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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Cramming 8.4 million people into 469 square miles? No wonder that place is a cesspool of disease, crime and filth. Give me flyover country any day.

For comparison, I live in Harnett county, NC. 212 square miles, and roughly 115,000 residents, and my drive home tells me its too ******* crowded.

A better example may be Wake County, NC. 857 square miles, 1.2 million residents. Go to Raleigh or Wake Forest, Cary, Apex or Holly Springs and tell me it's not over crowded.

8.4 million in 469 square miles? Gross. I couldn't live there.

I live in Wake County, Garner to be exact, and more and more people are moving here every day. It's getting worse. Housing prices are soaring because of demand. If you look for houses in Wake Co., even into other counties around Wake, you will be hard pressed to find a house less than $500,000 still available. I have some friends that work in real estate and they said they are getting bids on houses as soon as they go to market, and I mean a lot of bids. They also said that most homes are selling at well over the asking price. A lot of people relocating here mostly from the northeast. Cooper was just on talking about the new Apple campus that is to be built in RTP and open up 3,000 more jobs so it's just going to get even more crowded.

I work in RTP, well not at the moment as we are still working from home, and when I return to going back on campus I am definitely not looking forward to those extra commuters in the mix. It's bad enough as it is already.
I live in Wake County, Garner to be exact, and more and more people are moving here every day. It's getting worse. Housing prices are soaring because of demand. If you look for houses in Wake Co., even into other counties around Wake, you will be hard pressed to find a house less than $500,000 still available. I have some friends that work in real estate and they said they are getting bids on houses as soon as they go to market, and I mean a lot of bids. They also said that most homes are selling at well over the asking price. A lot of people relocating here mostly from the northeast. Cooper was just on talking about the new Apple campus that is to be built in RTP and open up 3,000 more jobs so it's just going to get even more crowded.

I work in RTP, well not at the moment as we are still working from home, and when I return to going back on campus I am definitely not looking forward to those extra commuters in the mix. It's bad enough as it is already.
When you live in a desirable location, I always thought NC would be a great place to retire, or in an area that sees a massive influx from a state like CA, housing will skyrocket.
Folks out here aren't even using realtors, and frequently sell for more that the asking price because of bidding wars. Great for me, but I feel sorry for those trying to buy their first home.
I agree completely.
Allow a fair and unbiased audit, let the people see the results and we can all make a sound decision based on the foundation of actual evidence shown.
I agree completely.
Allow a fair and unbiased audit, let the people see the results and we can all make a sound decision based on the foundation of actual evidence shown.
The Dems and most of the Federal government can't afford to let that happen. The original judge already recused himself because he knew somebody somewhere and has been replaced by a Bomma appointee.
Flog, can you point to something that Biden actually did to improve the vaccine distribution? An independent source, Moncef Slaoui, said that Biden's plan is basically 90% Trump's plan. True to his nature, Biden seems to have stolen somebody else's work and claimed credit. Not surprising, coming from a known, repeat plagiarist like Beijing Basement Boy.

Former Operation Warp Speed boss says '90%' of Biden vaccine plan came from Trump administration

Former leader of Operation Warp Speed Moncef Slaoui said on Sunday that President Biden's vaccine plan is "90%" derived from the Trump administration. When asked if it's "fair" to insist former President Donald Trump's team "had not contracted for enough vaccine doses," Slaoui said Biden's rollout is markedly similar to the defeated Republican's initiatives.

"I think that's a very negative description of the reality," Slaoui said during an interview on CBS's Face the Nation. "I do think that we had plans, and in fact, 90% of what's happening now is the plan that we had. Of course, the first thing was to accelerate the development of the vaccine. We contracted specifically 100 million doses of vaccine but also built into the contract options to acquire more vaccines once we knew they are effective." He continued, "And the plan was to order more vaccines when — when we knew they are more effective. So I think what's happening is right. But I think what's happening is, frankly, what was the plan. Substantially what was the plan."

So remove your lips from Beijing Joe's **** long enough to tell us what he has actually done to speed up vaccine distribution? You know, the Trump vaccines.
I agree completely.
Allow a fair and unbiased audit, let the people see the results and we can all make a sound decision based on the foundation of actual evidence shown.
If only JimmyVote hadn't lost AZ....
If only JimmyVote hadn't lost AZ....

I voted 1,127 times.

Dominion provided more than 20,000 votes.

I was outdone by a machine. Sort of John Henry, with a minus and a plus. The minus - the machine won. The plus - Jimmy is still here and ready to vote out the (D)imbo senators who have infected the great state of Arizona!!
Oh no, this sucks. Maybe we can get a SN fundraiser going, help these poor folks out.

Despite an apparent surge in membership following the 2020 presidential election, the Oath Keepers are facing significant new obstacles to spreading their message and raising money since some of their members were arrested after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. An examination of the militant group’s website by BuzzFeed News found a steep decline in the number of new member accounts registered since January.

The group gained widespread attention when a cluster of people, kitted out in tactical gear and the Oath Keepers insignia, were captured on video forming a military-style “stack” formation and forcing their way into the US Capitol building. More than a dozen individuals associated with the group have been charged in federal court with conspiring to block the certification of Joe Biden as president. If convicted, they could face years or even decades in prison.

Oh no, this sucks. Maybe we can get a SN fundraiser going, help these poor folks out.

Despite an apparent surge in membership following the 2020 presidential election, the Oath Keepers are facing significant new obstacles to spreading their message and raising money since some of their members were arrested after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. An examination of the militant group’s website by BuzzFeed News found a steep decline in the number of new member accounts registered since January.

The group gained widespread attention when a cluster of people, kitted out in tactical gear and the Oath Keepers insignia, were captured on video forming a military-style “stack” formation and forcing their way into the US Capitol building. More than a dozen individuals associated with the group have been charged in federal court with conspiring to block the certification of Joe Biden as president. If convicted, they could face years or even decades in prison.

SteelerNation needs a fund raiser.
Don't give up fellas, you still have a fighter's chance to get Orange Mussolini back in office. May the winds fill your sails! :ROFLMAO:

Btw, if any of you are truly interested in saving the GOP and bringing conservative politics back to relevancy, you ought to throw your full support behind the likes of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Perhaps the last two competent, sane politicians remaining on the Republican side.

Or, you can support the MAGA clownshow with Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Elise Stefanik, Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene and join them in following the former guy right of a friggin' cliff.

It ain't a pretty picture right now for conservatives, that much is true.
Btw, if any of you are truly interested in saving the GOP and bringing conservative politics back to relevancy, you ought to throw your full support behind the likes of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Perhaps the last two competent, sane politicians remaining on the Republican side.

Or, you can support the MAGA clownshow with Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Elise Stefanik, Kevin McCarthy, Marjorie Taylor Greene and join them in following the former guy right of a friggin' cliff.

It ain't a pretty picture right now for conservatives, that much is true.
TIbs why do you want to sell the country out to the establishment? Cheney and Kinzinger are the problem not the solution. You just don't get it. Trump was and is a very necessary thing whether you like him or not. Biden, Cheney, Pelosi, Harris are all bought and paid for criminals who do nothing but sit and collect checks paid for out of our own pocket and dream up ways to keep those jobs. Trump didn't give two ***** about them and their feelings. He did the right things over and over and over again despite the bleating of the establishment sheep and you have been totally misled by their official propaganda machine. Trump is god damn radical moderate, he isn't a conservative he is the closest thing to the middle you will fond right now if you really look at policy and get past the partisan crap. You and all of the left have lost all sense of logic in a 5 year long hissy fit based purely on fictional stories meant to keep the crooks in power and you under control.
TIbs why do you want to sell the country out to the establishment? Cheney and Kinzinger are the problem not the solution. You just don't get it. Trump was and is a very necessary thing whether you like him or not. Biden, Cheney, Pelosi, Harris are all bought and paid for criminals who do nothing but sit and collect checks paid for out of our own pocket and dream up ways to keep those jobs. Trump didn't give two ***** about them and their feelings. He did the right things over and over and over again despite the bleating of the establishment sheep and you have been totally misled by their official propaganda machine. Trump is god damn radical moderate, he isn't a conservative he is the closest thing to the middle you will fond right now if you really look at policy and get past the partisan crap. You and all of the left have lost all sense of logic in a 5 year long hissy fit based purely on fictional stories meant to keep the crooks in power and you under control.

Looks like losing the Presidency, the House & the Senate wasn't enough MAGA 'winning' for you. Have it your way.
Two out of three will be back in the next election. We can't afford the idiots we have now.
Riding the crazy MAGA train it won't. The GOP has gone even further down the rabbit hole since Jan 6th. I thought, six months in, they would have recovered by now. But no, they're doubling down. You think America wants these fringe loonies back running the show in Congress? Not gonna happen, unless the few rational Republicans begin to right the ship, which is dangerously teetering out of control right now.

Sounds to me like you want Trump 2.0 running the show for the GOP. Good luck going down that path. I think that'll only further cement the Democrats' hold on power, which in my view, isn't a bad thing. So knock yourselves out climbing back on the MAGA train. It's not good for the country though, and certainly not advisable for the GOP, if it wants to even sniff an election victory next few years.
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Flog, can you point to something that Biden actually did to improve the vaccine distribution? An independent source, Moncef Slaoui, said that Biden's plan is basically 90% Trump's plan. True to his nature, Biden seems to have stolen somebody else's work and claimed credit. Not surprising, coming from a known, repeat plagiarist like Beijing Basement Boy.

So remove your lips from Beijing Joe's **** long enough to tell us what he has actually done to speed up vaccine distribution? You know, the Trump vaccines.
How can one provide facts when their are none to provide? Wait. Wait. I’m sorry I’m sure CNN or the other establishments have something.
Still waiting for that informative post from Flog - hell, even Decaf - about what exactly Joe Biden did to distribute the vaccine. The only fact offered to date is Flog's statement that Beijing Joe wandered out of the basement long enough to get the vaccine.

That's it. Of course, I did hinge the responses by Flog and Decaf on them removing their mouths off Biden's **** long enough to say what Basement Boy had done.

Tell you what, Flog and Decaf - you are free to keep your mouths firmly affixed to Beijing Joe's **** while typing. Now you have no excuse.
Still waiting for that informative post from Flog - hell, even Decaf - about what exactly Joe Biden did to distribute the vaccine. The only fact offered to date is Flog's statement that Beijing Joe wandered out of the basement long enough to get the vaccine.

That's it. Of course, I did hinge the responses by Flog and Decaf on them removing their mouths off Biden's **** long enough to say what Basement Boy had done.

Tell you what, Flog and Decaf - you are free to keep your mouths firmly affixed to Beijing Joe's **** while typing. Now you have no excuse.
Truth is, it's more about availability than anything else. The vaccines are abundantly more available than they were on January 20th. Everyone knows that the Biden administration hasn't done much of anything new in regards to distribution. There's just more to go around. Personally, I don't care how or why the vaccines are getting to people who want them, I only care that they ARE getting there.

It's funny to watch this all play out. All of the people screaming about people needing to get vaccinated are the same people that would be refusing to take it if Trump was still President. As far as the conservatives refusing to take it now, I have to wonder if they would take it if Trump said they should take it. I think some would still refuse, but I believe that most would be taking it just to support Trump. It's nuts what people are willing or unwilling to do based simply on party affiliation.
Truth is, it's more about availability than anything else. The vaccines are abundantly more available than they were on January 20th. Everyone knows that the Biden administration hasn't done much of anything new in regards to distribution. There's just more to go around. Personally, I don't care how or why the vaccines are getting to people who want them, I only care that they ARE getting there.

It's funny to watch this all play out. All of the people screaming about people needing to get vaccinated are the same people that would be refusing to take it if Trump was still President. As far as the conservatives refusing to take it now, I have to wonder if they would take it if Trump said they should take it. I think some would still refuse, but I believe that most would be taking it just to support Trump. It's nuts what people are willing or unwilling to do based simply on party affiliation.
I am sure there are people who blindly follow the orders or suggestions of political leadership. I'm still doing research on it and I don't care what anyone's opinion is on the subject. Seeing all of these commercials with celebrities and influencers pushing towards vaccination only makes me more skeptical though.
Respect. The bravest and most important speech by an American elected official in recent memory, regardless of political party. One can only hope some level of sanity will return to conservatives and Republicans in the near future. The GOP is forcing out rational, patriotic members like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and are in turn siding with the former guy and the utter madness of MAGA. This will not end well.

While you wail away at Libs & Dems stealing your lunch money, you don't realize there's a 5-alarm fire going on in your own house.

It's high time some of you so-called conservatives wake up and realize what's going on. I repeat, unless MAGA is somehow reeled in, this will end in a really bad way.

McKINNEY, Texas — Mayor George Fuller is troubled by what he sees and hears in this conservative Dallas suburb.

Battles with liberals are enduring and predictable, but what worries Fuller is the deepening rancor between Republican moderates and far-right conservatives over what America should look, sound and feel like. Inspired by nativist fervor and fed by Donald Trump’s rage, the Republican Party here encompasses anti-vaccination protesters, QAnon conspiracy theorists and those whose mistrust of President Biden only hardens as he reverses his predecessor’s policies.

“It’s just not the party I recognize anymore,” said Fuller, 58, a moderate Republican whose Trump-supporter siblings no longer speak to him. “We are at a place where families are torn apart by political ideologies that are so skewed and out of whack.”

What is evident across this county — where in the 1970s the oilmen-rancher TV drama “Dallas” was filmed — is that extremism has gone mainstream in certain pockets of America. Hard-line sentiments that would have been whispered only years ago are now spoken unabashed. That worries Alonzo Tutson, a Black Independent, who said right-wing radicals here are everyday people who say “howdy to you at soccer practice. They just blend right in.”

Texas was home to three dozen of the 377 alleged insurrectionists arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, tied with Pennsylvania for the most of any state, according to a study by terrorism experts at the University of Chicago. Of Texans charged, 20 live in half a dozen rapidly diversifying blue counties around Houston and Dallas, including several in McKinney’s Collin County.

The study found that Texas’ rioters were older, more professional and had fewer ties to radical groups than past far-right conservatives. All came from counties that had lost white populations in recent years. Collin County’s white population has declined at a rate of 4.3% since 2015. The study’s authors cited increased fear among conservative whites that they would be overtaken by minorities in a “Great Replacement.”

“Now that Biden’s in office, a lot of people look to Texas as the counterpoint,” Paul Chabot, 47, a former San Bernardino reserve sheriff’s deputy, said last week at McKinney Coffee Co. He described the area as, “Living how America used to be.”

Stonebridge Ranch in McKinney — where Chabot’s relocation company helps resettle Californians, many of them conservatives — was designed in 1988 by the same architects who designed Woodbridge in Irvine in 1975.

The county’s historic homes and expansive developments hum with a conservative extremism propelled by fear, disillusionment and social media that trade less on facts than on evoking tribalism.


“I firmly believe that D.C. was just a test run,” Tutson said. “They are willing to take this to the more local levels, and you’re going to start seeing these same results of what happened in D.C. in various cities, your county seats all throughout the U.S.”


They watch Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and follow conservative Telegram online channels. They believe aspects of QAnon theory, including that the government has been infiltrated by pedophiles, and bridle at it being called a conspiracy: “It’s no longer a conspiracy theory when I can show you facts,” Jenkins said, wearing a “Jesus Matters” T-shirt, a nod to conservative opponents of Black Lives Matter, which Andrews dismissed as “Marxist.” The pair draw their information from online reports and controversial documentaries such as “Vaxxed.”

Andrews doesn’t wear masks or observe social distancing, and switched her 8-year-old son to private school after public schools eliminated in-person classes. The women say they are not anti-vaccine — Andrews vaccinated all three of her children as babies — but say they oppose COVID vaccines, which they consider untested. They recently attended a conservative anti-vaccine conference in Tulsa, Okla., whose headliners included Trump supporters such as attorney Lin Wood and My Pillow Chief Executive Mike Lindell.


Such issues played into McKinney’s municipal elections on May 1, which drew historic turnout. If it was a referendum on extremism, as Mayor Fuller suggested, extremism mostly lost. Fuller was reelected by a wide margin. Most of the candidates who attacked him were defeated, except for Stan Penn, a Trump supporter who forced his moderate opponent for City Council into a runoff but then quit last week, citing the nastiness of the race.

“I’ve been accused of wanting people to die to line my pockets. I’ve been told, ‘I hope you get COVID and you die,’” Penn said as he sat last week in The Celt, an Irish pub he opened in downtown McKinney after retiring as a bank president.

Penn, 60, described himself as a “center-right, chamber of commerce Republican,” but said friends stopped talking to him during the election. Others boycotted his business and told him to leave town.

“It’s all tribalism, and it’s a cancer on our country. It’s destroying us,” he said of the infighting among conservatives that’s proliferated online.

Fuller agreed. He said the acrimony of the campaign marred his victory and split his family, including at least one sibling who is a QAnon believer. The bitterness in his family, in his state, is resonating nationally. That troubles him.

“I’m thoroughly concerned for our country,” he said. “We’re on a self-destructive path.”
While you wail away at Libs & Dems stealing your lunch money, you don't realize there's a 5-alarm fire going on in your own house.

It's high time some of you so-called conservatives wake up and realize what's going on. I repeat, unless MAGA is somehow reeled in, this will end in a really bad way.

McKINNEY, Texas — Mayor George Fuller is troubled by what he sees and hears in this conservative Dallas suburb.

Battles with liberals are enduring and predictable, but what worries Fuller is the deepening rancor between Republican moderates and far-right conservatives over what America should look, sound and feel like. Inspired by nativist fervor and fed by Donald Trump’s rage, the Republican Party here encompasses anti-vaccination protesters, QAnon conspiracy theorists and those whose mistrust of President Biden only hardens as he reverses his predecessor’s policies.

“It’s just not the party I recognize anymore,” said Fuller, 58, a moderate Republican whose Trump-supporter siblings no longer speak to him. “We are at a place where families are torn apart by political ideologies that are so skewed and out of whack.”

What is evident across this county — where in the 1970s the oilmen-rancher TV drama “Dallas” was filmed — is that extremism has gone mainstream in certain pockets of America. Hard-line sentiments that would have been whispered only years ago are now spoken unabashed. That worries Alonzo Tutson, a Black Independent, who said right-wing radicals here are everyday people who say “howdy to you at soccer practice. They just blend right in.”

Texas was home to three dozen of the 377 alleged insurrectionists arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, tied with Pennsylvania for the most of any state, according to a study by terrorism experts at the University of Chicago. Of Texans charged, 20 live in half a dozen rapidly diversifying blue counties around Houston and Dallas, including several in McKinney’s Collin County.

The study found that Texas’ rioters were older, more professional and had fewer ties to radical groups than past far-right conservatives. All came from counties that had lost white populations in recent years. Collin County’s white population has declined at a rate of 4.3% since 2015. The study’s authors cited increased fear among conservative whites that they would be overtaken by minorities in a “Great Replacement.”

“Now that Biden’s in office, a lot of people look to Texas as the counterpoint,” Paul Chabot, 47, a former San Bernardino reserve sheriff’s deputy, said last week at McKinney Coffee Co. He described the area as, “Living how America used to be.”

Stonebridge Ranch in McKinney — where Chabot’s relocation company helps resettle Californians, many of them conservatives — was designed in 1988 by the same architects who designed Woodbridge in Irvine in 1975.

The county’s historic homes and expansive developments hum with a conservative extremism propelled by fear, disillusionment and social media that trade less on facts than on evoking tribalism.


“I firmly believe that D.C. was just a test run,” Tutson said. “They are willing to take this to the more local levels, and you’re going to start seeing these same results of what happened in D.C. in various cities, your county seats all throughout the U.S.”


They watch Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and follow conservative Telegram online channels. They believe aspects of QAnon theory, including that the government has been infiltrated by pedophiles, and bridle at it being called a conspiracy: “It’s no longer a conspiracy theory when I can show you facts,” Jenkins said, wearing a “Jesus Matters” T-shirt, a nod to conservative opponents of Black Lives Matter, which Andrews dismissed as “Marxist.” The pair draw their information from online reports and controversial documentaries such as “Vaxxed.”

Andrews doesn’t wear masks or observe social distancing, and switched her 8-year-old son to private school after public schools eliminated in-person classes. The women say they are not anti-vaccine — Andrews vaccinated all three of her children as babies — but say they oppose COVID vaccines, which they consider untested. They recently attended a conservative anti-vaccine conference in Tulsa, Okla., whose headliners included Trump supporters such as attorney Lin Wood and My Pillow Chief Executive Mike Lindell.


Such issues played into McKinney’s municipal elections on May 1, which drew historic turnout. If it was a referendum on extremism, as Mayor Fuller suggested, extremism mostly lost. Fuller was reelected by a wide margin. Most of the candidates who attacked him were defeated, except for Stan Penn, a Trump supporter who forced his moderate opponent for City Council into a runoff but then quit last week, citing the nastiness of the race.

“I’ve been accused of wanting people to die to line my pockets. I’ve been told, ‘I hope you get COVID and you die,’” Penn said as he sat last week in The Celt, an Irish pub he opened in downtown McKinney after retiring as a bank president.

Penn, 60, described himself as a “center-right, chamber of commerce Republican,” but said friends stopped talking to him during the election. Others boycotted his business and told him to leave town.

“It’s all tribalism, and it’s a cancer on our country. It’s destroying us,” he said of the infighting among conservatives that’s proliferated online.

Fuller agreed. He said the acrimony of the campaign marred his victory and split his family, including at least one sibling who is a QAnon believer. The bitterness in his family, in his state, is resonating nationally. That troubles him.

“I’m thoroughly concerned for our country,” he said. “We’re on a self-destructive path.”

Donald J. Trump​

5:58pm May 11, 2021
The Government of the United Kingdom is proposing that anyone who wants to vote in a British election should show photo ID to eliminate any corruption and fraud and “ensure the integrity of elections." This is exactly what we should do in the United States, unlike the Democrats who want to abolish Voter ID laws with passing their horrible HR 1 Bill. All States should pass Voter ID laws along with many other fair and comprehensive election reforms, like eliminating mass mail-in voting and ballot harvesting, so we never again have an election rigged and stolen from us. The people are demanding real reform!