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The string pullers for AOC want war in the Left - getcher popcorn ready

Since I have a degree in economics this makes me sad.

Bravo sir. Hell I took some introductory courses in economics in college and studied my *** off for them, and still only managed a B+. Economics is no joke. Our idiot president earned an economics degree from one of the finest business/economics schools in the world I heard.
The Green New Deal,,,coming to college campuses near you soon. It does have all the ingredients of the left wrapped up in a neat shiny new package. Namely renewable energy, free education and redistribution of wealth. What could be better? The students are eating this **** up. Who could blame them?

AOC is the ignorant mouthpiece of the left. Let the left fight. We could get to Democratic parties, like Canada has. That won't work for Presidential elections.
I'm starting to wonder if she's a Republican plant.
one thing's for certan... she has the mental acuity of a common vegetable.
U want war?

U got it


Angry Nancy Pelosi Slams Young House Progressives As Tiny Squad With No Support

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has issued a surprisingly scathing attack on the cadre of progressive freshmen women who have established high profiles among the chamber’s Democrats, dismissing them as having a “public whatever” but lacking significant political backing.



AOC renews public feud with Pelosi

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez snapped at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for criticizing her and a few other left-wing Democrats, renewing a war of words between a rising liberal star and a veteran congressional leader.

"That public 'whatever' is called public sentiment. And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country," the New York Democrat said Saturday about Pelosi after the New York Democrat said Ocasio-Cortez and her inner circle of liberal freshman Democrats were just "four people."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez@AOC

That public “whatever” is called public sentiment. And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country.
I wonder if her illiterate, idiotic delivery is an act...naw she is dumb as dirt.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez@AOC

That public “whatever” is called public sentiment. And wielding the power to shift it is how we actually achieve meaningful change in this country.

I don't know, I think she's poking the wrong bear.

And if she claims the conditions are detestable at our detainment facilities at the border (of which I've seen video evidence to the contrary), I don't know how she could possibly justify voting against a bill that provides 3 billion dollars in additional aid for those facilities.
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And if she claims the conditions are detestable at our detainment facilities at the border (of which I've seen video evidence to the contrary), I don't know how she could possibly justify voting against a bill that provides 3 billion dollars in additional aid for those facilities.

If you fix a problem then you can't ***** about it any more and use it as a campaign issue. Politicians in both parties do it. It's one reason why both parties in D.C. don't like President Trump, he gets things done and does what he says he'll do.
If you fix a problem then you can't ***** about it any more and use it as a campaign issue. Politicians in both parties do it. It's one reason why both parties in D.C. don't like President Trump, he gets things done and does what he says he'll do.

Same reason climate change will never and can never be solved. That would be a lot of great talking points down the drain. Just keep sending in those massive donations Hollywood!
FYI - MiniAOC's gotten death threats after being doxxed by the tolerant, loving Left. So MiniAOC on Twitter is no more.


'Mini AOC' Twitter Account Pulled After Family Claims to Receive Death Threats Over Photos Mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
By Chantal Da Silva On 7/4/19 at 5:45 AM EDT

The family-run Twitter account of a young girl who went viral for posing in photos mocking New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been pulled. The family claims to have received death threats for using their daughter to parody photos of a visit Ocasio-Cortez made to a migrant detention camp last year.

Earlier this week, the account had tweeted out several photos of "Mini AOC," an 8-year-old girl named Ava Martinez widely known for her impersonations of Ocasio-Cortez, standing outside a fenced-off park in an all-white outfit and red lipstick, looking visibly upset.

"Every time I plan a visit to the park it's closed," a caption accompanying the photos in the tweet, which has since been pulled off Twitter but was seen by Newsweek, read. "Can everyone see how sad this makes me?"

The photos were an obvious parody of images that recently came to light of Ocasio-Cortez standing outside a migrant detention facility wearing a similar outfit and appearing visibly distressed during a protest last year in June.

Ocasio-Cortez had attended the protest at the Tornillo "tent city" in Texas just days before she defeated 10-term incumbent Representative Joe Crowley in one of the biggest upsets in the lead-up to the November midterm elections.

After photos of the detention center visit were posted to Twitter by the writer and photographer who captured them, Ivan Pierre Aguirre, Ocasio-Cortez had shared them, writing that it was a moment she will never forget, "because it was the moment I saw with my own eyes that the America I love was becoming a nation that steals refugee children from their parents & caged them."

Critics, however, were quick to accuse Ocasio-Cortez of having staged a "photo op" outside the detention center, with many mocking her choice to appear at the protest in "all-white" and red lipstick. However, the protesters appeared to have coordinated to wear all-white outfits for the rally, with photos showing a number of other demonstrators clad in all-white outfits.

After the Mini AOC Twitter account joined in on mocking Ocasio-Cortez over the shoot, social media users were quick to condemn Ava's family for using an 8-year-old to send a political message.

However, according to FOX News, the condemnation quickly turned ugly, with the 8-year-old's family claiming to have received death threats and harassment.

"The Left's Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers," Ava's stepfather Salvatore Schachter tweeted. "For our safety and for our child's safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts."

Speaking to Fox News, Schachter said that while the "Mini AOC" account had received positive feedback, the condemnation the family faced in response to the photos mocking Ocasio-Cortez's detention camp visit "became too much."

While Schacter did not explicitly say what contents the messages contained, he said they were "increasingly personal, dark and dangerous."

He said that for the foreseeable future, the family had decided to close its Mini AOC social media accounts and stop parodying Ocasio-Cortez.

Schacter said that Ava was "disappointed at not doing Mini AOC going forward, but we explained that this is for the best and she's okay with it."

"The world has seen Ava's beauty, talent, and charm, which was the whole reason for Mini AOC to begin with and no amount of hate or anger will change that," he said.
FYI - MiniAOC's gotten death threats after being doxxed by the tolerant, loving Left. So MiniAOC on Twitter is no more.


'Mini AOC' Twitter Account Pulled After Family Claims to Receive Death Threats Over Photos Mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
By Chantal Da Silva On 7/4/19 at 5:45 AM EDT

The family-run Twitter account of a young girl who went viral for posing in photos mocking New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been pulled. The family claims to have received death threats for using their daughter to parody photos of a visit Ocasio-Cortez made to a migrant detention camp last year.

Earlier this week, the account had tweeted out several photos of "Mini AOC," an 8-year-old girl named Ava Martinez widely known for her impersonations of Ocasio-Cortez, standing outside a fenced-off park in an all-white outfit and red lipstick, looking visibly upset.

"Every time I plan a visit to the park it's closed," a caption accompanying the photos in the tweet, which has since been pulled off Twitter but was seen by Newsweek, read. "Can everyone see how sad this makes me?"

The photos were an obvious parody of images that recently came to light of Ocasio-Cortez standing outside a migrant detention facility wearing a similar outfit and appearing visibly distressed during a protest last year in June.

Ocasio-Cortez had attended the protest at the Tornillo "tent city" in Texas just days before she defeated 10-term incumbent Representative Joe Crowley in one of the biggest upsets in the lead-up to the November midterm elections.

After photos of the detention center visit were posted to Twitter by the writer and photographer who captured them, Ivan Pierre Aguirre, Ocasio-Cortez had shared them, writing that it was a moment she will never forget, "because it was the moment I saw with my own eyes that the America I love was becoming a nation that steals refugee children from their parents & caged them."

Critics, however, were quick to accuse Ocasio-Cortez of having staged a "photo op" outside the detention center, with many mocking her choice to appear at the protest in "all-white" and red lipstick. However, the protesters appeared to have coordinated to wear all-white outfits for the rally, with photos showing a number of other demonstrators clad in all-white outfits.

After the Mini AOC Twitter account joined in on mocking Ocasio-Cortez over the shoot, social media users were quick to condemn Ava's family for using an 8-year-old to send a political message.

However, according to FOX News, the condemnation quickly turned ugly, with the 8-year-old's family claiming to have received death threats and harassment.

"The Left's Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers," Ava's stepfather Salvatore Schachter tweeted. "For our safety and for our child's safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts."

Speaking to Fox News, Schachter said that while the "Mini AOC" account had received positive feedback, the condemnation the family faced in response to the photos mocking Ocasio-Cortez's detention camp visit "became too much."

While Schacter did not explicitly say what contents the messages contained, he said they were "increasingly personal, dark and dangerous."

He said that for the foreseeable future, the family had decided to close its Mini AOC social media accounts and stop parodying Ocasio-Cortez.

Schacter said that Ava was "disappointed at not doing Mini AOC going forward, but we explained that this is for the best and she's okay with it."

"The world has seen Ava's beauty, talent, and charm, which was the whole reason for Mini AOC to begin with and no amount of hate or anger will change that," he said.

The sad reality is that Libs are celebrating. From AntiFA to Madcow to every day Progressives like Tibs et al, this mentality of "silencing" your opponent by any means necessary is ok as long as its for the party.

There will be no apologies. They won't care what they've done to this family.

Reminds me of what Chambers wrote about in Witness, how the Communists dealt with other Communists. As long as you were for the party, 100% for the party, anything was acceptable, up to and including murder. Your actions were supported, cheered and forgiven, if for the party. When Chambers split, he feared, for he'd seen many who'd tried to leave the party disappear (murdered). Once in, there was no leaving. They would do anything to silence you.

Today's modern Left operates the same way. Anything for the Democrats. Broken laws? Who cares, it's for the party. Doxxing little kids? Who cares, it's for the party. Shooting Congressmen? Doxxing the Covington kids and threatening their lives? Who cares, it's for the party.

When you see incidents like these and countless countless others that happen and the Leftist media won't even cover it, when the leaders of the Left won't step up and condemn these actions and ask for better, it really is the same behavior pattern as the Communists operate by.

Scary times.

Carry on Comrades.
FYI - MiniAOC's gotten death threats after being doxxed by the tolerant, loving Left. So MiniAOC on Twitter is no more..

Maybe if MiniAOC don't like death threats, , she should get out of the business of spreading hate. .../21STEELERS21
The sad reality is that Libs are celebrating. From AntiFA to Madcow to every day Progressives like Tibs et al, this mentality of "silencing" your opponent by any means necessary is ok as long as its for the party.

There will be no apologies. They won't care what they've done to this family.

Reminds me of what Chambers wrote about in Witness, how the Communists dealt with other Communists. As long as you were for the party, 100% for the party, anything was acceptable, up to and including murder. Your actions were supported, cheered and forgiven, if for the party. When Chambers split, he feared, for he'd seen many who'd tried to leave the party disappear (murdered). Once in, there was no leaving. They would do anything to silence you.

Today's modern Left operates the same way. Anything for the Democrats. Broken laws? Who cares, it's for the party. Doxxing little kids? Who cares, it's for the party. Shooting Congressmen? Doxxing the Covington kids and threatening their lives? Who cares, it's for the party.

When you see incidents like these and countless countless others that happen and the Leftist media won't even cover it, when the leaders of the Left won't step up and condemn these actions and ask for better, it really is the same behavior pattern as the Communists operate by.

Scary times.

Carry on Comrades.

True story. I was out to lunch with a Democratic politician I work with. He took a phone call from a fellow peer talking about a city councilwoman who had had voted against the party over some moral issue.
The venom that went into that conversation was utterly scary. Terms like Destroy her and ruin her for good were used... it was definitely an eye opener...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez@AOC

Just when you think all hope is lost, we get a Fox News contributor to realize that patriarchy has no gender.

Talking about female Lisa Marie Boothe. ******* moron might be too generous at this point.



a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
"the dominant ideology of patriarchy"
True story. I was out to lunch with a Democratic politician I work with. He took a phone call from a fellow peer talking about a city councilwoman who had had voted against the party over some moral issue.
The venom that went into that conversation was utterly scary. Terms like Destroy her and ruin her for good were used... it was definitely an eye opener...

It is at every level. My sister was challenged on the school board and she could not believe how evil the libs were in the campaign. She won, but it left a scar. It really is hard to understand if you are a normal person.
If mini AOC was doing parodies of Trump or and Republican she would be catapulted to the top of all entertainers. She was funnier than anything on Saturday night live in the past 35 years.

Saturday night live is nothing more than political propaganda.
Saturday night live is nothing more than political propaganda.
And political propaganda that narrowly appeals to people in NYC and almost nowhere else.