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Tidal Gate - Your Honest AGW Scientists At it Again

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
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Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise

Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise.

The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen).

But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise.

The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper for Earth Systems and Environment.

The paper – Is the Sea Level Stable at Aden, Yemen? – examines the discrepancies between raw and adjusted sea level data in Aden, Karachi and Mumbai.

Kenneth Richard at No Tricks Zone reports:

The authors expose how PSMSL data-adjusters make it appear that stable sea levels can be rendered to look like they are nonetheless rising at an accelerated pace.

The data-adjusters take misaligned and incomplete sea level data from tide gauges that show no sea level rise (or even a falling trend). Then, they subjectively and arbitrarily cobble them together, or realign them. In each case assessed, PSMSL data-adjusters lower the earlier misaligned rates and raise the more recent measurements. By doing so, they concoct a new linearly-rising trend.

Here is a before/after from Karachi:


The authors do not mince their words. They refer to these adjustments as “highly questionable” and “suspicious.”

That’s because they can find no plausible scientific explanation for the adjustments.

As they explain at the beginning of their paper, it is hard to put together consistent sea level records covering a long time period. This is because tide gauges are often the result of multiple sets of data, taken over different time periods using different instruments, which are then spliced together.

What is proposed as a single record in databases such as the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) (PSMSL 2017a) is often the composition of data collected by different instruments, sometimes in different locations or over different time windows, with significant gaps in between one measurement and the others. This is the case of the Aden, Yemen tide gauge that is the only tidal location of the Arabian Peninsula spanning a time window long enough to infer a trend and acceleration of the relative sea level (assuming there was continuous measurement and no quality issue). In Aden, similar to Karachi and Mumbai and other tide gauges of the area, a single-tide gauge record is the result of multiple sets of data subjectively coupled together. While a new tide gauge is recording since about 2007, the alignment of the previous data is continuously changing.

So there is nothing per se wrong with PSMSL making adjustments in order to make the different datasets align.

What is wrong is the way that the scientists at PSMSL have adjusted them. In every case, they have revised them in order to make them produce a sharp upward trend in sea level rise – despite the fact that global records do not support this.

The truth, Parker and Ollier conclude in their paper, is that sea level has changed very little in the three sites examined:

The reconstructed tide gauge records of Aden, Mumbai and Karachi are perfectly consistent with multiple lines of evidence from other key sites of the Indian Ocean including Qatar, Maldives, Bangladesh and Visakhapatnam. The sea levels have been stable since the start of the twentieth century in Aden similar to Karachi and Mumbai.

But the official PSMSL data – as used by other global data-keeping bodies such as NOAA – claims that there has been a sharp increase.

In Aden, for example, the alarmists have turned a modest 1.21 mm/year rise into a 3.02 mm/year rise.

In Aden, with data 1880–1969, the trend was + 1.21 mm/year.

Per the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Centre for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (NOAA 2017a), with data from an intermediate version of a single-tide gauge record by PSMSL we may call (n-1), the sea-level trend in Aden is + 3.02 mm/year based on the monthly average mean sea-level (MSL) results 1879–2011, Fig. 6a (image from NOAA(2017b) downloaded on September 13, 2017).

Using the online analysis tool of Burton’s sealevel.info (Sealevel.info 2017a), with data from the latest update of the PSMSL database that we may call version n, with 2 more years of data, but also with some other corrections, see the data before the year 1900 shifted up, the sea-level trend in Aden is + 1.35 mm/year based on the MSL results 1879–2013, Fig. 6b (image from Sealevel.info (2017b) downloaded on September 13, 2017). Worthy of note, the acceleration is now large and positive.

Again, there is no plausible scientific explanation for these adjustments.

As the authors put it:

“It is always highly questionable to shift data collected in the far past without any proven new supporting material.”

Indeed, but it is perfectly consistent with the behavior of alarmist scientists in other fields, notably those concerning surface temperature data records. As we have reported here before, there is copious evidence to suggest that the gatekeepers of global warming have consistently and shamelessly cooked the books and rigged the data in order to give the impression that “climate change” is a major and unprecedented phenomenon.

A major part of the global warming scare narrative is that melting ice caps will cause sea levels to rise at a dangerous and unprecedented rate, enveloping low-lying Pacific islands, flooding vulnerable countries like Bangladesh and perhaps one day drowning even places like Manhattan.

There is little if any scientific evidence that this is actually happening.

What’s extraordinary is the desperation of scientists at what ought to be impeccably neutral and trustworthy institutions such as NASA, NOAA and PSMSL to pretend that it is.

When alarmists in charge of surface temperature datasets make dishonest adjustments to exaggerate the appearance of global warming, it looks like corruption.

When alarmists in the entirely separate field of sea level measurement make precisely the same sort of dishonest adjustments in order to accord with the same global warming narrative, it starts to look like a conspiracy.
The cash cow is too lucrative. They can't let go. They must be "encouraged" to do so.
This is why so many refuse to include raw data in their findings... again.. id be in jail for doing this... but according to the mmgw extremists, anyone who disagrees with their findings should be locked up... not those who cheat to support them
So that's how they got total scientific consensus.
When you are threatened with shame and persecution for not believing something being presented as a Science, you already know it's a complete sham. Science itself is based around trying to prove alternative theories and the acquisition of new information. The "swallow what we tell you and shut up or we'll call you embarrassing names" presentation of climate science is a dead giveaway as to it's scientific weakness. .
The Hoax continues to unravel

Polar bears all over the place now, Native Alaskans say

Several years ago, we were warned that bears were starving due to global warming and would be irretrievably lost.

I recall the first interview I did with Alaska's then-governor, Sarah Palin, about the polar bear situation in 2008, before she got famous. I asked her if the news reports were right that polar bears were starving. I only have a reference to the link, unfortunately, but I vividly recall her most memorable quote: "Our bears are healthy bears!"

She added that maybe that could be the situation in Canada, but it certainly wasn't in Alaska.

Now ABC News and NBC News are reporting that bears are flooding Alaska's villages, supposedly because of the loss of their ice floe habitat. The Washington Post is bringing them up as an argument against the GOP tax cut bill.

Problematically to the claim about the missing ice floes (unlikely now that it's winter), the photos prominently feature obese bears who clearly haven't fled any sort of famine.

Fact is, not only are the Alaska natives seeing too many bears proliferating, but so are the scientists who study them.

Professor Susan Crockford of the University of Victory has observed the proliferation of bears, and far from saying they are endangered, she concludes they "are not at risk," which, of course, got her attacked by ideological leftists and those for whom global warming is a religion.

Terence Corcoran of Canada's Financial Post notes that this bear issue and the left's shifting story on it is a magic talking point for global warmers, who go after anyone who deviates from their party line

Inuit observations of polar bear ecology: "Last year he said that there's more bears that are more fat … they rarely see unhealthy bears… back in early 80s, and mid 90s, there were hardly any bears … there's too many polar bears now."

So, instead of furtive bears withering away on ice floes and starving due to loss of habitat, rising sea levels or whatever the global warmers claim, what we actually have here is a bear explosion, with bears so well fed that they've gotten fat.

It's more than just anecdotal – the bear populations are exploding everywhere.

In Russia, near its Chukotka peninsula, AFP reports:

MOSCOW: A boatload of tourists in the far eastern Russian Arctic thought they were seeing clumps of ice on the shore, before the jaw-dropping realisation that some 200 polar bears were roaming on the mountain slope.

"It was a completely unique situation," said Alexander Gruzdev, director of the Wrangel Island nature reserve where the encounter in September happened. "We were all gobsmacked, to be honest."



Snow flurries seen in New Orleans

More than 250,000 without power across the South

More than a quarter-million electrical customers across the South lack power after a snowstorm and could face a cold night as temperatures plunge.

Another 68,000 are without power in the southern half of Mississippi, utilities say, and nearly 63,000 customers are without power in southeast Louisiana



Cold rain and sleet fell through much of Friday and snow was part of the mix at times. Temperatures in the city were expected to hover above freezing so no accumulation of snow was expected. .

Police organized motorists in slow-moving convoys to prevent accidents on the weather-slick 24-mile long causeway bridge that links the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain to suburbs west of New Orleans.

This is all settled science. You are a flat Earth-er if you disagree or if you point out any facts that don't fit. Sure, none of this can actually be proven and honestly collected data proves the opposite, but the annointed smartest people know better. Their word is all the proof you need.
Snow flurries seen in New Orleans
I heard on the news yesterday that so far this year Louisiana has had more snow than Pennsylvania.
I heard on the news yesterday that so far this year Louisiana has had more snow than Pennsylvania.

I'm in OH, but 30 miles from the PA border. We have had virtually no snow whatsoever. Literally on two days this year, it has spit a couple flakes for about 10 minutes. That's it. It's practically mid December! I don't remember another year like it. It didn't even get consistently cold enough to snow until this week. All through October and November we'd have one day in the 40's and the rest of the week it would be around 60 degrees.
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Duh...that's why they call it climate "change". /strong sarc
Clearly, fake news generated by Russian/Trump collusion.

700 People Have Left the EPA Since Scott Pruitt Took Over

The Environmental Protection Agency has shrunk considerably since Scott Pruitt took over as administrator. In fact, the agency is back to President Reagan-era staff levels.

Over 700 EPA personnel have either retired, quit, or taken voluntary buyouts since Pruitt took over Think Progress found

Pruitt has been credited with influencing Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement.


700 People Have Left the EPA Since Scott Pruitt Took Over

Over 700 EPA personnel have either retired, quit, or taken voluntary buyouts

Why in God's name are the idiot monkey-******* morons in the Federal government spending MY ******* money "buying out" (i.e., paying) government stooges to retire?!?!?

Fire them and tell them to find another job. ******* government.
all you ************* buying Priuses and not contributing to polluting the environment are why we have record snowfall.
This maybe a little off topic but the narrative isn't. One would think that the Libtard media would learn from past displays of this kind that they don't work. If you read the headline, you expect to have a story that leads to a blatant disrespect for that poor old tree.
Well...maybe not so much.


Updated | The historic Jackson magnolia has been on the south facade of the White House since the 1800s—making it the oldest on the grounds. But Tuesday, Melania Trump reportedly made the decision to have it removed after tree specialists determined “the overall architecture and structure of the tree is greatly compromised,” the report stated, according to CNN.

But a little further down ya read...

The document said, “Without the extensive cabling system, the tree would have fallen years ago. Presently, and very concerning, the cabling system is failing on the east trunk, as a cable has pulled through the very thin layer of wood that remains. It is difficult to predict when and how many more will fail.”


And they wonder why people don't trust them


I saw another story from the left media about how Trump "hasn't thrown a state dinner yet". Like what the **** does that matter?

It's sickening what our media is doing. They think they are doing something useful (or just getting clicks) but my resolve to be against them and for Trump just gets stronger and stronger and stronger.
Thread title should be "STILL at it", not "at it again"...
It's a frigid 50 here, I might have to start thinking about digging out some socks


Plummeting temperatures could send the world into a 'mini ice age'

In a little over a decade the world could be plunged into a 'mini ice age', scientists have warned.

Temperatures will start dropping in 2021, according to a mathematical model of the Sun's magnetic energy.

This, they say, will lead to a phenomenon known as the 'Maunder minimum' - which has previously been known as a mini ice age when it hit between 1646 and 1715, even causing London's River Thames to freeze over.

The study says that between 2020 and 2030 solar cycles will cancel each other out.

The model of the Sun's solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun's 11-year heartbeat
