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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

So, I'm scrolling through the channels this morning to see if the Steeler game is on locally, and it is on Fox.
While doing so, I noticed Liz Cheney on one of the morning "news" shows and I think to myself why is this person even relevant anymore?
Of course the answer is obvious, to spew hate on Trump, the ultimate goal of 99% of the US media.

She's a clown performing in a great big clown propaganda circus.
They hated Dick Cheney. But now that he said he would vote Harris the media likes him.

I smell a book coming.
He's just another scumbag in a huge vat of them. All of the Bushes are turds as well. I can't believe I voted for those posers.

This country needs a strong third party to screw up this uniparty stranglehold.
He's just another scumbag in a huge vat of them. All of the Bushes are turds as well. I can't believe I voted for those posers.

This country needs a strong third party to screw up this uniparty stranglehold.
That'd make the 3rd party the kingmaker and cause dealing/compromise.....maybe better than now, but I'd like to see at least 4 parties, so the extremes at each end of the spectrum get identified and segregated. And maybe a 5th, like the Greens most countries have....it puts the one issue voters together and minimizes them.
He's just another scumbag in a huge vat of them. All of the Bushes are turds as well. I can't believe I voted for those posers.

This country needs a strong third party to screw up this uniparty stranglehold.
I didn't vote for W. Bush in either primary but in November he was still better than the alternative.
They don’t need guns. Their weapons are more powerful.. the media, Hollywood, and academia. We will become the white supremacists, Bolsheviks…whatever they choose to call us.
I see no chance of victory unless the US Army itself joins us in the fight, but now even they have succumbed to the “woke” agenda.
The first chapter of William Cooper's underground cult classic "Behold a Pale Horse" was entitled "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars." This was 30+ years ago.

Cooper was noted for saying on his June 2001 shortwave program "The Hour of the Time" paraphrasing "ladies and gentleman..,there will be a major terrorist attack soon on the United States..,and they'll tell you it was Osama Bin Laden..but don't you believe it! So here we have the most expensive and sophisticated military and intelligence apparatus in the history of the world and they've been looking for Osama bin Laden for years and..they can't find him? And some jerkoff CNN reporter with a camera crew can walk right into his tent? Ladies and gentlemen, if you believe that you've got to be one of the stupidest jerks who ever walked the face of the Earth!"

Cooper was silenced and killed in November 2001 when local police posing as truant loitering youths lured Cooper out of his home and killed him in an ensuing confrontation.
The propagandists will set up kamala with nerf ball questions. They will also set her up to look authoritative and in command.
The propagandists will set up kamala with nerf ball questions. They will also set her up to look authoritative and in command.
And probably henpeck and frame questions all night to put Trump in a bad light with women or women's issues.
Jim Quinn reporting this morning that RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are drawing yuge crowds at rallies for Trump but naturally the media isn’t showing it.