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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"


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Apr 8, 2014
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No joke, this is actually a thing. Indy, you can fill out the form here >

Thank you for your interest in inviting Donald J. Trump or Melania Trump to participate in your event. In an effort to ensure that your invitation is received in a timely manner, it is strongly recommended that you submit your request using the form below. Due to the volume of invitations President and Mrs. Trump receive, we will not provide status updates. Thank you for your understanding.

Grifters gonna grift!


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Tibs, that’s intellectually dishonest. You call him a grifter, so what does that make all the other presidents that get paid for appearances, speeches, etc?


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Tibs, that’s intellectually dishonest. You call him a grifter, so what does that make all the other presidents that get paid for appearances, speeches, etc?

Once Trump arrived in Washington, however, he upended tradition. On the day of his inauguration, Trump filed paperwork for his reelection, allowing himself to continue raising money from supporters while he served. As other people filled his campaign coffers, Trump sat back and watched, never donating to the reelection effort. Instead, he did the opposite, taking money out of his campaign by charging for things like rent, food, lodging and legal expenses. In doing so, the president managed to shift $2.7 million from his supporters to his businesses between his first day in office in 2017 and Election Day in 2020, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission filings.

This is also a fun site to peruse, maybe on a rainy day, if you're so inclined.

No modern president has jumped so directly from the world of business to the presidency as Donald Trump. And in so doing, Trump has refused to do as his predecessors have done: sever ties to the companies or financial interests that may pose, or present the appearance of, a conflict of interest. By keeping his assets in a family-managed trust, which he can revoke at any time, Trump and his family are in the unique position to profit directly from his public service. Special interests in Washington have caught on. Those seeking to curry favor with Trump are not only donating to his reelection campaign but holding fundraisers and galas at his resorts, private clubs and hotels – the proceeds of which benefit him and his family.

To track this new influence-buying and presidential profiteering, the Center for Responsive Politics has created this page to track payments to Trump properties from Trump-related entities and beyond.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2014
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Now Tibs is concerned about politicians and campaign money. Dems have mastered every loophole in that scam



You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
This is also a fun site to peruse, maybe on a rainy day, if you're so inclined.


‘Dark money’ topped $1 billion in 2020, largely boosting Democrats​

Dark Money
(ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images)
March 15-21 is
Sunshine Week, a national initiative celebrating open government and access to public records. Undisclosed spending by political actors undermines transparency and voters’ ability to make informed decisions.
The 2020 election saw more than $1 billion in “dark money” spending at the federal level, a massive sum driven by an explosion of secret donations boosting Democrats in a historically expensive cycle.
That’s according to an estimate from OpenSecrets. The billion-dollar sum includes a whopping $660 million in donations from opaque political nonprofits and shell companies to outside groups. In 2020, dark money groups preferred to bankroll closely-tied super PACs rather than spend the money themselves — politically active nonprofits that do not disclose their donors reported roughly $88 million in direct election spending to the Federal Election Commission. The remainder of the total is made up of spending on “issue ads” targeting candidates online and on the airwaves.


Democrats have consistently called for closing loopholes in campaign finance law that allow secret donors to bankroll pricey political ads. But that hasn’t stopped them from using secret funds to win elections. Of donations and spending reported to the FEC, liberal groups directed more than $514 million in dark money into the 2020 election, overshadowing around $200 million that boosted Republicans.

Liberal dark money groups overshadow conservatives​

Anonymous donors poured record amounts of money into groups backing President Joe Biden in the 2020 contest, leaving the public without a full accounting of who helped him win the White House.

Biden’s presidential bid attracted around $174 million in support from anonymous donors, more than six times the $25.2 million in dark money contributions and spending boosting President Donald Trump’s unsuccessful re-election effort.

Future Forward USA, a new hybrid PAC, poured around $100 million into ads backing Biden in the presidential race and took nearly $61 million from its affiliated 501(c)(4) nonprofit in the final months of the election.

Each of the top pro-Biden super PACs, including Future Forward USA, American Bridge 21st Century, Priorities USA Action and Unite the Country, received multi-million dollar contributions from the Sixteen Thirty Fund. The expansive secret donor network poured more than $57 million into liberal political committees at the federal level during the 2020 election cycle. Anti-Trump 501(c)(4) nonprofit Defending Democracy Together also chipped in, spending more than $15 million opposing Trump or boosting Biden.

After years of dark money overwhelmingly boosting Republicans, this marks the first presidential election cycle where dark money benefited Democrats. That’s a continuation from the 2018 midterm elections when Democrats benefited from more dark money than their Republican counterparts at the federal level for the first time since Citizens United.


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
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Picksburgh, PA
There has been no sitting President more compromised by a foreign adversary than Biden and China. His son, his brother, the whole Biden crime family on the take for years. I wouldn't doubt that Potato Brain has sold US secrets, and continues to do so.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
He's not a very good Democrat then. All good Democrats know that Orange Man was wrong about everything and the only sensible alternatives are to always do exactly the opposite.
LOL....yep and the unions Jonboy , don't forget the unions and their unending support for Democrats.


Their problem is what my grandpa used to call "goofy thinkin'" Sooner or later the smarter Dims will begin to start figgerin' it out.



Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
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Interlachen, Florida
I seen this here meme this mornin'.....love me some Mike Rowe


I think the word is out that the more we pay attention the louder the Dims get.


At least here in the good ole Sunshine State, we be way ahead of a lot of them covid nazis.



They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
Since Tibsy is so worried about politicians lying and abusing the system to get rich ...Ilhan Omar has paid her husband's firm $2.8million since 2019

Ilhan Omar paid her husband's political consultancy firm $2.8million during the 2019-2020 election cycle, campaign finance records show.

The Democrat congresswoman handed husband Tim Mynett's e-Street Group $1.6million between 2019 and July 22 this year, another $1.1million between July 22 and the end of September and paid an additional $27,000 since then.

The majority of the money has been spent on digital advertising, FEC records show, but charges also include consultancy fees and more than $2,700 in travel expenses.

Ilhan Omar holding a sign: Rep. Ilhan Omar has spent more than $2.8million with her husband's political consultancy firm since the start of 2019, the latest financial records show

Rep. Ilhan Omar has spent more than $2.8million with her husband's political consultancy firm since the start of 2019, the latest financial records show

The two largest payments in recent months were $404,338.75 paid on July 7 for digital advertising, and another $289,759.58 on July 24 for cable advertising.

Between the start of July and mid-October - the latest date that records are available - Omar has paid eStreet Group a total of $86,500 for 'digital consulting' and 'fundraising consulting'.

Other expenses include video production and editing and website production.

Mynett began working for Omar during the 2018 election - which she won by a landslide, running in a safe seat. The two began an affair during this time.

Huh ... looked over posts on this forum, can't seem to find a single one pointing out that the low-life Somali sleeze is busy making herself rich through politics. They have to be here somewhere, damn it.

Ron Burgundy

Well-known member
Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
Wait a minute.......a few months back, wasn't building the wall the most racist thing the world has ever seen?
The Dems got some polling results.


What do I put here? **** it.
Apr 8, 2014
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Wait a minute.......a few months back, wasn't building the wall the most racist thing the world has ever seen?
If I recall his run and pitch “not one more foot will be built”. Something like that. I’m sure I’m wrong but it’s close.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN
This guy gets it.

Nevada Mayor John Lee: Why I'm leaving the Democratic Party​

Democrats embrace a socialist, extremist agenda that is not the party of JFK, or of my parents​

John Lee

By John Lee | Fox News

North Las Vegas mayor leaves 'elitist' and 'socialist' Dems to join GOP

Nevada Mayor John Lee explains why he's leaving the Democratic Party for the 'party of the working class.'
Like every Nevadan, I grew up in awe of the American experiment. As children, we looked up to the flag and were proud of what it symbolized and what it stood for – freedom, opportunity and promise. Back then, we knew both parties – despite their political differences – shared the same values.
Like so many other Nevadans, I registered with the Democratic Party because Democrats seemed to be the party of the working class. As a dishwasher who joined the Culinary Union, that’s what was – and still is – important to me.
But like President Ronald Reagan and President Donald Trump, I’ve seen firsthand how the Democrat Party has changed – radically, and not for the better. They’ve embraced a socialist, extremist agenda that is not the party of JFK, or of my parents. Their ideas hurt working-class families, restrict freedom and extinguish opportunity for millions of Americans – particularly working-class minorities who deserve the chance to give their families a better life.

As the Democratic mayor of North Las Vegas, I have the great privilege of leading our city, both in times of prosperity and through incredibly trying times, much like we’ve seen this past year. We Nevadans, and we Americans, are resilient. We live in the greatest country in the world, made possible thanks to the values we hold dear. Today, these values are under attack.

Here in Nevada, we’ve seen the full takeover of the Democratic Party by admitted socialists. Their goal is clear – ending the America we know and love, and replacing it with a culture of socialist conformity that erases freedom, opportunity and liberty from the American canvas.
I will not let the America I love be hijacked by an extremist left-wing mob that blacklists, bans, shouts down and cancels anyone who disagrees with them.
That is why I am switching to register as a member of the Republican Party. Though I’ve been a registered Democrat on paper, I made the switch in my heart a long time ago, because on some things, there’s simply no compromise.
That’s why I voted for President Trump twice. That’s why I had an A-plus rating from the NRA and their endorsement in my time in the state Senate. I refused to compromise my pro-life, pro-Second amendment values.
There used to be a place in the Democratic Party for conservative voices like mine. Today, that’s no longer the case.
There used to be a place in the Democratic Party for conservative voices like mine. Today, that’s no longer the case. Their party demands a senseless devotion to cancel culture, socialism and anti-American values I simply do not share.

I’m not the only former Democrat who feels abandoned by the modern Democrat Party. I know there are countless others who want to make the switch, because it means the difference between hope and despair for their children and grandchildren. And I want them to join me in making that switch.

The Republican Party that has emerged from President Trump’s leadership is a working-class party of opportunity, freedom and hope. I don’t just want that for my family – I want that for every Nevadan and American.
The Great Seal of America says: "Out of many, one." Our national motto is: "In God we trust." It’s time to bring people together to get things done. It’s time to stop shouting and start solving problems. It’s time to defend the America we love so our sons and daughters can share in the blessings we’ve enjoyed.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN

'Odds are increasing' for Trump to become U.S. House speaker​

'Conservative voter turnout would be through the roof nationwide'​

Bob Unruh
By Bob Unruh
Published April 7, 2021 at 5:20pm
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President Donald J. Trump departs the White House and prepares to board Marine One Friday, Feb. 7, 2020, en route to Joint Base Andrews and ultimately heading to Charlotte, N.C. (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)
Nearly every U.S. president has held political office before their Oval Office tenure.
Many have been members of the Senate, and more than a dozen were governors. A few have held posts such as secretary of the Navy and CIA director. And one even was on the Supreme Court after his presidency.

But now there's a suggestion that Trump, who never held office before the presidency, in two years could be the next House speaker.
"Odds are increasing that Donald Trump could be the next speaker of the House," wrote Peter Heck at DISRN.com.
TRENDING: Mask-wearing represents fear and blind obedience, not science
He said Trump could have a "major role in the upcoming 2022 congressional elections, with a potential payoff that would greatly impact the future of President Biden's term in office."
He pointed out that a GOP majority in the House following 2022 could elect Trump.

"House rules allow for the majority to select someone from the outside to serve in the position," Heck said.
Paul Bedard reported Monday in his "Washington Secrets" column the "buzz" was "Trump for speaker."
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"And what about former President Donald Trump? Aides said that he is focused on electing friendly Republicans in the 2022 election. And if it helps the GOP regain the majority, there is growing support for installing Trump as House speaker, allowed under House rules," the report said.
He said the latest to join the campaign is Ed Martin, president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.
Martin told "Secrets": "I’m serious. We need the Trump voters. With the possibility of having Donald Trump as speaker, conservative voter turnout would be through the roof nationwide."

One of the first to join the discussion was former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.
He suggested in February that Trump could return to the White House in 2024 by way of a two-year stint as speaker.
"Trump is a disrupter, but he has a long-term vision because I absolutely believe in the marrow of my bones that he will be our nominee in 2024," Bannon told a group of Boston Republicans at a Lincoln Day Breakfast.
"He'll come back to us. We’ll have a sweeping victory in 2022, and he'll lead us in 2024," he said, according to the Boston Herald.

Bannon said Trump could run for Congress in 2022 and then seek the speaker post, as Republicans are expected to regain the majority.
"We totally get rid of Nancy Pelosi, and the first act of President Trump as speaker will be to impeach Joe Biden for his illegitimate activities of stealing the presidency," Bannon told the West Roxbury Ward 20 Republican Committee.
Bannon, through his popular video podcast "War Room," has contended that evidence of election fraud collected through hearings in six swing states and other investigations shows Trump won. He argues that courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, did not address the evidence, instead dismissing the cases on procedural grounds such as standing and timing.
The idea of Trump as speaker originated with WND CEO Joseph Farah.

It was only four days after Joe Biden's inauguration that he suggested: "In 2022, the American people are expecting Republicans to take the Congress back. It's ever so close right now. Biden is not just making me sick, I'm sure he's having the same effect on multitudes.
"What's next? Once we have the House and Senate, we can impeach Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors – not phony ones like they had to manufacture against President Trump, but real, weighty crimes.
"That would leave House Speaker Kevin McCarthy as president of the United States – only temporarily. As president, he could appoint anyone in the interim he chose as vice president. He would select Donald J. Trump in early 2023. Then McCarthy would resign, leaving Trump as president. After all, who would have more experience and wisdom?"
He warned, "America has much more than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to worry about. China is a real threat. And so is Big Tech." And he said, "Nobody but Trump is up to the challenge."


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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Obviously I would love such a scenario, but again, how do you get past dem election fraud? Cause THAT's going to be the critical factor from here to eternity.

A good start would be for every election observer to actually hold strong to their rights. They can be within 6 feet of any election worker. dems try to get around this by placing tables such that they are within 6 feet of two walls. Fine. Have the observer sit right ******* next to the worker and when the dem election chairs ***** about it tell them "Go **** Yourself."

Of course, that's just a start...


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN
Obviously I would love such a scenario, but again, how do you get past dem election fraud?
The handful of states with election fraud need to follow Georgia's lead in requiring I.D. to vote and outlaw fake ballots. If the dims can't cheat anymore then they are toast.

Ron Burgundy

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Apr 7, 2014
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Rochester, PA
The Republicans in Congress don't have the stones to elect Trump as Speaker when he's not in office. Now, the Distinguished Representative From Palm Beach might have a chance. Be comedy gold to see him tear President Harris' state of the union speech in half.



You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL
The handful of states with election fraud need to follow Georgia's lead in requiring I.D. to vote and outlaw fake ballots. If the dims can't cheat anymore then they are toast.
bUt pRoViNg YoU aRe WhO yOu SaY yOu ArE iS rAySiSs


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Carmel, IN

Pence Announces Major New Trump-Backed Operation​

April 8, 2021
Former VP Mike Pence is set to return to battle for The future of America, according to The Western Journal.
Advancing American Freedom, an advocacy group that seeks to build upon the achievements of the Trump administration and rally conservatives.

“Advancing American Freedom plans to build on the success of the last four years by promoting traditional Conservative values and promoting the successful policies of the Trump Administration,” Pence said.
“Conservatives will not stand idly by as the radical Left and the new administration attempt to threaten America’s standing as the greatest Nation in the world with their destructive policies.”
The group’s mission is to unite supporters of former President Donald Trump and traditional conservatives to prepare for the 2022 mid-term elections and beyond.
“Under the leadership of President Trump and Vice President Pence, Americans experienced unprecedented prosperity. The policies that led to those accomplishments are now under attack by the radical Left and the Biden Administration, and the foundation of our Nation is under siege,” AAF Executive Director Paul Teller said.

“Advancing American Freedom will push back against the Left’s agenda and champion policies across the country that advance American liberties, American strength and security, and American prosperity.”
The group’s leadership board includes figures from the Trump administration and high-profile conservatives.
Including, former senior counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and U.S. ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingrich, former director of the U.S. National Economic Council Larry Kudlow and attorney Ed Meese, an adviser to former President Ronald Reagan.

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The website highlights support for religious liberty, school choice and opposition to abortion.
“Since the earliest days of our nation, America has stood for religious freedom. Our first settlers left their homes and all they knew for the chance to, as they said, ‘Begin the world [all] over again.’ They carved protections for religious liberty into the founding charters of our nation and our very earliest laws,” Pence said.
“And after our independence was won, the crafters of America’s Constitution enshrined religious liberty as the first of our American freedoms.
“Our Declaration of Independence proclaims that our precious liberties are not the gift of government, but rather they’re the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator.”

“Americans believe that people should live by the dictates of their conscience, not the diktats of government.”
Trump has stated that he supports Pence’s effort.
“It was the most successful first term in American history,” the former president said in a statement. “Nice to see Mike highlighting some of our many achievements!”
“There’s no doubt when the vice president joined the ticket in 2016, there was a whole new voter that Donald Trump brought in with his focus on China and trade, and he won over a lot of blue-collar votes in the Midwest,” a Pence aide said.
“This organization will focus on those winning policies that were at the center of that fusion between traditional conservativism and Trumpism.”

“Now, we are in a period where the Biden administration in two and half months have really just abandoned the policies that led to so much prosperity in the past four years, and it’s time for him to reemerge and be the voice to take on those policies,” the aide said.
More from The Western Journal:
The Examiner framed the creation of the group and an upcoming South Carolina speech as Pence’s return to politics and a way to unite those on the outs with Democratic President Joe Biden in the White House.
Another aide said the effort is less about a possible 2024 campaign than it is about pushing back against the Biden administration.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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The handful of states with election fraud need to follow Georgia's lead in requiring I.D. to vote and outlaw fake ballots. If the dims can't cheat anymore then they are toast.
But remember, there were 3 tiers of fraud in the last election.
First, on an individual level, dead folks voted, some folks voted in multiple locales, you know, the general ****.
Second, at polling places, workers ran ballots multiple times (in some cases as many as 8 to 10 times over) and they accepted ballots with no chain of custody or identification requirements.
Third, (and most problematic) rampant vote-switching occurred due to remote software manipulation of the tallied votes both in the on-site voting machines as well as on the aggregate county & state servers that were receiving ballot number feeds.

Laws like the ones GA passed can help with the first 2 issues, but if the folks in charge decide to hit the "Dominion Easy Button" again like they did in 2020, and if the judicial system once more agrees to simply refuse to look at any evidence of this - everything else was for nothing.