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Tomlin On The Trading Block?

A boy can dream.
If Omar Khan could pull off a trade for Tomlin and get lets say a first round and maybe fill in rounds 5 & 6 it would be the trade of the century. Colbert wouldn't have the balls to even think about trading a coach and I am sure Khan would need Arts blessing. But after Art fired Canada I would hope Khan could convince him the team could rebuild quicker with a younger coach with a new vision and draft picks rather than wait for Tomlin to finally build a playoff winning super bowl caliber team.
It appears, at least on surface and media interactions caught on film, that Khan and Tomlin are the best of buds.
Not sure Khan would push for this.
We are ALWAYS in the playoff picture… not always in the playoffs, but always in the conversation… every year but one he has had playoff chances on the final week.. he never finishes worse than 8th in the division … some fans salivate for that
Always in the playoff picture but rarely in position to win a game.

The Glazer talk is interesting because you don't know if he's just saying this or if it was throwing something out there on purpose.
lol and we all know what to expect year after year after year after year.............good riddance IF it actually happens.....and something else he NEVER does, win playoff games these last 8 years.....enough is enough....bye Felicia
You are not helping the sell speach.
Always in the playoff picture but rarely in position to win a game.

The Glazer talk is interesting because you don't know if he's just saying this or if it was throwing something out there on purpose.

It could be a personal opinion.
It could be him leaking something for tomlin to Pique interested parties
It could also be him trolling the Steelers fans for being “spoiled “
The pundits say there will be plenty of teams wanting MT. Well on the other side of the coin there would be many good coaches who would want to coach for the Steelers.

That's for sure. It's a long term gig.
I figure if i’m lucky I may see two more Steelers coaches lol… perhaps even three but i probably wouldn’t remember the last one, or what i had for breakfast by then so its moot…
Yep, Hoddie is done with NE after this year anyways sooooooooooo let's see: Hoodie vs .500....hmmmmmm no question about it I would take Hoodie over .500 any day if I were an owner
The biggest thing going for Tomlin (in this specific argument) is his age. Belichick is in his 70s, and if he coaches again with another team, it’d have to be a team that’s “close” to winning another championship. I can’t see a team investing the type of money it would take to get him, and expecting him to be there for more than 3-5 years max.
From the article: "Obviously, Tomlin would have to be amenable to the trade."

Can anyone confirm or deny that Tomlin would have to approve a trade? Do NFL head coaches automatically have a no-trade clause built into their contracts?
From the article: "Obviously, Tomlin would have to be amenable to the trade."

Can anyone confirm or deny that Tomlin would have to approve a trade? Do NFL head coaches automatically have a no-trade clause built into their contracts?
It isn't a question of whether NFL coaches have a no-trade clause built into their contracts, it's a question of whether there is a clause in the contract allowing the Steelers to trade Tomlin's contract without his consent.

Players can be traded without their consent because the standard NFL player contract has an express clause allowing teams to transfer a player's contract to another team without that player's consent (See Clause 17 of Arian Foster contract here) and the collective bargaining agreement has a number of clauses that include trade provisions.

I doubt there would be a similar clause in standard coaching contracts.
I just don't see the Steelers putting Tomlin on the trading block. The Raiders? No doubt, but not the Steelers.

I see Rooney giving Tomlin a swan song season next year and letting him ride off into mediocrity afterwards. Everything will be announced up front so as to not have distractions about him staying or leaving. If he can ride off like The Bus with a Superbowl ring, that'll make for great press.
He’ll ride off with his participation trophy
No damn way does he engineer a SB run, ya have to win playoff games (plural) for that.
Zero chance, squash that SB talk
I thin k Glazer, whom is a personal friend of Coach Tomlin, has spoken with Coach Tomlin about the “trade” rumors. I also think it is an early feeler put out there for said party. It wouldn’t surprise me for MT to want to see what his options are as he is in the middle of a very big mess. He realizes and may have some owner hot seat trailing him.

Salute the nation
The pundits say there will be plenty of teams wanting MT. Well on the other side of the coin there would be many good coaches who would want to coach for the Steelers.
Honestly I cannot imagine a more sought after job in pro sports with last three having more than 15 years job security each.

1. This dude needs to blow his nose
2. "Keep Tomlin because if the Steelers bring in a new coach you waste at least a year because new HC don't make it to the Super Bowl....The Steelers aren't that far away with Tomlin". SAY WHAT?!?

Thanks for sharing Supe...This dude only adds evidence to my creedo that some people should not be on YouTube.