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The Roger Stone Sentencing Controversy


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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From what I understand, the Justice Department intervened and asked for a shorter sentence than prosecutors were recommending. As a result, the President is being accused of interfering. Judge Amy Jackson Brennon is deliberating.

I don't know Roger Stone. Aside from lying to congress, I don't know what he was accused of.

I guess my question is, since when does the Justice Department give two ***** about harsh sentences after it ruins someone's life? Don't they normally lock you up and throw away the key after conviction?

I can't find one good reason anyone at the Justice Department would give two ***** about Roger Stone.

That said, the left is gnashing their teeth, raising hell about Barr and Trump over this whole thing. The part I struggle with is why would Trump push for a reduced sentence when he could just pardon him or commute his sentence when this is over with?

This whole thing makes no sense. That said, if the President is involved, I would advise he be careful.
I guess my question is, since when does the Justice Department give two ***** about harsh sentences after it ruins someone's life? Don't they normally lock you up and throw away the key after conviction?

I can't find one good reason anyone at the Justice Department would give two ***** about Roger Stone.

The average sentence for a rapist is four years.

The prosecutors asked for 7-9 years for Stone, whose sin was lying to investigators during a hoax investigation founded on a lie, and pumped up by numerous journalists and Congressmen lying repeatedly to the American people. He was also accused of witness intimidation, but the "intimidated" witness told the prosecutors and court that he was never fearful of Stone, was not intimidated by Stone's statements, and that Stone's actions had no effect on his testimony and would not affect his testimony.

In short, Stone was supposed to get 7-9 years for doing what Adam Schiff does every day, and for intimidating a witness who was not intimidated. He would get a lot less time for raping somebody.
I want Trump, sorry - PRESIDENT TRUMP, to give him an immediate full pardon. The assploding and conniption fits on the left is well worth it.
These are Muller prosecutors having a hissy fit.

They over shot on sentencing guidelines, apparently lied to DOJ on what their sentencing recommendations were, and now resigned in partisan self righteous indignation.

It won't work.

And the reaper is right around the corner..........
These are Muller prosecutors having a hissy fit.

They over shot on sentencing guidelines, apparently lied to DOJ on what their sentencing recommendations were, and now resigned in partisan self righteous indignation.

It won't work.

And the reaper is right around the corner..........

This. It sounds like the leftovers from the Mueller investigation just had it out for their current bosses and went rogue. Kind of career suicide on purpose rather than giving 2 weeks and quitting.

Even before the President rendered his opinion, the **** was hitting the fan for their insubordination with the DOJ. Hopefully the judge is above this type of spitefulness and grandstanding from the prosecutors and gets the sentence correct based on precedence.

In a lot of these cases (Stone, Manefort, et. al.), I kind of look at the prosecuted as fruit from the poisoned tree. The whole premise of the investigation in the first place was so negligent, suspect, corrupt and partisan that any/all criminal behavior discovered after the fact is inadmissible.

If the warrant to get into my house was so tainted, even if they find a dead body, that doesn't fly with fair prosecution.
These are Muller prosecutors having a hissy fit.

They over shot on sentencing guidelines, apparently lied to DOJ on what their sentencing recommendations were, and now resigned in partisan self righteous indignation.

Can you kindly post a link stating they over shot sentencing guidelines? Everything I have read states they were on the money with it. I'd like to read more about it, but most everything I can find is written with an agenda.
Can you kindly post a link stating they over shot sentencing guidelines? Everything I have read states they were on the money with it. I'd like to read more about it, but most everything I can find is written with an agenda.

I don't know a lot about it Sarge but from the little I have seen, it's more playground hair pulling, Washington style.

Specifically, prosecutors said that although Stone had allegedly threatened witness Randy Credico’s therapy dog, Bianca -- saying he was “going to take that dog away from you" -- it was important to recognize that Credico, a New York radio host, has acknowledged that he "never in any way felt that Stone himself posed a direct physical threat to me or my dog."

Threatened to take his therapy dog away....Bwahahaha I'd hang that *******.
The way I look at it, there are 4 less corrupt prosecutors at the DOJ. See ya.
They shall now be replaced by Barr appointed lawyers.
That dude who was sleeping with the NYT reporter, who leaked classified info, and lied to the FBI, only got 2 months.
Roger Stone lies to Congress in an obvious perjury trap, and gets 9 ******* years?

Thank God Bill Barr stepped in, to see if he could apply justice, instead of legal malpractice. Another stark example of how corrupt the Mueller witch hunt was.
Trump impeachment part II LOL
This one is not too bad, not too much BS

As for why Barr or Trump would care about Stone it could be his loyalty. Stone never really talked like Flynn. I think they are all sleazy including Trump, but he is still the best option at this point. Trump is on the upswing and if he was smart he would stay far away from any of this BS. I think he is addicted to the drama, chaos, and negative attention.
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This one is not too bad, not too much BS

As for why Barr or Trump would care about Stone it could be his loyalty. Stone never really talked like Flynn. I think they are all sleazy including Trump, but he is still the best option at this point. Trump is on the upswing and if he was smart he would stay far away from any of this BS. I think he is addicted to the drama, chaos, and negative attention.

That story is complete BS. THE DNC email release was an inside job that cost Seth Rich his life. Have you seen the video of wasserbitch-schultz threatening the DC police officer in court whilst trying to obtain his laptop? What a traitorous *****.
That story is complete BS. THE DNC email release was an inside job that cost Seth Rich his life. Have you seen the video of wasserbitch-schultz threatening the DC police officer in court whilst trying to obtain his laptop? What a traitorous *****.

Julian Assange has strongly hinted that the Wikileaks source was Seth Rich and not the Russians. Also the time stamps on the data indicate the emails could not have been hacked from afar because the data transfer happened too fast. It had to have been done locally with a thumb drive.
As Hamster pointed out, the DC U.S attorney responsible for the 2 month sentence of James Wolfe, the senate aide caught leaking and lying to the FBI about mah russia, her name is Jessie Liu. Wolfe's role as aide to the senate intelligence committee was to safeguard classified intel. Lol. It was the Carter Page FISA that he leaked. Other notable criminal investigations with Ms. Liu are the Awans, Manafort, Michael Cohen. All cases that didn't work out too well for real justice.

So in December last year, Trump nominates Liu to Treasury Department's undersecretary for terrorism and financial crimes. Hmmm...financial crimes? Like Ukraine financial crimes? She was set to go in front of the Senate Committee later this morning for confirmation. Liu accepts the position offered and decides she will remain in her position until after the confirmation today. But in January Barr tells her that he was replacing her with his close adviser Timothy Shea. So Liu's out of her position as US attorney and President Trump pulls her nomination from Treasury. Lol.

So 4 attorney's under Ms. Liu quit over the Stone broohaha. They haven't got her to run cover for them anymore. And I don't think the final verdict on Ms. Liu is yet written, but whatever is around the corner with all of this should be entertaining. Saw where Nadler has already called for Barr to testify on all of this on March 31. Lol, Not sure that's a very smart move Jerry.

You have to marvel at what Trump and Barr have done here. A stroke of swamp drano genius.

The Foreperson of The Roger Stone Jury Outs her self as a partisan hack and immediately starts scrubbing social media history.


The foreperson on the jury that convicted Roger Stone has come forward, and is revealed to be a failed Democrat candidate for Congress and activist vehemently opposed to President Donald Trump.

Tomeka Hart, a former Memphis City Schools Board President, came forward as the Stone jury foreperson in a Facebook post on Wednesday, voicing support for prosecutors in the case.

Hart confirmed to The Daily Memphian that she wrote the Facebook post, but she declined an interview with the newspaper.

More at link........
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The Foreperson of The Roger Stone Jury Outs her self as a partisan hack and immediately stars scrubbing social media history.


The foreperson on the jury that convicted Roger Stone has come forward, and is revealed to be a failed Democrat candidate for Congress and activist vehemently opposed to President Donald Trump.

Tomeka Hart, a former Memphis City Schools Board President, came forward as the Stone jury foreperson in a Facebook post on Wednesday, voicing support for prosecutors in the case.

Hart confirmed to The Daily Memphian that she wrote the Facebook post, but she declined an interview with the newspaper.

More at link........

Well that explains a lot. That verdict just completely went out the window. New trial time. Better yet stop wasting money and get on with your next coup attempt.
Can you kindly post a link stating they over shot sentencing guidelines? Everything I have read states they were on the money with it. I'd like to read more about it, but most everything I can find is written with an agenda.

Sarge, for myself, If you look at everything that has transpired over the past 3 years you only need to go to the sources who had go it right from the get go. Everything else is just BS spin.

1) Devin Nunes wrote a memo on the FISA Abuse 3 years ago that was condemned and ridiculed by all the major news outlets and Democrats in the media and congress. Everything that he wrote in that memo, every shocking detail, was proven correct by the Muller report and the Horowitz investigation.

2) Maria Bartiromo on her Sunday Morning Futures Show has done a better job than anybody in covering what will go down as the biggest scandal of our lifetimes. She has shamed the Sunday morning competition.

My online sources are partisan, I freely admit that. But this one has been the most accurate on Trump, predicting his win in the Primary, his win in the General Election in a Landslide, and has done the best job in covering the investigations. It is my favorite read.

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The Demonrats want stone and everyone to get the harshest penalty even though they had nothing to do with Russia collusion. They want to be able to use it to say there was collusion.

With that said, the entire Mueller investigation and everything that was started from the illegal FISA warrants should be null and void. This should be no different than our regular justice system. If a warrant was recieved illegally or under false pretenses, everything that came from it gets thrown out. Other than Flynn who is now pushing back, I am surprised no one else is asking for their trials or convictions to be thrown out. I know I would.
The Demonrats want stone and everyone to get the harshest penalty even though they had nothing to do with Russia collusion. They want to be able to use it to say there was collusion.

With that said, the entire Mueller investigation and everything that was started from the illegal FISA warrants should be null and void. This should be no different than our regular justice system. If a warrant was recieved illegally or under false pretenses, everything that came from it gets thrown out. Other than Flynn who is now pushing back, I am surprised no one else is asking for their trials or convictions to be thrown out. I know I would.

Grant them ALL pardons! Make the libtards dance with TDS convulsions! Then put the footage on America's Funniest Home Videos.

That's how you be great.
Grant them ALL pardons! Make the libtards dance with TDS convulsions! Then put the footage on America's Funniest Home Videos.

That's how you be great.

That is the thing that gets me. Trump could just pardon the guy or commute his sentence. If that is the case, what reason does he have to push Justice for a LIGHTER sentence. It makes absolutely no sense to push for a lighter sentence when he could just end the whole thing legally.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Jake Tapper asks Rep. Swalwell if the House will push impeaching <a href="https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@realDonaldTrump</a> over the Roger Stone situation: We're not going to take our options off the table. We don’t wake up in the morning wanting to impeach him...but we're not going to let him torch this democracy... <a href="https://t.co/HqTANTdVLw">pic.twitter.com/HqTANTdVLw</a></p>— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) <a href="https://twitter.com/Julio_Rosas11/status/1227715136800075777?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 12, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

That is the thing that gets me. Trump could just pardon the guy or commute his sentence. If that is the case, what reason does he have to push Justice for a LIGHTER sentence. It makes absolutely no sense to push for a lighter sentence when he could just end the whole thing legally.

I get the feeling he's allowing the dims to step on the rake in your av Sarge. With each harangue they expose their motivations more and more and his admin is just collecting the bird droppings they leave behind.