speaking of grifters and strippers, has Hunter made a child support payment yet?
speaking of grifters and strippers, has Hunter made a child support payment yet?
Has Adam Schiff released the evidence of the Trump-Russia conspiracy he supposedly had? Asking for a friend.
An exhaustive investigation led by members of President Trump’s own political party portrays his 2016 campaign as posing counterintelligence risks through its myriad contacts with Russia, eager to exploit assistance from the Kremlin and seemingly determined to conceal the full extent of its conduct from a multiyear Senate probe.
The long-awaited report from the Senate Intelligence Committee contains dozens of new findings that appear to show more direct links between Trump associates and Russian intelligence, and it pierces the president’s long-standing attempts to dismiss the Kremlin’s intervention on his behalf as a hoax.
IT’S WORTH wondering what the impact might have been had the Senate Intelligence Committee’s final report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election appeared six months ago, before the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the twisted account of it provided by Attorney General William P. Barr. On their own terms, the Senate’s findings, released Tuesday after a bipartisan investigation, are explosive: that then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort “formed a close and lasting relationship” with “a Russian intelligence officer,” with whom he shared inside information from the president’s campaign and collaborated to concoct a false narrative that Ukraine, and not Russia, was behind the election interference.
Further, the Senate report states that the Trump campaign “sought to maximize” the impact of leaks of Democratic documents by WikiLeaks, knowing the original source was the Russian military intelligence agency, GRU. The campaign’s intermediary was Roger Stone, whose prison sentence for lying about his involvement and tampering with witnesses was commuted last month by Mr. Trump; the president, the committee “assesses,” lied when he said he never talked to Mr. Stone about WikiLeaks.
Then there is what the Senate investigators glimpsed but could not nail down. The report cites “fragmentary” evidence that Mr. Manafort’s Russian associate Konstantin Kilimnik “may have been connected to the GRU’s hack and leak operation,” and two pieces of information linking the campaign chairman himself. The full truth is unknown in part because Mr. Manafort chose to incur an extended prison sentence rather than tell prosecutors the truth about his relationship with the Russian spy.
Your friend should have told you to read the bipartisan, GOP-led Senate report on Russia that came out last week. Your friend would have told you how damning it is.
Senate report details security risk posed by 2016 Trump campaign’s Russia contacts
The Senate’s findings on Russian interference are explosive. They shouldn’t be ignored.
On Friday the Washington Post sparked a wave of fear when it ran the breathless headline “Russian hackers penetrated U.S. electricity grid through a utility in Vermont, U.S. officials say.” The lead sentence offered “A code associated with the Russian hacking operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by the Obama administration has been detected within the system of a Vermont utility, according to U.S. officials” and continued “While the Russians did not actively use the code to disrupt operations of the utility, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss a security matter, the penetration of the nation’s electrical grid is significant because it represents a potentially serious vulnerability.”
Yet, it turns out this narrative was false and as the chronology below will show, illustrates how effectively false and misleading news can ricochet through the global news echo chamber through the pages of top tier newspapers that fail to properly verify their facts.
Your friend should have told you to read the bipartisan, GOP-led Senate report on Russia that came out last week. Your friend would have told you how damning it is.
Senate report details security risk posed by 2016 Trump campaign’s Russia contacts
The Senate’s findings on Russian interference are explosive. They shouldn’t be ignored.
LOL, winning!
Stupid question. You don’t have to register to vote in Nov if you already have in the past and haven’t moved right?
Correct although some counties will remove you from the voter rolls if you haven't voted in X number of years, especially if you're registered Republican.
I've heard horror stories. I just did a driver's license renew in California (online) and I re-registered to vote (I just selected American Independent, I'm not really worried about primaries) but within 3 days I got four ******* emails from the DNC.
I never give my email out to anyone or any service, but I had to register my email when I registered to vote and even though I didn't select "Democratic Socialists Commie Scum", by God I sure got a lot of spam emails from them all of a sudden. So the California DMV is selling your personal information to political parties, lovely.
Not that I'm surprised, they've been doing it for years apparently. Funny though how they don't take money from the RNC (or it's not being sold to them).
That is rich. The Wapo spinning something the opposite of what it is. That never happens. How about the part where they damn the whole basis for the investigation?
Correct although some counties will remove you from the voter rolls if you haven't voted in X number of years, especially if you're registered Republican.
Cool. Yes I voted for each pres election. That’s all. All I recall is going to my polling place and they take my ID and I’m good.
If they asked for your ID then they are obviously racist.
Admittedly, I'm biased, but the speakers at the RNC tonight are crushing it...........and none so far have been Trump's family.
I'm sure no one is watching other than the choir, but I'm sure the usual suspects will be along after CNN tells them what to think.
Admittedly, I'm biased, but the speakers at the RNC tonight are crushing it...........and none so far have been Trump's family.
Welcome to Trump's America, 2020! MAGA!
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is absolutely devastating for Republicans. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/TrumpsZombieArmy?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TrumpsZombieArmy</a> <a href="https://t.co/4870B55Yja">pic.twitter.com/4870B55Yja</a></p>— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) <a href="https://twitter.com/AdamParkhomenko/status/1298081720282079232?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 25, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
Admittedly, I'm biased, but the speakers at the RNC tonight are crushing it...........and none so far have been Trump's family.
I'm sure no one is watching other than the choir, but I'm sure the usual suspects will be along after CNN tells them what to think.