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Trouble at the mistake on the Lake


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Interlachen, Florida
Posting this here and Justin can move it if he deems necessary. Seems there is and can be some more controversy for our opener.

Cleveland police, EMS unions refuse to hold flag at game after Browns players kneel

We tracked down police union president Steve Loomis out of state at a police convention.

"I’m here at a national police convention, and soon as they hear that I'm from Cleveland, the first question is ‘What about those stinking Browns?'" Loomis said. "So if the ownership of the Browns and the league are going to allow that type of stuff to happen, and then come to us and say, ‘We want you to help us with the flag,’ that's hypocritical. We're not gonna participate.”


But..but they spent all that money for that huge flag.......good on them 1st responders !

Actions have consequences. This should get interesting. Apparently the EMT's and Police are a bunch of racists so..... Yes that was HEAVY sarcasm.
AGAIN................. Declining viewership. I wonder what they'll be able to blame this year's decline on?????? Surely politics have nothing to do with it???............

Salute the nation
5 years ago I would get a case of beer and start drinking and watching football at noon (central time) and not stop until either the beer was gone or Sunday night football was over. Now I hate Sunday night football and only watch if the Steelers are playing and I only watch on mute. Last year I might watch a 3:30 game if it was a good match up but this year I decided I won't. In fact I decided I will only watch the Steelers games. So if they don't make the playoffs 16 games and done.
Freedom of speech my ***. If you can't respect the Flag and Anthem of our nation. Get the hell out, move to Nigeria and play in the Nigerian Football league.

I'm with you Uncle Ben. My dad like most others fathers fought for our freedom, and that American Flag and National Anthem that they disrespect is a direct slap to our fathers who fought for our freedom. And I might add freedom for all citizens black and white.
If the black players want to protest for equality that's fine but use another forum and not disrespect all the brave men who fought for ALL our freedom.

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I'm with you Uncle Ben. My dad like most others fathers fought for our freedom, and that American Flag and National Anthem that they disrespect is a direct slap to our fathers who fought for our freedom. And I might add freedom for all citizens black and white.
If the black players want to protest for equality that's fine but use another forum and not disrespect all the brave men who fought for ALL our freedom.

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I am all for equality. They don't want that they want even more advantages for the color of their skin than they already have. I say get rid of affirmative action, NAACP, and all special treatments for black people. You would see all racism end and after one generation the black race would be finally looked as equals.
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5 years ago I would get a case of beer and start drinking and watching football at noon (central time) and not stop until either the beer was gone or Sunday night football was over. Now I hate Sunday night football and only watch if the Steelers are playing and I only watch on mute. Last year I might watch a 3:30 game if it was a good match up but this year I decided I won't. In fact I decided I will only watch the Steelers games. So if they don't make the playoffs 16 games and done.

Yeah, it's a ***** gettin' old huh Ford ?


Take some friendly advice.....

Freedom of speech my ***. If you can't respect the Flag and Anthem of our nation. Get the hell out, move to Nigeria and play in the Nigerian Football league.

First Amendment only says the government cannot inhibit your speech. It doesn't mean your employer can't. Just ask Marge Schott and Jimmy The Greek. Oh wait, they're dead, but you get my point. Teams are perfectly within their rights as an employer to fine or cut any player who does not stand for the national anthem. Now they won't do that, but they could.

Again, if any players don't like it here they are free to go play in the CFL.
Just the continuation of the powers that be trying to divide the country and make us pissed off at everything. Time to turn on the Andy Griffith Show and Twilight Zone marathon.
Freedom of speech is great, but there are repercussions. Say what you want, do what you want and feel is right...but somebody might get pissed and even punch you in the mouth.
Wow....And I thought this was a football forum.
Refusing to recognize the very symbol of the plight they are trying to bring attention to. Sort of hypocritical IMO. I get the feelings and everything they are trying to make a stand for. However, nothing great is ever accomplished on ones knees.

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I'm with you Uncle Ben. My dad like most others fathers fought for our freedom, and that American Flag and National Anthem that they disrespect is a direct slap to our fathers who fought for our freedom. And I might add freedom for all citizens black and white.
If the black players want to protest for equality that's fine but use another forum and not disrespect all the brave men who fought for ALL our freedom.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app

Then what do you say to me, or my family who served this nations military ....all the way back to WW1. We fought to preserve the freedoms established by the US Constitution. Fought to liberate foreigners in foreign land only to return to their home country and not have the right to vote, not able to live in the same hood or drink from the same fountain and be relegated to 2nd class citizens. Not able to receive the same military benefits as our white counterparts---Jim Crow era was a sum'***** for blacks.

And now fast forward to the modern era, the ship still sails tilted with disproportionate killing of unarmed folks of color, government redlining, disproportionate targeting of communities of color, unfair sentencing, education.

So, folks of color are getting a little tired of this **** over this ******* flag worshipping and anthem ritual. Its about optics to some folks and refusing to really get to the core of WHY they protest. And even then, when the issue is discussed its more of the same victim shaming/victim blaming or marginalizing the experiences of folks under the vice of racial politics and systemic abuses.

I served, my family members served....several of our cohorts did as well and we support anyones right to kneel. Its a freedom they are afforded and they can use it whenever they feel its necessary. Its symbolic of something gone awry. Im sure some of you didn't have an issue with those Neo Nazi and White Supremacist khaki wearing, crew-cut Tiki Torch harnessing fucknuts using their 1st amendment rights to spew their despotism.
Yeah yeah blitz...we've heard your whoa is me before,

I'm so disproportionately set upon, folks of color are getting a little tired of this **** over this ******* flag worshipping and anthem ritual....blah blah blah.

We feel sorry for ya but truth be told, it's all gettin' so stale and phony sounding. Time to get a new gig....... and to move it out of 'football'.
Then what do you say to me, or my family who served this nations military ....all the way back to WW1. We fought to preserve the freedoms established by the US Constitution. Fought to liberate foreigners in foreign land only to return to their home country and not have the right to vote, not able to live in the same hood or drink from the same fountain and be relegated to 2nd class citizens. Not able to receive the same military benefits as our white counterparts---Jim Crow era was a sum'***** for blacks.

And now fast forward to the modern era, the ship still sails tilted with disproportionate killing of unarmed folks of color, government redlining, disproportionate targeting of communities of color, unfair sentencing, education.

See this is the dangerous part of ignorance. These are false opinions that can't be substantiated with statistical data. Nothing about this sentence has an ounce of truth or fact behind it. It is a false opinion perpetuated but ignorance.
So, folks of color are getting a little tired of this **** over this ******* flag worshipping and anthem ritual. Its about optics to some folks and refusing to really get to the core of WHY they protest. And even then, when the issue is discussed its more of the same victim shaming/victim blaming or marginalizing the experiences of folks under the vice of racial politics and systemic abuses.

Don't try to bring in all people of color into your bull ****. Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, etc... have all adapted to the American way of life without expecting handouts.
I served, my family members served....several of our cohorts did as well and we support anyones right to kneel. Its a freedom they are afforded and they can use it whenever they feel its necessary. Its symbolic of something gone awry. Im sure some of you didn't have an issue with those Neo Nazi and White Supremacist khaki wearing, crew-cut Tiki Torch harnessing fucknuts using their 1st amendment rights to spew their despotism.

Yes, you have the right to kneel. You have a right to be an ignorant which you are also taking advantage of. But guess what. People have the right to disagree with you. Honestly, they do.
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Then what do you say to me, or my family who served this nations military ....all the way back to WW1. We fought to preserve the freedoms established by the US Constitution. Fought to liberate foreigners in foreign land only to return to their home country and not have the right to vote, not able to live in the same hood or drink from the same fountain and be relegated to 2nd class citizens. Not able to receive the same military benefits as our white counterparts---Jim Crow era was a sum'***** for blacks.


Could have sworn you were caucasion. But see I don't really care ,, everyone has an opinion. Just don't swing it around like youre entitled.
Nobody cares about this **** anymore. white black white black. Take that convo elsewhere.We are all equal in the US of A and all Steeler fans on this board.
Equality you want equality than let every person serve his country. Put your life on the line when it counts.
Why is the national anthem played before a sporting event?

The networks should go to commercials if/when the anthem is played. Cameras should not record this display of disrespect. Stop giving those that are disrespectful any camera time.

Blacks need to grow up finally. The brits, irish and scots had it far worse and they arent complaining. After 60 years of affirmative action the blacks still have not helped themselves out of thier perceived hole. That is 3 generations. Stop all affirmarive action immediately. It does not work.
See this is the dangerous part of ignorance. These are false opinions that can't be substantiated with statistical data. Nothing about this sentence has an ounce of truth or fact behind it. It is a false opinion perpetuated but ignorance.

Don't try to bring in all people of color into your bull ****. Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, etc... have all adapted to the American way of life without expecting handouts.

Yes, you have the right to kneel. You have a right to be an ignorant which you are also taking advantage of. But guess what. People have the right to disagree with you. Honestly, they do.

Statistics you say ? ************ ill be glad to offer you some statistics.....

A study by a University of California, Davis professor found “evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans relative to unarmed white Americans, in that the probability of being black, unarmed, and shot by police is about 3.49 times the probability of being white, unarmed, and shot by police on average.” Additionally, the analysis found that “there is no relationship between county-level racial bias in police shootings and crime rates (even race-specific crime rates), meaning that the racial bias observed in police shootings in this data set is not explainable as a response to local-level crime rates.”

Ill give you some high profile shootings"

Keith Childress, Las Vegas --shot dead by officers who claimed he had a weapon. Turned out he had cellphone (no charges filed)

Bettie Jones, Chicago -- fatally shot by officers when she opened the door to direct them to a domestic violence scene of a neighbor she was helping (no charges filed)

Rakia Boyd, Chicago -- fatally wounded by an off-duty officer who claimed she was part of a group creating a noise disturbance and claims he was approached by someone wielding a gun. Police investigated the shooting and no weapon was every recovered. Only items found were a cellphone

Samuel DuBose, Cincinnati -- shot by officer during a traffic stop (unarmed)

Jordan Edwards, Balch Springs TX -- shot by policeman who claims he felt his life was in danger from a car full of teens leaving a house party, speeding towards him. Witnesses disprove this story (cops changed their story). Kids were unarmed and Edwards died as a result of the shooting.

Jamar Clark Minneapolis, MN -- shot and killed by officers who claimed he interfered with emergency responders. Witnesses claim he was unarmed and in handcuffs when he was shot. (no charges filed)

These are just a tiny portion of unarmed individuals shot and killed by police. I can give you tons more like Walter Scott, Darius Stewart, Sandra Bland, Spencer McCain,Eric Harris, Phillip White....point is, the statistics reveal a pattern. This bullshit you refer to as dangerous is from rogue cops in Blue with a badge that literally kill with impunity and lie on the official report, are rewarded with paid leave, with the backing of the FOP and boot lickers like yourself.

And to your notion that others have adapted to the American way of life, elaborate if you will on what that way of life is exactly.....

Nowhere in my statement did I insinuate anything about handouts. That artificial narrative comes from your white nationalism ideology. What other talking points have you absorbed from those fringe extremist elements ? Genocidal fears ? The frantic push for a resurgent white-dominant nation ? Race wars ? Or "Folks takin yer stuff" ? But since you brought up "handouts", why don't you reflect back on the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Homestead Act of 1862....the Naturalization Act of 1790 or the Social Security and Wagner Acts of 1935. Speak on those "handouts" and who mostly benefitted from their creation. It wasn't folks that looked myself.

Seems you don't know much of anything of my background, my knowledge of history....but who's ignorant again ?

Take a seat................