I have never in my life been able to do a pull up/chin up. I have almost always been in shape, but that one has always been a no-go for me. I hated those idiot Presidential Fitness tests we had to take in elementary school.
Pullups take some doing and upperbody strength,good traps,shoulders and lats.
I'm a natural athlete, so all of those presidential fitness tests I always blew out of the water.
I was training with my dad at a young age,so it helped. I remember doing situps on our downstairs basement steps on a carpeted board with a strap for the feet. It was a really steep angle. At 7 years old my dad bet me a dollar I couldn't do 100. I did 103 without stopping...good times. The rest of my training was cutting and hauling wood. Did 2 miles of running every school day growing up.
I had a mile to the bustop and a mile home. A country mile too. In pitch black darkness in the morning. The part of our road that went through the woods was spooky as hell. Sometimes I'd hear very big things moving through the woods. That promoted sprinting for your life speed..haha.
I've lived in that realm of strength&conditioning most of my life. I've managed to guinea pig myself on every training modality under the sun over the years.
The most interesting was full bodysuit EMS stimulating while performing isotonic tension into eccentric/concentric movements. You're basically getting electrocuted into involuntary isometric contractions while performing certain exercises at a HZ level 55-90. It kicks on and off for 8 seconds a pop. Very easy on the joints and working through injuries. You recruit 90% or more of all skeletal muscle fibers. No other fiver types like cardiac are involved, it's low HZ
The cardio was at a much lower hz and just totally kicked your *** doing the simplest things. The quick Vo2 max improvement is the best in the buisness.
The soreness is legendary at first. These are just 20 min workouts twice a week with gradual HZ (HZ=twitches per second)upped over many weeks
One workout is equal to about 3 hours of hard weight training.
Anyhow don't know how I got rambling on that...lol.
Do what you can and stick to it. Sitting around is your enemy.