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The recount thread

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Yep. A large part of the effort of people like this Democrat that was creating fake news sites is to try to mitigate them all. President Obama once lamented the rise of social media, publicly saying it prevented him from delivering the messaging he wanted. They hate Freedom of Speech and Truth because they can't deliver canned propaganda. Truth reporting has hurt them badly.

They can't legally ban the medium or the sites. No avenue via. the courts would work. But what if you could cast doubt on all sites but MSM sites? Flood the interwebs will such bullshit that everything printed/aired anywhere but in MSM would be questioned as illegit like Alex Jones InfoWars bullshit?

That is the goal. Watch it increase as a part of the Liberal overall movement to desecrate Free Speech.

The sad thing is they will eventually want to ban it "for the safety of America". How can we possible have outlandish positions on ANY subject if people just can't handle words enough to be responsible and control their actions.

That is the ultimate goal. Which is why I am (and have been) so against the idea of a "hate crime" (a crime is a crime to me) and how that is now carrying over into government defining "hate speech". That is an incredibly slippery slope towards controlling speech in general. If we can define an action as being more relevant or cruel not on the effect but on INTENT and the VICTIM, then the next logical step it do apply that logic to speech.
A disturbance in the force

Green Party Rebels Against Jill Stein: "We Do Not Support The Recount"

In a letter penned by Green Party Senate Candidate Margaret Flowers, and signed by dozens of prominent GPUS members, the Greens have rebelled against the farcical "recount effort" conducted by Jill Stein, saying "while we support electoral reforms, including how the vote is counted, we do not support the current recount being undertaken by Jill Stein."

The reason for this is that as the author notes, "as a candidate, Dr. Stein has the right to call for a recount. However, we urge the GPUS to distance itself from any appearance of support for either Democrats or Republicans. We are well aware of the undemocratic actions taken during the primaries by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Greens cannot be perceived to be allied with such a party."

The reason for this is to delay the electoral college from voting and force the House and Senate to vote, thereby perpetuating the meme that Trump was selected not elected. Don't doubt me on this.
ha ha - bring it on

Turning MORE blue states red!


"But 2018 is virtually a mirror image of this year's political map, with Democrats defending 25 seats and Republicans eight "

So this time the Dems need to defend more seats. Can you say super majority?

You ain't gonna find Tibs Spike, he's been terminated. Wait till the next election, he'll be back when the money starts flowing again.

Gotta admit that it does look an awful lot like him though....LOL


They want to do away with the electoral college, this is what they want ?

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50 days and counting! ]

B,,B...But Spike, he is our FBP, our ticket to the promised land of rainbows and unicorns. Free homes and cars and cell phones for life. He can't go..we won't allow it !


Besides....he's been too good to us, we gets all we wants, any time we axe for it.

Yeh...hows that worked out for ya ?

Did you just say that? Media bias was one of the many reasons people voted for Trump.

The media has been in the bag for 20+ years for the Left.

Right. Media bias is nothing new. But voters didn't only recently have a problem with it during the campaign.

That being said, voting for someone because of media bias is as stupid as voting for someone because he is a young charismatic black dude.
Right. Media bias is nothing new. But voters didn't only recently have a problem with it during the campaign.

That being said, voting for someone because of media bias is as stupid as voting for someone because he is a young charismatic black dude.

And voting for someone despite the media bias is also quite stupid.
More winning?

More Dem losses?

Donald Trump to meet with Democratic North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp about cabinet position

Donald Trump will meet with Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) on Friday, his team announced before suggesting she's in the mix for a cabinet job that could cost Democrats a seat in the Senate.

"She comes very highly recommended, very highly qualified, is a proven leader and would be an asset in any role or capacity," Trump spokesman Jason Miller told reporters on a Thursday morning conference call.

A Heitkamp appointment would give Trump's cabinet the veneer of bipartisanship, and all but certainly hand Republicans control of another Senate seat, giving them a 53-47 edge in the upper chamber.

And voting for someone despite the media bias is also quite stupid.

No, the candidates can't control media bias, you should absolutely vote dispite media bias whether it's for or against the candidate.
Right. Media bias is nothing new. But voters didn't only recently have a problem with it during the campaign.

That being said, voting for someone because of media bias is as stupid as voting for someone because he is a young charismatic black dude.

Did you notice I underlined "many"? That's emphasis. To highlight it. To make it important for the reader to notice. Media bias was one of the MANY reasons people voted for Trump. They are tired of being lied to by the propaganda machine and hope a change in the White House "may" lead to a change in the mass amount of disinformation and bias being fed to Americans. Not the least bit silly at all when voters coupled that corruption with issues like the jobs market, the rise in terrorism, crony politics, elected officials that commit felonies but aren't held to the standard of the law, soaring health care costs, diminishing personal rights and freedoms, and many dozens of other reasons.
No, the candidates can't control media bias, you should absolutely vote dispite media bias whether it's for or against the candidate.

Absolutely not. Buying the garbage fed to us by the biased media is a huge part of the problem. I vote my heart and gut despite the frenzy that invariably bubbles over. It is past time to dump the traitors.
First Day Of Wisconsin Recount Nets Hillary One Vote

The first day of Wisconsin’s presidential recount narrowed the gap between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President-elect Donald Trump by precisely one vote.

Trump defeated Clinton in Wisconsin’s initial tally by about one percent, or just over 22,000 votes. Nevertheless, Green Party candidate Jill Stein (who finished a very distant fourth) is demanding a full recount after suggesting fraud or technological glitches may have swayed the results. In response to Stein’s demand, Wisconsin began recounting all its ballots Thursday. But the first results to emerge suggest the final tally will be rather close to the original one. Only Menominee County, home to the Menominee Indian Reservation, fully reported its recounted results on the first day. It found 17 extra votes for Stein and 12 for Libertarian Gary Johnson, while removing two votes from Trump and one from Clinton.



Where is all of this money Stein raised going for all this recount activity? These ******* liberals just love taking other people's money and pissing it away on useless symbolic **** - or keeping it.
Recounts only in the large states trump narrowly won. Not in the states Hildebeast won and there are posibile illegal alien votes for her.
Where is all of this money Stein raised going for all this recount activity? These ******* liberals just love taking other people's money and pissing it away on useless symbolic **** - or keeping it.

George Soros. He doesn't mind.

Recounts only in the large states trump narrowly won. Not in the states Hildebeast won and there are posibile illegal alien votes for her.

If you could remove the illegal immigrant votes in CA and the southwest, Trump probably won the popular vote too.
If you could remove the illegal immigrant votes in CA and the southwest, Trump probably won the popular vote too.

The illegal vote is big and the other problem that I hear from friends that work the polls, is the mail-in ballet. I guess down here a lot of the older peoples use the mail-in approach to cast their votes. Well....that sometimes leads to confusion and carelessness. First, once you get your ballet mailed to you once, you will get one mailed every year after automatically. This causes some confusion if you don't know the rules and try to vote in person.

Because the only thing worse than people not voting is people trying to vote and having their ballots go uncounted, And most of these people have no idea that their ballots are not getting counted. They could be making the same mistakes over and over again.

Those mistakes are often easy to avoid. Here are some:

The voter forgets to sign the ballot envelope, as required.
The voter sends the envelope back, but forgets to include the ballot.
The voter uses the wrong envelope.
The voter already voted in person.
The voter's signature on the ballot envelope doesn't match the one on file.

This really puts things into perspective...

There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

Trump won 3,084 of them.

Clinton won 57.


There are 62 counties in New York State.

Trump won 46 of them.

Clinton won 16.


Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.

In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received

well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton won 4 of these counties, Trump won Richmond)

Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even

suggest that the vote of those that encompass a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don't and shouldn't speak for the rest of our country.

So lets spend millions to recount votes ...yeah that's it. Not hers, just his