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To the "Oh, voter fraud is a fantasy, unpossible here" crowd, please note.


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Indiana woman charged for mail-in voter fraud, delivered 400 ballots with Democrat box prechecked


June 27, 2020
by Andrew Mark Miller
New Jersey Democrats Charged with Mail-In Voter Fraud

Two Paterson, New Jersey councilmen and two men linked to a councilmen’s campaign have been charged with election fraud, mail-in voting fraud, and illegal possession of mail-in ballots.

Late last week, New Jersey’s Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced election fraud charges against Paterson City Councilman Michael Jackson (D), Councilman-elect Alex Mendez (D), Shelim Khalique, and Abu Razyen.

Shelim Khalique is the brother of Paterson City Councilman Shahin Khalique — the elected official behind the city allowing an Islamic call to prayer — and Abu Razyen is linked to Khalique’s re-election campaign, according to Grewal.

The charges allege that Jackson violated state election laws when he collected mail-in ballots from voters in recent city council elections and delivered them to the Passaic County Board of Elections. Jackson, according to the charges, did not identify who he was when he dropped off the ballots and in one case took an unsealed ballot that had not been filled out and delivered it sealed to the Board of Elections.


Michigan Democrat hit with six felony charges for alleged voter fraud scheme
September 24, 2019

by Becket Adams

A once-celebrated Michigan Democrat has been charged with six felony counts for allegedly altering absentee ballots during the 2018 midterm elections.

Sherikia Hawkins, 38, is accused of using her position as city clerk for the Detroit suburb of Southfield, Michigan, to alter as many as 193 absentee ballots, according to an affidavit highlighted by National Review’s Jack Crowe.

Hawkins, a registered Democrat, was arraigned Monday and charged with forgery of a public record and falsifying returns or records. She has been charged also with several counts of using a computer to commit a crime. Hawkins has been placed on paid administrative leave from her six-figure salary position pending the results of her trial.


Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Indicted for Election Fraud in Favor of Democrats
Reagan McCarthy
May 21, 2020

United States Attorney William McSwain announced on Thursday that Domenick DeMuro, a former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, has been charged with multiple counts of election-related fraud.

U.S. Attorney @USAttyMcSwain says, “Demuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear."


Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases
Jason Snead
Jul 20th, 2017

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its Voter Fraud Database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions.

This revamped edition of the database separates cases by type of disposition, allowing readers to easily distinguish not only what type of fraud occurred but the outcome of the case—criminal convictions, pre-trial diversion programs, and other types of adjudication used in various states and counties across the United States.

Even dems know that voter fraud is rampant. This is just a small part of it. In Dem cities most of the people handling the ballots are dems. Counties are the same way. Which is why you can have more voters than actual residence in some places. It's been going on for decades. If states allow mail in ballots there will be a ton of fraud associated with it. I've seen videos with mail carriers dumping political mail outs. I've personally had my flyers dumped. Over 20 years ago I did some public speaking and would mail out flyers. I'd go around the dumpsters to find them still in the box.

Also it's almost always dems. I'm sure a rep. has done it before but I don't remember it anywhere.
Our presidential options kinda suck, imo. I'm not sure I really give a **** if my great, great, great, great grandparents vote again this year, but I registered them as Libertarians just in case.
Our presidential options kinda suck, imo. I'm not sure I really give a **** if my great, great, great, great grandparents vote again this year, but I registered them as Libertarians just in case.

Excellent news, then. They should be getting 47 pre-filled, all (D)im, ballots any day now.
Even dems know that voter fraud is rampant. This is just a small part of it. In Dem cities most of the people handling the ballots are dems. Counties are the same way. Which is why you can have more voters than actual residence in some places. It's been going on for decades.

Jerrold Nadler back in the day:

Donald Trump is the one person standing between (D)ims, the most lying, loathesome collection of traitors this side of Judas, and complete reformation of the United States. Our country is over if Trump loses 2020. The facts:

  • (D)ims immediately make 20 million illegals citizens with the right to vote.
  • Doing so flips Arizona, Texas and Florida.
  • The nation is now California, New York - corrupt one-party rule.
  • (D)ims go after gun owners like nobody's ******* business.
  • Don't believe for a microsecond the lying liars' claims that is not true.
  • (D)ims hate middle America, armed America.
  • (D)ims want every state, every county, every city to be San Franciso - the billionaire elites living in their gated communities with armed guards, and the rest of us dodging drug-addled homeless and **** on the streets.
  • Once the (D)ims have taken over one-party control, they crush any potential opposition, realizing that their corrupt idiocy will destroy the nation and a lot of us will not go quietly.
  • They regulate with even more punitive measures political speech - once protected, now punishable.
  • They up their theft and steal billions and send off the stoolen goods to their benefactors. Have a box to be checked off - black, illegal, LGBTLMNOP? Get some money.
  • Of course the imbeciles who engage in this behavior always, ALWAYS, presume that the slave class, i.e., taxpayers, will simply bow their heads and say, "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
  • The cultural revolution, the starving of millions of Russians, the starvation and violance in every Marxist shithole the planet has ever seen, shows otherwise.
  • And Americans are not spineless gerbils. Well, (D)ims are, but the rest of us most certainly are not.
  • So I am proud to begin the mantra, "Why the **** am I paying for all this?" The middle class and taxpayers say no more, and simply don't pay taxes.
  • News alert, *******. The United States is built on citizens following the rules and CANNOT go after 120 million Americans who say, "**** you" to the IRS. They literally don't have the manpower or jail cells.

So in closing ... buy ammo. Lots and lots of ******* ammo.
If we have paper ballots involved in the 2020 Presidential election, it just isn't going to end well.

If the news media declares Biden the winner, how does Trump go quietly? Corruption will be rampant with ballot stuffing. Likely for both sides. Even if it's relatively small (and nothing is "small") the news (if they cover it) will exaggerate the issue (for clicks) and the whole process breaks down.

The courts will have to get involved. The election could be contested from November to January (at least).

Paper, mailed-in ballots are just not a good idea. I agree no one should have to wait 2 hours+ to vote. That's ludicrous. Get more machines. Open more polling places. Whatever it takes. But people should vote in person. On election day. Unless for extraordinary reasons.
Since masks are the great savior in defense of the extremely deadly kung flu, polls should just require that voters wear masks when they show up to vote. Problem solved. Right?
Since masks are the great savior in defense of the extremely deadly kung flu, polls should just require that voters wear masks when they show up to vote. Problem solved. Right?

SOP would tell you that that's absolutely right. If they're going around saying that protesting is so important that it's okay to bypass Covid-19 restrictions, I'm sure one of the most important functions of our republic in our right to vote is just as important, or more. Right? RIGHT?!

I really hate the scumbag hypocrites in our government and MSM.
Tucker nailed it!!

Monday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson opened his show by giving President Donald Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota high marks. He then pointed to the Democrat backlash and concluded that Democrats and their allies in the media hate the country.

He alluded to remarks made by presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) to bolster that point. Carlson then posed the question: Could the left in America lead a country that it hates?

“So what to make of all of this,” Carlson said. “It’s long been considered out-of-bounds to question a person’s patriotism. It’s a very strong charge, and we try not ever to make it. But in the face of all of this, the conclusion can’t be avoided — these people actually hate America. There’s no longer a question about that. And yet paradoxically, at the same time, they desperately want to control America more than anything. And that leads to the most basic of all questions: Can you really lead a country that you hate? Ask yourself, what kind of parent would you be if you hated your children?”

“What kind of officer would you make if you didn’t care about your troops?” he continued. “It would be awful. The results would be ugly. It would not work. Loving the people you lead, caring deeply about them is the basic prerequisite of leadership. The leaders of today’s Democratic Party do not. They despise this country. They have said so. They continue to. That is shocking, but it is also disqualifying. We cannot let them run this nation because they hate it. Imagine what they would do to it.”

The only way that the America-hating democommies can win is if they cheat. And that is exactly why they want unverified mail-in ballots.
Tucker has been killing it. I wonder how long before the mob shows back up at his house? ******* tyrants.
Tucker Carlson has a political talk show, with some very good guests. He routinely invites representatives from the other side to present their views and early on, those people appeared, only to get destroyed. Carlson regularly invites Omar, Tlaib, Pressley, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, etc. on his show and makes it known that he has in fact invited the person. He invited that moron, idiot, race-babbling nitwit, Robin Deangelo, on his show to defend the stupidest piece of written material ever published. Of course all of them cower in fear and will not go on his show.

And yet they have no problem trying to silence Carlson's show. Omar, who lied on her immigration application, "married" her brother, committed felony immigration fraud, and was rescued from the toilet bowl known as Somalia, accused Carlson of broadcasting "white supremacist rhetoric," and sought to have his advertisers boycotted.

Let me repeat - somebody who lied to get into this country, a felon getting paid a lot of our tax dollars to represent America, is actively trying to promote censorship or political speech.

The left: Vile, contemptible, dumb, destructive, ugly, stupid, ignorant thieves whose emotions range from anger at the white man to rage at the white man for not having more to steal.
Like the old saying, "my grandma voted Republican for 50 years until she passed, but she's been votin' Democrat ever since."
Name the elections where voter fraud changed the winner? Of course humans will try to cheat at just about anything, but if it doesn't impact an actual result, it's net really relevant.
Name the elections where voter fraud changed the winner? Of course humans will try to cheat at just about anything, but if it doesn't impact an actual result, it's net really relevant.

Translation: "It didn't work when Algore tried it, so just let us cheat again, unabated."
Tucker has been killing it. I wonder how long before the mob shows back up at his house? ******* tyrants.

Meanwhile, as I told a friend of mine, Hannity these days is like Kenny Stabler with the Saints.

He was a bad *** in his day and with the right set of circumstances and situation, but he's playing out the string now and just enjoying pimping his ghost written book and cavorting with the cheerleader Ainsley Earhardt when he isn't telling us to wear masks.
Our presidential options kinda suck, imo. I'm not sure I really give a **** if my great, great, great, great grandparents vote again this year, but I registered them as Libertarians just in case.

I think one of the options would be pretty good if the other side and press would allow him to do his job. They've worn people down with 4 years of a national temper tantrum and hysterics.

It will be worse if they win.
Name the elections where voter fraud changed the winner? Of course humans will try to cheat at just about anything, but if it doesn't impact an actual result, it's net really relevant.

The mind of a child with the knowledge of amoeba.
Name the elections where voter fraud changed the winner?

Al Franken, 2008, "trunk ballots"

15 Election Results That Were Thrown Out Because of Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots
Fred Lucas
April 21, 2020

Voter fraud is too nominal to make a difference in any given election, goes one popular line of argument. But tell that to voters in parts of Florida, Missouri, New York, and North Carolina in recent years.

Districts in these four states saw election outcomes overturned after absentee voter fraud came to light.


“Ballot Harvesting” Added Over 250,000 Votes in Orange County – Flipping Four Seats Blue
By Cristina Laila
Published December 2, 2018

The Democrats in California quietly passed legislature in 2016 allowing ballot harvesting.

Very few people took notice when far left Governor Jerry Brown signed the changes in AB1921 into law two years ago.

As a result, California lost 7 of its 14 Republican House seats this election cycle.

Ballot harvesting is illegal in most states. In Texas, New York and Pennsylvania they arrest people for ballot harvesting.

Orange County, traditionally a conservative enclave in Southern California turned all blue after Democrats found hundreds of thousands of votes post election day.

Republicans such as Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher and Young Kim were all ahead election night only to lose their races after late ballots were counted.


Name the elections where voter fraud changed the winner? Of course humans will try to cheat at just about anything, but if it doesn't impact an actual result, it's net really relevant.

Good God man.

So have they filled in the ballot for all of the people who passed from covid-19 in nursing homes yet?
Today someone with a name similar to my brother who has never lived with me received two mail in ballot requests at my address. I'm trying to decide what to do with them.
Today someone with a name similar to my brother who has never lived with me received two mail in ballot requests at my address. I'm trying to decide what to do with them.

You know what to do ... YOU know.

You know what to do ... YOU know.


Well i was going to tear them up lol. I'm thinking that they're great examples to show liberal family members, etc. I hear that my sister is at the edge of the cliff on Facebook. Her TDS is strong.