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The Official Thread Dedicated to "Trump Winning"

I’ve been kind of off the grid for the last 10 days. Went to the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas. I LOVE that place. No fake news, no chain restaurants, no chain hotels, no politics, no neon signs, no street lights…so relaxing. The first thought I had when I got back was **** these communist libtards who are trying to destroy America. Trannies f‘ing up women’s sports, lying media, imbecile thieving politicians, Flogtards, Tibtards, mask nazis, open borders and free-flowing drugs, Covid cultists…

Vote Trump or go down in history as being a MF’ing MORON.
There is no chance at peace in the middle east, and Im not sure if the iron dome is serious or not, but obviously that is impossible. Everything else sounds great, but actually getting it done is another story.
I was hoping they'd make a commercial like this.



They lost their affirmative action

They’re quickly losing corporate DEI

They lost Roe v. Wade

They lost Chevron

They’re losing their 2A infringements

They’re losing their censorship control of social media

They’re losing full control of media narratives

They’ve lost support for endless foreign wars

They’ve lost our blind trust in Big Pharma products and scientific institutions

They’ve lost out blind trust of the FBI, DOJ, and Soros prosecutors

They’re losing the ability to freely groom children and put porn in schools

And soon they will lose their ability to rig our elections

This is why they indicted Trump 4x and impeached him twice

This is why he was almost shot in the head

They may be in power now, but that grip on power gets looser by the day

Soon we will fully take control and destroy this marxist cancer infecting our government

Soon, We the People will be in charge



Aug 22, 2024, 7:55 AM
Thinking of getting this for my truck but I'm having my other knee replaced on Oct. 18 and won't be able to drive for at least a month so no one will see it leading up to the election.

Trump Window Decal
They slapped some new charges on Trump today. I suppose after Kennedy and Tulsi spoke, the polls tipped heavily in Trumps favor.
download (72).png
They slapped some new charges on Trump today. I suppose after Kennedy and Tulsi spoke, the polls tipped heavily in Trumps favor.

You'd swear these people want a civil war.
They slapped some new charges on Trump today. I suppose after Kennedy and Tulsi spoke, the polls tipped heavily in Trumps favor.
What did he do this time, cut the tags off his mattresses? I don’t know how anyone with a semi-functioning brain can’t see this for the politically motivated election interference that it is. This **** is old.