)

You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. —Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885)

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. —J. D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye (1951)

This is the saddest story I have ever heard. —Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier (1915)

Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. —James Joyce, Ulysses (1922)

He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. —Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea (1952)

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. —F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)
How about running to Oxford? Is that a man with balls?

That's why I liked Bill Clinton. I knew that later on when we had a Republican President there was nothing the Dems could say about him that I couldn't say was worse with Clinton.
His main mistake was only getting blowjobs from Monica Lewinsky. She was a hot number back then, I'd have been sleeping with her on the downlow if I was Bill.

June 26, 2020
The DNC panic is palpable
By Anna L. Stark
Circumventing the rigors of election campaigning and hiding Joe Biden from the American public, the DNC just announced there won't be a large Democrat conclave in August, blaming the COVID-19 pandemic. Going forward, Mr. Biden will continue a tightly controlled, wholly scripted campaign from the basement of his Delaware home, concluding with a "virtual" nomination. Upon affirmation, he will then travel to Milwaukee to deliver his acceptance speech to an empty arena. In fact, Tom Perez, DNC chairman, informed the delegates they aren't welcome in Wisconsin. And while the DNC isn't planning to completely scrap the entirety of their convention programming, his fear is palpable and most likely attributed to the likelihood of convention rioting, Mr. Biden's declining mental acuity, and the untimely rise of the angry Marxist mob.

Undoubtedly, Tom Perez wants to avoid an encore performance of the disastrous 1968 Democrat Convention, at which fierce rioting just outside the convention hall in Chicago overshadowed the nomination of Hubert Humphrey and permeated the nightly news broadcasts. Democrats had already suffered two major political setbacks prior to the start of their 1968 convention: incumbent President Lyndon Johnson's declining to run again for office in March and the assassination of party favorite Robert Kennedy in June. By August, there was no clear frontrunner for the top of the Democrat ticket, and the virulent Vietnam antiwar protest sentiments spilled out onto the convention floor. Given the current unrest in America, punctuated by nightly rioting in America's major cities, monument defacement, statue-toppling, and extreme far-left violence, the timing is ripe for all-out warfare on the streets of Milwaukee. Understandably, the Democrats want to prevent bad optics while camouflaging the awkward handicap of presumptive nominee Joe Biden.

The DNC and the liberal fake news media have tried their best to provide cover for Mr. Biden. Sadly, their herculean efforts have been in vain, insomuch as every videoed speaking engagement, whether live from the Biden basement or a previously taped segment, exposes more proof of the ugly truth: Joe Biden is suffering from obvious, unmistakable mental decline. He frequently stammers and stutters, his speech patterns are hard to follow, he appears confused on camera, he's unable to answer simple questions coherently, and he often wanders off into the word salad weed patch. In a candid moment, former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe remarked during a Democrat operative teleconference that Joe Biden ought to remain in his basement until November. McAuliffe also said the Democrats would prefer it that way — not exactly a vote of confidence, nor a ringing endorsement of their candidate.

McAuliffe's off-the-cuff assessment of Biden's declining mental acuity is also shared by a majority of a thousand likely voters in a recent poll taken by Zogby Analytics. Asked if they thought Mr. Biden was suffering the early stages of dementia, 55% of respondents said "yes." Extrapolating the numbers, 77% of the people who identified as Republicans absolutely agreed that Biden has early-onset dementia, while 56% of independents also think so. Surprisingly, one third of the Democrats polled recognize the symptoms of dementia in their presumptive candidate; however, they will vote for Biden regardless.

If those numbers don't cause concern for Biden's campaign team, the Democrat number-crunchers ought to be paying attention to the 60% of those polled between the ages of 18 and 29, who also think Biden is suffering diminished mental acuity. More troubling is the belief that there will be an overwhelming turnout for Democrats of BLM and Antifa voters. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The targeted violence, trashing of liberal enclaves in Democrat-run cities, and nightly riots since May signals one thing: anarchy and the growing anger of Marxist malcontents in America, who have stated emphatically that an overthrow of the U.S. government is necessary for change. Translated, the Marxist mob is willing to wage a violent revolution in order to oust the two-party American system of government. Not mincing words, BLM president and co-founder Hawk Newsome made it very clear, telling Fox News host Martha MacCallum, "If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down the system and replace it," which doesn't sound like a guaranteed vote for Joe Biden, nor does it signal that BLM and Antifa are on board with the Democrats. It's no wonder that Tom Perez is afraid.
I doubt a man with balls would have bone-spurred his way out of military service.

I'm old so I was around for things. Pretty much anyone who could get out of going to Vietnam did so. We had no national interest there and it was a war started by Democrats.
My brother-in-law is a Vietnam combat veteran with the Marines, one of the people stomping through rice paddies shooting at people and getting shot at.
My uncle got some strings pulled by my grandmother who had some connections and got an Army Reserve gig and didn't have to go to Vietnam.
My brother-in-law does not blame my uncle at all and say that anybody who could legally get out of going, well, more power to them, Vietnam sucked.
My brother-in-law also has the distinction of actually being at Woodstock not long after he got back from Vietnam. He became a hippie and lived in a van down by the...beach...for a while. He's an interesting and colorful dude.
My 1st cousin was in Vietnam. He won a couple purple hearts and won the Navy Cross. They had a parade for him in town when he came back. He was a 6'4 235 lbs. Marine and was tough as nails. It messed with his mind and now he lives on an Island off the coast of Texas near Galveston. One of the toughest men I've ever seen. I wasn't born until 1970 so I don't remember much of the war. But I know people that were there and I always hated that war. My father was in the Marines but got out in 59'. Kennedy started the entire thing by sending "advisers" in. It was a stupid war concocted by Dems for no purpose. I remember listening to McNamara (who was a moron BTW) blubber on about how the war was progressing. I remember my father calling him a fool. Horrible war.
Almost as bad as the Vietnam War was how America treated the veterans when they returned. Homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse, etc. were rampant.

They say Kennedy had us down to 500 troops there before his assassination and then good ole lbs ramped it up.
Almost as bad as the Vietnam War was how America treated the veterans when they returned. Homelessness, unemployment, substance abuse, etc. were rampant.

They say Kennedy had us down to 500 troops there before his assassination and then good ole lbs ramped it up.

There were over 16000 troops there when Kennedy was assassinated. He never pulled the number down.
Hey Dims...play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

FBI: Record-shattering surge in gun checks as BLM, 2020 election, virus boost sales

The FBI recorded its highest-ever number of background checks for gun sales in June, a 70% jump over June 2019 and the latest evidence that more guns will be sold in 2020 than ever in American history.

The agency’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System said it conducted 3,931,607 checks in June, beating the record of 3,740,688 registered in March. So far this year, there have been 19,180,047 NICS checks, more than in all of the first 14 years of the system started in 1998.

While the number does not exactly correlate with gun sales, it is used to estimate the number of weapons that trade hands.


Gun stores told Secrets that there is a backlog on weapons, ammunition, and even parts.

The trade group Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting told Secrets that gun sales actually skyrocketed 145%, based on their data. They estimated sales at 2.4 million, though that doesn't include person-to-person sales which in many states do not require background checks.

Sales began to surge this year because of the upcoming 2020 presidential election and the possibility that gun control advocate Joe Biden would win. It sparked again when Virginia surprisingly put limits on guns in a model other states started to eye.

Sales really jumped when the coronavirus hit and apparently exploded after the looting and riots following George Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody.

Surprisingly, the jump came during a month when some states had closed gun stores due to the coronavirus.

As before, we asked Justin Anderson, the marketing director for Hyatt Guns of Charlotte, North Carolina, one of the biggest sellers in the nation, for what he's seeing in his store.

He told us this morning: “I’ve been in this business going on 14 years, and I have never seen this much demand. There are shortages of nearly every single defensive firearm currently manufactured. Shotguns, handguns, tactical rifles, and especially ammunition are in short supply everywhere. Our buyer is working seven days a week trying to keep our store stocked. Large shipments are arriving in the morning and are selling out the same day. Our concealed carry classes are filling up so fast that we are adding dates to try to keep up with demand.”
I'm old so I was around for things. Pretty much anyone who could get out of going to Vietnam did so. We had no national interest there and it was a war started by Democrats.
My brother-in-law is a Vietnam combat veteran with the Marines, one of the people stomping through rice paddies shooting at people and getting shot at.
My uncle got some strings pulled by my grandmother who had some connections and got an Army Reserve gig and didn't have to go to Vietnam.
My brother-in-law does not blame my uncle at all and say that anybody who could legally get out of going, well, more power to them, Vietnam sucked.
My brother-in-law also has the distinction of actually being at Woodstock not long after he got back from Vietnam. He became a hippie and lived in a van down by the...beach...for a while. He's an interesting and colorful dude.

Didn't go the van route when I came home, opting to take the advantage and go to school. I will attest though that it was the biggest shithole I've ever been to, and given the choice to avoid it, I would have.
My best friend from HS was allergic to wool and got a deferment, he's still my best friend.