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This election will have far-reaching effects


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
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The nearest Steelers bar.
My personal belief is that Donald Trump is a seriously, SERIOUSLY flawed candidate who is not qualified to be President. My conclusion has nothing to do with his personal foibles, but instead relates to Trump's propensity for bombast and his very thin skin. The guy cannot take criticism, even some stupid speech from a Muslim who is waving the Constitution at us and blathering on about what an ******* Trump is. **** that guy ... tell him to go wave the Constitution at the religious zealots in his ****** homeland and see how long it takes before he is stripped naked and thrown into a cell.

But Trump has to Twitter argue with the guy for a week. And then Twitter argue with Ms. Fat Universe.

Jesus, Donald, grow up and ignore those gnats. But he can't.

On the other side is the most corrupt person ever to run for public office - and I am including Nixon. Richard Nixon was a lying, scheming, conniving, manipulative troll ... but he would never take money from enemies of the United States and risk exposing our top secret documents. Clinton has the paranoia of Nixon, along with his skills at scheming and conniving, but added to that a destructive love of money and power. She will stop at nothing to get her way, and the recent videos about her campaign and the DNC adopting "Nixonian" tactics should surprise nobody.

Further, I strongly suspect that as the "investigations" into the "Trump groped me" accusers proceed, we will learn that some of these accusers were paid for the accusations, and that such payment came from groups loosely affiliated with the Clinton campaign. It smacks of something Nixon would do, and therefore is 100% in keeping with the bottomless pit of scum that is Hillary Clinton.

So as between the two, I say ... pass. Pass on both of them. I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, and anybody who votes for her should be ashamed. Seriously, what level of deceit and election-rigging and dirty money and security breaches are too much?? If you can vote for Hillary, then you have set the bar so low that nobody can be deemed ineligible for the office any more.

I also cannot vote for Donald Trump because I don't think he has the patience and temperament to be a good President. Would he do less damage than Clinton? Probably, if for no other reason than his list of potential Supreme Court nominees was a testament to somebody working hard to find suitable candidates. But voting for Trump is the ultimate example of "the lesser of two evils." Sorry, I won't vote for evil.

So I think Hillary and her puppy, lap-dog, doting media supporters win the White House.

At which point Hillary takes over an economy floundering with 1.2% growth, spiraling deficits, exploding health care costs, foreign policy disasters on the horizon, an aggressive China pushing its way towards Japan, and aggressive Russia exerting its influence and military might on the Black Sea, the inevitable end of "monetizing the debt" since that credit card bill is due ...

I see a Carter-like disaster on the horizon for Hillary.

I hope she avoids doing permanent damage to our country, such as destructive Supreme Court nominees and a disastrous energy policy that cripples our coal and oil production, because she will be gone soon. Even assuming she can last four years in office - something that nobody should take for granted - I don't see any way that she can avoid a litany of disasters, economic and foreign-policy, in her time in office.

And that is if the media are willing to let her campaign shenanigans go unchallenged, unlike they did with her male counterpart.
You can call it whining if you want, but finally there is a fighter running for President. He doesn't take any ****. From anybody. And he calls out all the corruption. It's about time we had someone who won't roll over for the democrats and commie media.
You can call it whining if you want, but finally there is a fighter running for President. He doesn't take any ****. From anybody. And he calls out all the corruption. It's about time we had someone who won't roll over for the democrats and commie media.

But the job of President entails a zillion complaints per day. The President has to be able to blow off that **** and do the job.

Trump just cannot do it. I envision a thousand Twitter battles in his four years, with nobodies and never-beens.
Giant Meteor 2016

How about three small meteors, strategically directed at a few people who are "meteor worthy"? My suspects:


And the winner by default!!!!

I foresee a class war or civil war IF the Shebitch gets elected.

Raise my Taxes and TRY to take my Guns? That will NOT Fly.

We are fed up with the BS. Not hungry for another dose.
I foresee a class war or civil war IF the Shebitch gets elected.

Raise my Taxes and TRY to take my Guns? That will NOT Fly.

We are fed up with the BS. Not hungry for another dose.

Hillary claims she will raise taxes on millionaires, when in fact the millionaires and billionaires are her "base." Know why she makes that claim?

She knows Congress will stop her. She thereby gets to pretend to love the "little people" while having Congress do the dirty work of protecting the economy from her failed tax-and-spend policies.
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You can call it whining if you want, but finally there is a fighter running for President. He doesn't take any ****. From anybody. And he calls out all the corruption. It's about time we had someone who won't roll over for the democrats and commie media.

There is a difference between fighting and throwing tantrums like a 5 year old. He was not bashing the media when they gave him millions and millions of free advertising during the republican primary. Also the media would not be having such a field day if Trump did not act the way he does. Trump is a 70 yr old man who seriously acts like a child in many aspects. His policies are vague at best and he never talks about them because he is too busy arguing with everyone under the sun. Trump should be winning this election by 20 points, but he is not because he can not act like a normal human being. The republicans were starting to come around then after that tape came out, he has just went off the deep end. Clinton has people during her dirty work for her while Trump has basically pissed everyone off and not many are going to bat for him. If I was Mike Pence I would have dropped out by now. I see no way Trump wins this election, and even if he does he still has to work through congress. He cant even get republicans to support him let alone any dems. Not sure how anyone can expect to get things done. Obviously Clinton is also a horrible choice I think its terrible that these are the best 2 people we could find.
Obviously Clinton is also a horrible choice I think its terrible that these are the best 2 people we could find.

I don't believe that these are the best two candidates we could find; instead, I believe that the corrupt game in Washington is designed to destroy infiltrators and outsiders.

Not part of the club? Get ready to be Trumped.

That approach drives every reasonable person out of most elections, and results in career politicians, i.e., those whose very existence is defined by campaigning, and winning elections, and making promises, and breaking promises, running the show.

Why are we surprised that when we set up a system designed to remove decent, intelligent people from running, that we have terrible candidates remaining, and that when we have politicians running the game, that the game is rigged?
I hope she avoids doing permanent damage to our country, such as destructive Supreme Court nominees and a disastrous energy policy that cripples our coal and oil production, because she will be gone soon. Even assuming she can last four years in office - something that nobody should take for granted - I don't see any way that she can avoid a litany of disasters, economic and foreign-policy, in her time in office

There's two and you can add open borders, amnesty, some carbon taxes and a gun grab legislation. Allow me to alter that last sentence ST, if I may.

I don't see any way that we can avoid a litany of disasters, economic and foreign-policy, in her time in office

Buck up boy, he's not that bad..just overly narcissistic . The gamble is just too high.
My mom said she is voting Trump ONLY because of Pence. That Pence is the most presidential out of the 4. I know VP's don't really make or break a ticket, but I think it does in Trump's case. My mom isn't the only one I've talked to who is voting for PENCE.
My mom said she is voting Trump ONLY because of Pence. That Pence is the most presidential out of the 4. I know VP's don't really make or break a ticket, but I think it does in Trump's case. My mom isn't the only one I've talked to who is voting for PENCE.

Eh, I only voted for McCain because of Palin.
The problem I have with voting for Pence is that Trump has not shown any indication that he will listen to or be influenced by people who know a lot more about things than he does. If I thought Pence might be running the show I'd consider voting for them.
My mom said she is voting Trump ONLY because of Pence. That Pence is the most presidential out of the 4. I know VP's don't really make or break a ticket, but I think it does in Trump's case. My mom isn't the only one I've talked to who is voting for PENCE.

No, she's not alone Lyn...there's a whole buncha Pence people around.


The only adult in the room ?

There is a difference between fighting and throwing tantrums like a 5 year old. He was not bashing the media when they gave him millions and millions of free advertising during the republican primary. Also the media would not be having such a field day if Trump did not act the way he does. Trump is a 70 yr old man who seriously acts like a child in many aspects. His policies are vague at best and he never talks about them because he is too busy arguing with everyone under the sun. Trump should be winning this election by 20 points, but he is not because he can not act like a normal human being. The republicans were starting to come around then after that tape came out, he has just went off the deep end. Clinton has people during her dirty work for her while Trump has basically pissed everyone off and not many are going to bat for him. If I was Mike Pence I would have dropped out by now. I see no way Trump wins this election, and even if he does he still has to work through congress. He cant even get republicans to support him let alone any dems. Not sure how anyone can expect to get things done. Obviously Clinton is also a horrible choice I think its terrible that these are the best 2 people we could find.

Trump won't get things done. Which is exactly why he's the safer of the two choices.

I'm scared what Hillary will do controlling the IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA and FBI and that doesn't count the Supreme Court changes.

You think the IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA and FBI are going to roll over and be Trumps to control? Unlikely. I think they're already in the democrat's pocket already and the favors are already in place to keep the corruption going when Clinton gets into the White House (which will happen).

Our country can survive 4 years of Trump because nothing will get done.

Four more years of socialism and corruption of the executive branch and back room deals and billion dollar favors to a global world order? Not so sure....
The problem I have with voting for Pence is that Trump has not shown any indication that he will listen to or be influenced by people who know a lot more about things than he does. If I thought Pence might be running the show I'd consider voting for them.

I think you're just trying to find an excuse not to vote for Trump. :smile:
Perhaps Trump campaigning on the premise he will seek advice from others makes him appear unqualified and or weak.

I firmly believe Trump would seek advice...a lot of it.
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The only major party candidate this year that had any chance of doing any good for this nation was Senator Rand Paul MD. Many of you would not support him because he has the crazy idea that we will have less war if we stop sending our troops all over the world looking for wars to fight, and that fixing our debt means actually cutting our budget to include the military industrial complex. So you who call yourselves conservatives have sacrificed our republic for the sake of empire. Remember that next election.

That being said I think trump wins on his name recognition alone. I hope he does because if I have to work at dragging someone towards the Constitution and Liberty I would rather start center right than far statist left.
The only major party candidate this year that had any chance of doing any good for this nation was Senator Rand Paul MD. Many of you would not support him because he has the crazy idea that we will have less war if we stop sending our troops all over the world looking for wars to fight, and that fixing our debt means actually cutting our budget to include the military industrial complex. So you who call yourselves conservatives have sacrificed our republic for the sake of empire. Remember that next election.

That being said I think trump wins on his name recognition alone. I hope he does because if I have to work at dragging someone towards the Constitution and Liberty I would rather start center right than far statist left.

I think right now Rand Paul would look the best going against Clinton. Cruz, Bush and the others IMO wouldn't fare so well.
Yes it will


Illegals seeking asylum up 900%, get Social Security, welfare, school loans

The number of illegals seeking asylum to gain easy access to the United States has jumped 900 percent in less than 10 years, greatly expanding the Immigration population receiving Social Security, school loans, green cards, welfare and other taxpayer funded services, according to figures from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

While about 8,000 mostly Latin Americans in 2009 sought asylum, the number is expected to reach 80,000 or more this year, according to a projection from the Center for Immigration Studies.

The author of the report, Jessica M. Vaughan, the Center's director of policy studies, said many of those arriving at the border to claim asylum are trafficked through Mexico by gangs charging fees to get their clients into the U.S.


Trump doesnt have the temperment to be President, niether does Hillary... vote third party, not only do they have a legit chance if they win one state, if they break the 5% vote criteria they get a cut of the money next time around and have to be included in more polls... break the damn 2 party system nonsense... establishment R and establishment D are the same jackasses doing the same illegal ****