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The Roger Stone Sentencing Controversy

Jury Foreman In Roger Stone Case Was Trump-Hating Russia Collusion Hoaxer

Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart revealed Wednesday that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges last year -- and soon afterward, her history of Democratic activism and a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light.

In August last year, Hart also tweeted that anybody who supported President Donald Trump was racist.


But believe it or not, it gets worse. While Hart was serving on the jury, she tweeted about the president’s impeachment, sharing a letter to the editor in the New York Times requesting the outlet use more direct language to accuse Trump of committing a crime in his dealings with Ukraine.

“Then stop being racists. Co-signing and defending a racist and his racist rhetoric makes you racist. Point blank,” Hart wrote on Twitter

Hart declared Wednesday that she was going to “stand up” for the prosecutors pushing for a seven to nine-year imprisonment
Jury Foreman In Roger Stone Case Was Trump-Hating Russia Collusion Hoaxer

Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart revealed Wednesday that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges last year -- and soon afterward, her history of Democratic activism and a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light.

In August last year, Hart also tweeted that anybody who supported President Donald Trump was racist.


But believe it or not, it gets worse. While Hart was serving on the jury, she tweeted about the president’s impeachment, sharing a letter to the editor in the New York Times requesting the outlet use more direct language to accuse Trump of committing a crime in his dealings with Ukraine.

“Then stop being racists. Co-signing and defending a racist and his racist rhetoric makes you racist. Point blank,” Hart wrote on Twitter

Hart declared Wednesday that she was going to “stand up” for the prosecutors pushing for a seven to nine-year imprisonment

Roger Stone's attorneys must REALLY suck. How is this woman not the first jury member you dismiss?
She outed herslf, just paving the way for a mistrial or pardon, way to go!
it's all hollow screeching, IMO.
the screeching from the Left about this is loud and annoying. We all want it to stop - those on each side of the aisle.
The Left is screeching because a Trump associate is not going to prison for life. That they want heavy-handed sentences is factual.
The screeching is hollow since the same tolerant Lefties were deafeningly silent over Eric Holder's politicizing and (in a term too often used now) weaponizing the DOJ under Obama's careful watch.
Roger Stone's attorneys must REALLY suck. How is this woman not the first jury member you dismiss?

I'm presuming that she repeatedly lied during voir dire. Unlike Bull, real trials don't give the attorneys time to scour a prospective juror's background to determine if he or she is lying. The juror list is confidential until the jurors file into the courtroom, randomly selected from a large pool of potential jurors. The attorneys ask questions, but if a juror is intent on remaining on the jury - a damn rare occurrence as most are desperate to get the hell out and live their lives - and the juror simply lies ("Oh, no, I haven't been following the Russia thing, I have no idea who Roger Stone is, I have no beliefs one way or another, Oh, yes, I'll be fair to both sides, blah-dee-*******-blah"), then it is very, very difficult to out the juror.

However, the fact that the juror was communicating about the case during the trial is a crime and clear reason to set aside the verdict. Juror misconduct includes lying about preconceived opinions and prejudices, and communicating with ANYBODY, even fellow jurors, about the trial before the case is sent for deliberation.
I'm presuming that she repeatedly lied during voir dire. Unlike Bull, real trials don't give the attorneys time to scour a prospective juror's background to determine if he or she is lying. The juror list is confidential until the jurors file into the courtroom, randomly selected from a large pool of potential jurors. The attorneys ask questions, but if a juror is intent on remaining on the jury - a damn rare occurrence as most are desperate to get the hell out and live their lives - and the juror simply lies ("Oh, no, I haven't been following the Russia thing, I have no idea who Roger Stone is, I have no beliefs one way or another, Oh, yes, I'll be fair to both sides, blah-dee-*******-blah"), then it is very, very difficult to out the juror.

However, the fact that the juror was communicating about the case during the trial is a crime and clear reason to set aside the verdict. Juror misconduct includes lying about preconceived opinions and prejudices, and communicating with ANYBODY, even fellow jurors, about the trial before the case is sent for deliberation.

Could be, I dont know. But if she's that damn popular in liberal circles, they should have known her name. And, you would think that they would have some technical people scanning juror social media sites and such. that is about the most cut-throat job in the world and they usually do everything they can to gain an advantage. At least in my experiences.
Could be, I dont know. But if she's that damn popular in liberal circles, they should have known her name. And, you would think that they would have some technical people scanning juror social media sites and such. that is about the most cut-throat job in the world and they usually do everything they can to gain an advantage. At least in my experiences.

Attorneys are not allowed to use electronics to communicate with the outside world while in court. For example, when I go through the metal detectors in Federal court, I have to give the guards my cell phone and pick it up when I leave court.

So no, the attorneys would have no way of "investigating" the juror while in court.
pretty pathetic that the Dems are going to try to make something of this. They are claiming an abuse or power when Trump has the explicit power to pardon him at any time. Plus they are acting like trump directed the DOJ to lower the sentence. All they are doing is asking the judge to reconsider. The judge can still give the same sentence.

It's funny how they call Trump a fascist when he's the one following the rules.
Mr Stone and General Flynn are why you never speak to the Feds unless compelled to do so and even then you have an attorney present.
This whole thing stinks to high heaven and I believe the President wants peoples attention on it. That is why he won't pardon (yet). When he does, it just goes away.

1) Judge Amy Berman Jackson keeps getting randomly assigned the Muller Teams cases. Manafort, Stone, and now she was randomly assigned Peter Strok's case. Clearly she is the Deep State carnival barkers judge of choice.

2) The Judge slapped a gag order on Stone so he cannot speak about his case, in effect stripping his first amendment rights away from him, the gag order is still in effect even though a verdict has already been reached. Why are they trying to shut him up?

Could it be that Roger Stone believes that there is overwhelming evidence that he was set-up by an FBI informant who was a Russian national. This happened in May of 2016 (during the campaign) when he met the informant for 20 minutes in a South Florida cafe and was offered dirt on Hillary Clinton for $2 Million Dollars? Much like Don Jr? (He refused)

3)The Judge had a big hand in selecting the jury. The vague juror questionnaire allows for biased jurors to be sat. The recently exposed Juror foreperson is the 3rd that the Defense has had an issue with, they have asked to have a juror removed previously and the Judge refused.

In January 2017 the FBI knew there was no Russian collusion. When Bob Muller and his team were appointed in May of 2017 they knew on day 2 there was no Russian collusion.

What the hell did they do for 2 years?

They had 40 FBI Agents working on the Muller Probe? What exactly were they doing in the service of their country and the American people?

Setting up perjury traps for people they do not like and prosecuting people for process crimes?

Sending in Seal teams to arrest Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, what the hell was that? the latter having tipped off CNN so it could be filmed and broadcast on the national news. These guys were not dangerous criminals, not flight risks and would have turned themselves in with their attorneys. It was ridiculous, over the top, and made the Government look really bad.

Yes, people do need to go to jail, or a generation of people on the right side of the aisle will never trust DOJ, or the FBI again.
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Mr Stone and General Flynn are why you never speak to the Feds unless compelled to do so and even then you have an attorney present.

They flat out lied to Flynn and told him he did not need an attorney present.
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Mr Stone and General Flynn are why you never speak to the Feds unless compelled to do so and even then you have an attorney present.

well, not just ANY attorney.
Prosecutors like the ones on the Mueller team depend on real threats of prison sentences to coerce otherwise innocent people to incriminate the targets of interest. They need to be able to point to Roger Stones and Michael Flynns. It's a corrupt practice that flies in the face of the intent of our Constitutional protections. They need to be exposed and shamed, and prosecuted if possible. Having the President do it is probably what is required.
I am hearing that Barr has complained privately to Trump over the last few weeks about the tweets criticizing the DOJ. I guess the only way to hear that is if Barr leaked it. To hear Barr now publicly state that those tweets prevent him from doing his job have me worried that Barr is thinking about bolting. Hope I'm wrong. I think I hope I'm wrong. Haven't seen anybody prosecuted yet in spite of all the tough talk.
Mr Stone and General Flynn are why you never speak to the Feds unless compelled to do so and even then you have an attorney present.

This ^^^

If you are the subject of any investigation - ANY - never speak to law enforcement without the assistance of an attorney. The attorney then talks to the investigators, making any statements inadmissible since they are hearsay. Cannot prosecute for claimed perjury where the attorney makes the statements.
and.. the Andrew McCabe investigation has been closed. No charges. Stone gets nine years for lying to the feds, McCabe isn't even being charged. Something still smells at the DOJ.
LOL, cue the right-wing conspiracy theorists meltdown 3...2...1...

McCabe demonstrably lied under penalty of perjury to FBI investigators.

Ousted FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe improperly leaked information to a reporter and then lied to both his boss, then-Director James Comey, and to FBI agents investigating his behavior, the Justice Department inspector general said Friday.

He was under oath when he lied to the FBI agents, the inspector general said in a lengthy new report that could prove devastating to Mr. McCabe’s credibility, and to other ongoing investigations.


So lying under oath is okay now I guess.

Unless, of course, you support Trump. Then, it's GAME ON.
McCabe traded something for his acquittal. If not, our justice system is broken, and the two tiered system has been demonstrably proven.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
McCabe traded something for his acquittal. If not, our justice system is broken, and the two tiered system has been demonstrably proven.

Roger Stone - 9 years for lying to Congress about contacts with Assange and information he had about Wikileaks (turned out to be a big fat nothing about nothing) and witness intimidation for telling a non-witness witness, Randy Credico (who?) who knew nothing about anything, that he (Stone) was going to steal Credico's service dog if Credico did not tell Congress that Stone knew nothing about Wikileaks and the stolen DNC e-mails. Yeah, fine.

Hillary Clinton - improperly handled and stored classified material, lied about knowing it was classified, deleted 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails on the claim they were all personal and not business-related (meaning that supposedly more than 50% of the e-mails on her "work" e-mail were personal), no charges.

Andrew McCabe - leaked confidential information in violation of FBI policy to the WSJ about an ongoing Clinton investigation after McCabe had been called pro-Hillary biased in the media - and then lied under penalty of perjury to FBI investigators about the illegal leak, no charges. Yeah, sure.

James Comey - testified under penalty of perjury before Congress 245 times that he did not remember facts about the start of the Russia investigation hoax or about the meetings with Flynn though somehow he wrote a book detailing these events, violated FBI rules when he took and leaked FBI documents about meeting with Trump, signed FISA warrants under penalty of perjury attesting to the accuracy of the Steele claims when in fact he repeatedly admitted under perjury he had not and could not verify a single claim in the Steele fiction, no charges. Uhh, okay.

John Brennan - In 2011, Brennan, then the country’s chief counterterrorism adviser, swore under penalty of perjury to Congress that scores of drones strikes abroad had not killed a single noncombatant when in fact both the president and the CIA were both receiving numerous reports of civilian collateral deaths, and in 2017 when testifying about the Russia hoax and the Steele dossier, said that he neither knew who had commissioned the Steele dossier nor had the CIA relied on its contents for any action, both bald-faced lies as retired National Security Agency director, Michael Rogers, and the former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, conceded that the Steele dossier — along with the knowledge that it was a Clinton-campaign-funded product — most certainly did help shape the Obama’s intelligence agency assessments and actions, often under the urging of Brennan himself, no charges. Okaaaay ...

James Clapper - March 2013, Sen. Ron Wyder asked Clapper under oath if the U.S. government was collecting “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.” Clapper said, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” Three months later, Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing that the National Security Agency was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records and other various internet communications on millions of Americans and Clapper had perjured himself. Perjured himself a second time when he testified under oath before Congress that he had not leaked information about the Steele dossier when in fact Clapper subsequently acknowledged "discussing the dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper," and admitted that "he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic.” No charges.

See a pattern here?? If not, go back to reading Media Matters and pretending that Trump is evil and every one who votes for him is a racist white nationalist.
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Roger Stone - 9 years for lying to Congress about contacts with Assange and information he had about Wikileaks (turned out to be a big fat nothing about nothing) and witness intimidation for telling a non-witness witness, Randy Credico (who?) who knew nothing about anything, that he (Stone) was going to steal Credico's service dog if Credico did not tell Congress that Stone knew nothing about Wikileaks and the stolen DNC e-mails. Yeah, fine.

Hillary Clinton - improperly handled and stored classified material, lied about knowing it was classified, deleted 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails on the claim they were all personal and not business-related (meaning that supposedly more than 50% of the e-mails on her "work" e-mail were personal), no charges.

Andrew McCabe - leaked confidential information in violation of FBI policy to the WSJ about an ongoing Clinton investigation after McCabe had been called pro-Hillary biased in the media - and then lied under penalty of perjury to FBI investigators about the illegal leak, no charges. Yeah, sure.

James Comey - testified under penalty of perjury before Congress 245 times that he did not remember facts about the start of the Russia investigation hoax or about the meetings with Flynn though somehow he wrote a book detailing these events, violated FBI rules when he took and leaked FBI documents about meeting with Trump, signed FISA warrants under penalty of perjury attesting to the accuracy of the Steele claims when in fact he repeatedly admitted under perjury he had not and could not verify a single claim in the Steele fiction, no charges. Uhh, okay.

John Brennan - In 2011, Brennan, then the country’s chief counterterrorism adviser, swore under penalty of perjury to Congress that scores of drones strikes abroad had not killed a single noncombatant when in fact both the president and the CIA were both receiving numerous reports of civilian collateral deaths, and in 2017 when testifying about the Russia hoax and the Steele dossier, said that he neither knew who had commissioned the Steele dossier nor had the CIA relied on its contents for any action, both bald-faced lies as retired National Security Agency director, Michael Rogers, and the former director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, conceded that the Steele dossier — along with the knowledge that it was a Clinton-campaign-funded product — most certainly did help shape the Obama’s intelligence agency assessments and actions, often under the urging of Brennan himself, no charges. Okaaaay ...

James Clapper - March 2013, Sen. Ron Wyder asked Clapper under oath if the U.S. government was collecting “any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans.” Clapper said, “No, sir. … Not wittingly.” Three months later, Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing that the National Security Agency was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records and other various internet communications on millions of Americans and Clapper had perjured himself. Perjured himself a second time when he testified under oath before Congress that he had not leaked information about the Steele dossier when in fact Clapper subsequently acknowledged "discussing the dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper," and admitted that "he might have spoken with other journalists about the same topic.” No charges.

See a pattern here?? If not, go back to reading Media Matters and pretending that Trump is evil and every one who votes for him is a racist white nationalist.

ST, didn't you get the memo? All of these are conspiracy theories. Don Lemon said so.
Good news that the Giuliani investigations have ramped up. Not sure what happens when all these ties get roped around to the likes of Barr, Pompeo, Devin Nunes and Sean Hannity, of all people.

While Trump & the right seethes in faux anger over made-up conspiracies regarding Obama, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Schiff et all, and of course the omnipresent 'deep-state' in the military, state dept and DOJ, the real criminals - ie Trump & his associates - have been wreaking havoc in broad daylight. It's as if the Nixon tapes were happening in real time, streamed live online and on television. At some point, the other shoe will drop and finally reveal this criminal conspiracy in the White House. It's beyond the pale. The Trump syndicate needs to be untangled, exposed and brought to justice, once and for all. Only then can America get back on solid footing, when the country is no longer run by a mob operation.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This shows <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SDNY?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SDNY</a> still functioning: investigation of [<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Giuliani?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Giuliani</a> and 2 of his former associates is moving forward, even as the Justice Dep’t has set up a process to evaluate claims Giuliani is making” abt debunked <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Biden?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Biden</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ukraine?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Ukraine</a> dirt. <a href="https://t.co/SOunLY1WVM">https://t.co/SOunLY1WVM</a></p>— Maya Wiley (@mayawiley) <a href="https://twitter.com/mayawiley/status/1228464738134319105?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 14, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

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Good news that the Giuliani investigations have ramped up. Not sure what happens when all these ties get roped around to the likes of Barr, Pompeo, Devin Nunes and Sean Hannity, of all people.

While Trump & the right seethes in faux anger over made-up conspiracies regarding Obama, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Schiff et all, and of course the omnipresent 'deep-state' in the military, state dept and DOJ, the real criminals - ie Trump & his associates - have been wreaking havoc in broad daylight. It's as if the Nixon tapes were happening in real time, streamed live online and on television. At some point, the other shoe will drop and finally reveal this criminal conspiracy in the White House. It's beyond the pale. The Trump syndicate needs to be untangled, exposed and brought to justice, once and for all. Only then can America get back on solid footing, when the country is no longer run by a mob operation.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><twitter-widget class="twitter-tweet twitter-tweet-rendered" id="twitter-widget-0" style="position: static; visibility: visible; display: block; transform: rotate(0deg); max-width: 100%; width: 500px; min-width: 220px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" data-tweet-id="1228464738134319105"></twitter-widget> <script async="" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

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The walls are closing in. The noose is tightening. We have passed the tipping point. Michael Avenatti 2020.


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