Can you imagine the left losing their minds lol.
No imagination needed.

P.S. Just today, right now, I learned that the picture shows a woman. Good God, man, seek help.
Can you imagine the left losing their minds lol.
Just wanted to wish Trump and his base Happy Impeachment Day, enjoy!
Kind of like the House midterms and governor races past few years? Asking for a friend.2020 will make the British elections look like a liberal landslide in comparison.
Kind of like the House midterms and governor races past few years? Asking for a friend.
Impeachment is the democrats insurance policy
That's strange, I thought Trump wanted to get impeached, he dared the Dems to impeach him. He sure seems overjoyed now that he's getting what he asked for.
<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">SUCH ATROCIOUS LIES BY THE RADICAL LEFT, DO NOTHING DEMOCRATS. THIS IS AN ASSAULT ON AMERICA, AND AN ASSAULT ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!!</p>— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">December 18, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
The ever-growing list of editorial boards across the country calling for impeachment:
New York Times
USA Today
Washington Post
Boston Globe
Philadelphia Inquirer
New York Daily News
Chicago Sun-Times
LA Times
SF Chronicle
Mercury News
Orlando Sentinel
Tampa Bay Times
Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
Detroit Free Press
Syracuse Post-Standard
Portland Press Herald
York Dispatch
These are all - of course(!) - Soros-paid, liberal activist newspapers which exist for the sole purpose of unfairly besmirching Trump. The fix is in. It's a huge, lunatic, nationwide conspiracy against Trump, who did absolutely nothing wrong, had a 'perfect' call, is a stable genius...the greatest ever...yada yada...
Wait a minute. Did I just read that newspaper editorial boards and academia are for impeachment? No way.
Wow a list of papers I wouldn’t wipe my *** with.