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Treating criminals with kid gloves has no harmful effects!!


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
In yet another example of the success of the "let them out of jail" movement, father-of-the-year Dakota Curtis Means of Portland, Oregon was successfully welcomed back into society after numerous illegal activities, including car theft, assault, and several instances of trying to burn down the Federal Courthouse in Portland. On one occasion, Means followed a courthouse employee into the court and yelled obscenities at the worker. Means was carrying a paintball gun but shouted, "It's a paintball gun now, but it’s going to be an AR later."

Earlier, the bon vivant attacked two female reporters covering the Antifa Portland riots, swinging an iron bar at one of them. Means was arrested for felony assault but thankfully the charges were reduced to a misdemeanor. The threats against the courthouse employee resulted in one year of probation and credit for 30 days time served, allowing him back into society.

And thank heavens for that! Mr. Means was then able to spend time with his three-month old son. What a glorious example of the system finally not keeping a person of color locked up!! Means' son was contacted for comment about being allowed to spend time with his wonderful father but could not comment, since he's just three months old. Oh, and he's dead since he was murdered by the guy repeatedly released from jail.

Means was originally charged by the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office with child mistreatment, assault, and two counts of second-degree murder. ...The infant was taken to Randall Children's Hospital on April 17, 2021 and died from the brain injury in June. The baby, Hunter Means, was found limp in Means' north Portland apartment and the medical examiner determined the infant died of blunt force trauma to the head resulting in a fractured skull and brain bleed. The doctor's examination also showed that the boy had suffered previous abuse as his ribs had been fractured prior to his death.

Another success story in the endless release of violent criminals by the loony leftists!
Yeah we warned them things like this would happen.
Yeah we warned them things like this would happen.

Another indisputable example of our culture being rotten beyond help.
Another indisputable example of our culture being rotten beyond help.
Seems like a west coast thing.
Chicago I suppose.

I cannot see it happening in the south. Unless I’m not looking hard enough
Seems like a west coast thing.
Chicago I suppose.

I cannot see it happening in the south. Unless I’m not looking hard enough
I live in the south and deal with pieces of **** like this on a daily. kids being physically abused, or dying from drug exposure. little girls being sexually assaulted, then you have to set in a court room and and hear about it again during the trial. some of the **** I see can't be unseen, that's why we drink.
I live in the south and deal with pieces of **** like this on a daily. kids being physically abused, or dying from drug exposure. little girls being sexually assaulted, then you have to set in a court room and and hear about it again during the trial. some of the **** I see can't be unseen, that's why we drink.
We had a similar case that made the news in Albuquerque. Sadly. Abused/killed by her own parents

There are a lot of ****** up people out there. I can only shield my kids for so long before they reach that age to go out in the world.

There is always good as well as bad. How to prep them for the bad is what is hard for me to get ready to talk about.

Keep fighting the good fight out there. All of us here have our beliefs and disagreements but never a question on the people on this forum’s character.
All of us here have our beliefs and disagreements but never a question on the people on this forum’s character.
download (19).png
The problem, MTC, is that a certain group is definitely not backing down from the "release the criminals" theory. At all. Instead, they are attacking and arresting their opponents.

Ogre believes a confrontation is on the horizon. I don't know how I can disagree any more. The other side thinks it is perfectly appropriate to take my money, then not jail criminals, then take more of my money and give it to their violent, deranged allies, then teach kids how racist and awful America is, and pretend women can have penises and men can give birth, then DEMAND I agree that that idiocy, then change the rules on elections to bring about a one-party system, then take more of my money, and finally take away my right to defend myself.

In closing, **** those clowns.
The big cities are run by Democrats pretty much everywhere.

And for 30,40,50+ years. To be in power that long and things NOT improve,but get worse tells you clearly they don't care, their policies are proven failures, and they will lie by promising the sun,moon and the stars to stay in power. After election time they dissappear.
And for 30,40,50+ years. To be in power that long and things NOT improve,but get worse tells you clearly they don't care, their policies are proven failures, and they will lie by promising the sun,moon and the stars to stay in power. After election time they dissappear.

(D)imbos in the six months before every election:


"Hi, I'm so-and-so and would like your vote"

The next 3 1/2 years:

The problem, MTC, is that a certain group is definitely not backing down from the "release the criminals" theory. At all. Instead, they are attacking and arresting their opponents.

Ogre believes a confrontation is on the horizon. I don't know how I can disagree any more. The other side thinks it is perfectly appropriate to take my money, then not jail criminals, then take more of my money and give it to their violent, deranged allies, then teach kids how racist and awful America is, and pretend women can have penises and men can give birth, then DEMAND I agree that that idiocy, then change the rules on elections to bring about a one-party system, then take more of my money, and finally take away my right to defend myself.

In closing, **** those clowns.

Will not argue cause I agree.
They’re taking all our money for bs
And for 30,40,50+ years. To be in power that long and things NOT improve,but get worse tells you clearly they don't care, their policies are proven failures, and they will lie by promising the sun,moon and the stars to stay in power. After election time they dissappear.
And yet are re-elected as if they are saviors.
And yet are re-elected as if they are saviors.
its because the Democrat policies work, but the surrounding areas are Republican controlled, and their policies go against common sense and science, thereby creating a vacuum of violence in these peaceful utopias.
And yet are re-elected as if they are saviors.
When you rob Peter to pay Paul you can count on Paul to vote for you. And when you do that so long that Peter becomes welfare dependent you can be elected forever.
I think it's sad that you think elections are legit anymore.

They aren't.
I take it you won't be voting then?
I absolutely will be. I feel that to quit participating is to lose the right to speak up about it. I've only missed one election since 1982.
To reiterate a previous quote...............


Then voters would at least know who their votes were benefiting.