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This election will have far-reaching effects

She'll probably get to pick 3 SC justices in her first term, and that will change things forever. Buy your guns and Smith & Wesson shares now.
She'll probably get to pick 3 SC justices in her first term, and that will change things forever. Buy your guns and Smith & Wesson shares now.

Rifles&ammo. Lots of it. And containers to bury it when hildabeast has her crooked Supreme Court outlaw them.
She'll probably get to pick 3 SC justices in her first term, and that will change things forever. Buy your guns and Smith & Wesson shares now.

Rifles&ammo. Lots of it. And containers to bury it when hildabeast has her crooked Supreme Court outlaw them.

Eerie, same thing we were hearing in 2008 and 2012. Never gets old, I guess.
What's eerie is we have a complete criminal scumbag close to the Oval Office. Not shocking coming from the demoncrat party. The slime runs deep.
The only major party candidate this year that had any chance of doing any good for this nation was Senator Rand Paul MD. Many of you would not support him because he has the crazy idea that we will have less war if we stop sending our troops all over the world looking for wars to fight, and that fixing our debt means actually cutting our budget to include the military industrial complex. So you who call yourselves conservatives have sacrificed our republic for the sake of empire. Remember that next election.

That being said I think trump wins on his name recognition alone. I hope he does because if I have to work at dragging someone towards the Constitution and Liberty I would rather start center right than far statist left.

I voted for Rand Paul in the primary even though he had dropped out just before PA voted.
If she gets elected our country is done, over, nonexistent. I live in the heart of the bible belt, and the heart of the second amendment there is no way, let me repeat NO WAY we give up or hide our guns. Hillary if elected will be the cause of a civil war in this country. It's truly mind blowing that ANYONE could vote for a murdering, self serving, lying, thieving, hypocritical, corrupt **** like Clinton that does not care about anyone that can not make her richer or more powerful.

For those that think we as a people can't stand up against this corrupt, tyrannical, and shameful government, ask yourself how much power the USSR had over their people.

This is truly a frightening time in our country, I pray everyday for my children and grand children's future.
In other news: Are any of you going to Hillary's inauguration?

sadly, I think this will happen and it would suck either way. The media wants it, Trump can't shut up long enough to say anything meaningful to bury her and there will be an inner war if he is elected. I'm going to start drinking.
I foresee a class war or civil war IF the Shebitch gets elected.

Raise my Taxes and TRY to take my Guns? That will NOT Fly.

We are fed up with the BS. Not hungry for another dose.

Congrats you must be very wealthy if you're worried about having YOUR taxes raised. I believe the threshold is $250k+/year.

The republicans have nominated a candidate who is unelectable because of his temperament and positions. They've given voters no other choice. If the tail continues to wag the dog for the republican party as it has for this election it will be the end of the party. Until a viable option comes along there will be no option but the democrats. Not a good situation for any thriving democracy.
sadly, I think this will happen and it would suck either way. The media wants it, Trump can't shut up long enough to say anything meaningful to bury her and there will be an inner war if he is elected. I'm going to start drinking.

Oddly, I think if Trump wins it will keep the Republican party together. If he loses, that's when the party splits.
If Hildebeast wins I'm going to seriously look at getting dual citizenship and moving to Italy. At least they're moving to the right politically and don't take any **** from the Muzzies. We've got a Steelers bar in Rome, **** it, I'm outta here.
I voted for Rand Paul in the primary even though he had dropped out just before PA voted.

I don't think rand paul had the leadership quality. I like ben carson, but he doesn't seem to have the personality to be president. You can say whatever about trump, but people flock to him and seem to stay loyal.
I don't think rand paul had the leadership quality. I like ben carson, but he doesn't seem to have the personality to be president. You can say whatever about trump, but people flock to him and seem to stay loyal.

I like Ben Carson, too. I would get behind the Pence/Carson ticket. Could have been interesting.
Congrats you must be very wealthy if you're worried about having YOUR taxes raised. I believe the threshold is $250k+/year.

That is not an outlandish yearly income for two professionals, both of whom work full-time, and one of whom runs a professional business in the form of an S corporation. It really isn't.

My state has an income tax of 11.2% for that level of income. The corrupt thief may have wallowed in millions for giving ******, boring, bribe-me speeches, but the rest of us actually work for our income. If she gets her way, itemized deductions will be limited to 28% adjusted gross income, business taxes will be increased, and some sort of asinine "fairness" bullshit will be part of the tax code to make sure my wife and I "pay our fair share."

How bad is this ****? I am not going to be a slave for the government and the millions who suck off the government teat. I increase money paid into tax-deferred 401K (as long as the hag does not try and steal that money as well), and if necessary, reduce my annual business revenue.

Or increase business expenses. Officer and director meetings are mandatory - why not have a couple per year in Switzerland?

**** the U.S.'s thieving tax system.
He was not bashing the media when they gave him millions and millions of free advertising during the republican primary.
The MSM, party to the Democrat agenda was pushing Trump into the forefront of the Republican pack as they believed he was the most "defeatable". That was a poor choice. It turns out they aren't giving him "free advertising" anymore. Weird.

This is an amazing election.

America has finally reached it's Bullshit Threshold.

I think it' really true. Given the recent leaks about the Democratic "dirty tricks" and the emails and the Confidential / Top Secret scandal and the "Pay to Play" scandal and the indications of media bias in the polls we're being shown every day and everything else, I can't help but feel that at this point there is a "No Win" for Hillary Clinton.

If she does win the election, whatever portion of the country votes against her will soundly believe (and given the recent video leaks and revelations, who can blame them) that the election was in fact rigged from the start. If she loses, she will be shamed on an epic level for the degree of cheating, lying and chicanery her party stooped to in order to win this election.

Tibs stated in another thread how "Un-American" it was to question our democratic process. Get over yourself dude. After THIS election how can we NOT question our entire electoral process? How can we have ANY faith in our government officials?

If Trumps candidacy has provided any value this election, it has truly forced Americans to open their eyes to the sick and perverse depths to which our politicians will go to get elected or retain their positions.

I proudly state that if Hillary is elected I will NOT denounce my citizenship. This is MY ******* country. But I will absolutely, and with no qualifications whatsoever, refuse to recognize her as my President. I'm sorry. I refuse to acknowledge the woman as my Head of State. I know that my position means nothing whatsoever, but Hillary Clinton is just a lying, contriving, horrible person who's stealing my tax money. I won't give her credit for being my representative on any level. She does NOT represent me.

I am a Democrat.
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I proudly state that if Hillary is elected I will NOT denounce my citizenship. This is MY ******* country. But I will absolutely, and with no qualifications whatsoever, refuse to recognize her as my President. I'm sorry. I refuse to acknowledge the woman as my Head of State. I know that my position means nothing whatsoever, but Hillary Clinton is just a lying, contriving, horrible person who's stealing my tax money. I won't give her credit for being my representative on any level. She does NOT represent me.

She will, for a modest donation to her "foundation" and a speaking fee to her hubby.
In other news: Are any of you going to Hillary's inauguration?





Trump won't get things done. Which is exactly why he's the safer of the two choices.

I'm scared what Hillary will do controlling the IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA and FBI and that doesn't count the Supreme Court changes.

You think the IRS, EPA, DOJ, CIA and FBI are going to roll over and be Trumps to control? Unlikely. I think they're already in the democrat's pocket already and the favors are already in place to keep the corruption going when Clinton gets into the White House (which will happen).

Our country can survive 4 years of Trump because nothing will get done.

Four more years of socialism and corruption of the executive branch and back room deals and billion dollar favors to a global world order? Not so sure....

I stand by my assessment last year. Still happy every day he was elected and not Hillary. No matter how embarrassed Tibs feels in his cocoon in Hungary.
No matter how embarrassed Tibs feels in his cocoon in Hungary.
Yet another weaksauce comment. Why so infatuated with me? You should be considering how embarrased roughly 65% of Americans feel, in America, on American soil. The ones living in a cocoon are you Trump fanboys holed up in this corner of the internet thinking the whole country stands behind you. Not by a long shot.
Yet another weaksauce comment. Why so infatuated with me? You should be considering how embarrased roughly 65% of Americans feel, in America, on American soil. The ones living in a cocoon are you Trump fanboys holed up in this corner of the internet thinking the whole country stands behind you. Not by a long shot.

Only enough to get him elected and not that witch. And that was all we needed.

And you're the one obsessed with polls, no one else here cares.

Congress has an approval rating of 25%, should we get rid of congress? Shumer and Palosi have approval ratings lower than Trump so where's the outrage from our media and you about them?

Our country isn't ruled by polls (thank god). It's ruled by votes.
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Our country isn't ruled by polls (thank god). It's ruled by votes.

Sure thing. Care to chime in how you thought Trump and the GOP fared in yesterday's voting in Virginia and elsewhere?
Sure thing. Care to chime in how you thought Trump and the GOP fared in yesterday's voting in Virginia and elsewhere?

Virginia and New Jersey weren't going to go to a Republican. Too many Government Daleks in Northern Virginia and too many welfare cases in New Jersey for that.
Virginia and New Jersey weren't going to go to a Republican. Too many Government Daleks in Northern Virginia and too many welfare cases in New Jersey for that.

You're right, just another nothingburger. Maybe those polls do mean something afterall LOL.

Dems win from coast to coast

Democrats roared back on Tuesday a year after suffering perhaps the most demoralizing defeat in modern political history, claiming big victories in races up and down the ballot and across the country.

The breadth of the Democratic wins surprised even the most optimistic party stalwarts, who fretted over their own chances in key races Tuesday. But as the results rolled in, those Democrats said they had energized their core voters and capitalized on President Trump's unpopularity to reach swing voters.

"This is not a wave. This is a tsunami," Virginia Del. David Toscano, leader of the Democratic caucus, told The Hill in an interview Tuesday night. "This is a huge, huge sea change here in Virginia."

Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam (D) won the Virginia governorship by a wider-than-expected margin, even with Democrats fretting about his late campaign strategy. Democrat Justin Fairfax won the lieutenant governor's office, becoming only the second African American to win a statewide post in Virginia since Reconstruction, while Attorney General Mark Herring (D) won re-election.

In New Jersey, former Goldman Sachs executive Phil Murphy (D) easily won the right to replace deeply unpopular Gov. Chris Christie (R), cementing Democratic control in the Garden State.

In Washington, Democrat Manka Dhingra (D) appeared headed for victory in a special election to fill an open state Senate seat. Dhingra's win, in a formerly Republican district, would give Democrats control of all levers of government in the Evergreen State.

Democrats won at least 14 seats in Virginia's House of Delegates, with another three likely headed to a recount. They picked up at least two seats in New Jersey's state Senate, with several Senate and Assembly districts yet to count ballots, and a seat in New Hampshire's state House.

Georgia Democrats celebrated winning two deep red districts in special state House elections. Two Democrats appear likely to face off in a runoff in a suburban Atlanta state Senate district formerly held by a Republican after finishing first and second in the all-party primary — a result that would break the GOP's supermajority.

Even local elections tipped left on Tuesday. In St. Petersburg, Fla., Mayor Rick Kriseman won re-election, after campaigning with former Vice President Joe Biden and other Democratic stalwarts, over former Mayor Rick Baker, an upset in a race in which early polls showed Baker leading.

In Manchester, Joyce Craig became the first woman to win the mayor's office, and the first Democrat to win the city since 2003, after she ousted four-term incumbent Ted Gatsas (R).

Senior Democratic strategists said their candidates had found a way to tie Republican candidates to the deeply unpopular president, not through his uncouth statements and behavior but through his unpopular policies.

"We're getting better about our Trump messaging," said Jessica Post, who heads the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, a group dedicated to winning state legislative elections.

Some Republicans, rattled by Tuesday's losses, said they had more to learn about running for and winning office with an unpopular Trump in the White House.

"I don't know how you get around that this wasn’t a referendum on the administration, I just don’t. Some of the very divisive rhetoric helped prompted and usher in a really high Democratic turnout in Virginia," Rep. Scott Taylor (R-Va.) told The Hill at Gillespie's victory party. "We need to have some looking in the mirror."