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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

Just a reminder that Trump did the job as President for free, donated his salary for 4 years because he loves America. What has Xiden donated one cent to? Anyone? Bueller? Flog? 21Tard? Tibfuckcommie?

Dementia Joe has donated a lot of money to one drug addict, and to several Chinese conglomerates promising to fight global something!
Dementia Joe has donated a lot of money to one drug addict, and to several Chinese conglomerates promising to fight global something!
The Big Guy is doing a fine job. A fine job. Just ask Tibilio the Diaper Changer.
Just an FYI...not related to the thread....but when Floggy disappears from the board and you wonder where he is, he's perfecting his sport. I suspect (though I can't verify) Tibs is his personal trainer.

I would say that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen but it’s not.

Truly the dumbest f*cking sh*t ever. JFC, humanity has reached the *slippery slope* chapter of evolution.
Just an FYI...not related to the thread....but when Floggy disappears from the board and you wonder where he is, he's perfecting his sport. I suspect (though I can't verify) Tibs is his personal trainer.

Maybe thats what their LGBRTQRASFSDFSDFs do instead of sexualizing children?
I would say that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen but it’s not.
I found it funny and harmless. Jumping over the fences at the end was pretty impressive. The amount of crazy sports now is insane. There is one where 2 guys literally fight inside a phone booth. This one is called roofball. I was an only child and it looks like something I would make up to play by myself. I think the goal is to hit the chimney or roll around it for more points
I found it funny and harmless. Jumping over the fences at the end was pretty impressive. The amount of crazy sports now is insane. There is one where 2 guys literally fight inside a phone booth. This one is called roofball. I was an only child and it looks like something I would make up to play by myself. I think the goal is to hit the chimney or roll around it for more points

No luck, jizzer$50.

The entry fee? Yep, $50.

The first place prize, however, is $50.
I found it funny and harmless. Jumping over the fences at the end was pretty impressive. ..
Oh, you'll whack off to anything.
Slippery slope? Tibs, humanity is about to go off the edge of the cliff.
Will there be a new charge against Trump every time another $10M in influence peddling is tied to Hunter/Pedo Pete or when lazy Hunter forgets his stash at Dad's weekday house?
just as sure as there will be a post made then deleted by some limp-wristed little ***** coffee grifter
just as sure as there will be a post made then deleted by some limp-wristed little ***** coffee grifter

Didn't want to disrupt the sanctity of your little maga enclave, figured you'd want to discuss Trump's imminent indictment amongst yourselves. Thought for sure the board would light up, since it's clearly front & center on Trump's mind. Yet it's been eerily silent. Guess after 34 felony counts in NY and 37 felony counts in Miami, you become numb to all the criminality. Totally understand, don't blame you one bit.
Didn't want to disrupt the sanctity of your little maga enclave, figured you'd want to discuss Trump's imminent indictment amongst yourselves. Thought for sure the board would light up, since it's clearly front & center on Trump's mind. Guess after 34 felony counts in NY and 37 felony counts in Miami, you become numb to all the criminality. Totally understand, don't blame you one bit.
And after 6+ years, do you still believe there's nothing political about this? I think that it's more likely that there are a bunch of people worried about their money train being derailed than anything else. If I'm wrong, he'll go to prison, but aren't you curious at all as to why it hasn't happened yet? How many accusations and charges are we up to now? There has to be a boatload of cash exchanging hands in all of this. At least the lawyers are happy.
It’s not even that. Our government is literally doing everything wrong for where we are in the world right now. Think about it. There are three things that are looking like they are going to spell our end.

BRICS. There are over 40 nations in BRICS right now. And it’s growing. They are in the process of creating a currency that is backed by gold. Our currency is backed by $32 trillion dollars of debt. And our government is ******* around with establishing what will be a worthless crypto currency.

The move away from fossil fuel. All of the nations aligning with BRICS are going to keep using fossil fuels and we are pissing around with batteries, windmills and solar panels all over some pie in the sky idea that they can save a planet that doesn’t need saved.

Our seemingly overwhelming desire to start WWIII. Giving our treasure, weapons and ammunition to one of the most corrupt nations in the world that is still going to lose is madness. Ukraine is not an independent nation. It’s still part of Russia. Then adding nations to NATO to boot. We are sealing our fate.
Didn't want to disrupt the sanctity of your little maga enclave, figured you'd want to discuss Trump's imminent indictment amongst yourselves. Thought for sure the board would light up, since it's clearly front & center on Trump's mind. Yet it's been eerily silent. Guess after 34 felony counts in NY and 37 felony counts in Miami, you become numb to all the criminality. Totally understand, don't blame you one bit.
well, see, here, Tibs, in America, we like to allow those who are being charged to defend themselves. Hell, even the ***** Hillary would have been allowed to defend herself if Trump were to seek to move against her politically via the legal system. That's just how things work out here. Unlike say, some third world shithole country in bed with the most corrupt country in Europe to build a(nother) energy plant. But, I'm sure that's embarrassing enough for you. Additionally, we see that these charges are most likely politically motivated. Are the walls closing in? Don't know, don't care. He's not POTUS anymore. He SHOULD be, but you silly ******* twats on the unhinged left managed to rig an election and literally elect a dude who was so surprised he won that he shat himself. And continues to do so.
Didn't want to disrupt the sanctity of your little maga enclave, figured you'd want to discuss Trump's imminent indictment amongst yourselves. Thought for sure the board would light up, since it's clearly front & center on Trump's mind. Yet it's been eerily silent. Guess after 34 felony counts in NY and 37 felony counts in Miami, you become numb to all the criminality. Totally understand, don't blame you one bit.
Yea.......Trump is a fucccking coke head..............