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This election will have far-reaching effects

So what I am reading is democrats won in Washington state where sea-Tac welfare cases outnumber the rest of the state and one district in ATL went Democratic. All to be expected because of shifting demographics. As far as St Petersburg Florida, that's right next door to me and I can tell you that was won by the DNC sinking millions into the race.
Sure thing. Care to chime in how you thought Trump and the GOP fared in yesterday's voting in Virginia and elsewhere?

Nothing surprising. Virginia has been trending democrat more and more for a decade. New Jersey is now only the 7th state to have full democrat control. As opposed to 26 states by the Republicans.

Glad you had some meaningless wins to put a feather in your cap yesterday but I don't see it as being all that important.
let's look at how prosperous these areas become under Democratic leadership. We can only hope that they become similar shining beacons of development, employment and morality such as Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.
Virginia and New Jersey weren't going to go to a Republican.

ha ha - they gained nothing

Sure thing. Care to chime in how you thought Trump and the GOP fared in yesterday's voting in Virginia and elsewhere?

I know, right? Trump carried Virginia by how much?? And wow, what a shift. Virginia has had a Republican governor since ... when exactly?
LOSER DEMS still looking for any tiny glimmer of hope in a sea of crushed broken hearts


The "news" today on the elections was so ******* one-sided. They practically slobbered over each other about how much the democrats won. It was embarrassing even on supposedly neutral organizations like NPR and USA Today.

First, Virginia is not a "swing state" anymore. When a major upset happens like Trump and that doesn't include Virginia, that means that state is now forever Democrat.

Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona.... those are "swing states" now. Even possibly North Carolina.

The I-95 democrat dominance just moved further south but they lost the rust belt. In order for the Republicans to stay in the White House that has to continue. Not that hard really to understand.
My personal belief is that Donald Trump is a seriously, SERIOUSLY flawed candidate who is not qualified to be President. My conclusion has nothing to do with his personal foibles, but instead relates to Trump's propensity for bombast and his very thin skin. The guy cannot take criticism, even some stupid speech from a Muslim who is waving the Constitution at us and blathering on about what an ******* Trump is. **** that guy ... tell him to go wave the Constitution at the religious zealots in his ****** homeland and see how long it takes before he is stripped naked and thrown into a cell.

But Trump has to Twitter argue with the guy for a week. And then Twitter argue with Ms. Fat Universe.

Jesus, Donald, grow up and ignore those gnats. But he can't.

On the other side is the most corrupt person ever to run for public office - and I am including Nixon. Richard Nixon was a lying, scheming, conniving, manipulative troll ... but he would never take money from enemies of the United States and risk exposing our top secret documents. Clinton has the paranoia of Nixon, along with his skills at scheming and conniving, but added to that a destructive love of money and power. She will stop at nothing to get her way, and the recent videos about her campaign and the DNC adopting "Nixonian" tactics should surprise nobody.

Further, I strongly suspect that as the "investigations" into the "Trump groped me" accusers proceed, we will learn that some of these accusers were paid for the accusations, and that such payment came from groups loosely affiliated with the Clinton campaign. It smacks of something Nixon would do, and therefore is 100% in keeping with the bottomless pit of scum that is Hillary Clinton.

So as between the two, I say ... pass. Pass on both of them. I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, and anybody who votes for her should be ashamed. Seriously, what level of deceit and election-rigging and dirty money and security breaches are too much?? If you can vote for Hillary, then you have set the bar so low that nobody can be deemed ineligible for the office any more.

I also cannot vote for Donald Trump because I don't think he has the patience and temperament to be a good President. Would he do less damage than Clinton? Probably, if for no other reason than his list of potential Supreme Court nominees was a testament to somebody working hard to find suitable candidates. But voting for Trump is the ultimate example of "the lesser of two evils." Sorry, I won't vote for evil.

So I think Hillary and her puppy, lap-dog, doting media supporters win the White House.

At which point Hillary takes over an economy floundering with 1.2% growth, spiraling deficits, exploding health care costs, foreign policy disasters on the horizon, an aggressive China pushing its way towards Japan, and aggressive Russia exerting its influence and military might on the Black Sea, the inevitable end of "monetizing the debt" since that credit card bill is due ...

I see a Carter-like disaster on the horizon for Hillary.

I hope she avoids doing permanent damage to our country, such as destructive Supreme Court nominees and a disastrous energy policy that cripples our coal and oil production, because she will be gone soon. Even assuming she can last four years in office - something that nobody should take for granted - I don't see any way that she can avoid a litany of disasters, economic and foreign-policy, in her time in office.

And that is if the media are willing to let her campaign shenanigans go unchallenged, unlike they did with her male counterpart.

Who cares? He is doing what we wanted him to do.