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Tidal Gate - Your Honest AGW Scientists At it Again

I'm with you Spike..them scientist dudes was tellin' us back in 1978 that we was gonna freeze. Shoulda listened to them back then, now it's too late.

Listening to this and listening to weather forecasts now just convinces me that I don't want to ever be called a climatologist


But the Libs don't cave that fast....


Too much money to be had, stay the course.
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It's a frigid 50 here, I might have to start thinking about digging out some socks


Plummeting temperatures could send the world into a 'mini ice age'

In a little over a decade the world could be plunged into a 'mini ice age', scientists have warned.

10* here right now and wind chill is below zero.
Greater number of fakers and fakes:

****** and orgasms, or AGW and their statistics?
It's Global Cooling! Quick, send us all your money so we can make it go away!
It's Global Cooling! Quick, send us all your money so we can make it go away!

Can we tax something? Make a regulation? How will the world ever survive without the government to "correct our ways"....
Great thread! The best part is that elfie doesn't even try anymore. Too many beat downs took their toll.
Great thread! The best part is that elfie doesn't even try anymore. Too many beat downs took their toll.

He'll be back. Things are looking pretty bleak on that end as of now. The famous investigation is suddenly looking much worse for Hilllary and Obama than it ever did for Trump, so you won't be hearing much more about it. Also everybody has already seen through the lie that Trump's tax bill is "ONLY FOR THE TOP 1%!!!!", so that is already out the window too. Not to mention the topic at hand here, widespread manipulation of Climate data for.....wait for it.....more funding! Gee I could swear some of us have been saying that for a decade or more.

As soon as something comes out that looks bad on Trump, he'll come roaring back with a vengeance.....then once that is proved to be a mainstream media fabrication, he'll go away again. All things go in cycles.
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Burning stacks of old tires on every streetcorner in America is the only thing that can save us now

Even Sharks Are Freezing to Death. Winter Rages

Record-breaking snowfalls have stranded older and disabled residents inside their homes for days. Cars are buried under mountains of snow, and lethally low temperatures are forcing cities across the Northeast and Midwest to open emergency “warming centers” for homeless residents and people whose furnaces are no match for the cold.

Along the New England coast, the cold appeared to be at least partially the culprit in the deaths of three thresher sharks found washed up on the shores of Wellfleet and Orleans on Cape Cod over the past several days, according to scientists.

“If you’ve got cold air, that’ll freeze their gills up very quickly,” said Greg Skomal, a marine scientist for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. “Those gill filaments are very sensitive and it wouldn’t take long for the shark to die.”

Mr. Skomal hypothesized that the sharks, which are usually about 12 feet long, had begun to make their way south as northerly waters cooled, but got trapped by Cape Cod, as have wayward dolphins before them, and pushed up onto the beach, where the cold may have hastened their death.

Scientists from the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy said they had collected tissue samples and organs from the sharks to be examined “once they thaw.”

I'm with you Spike..them scientist dudes was tellin' us back in 1978 that we was gonna freeze. Shoulda listened to them back then, now it's too late..

Well I do believe in climate change - we still have it 4 times a year

Winter Spring Summer Fall
Great thread! The best part is that elfie doesn't even try anymore. Too many beat downs took their toll.

NINE YEARS AGO… Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Completely Ice Free by Today

NINE YEARS AGO THIS MONTH—Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”

“Five Years”

This wasn’t the only time Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore’s been predicting this since 2007.

According to Al Gore the North Pole should be completely melted by now.

Junk scientist Al Gore also made the same prediction in 2009.


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Talking about possible snow in the Tampa area next week.
I blew up a few Libs on The Hill's FB page when I said they don't have a sense of humor. "But global warming is SERIOUS!" Really.

I don't know how you can stomach them Libs on FB JonBoy, comments like those on Del's post...

Damn, seriously global warming is real that's what is melting the ice caps, which in turn effects the temperatures of the seas which in turn effects the weather which is called climate change.

...have to challenge your ability to remain rational and composed. No amount of facts seem to dissuade these people.


I don't know how you can stomach them Libs on FB JonBoy, comments like those on Del's post...

...have to challenge your ability to remain rational and composed. No amount of facts seem to dissuade these people.
Eh, I'm a funeral director. I'm always rational and composed. Or it's more like I'm always rational and composed, so I became a funeral director.
Too many of you on this board have been - mentally - drifting out to sea. The effects of global warming are true and real as the sun coming up in the morning. Dismiss it, ridicule it, jerk off to it. Post all the memes you want. No matter how childish you get, the fact is there is significant climate change happening on our planet right now. It's real and it's here. You can scoff all you want at the scientists, dismiss the data and continue living the alt right fairy tale. That's your choice. But know full well you are living in utter ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, I realize that.
Too many of you on this board have been - mentally - drifting out to sea. The effects of global warming are true and real as the sun coming up in the morning. Dismiss it, ridicule it, jerk off to it. Post all the memes you want. No matter how childish you get, the fact is there is significant climate change happening on our planet right now. It's real and it's here. You can scoff all you want at the scientists, dismiss the data and continue living the alt right fairy tale. That's your choice. But know full well you are living in utter ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, I realize that.

Ya know.....I feel the same way but from the opposite end of the spectrum. And it sure as hell doesn't help when these hacks are constantly getting caught falsifying data to get the results they know will keep getting them paid. In my opinion, anyone who still falls for this **** is out to lunch, not to mention childishly naive. I can't believe everyone hasn't wised up to this scam yet. Even when they aren't falsifying data they aren't doing anything besides using only the parts of the data that build up their theory and omitting everything that trashes their theory. It's classic junk science. Makes me understand how Bernie Madoff tricked people into making him rich in the fist place.
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Too many of you on this board have been - mentally - drifting out to sea. The effects of global warming are true and real as the sun coming up in the morning. Dismiss it, ridicule it, jerk off to it. Post all the memes you want. No matter how childish you get, the fact is there is significant climate change happening on our planet right now. It's real and it's here. You can scoff all you want at the scientists, dismiss the data and continue living the alt right fairy tale. That's your choice. But know full well you are living in utter ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, I realize that.

Too many of you on this board have been - mentally - drifting out to sea. The effects of global warming are true and real as the sun coming up in the morning.

This attitude that you keep displaying has a technical term Tibsy....

When someone believes something to be the exact opposite of what it actually is.

If you constantly believe in something that just isn't so, it confirms that you have an agenda. Socialism is a start because of the 'control' aspect but when you use your misinformation to attack other peoples beliefs, one can only conclude that a Liberal agenda is behind that motivation ...again, for the control not only of peoples thoughts and actions but the redistribution of funds.

There is no proof of global warming and there never has been any except in the minds of people that have bought into the scam or religion or whatever it is. The carbon credit and carbon offset plans are nothing more than government sanctioned Ponzi schemes. Even if CO2 were causing the sun-driven climate, neither of these scams would affect the net level of CO2 in our atmosphere. Both are different manifestations of the 21st centure equivalent of a papal dispensation...a permit to sin,

The only "proof" they have is the correlation between CO2, human activity and temperature.

Correlation does not equal cause. (This is really basic logic, day two of logic 101)

The correlation is as much proof that fire-hydrants cause violent crime. [ fewer fire hydrants in an area, less violent crime, more fire hydrants, more violent crime. ] They are advocating a set of solutions as absurd as banning the construction of fire-hydrants to prevent violent crime.

Climate change on the other hand, is inevitable. Ice Ages come and go. Tropical regions get buried under ice, or turn into deserts. Lakes and oceans become fertile land. What makes you think things are static. The reality is that "Climate Change" is nothing new and may be a net benefit to most of the world.

It’s 3F here with a low of -7. Tomorrow’s low is going to be -13. Minus fricken thirteen, in Indianapolis. WTF? Global warming is a money grab hoax. Nothing more.
Too many of you on this board have been - mentally - drifting out to sea. The effects of global warming are true and real as the sun coming up in the morning. Dismiss it, ridicule it, jerk off to it. Post all the memes you want. No matter how childish you get, the fact is there is significant climate change happening on our planet right now. It's real and it's here. You can scoff all you want at the scientists, dismiss the data and continue living the alt right fairy tale. That's your choice. But know full well you are living in utter ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, I realize that.
Climate change has been happening since the Big Bang. Climate Change is the rule, not the exception. I do believe there is change happening. It's not as dire as Al Gore wants us to think. The Earth will continue to change. We humans will have to adapt or die....There is no stopping the changes and that is my problem with the left. They act as though , with enough money we can stop the unstoppable. I think it's a great idea to keep the water, air and ground as clean as we can through practical laws but to think we can change the climate is laughable. I swear, people act like the Earth has been a livable, 74 degree paradise for the last few billion years.
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Climate change has been happening since the Big Bang. Climate Change is the rule, not the exception. I do believe there is change happening. It's not as dire as Al Gore wants us to think. The Earth will continue to change. We humans will have to adapt or die....There is no stopping the changes and that is my problem with the left. They act as though , with enough money we can stop the unstoppable. I think it's a great idea to keep the water, air and ground as clean as we can through practical laws but to think we can change the climate is laughable. I swear, people act like the Earth has been a livable, 74 degree paradise for the last few billion years.

This is pretty much exactly what every one of us horrific "climate deniers" believe. The Earth's climate has been changing constantly since the beginning of time. It's not my fault that I refuse to fall for it when somebody wants to manipulate facts for their own personal gain by trying to rob people blind. And then to try and shame people into not going along with it. Give me a break. The scam is as transparent as window glass.