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Trouble at the mistake on the Lake

Then what do you say to me, or my family who served this nations military ....all the way back to WW1. We fought to preserve the freedoms established by the US Constitution. Fought to liberate foreigners in foreign land only to return to their home country and not have the right to vote, not able to live in the same hood or drink from the same fountain and be relegated to 2nd class citizens. Not able to receive the same military benefits as our white counterparts---Jim Crow era was a sum'***** for blacks.

And now fast forward to the modern era, the ship still sails tilted with disproportionate killing of unarmed folks of color, government redlining, disproportionate targeting of communities of color, unfair sentencing, education.

So, folks of color are getting a little tired of this **** over this ******* flag worshipping and anthem ritual. Its about optics to some folks and refusing to really get to the core of WHY they protest. And even then, when the issue is discussed its more of the same victim shaming/victim blaming or marginalizing the experiences of folks under the vice of racial politics and systemic abuses.

I served, my family members served....several of our cohorts did as well and we support anyones right to kneel. Its a freedom they are afforded and they can use it whenever they feel its necessary. Its symbolic of something gone awry. Im sure some of you didn't have an issue with those Neo Nazi and White Supremacist khaki wearing, crew-cut Tiki Torch harnessing fucknuts using their 1st amendment rights to spew their despotism.

That has absolutely nothing to do with me. I most certainly recognize that black soldiers fought for this country back to the Civil War. The way they emerge treated after that war, WW1 and WW11 is appalling and to say the country hasn't made terrible mistakes would be an out and out lie. What we all need to do is move on from this and continue to make things better now and for the future and stop dwelling on something we can't change, the past.

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The networks should go to commercials if/when the anthem is played. Cameras should not record this display of disrespect. Stop giving those that are disrespectful any camera time.

Right here^^^

Players will continue to do what they do cause the camera is on and the media runs with it
Statistics you say ? ************ ill be glad to offer you some statistics.....

A study by a University of California, Davis professor found “evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans relative to unarmed white Americans, in that the probability of being black, unarmed, and shot by police is about 3.49 times the probability of being white, unarmed, and shot by police on average.” Additionally, the analysis found that “there is no relationship between county-level racial bias in police shootings and crime rates (even race-specific crime rates), meaning that the racial bias observed in police shootings in this data set is not explainable as a response to local-level crime rates.”

Ill give you some high profile shootings"

Keith Childress, Las Vegas --shot dead by officers who claimed he had a weapon. Turned out he had cellphone (no charges filed)

Bettie Jones, Chicago -- fatally shot by officers when she opened the door to direct them to a domestic violence scene of a neighbor she was helping (no charges filed)

Rakia Boyd, Chicago -- fatally wounded by an off-duty officer who claimed she was part of a group creating a noise disturbance and claims he was approached by someone wielding a gun. Police investigated the shooting and no weapon was every recovered. Only items found were a cellphone

Samuel DuBose, Cincinnati -- shot by officer during a traffic stop (unarmed)

Jordan Edwards, Balch Springs TX -- shot by policeman who claims he felt his life was in danger from a car full of teens leaving a house party, speeding towards him. Witnesses disprove this story (cops changed their story). Kids were unarmed and Edwards died as a result of the shooting.

Jamar Clark Minneapolis, MN -- shot and killed by officers who claimed he interfered with emergency responders. Witnesses claim he was unarmed and in handcuffs when he was shot. (no charges filed)

These are just a tiny portion of unarmed individuals shot and killed by police. I can give you tons more like Walter Scott, Darius Stewart, Sandra Bland, Spencer McCain,Eric Harris, Phillip White....point is, the statistics reveal a pattern. This bullshit you refer to as dangerous is from rogue cops in Blue with a badge that literally kill with impunity and lie on the official report, are rewarded with paid leave, with the backing of the FOP and boot lickers like yourself.

And to your notion that others have adapted to the American way of life, elaborate if you will on what that way of life is exactly.....

Nowhere in my statement did I insinuate anything about handouts. That artificial narrative comes from your white nationalism ideology. What other talking points have you absorbed from those fringe extremist elements ? Genocidal fears ? The frantic push for a resurgent white-dominant nation ? Race wars ? Or "Folks takin yer stuff" ? But since you brought up "handouts", why don't you reflect back on the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the Homestead Act of 1862....the Naturalization Act of 1790 or the Social Security and Wagner Acts of 1935. Speak on those "handouts" and who mostly benefitted from their creation. It wasn't folks that looked myself.

Seems you don't know much of anything of my background, my knowledge of history....but who's ignorant again ?

Take a seat................


The second you try to prove your opinion with an opinion helps prove my original theory.

Your proof is an university of California (liberalist school in America) theory. Then you prove you are easily influenced by the media. Yes, if a white cop kills a black person it's going to be a high profile.

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Initially I thought that this decline in ratings being blamed on protests was really reaching for something.
Then I realized that posts like this actually prove the theory completely correct.
The fact that people cannot even see what the protest represent and just automatically dismiss them is the point to me. Black people are killed by police at a hugely disproportionately rate.
See Charlottesville.
Tell me again how BLM is a hate group actually don't bother.
**** this thread
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The second you try to prove your opinion with an opinion helps prove my original theory.

Your proof is an university of California (liberalist school in America) theory. Then you prove you are easily influenced by the media. Yes, if a white cop kills a black person it's going to be a high profile.

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The asians need to step their game up.
I stopped reading at "University of California".
Y'all know where R&P is, right? Take it over there.
Be hilarious if Browns fans cheer the Steelers for standing and boo their own team.

The second you try to prove your opinion with an opinion helps prove my original theory.

Your proof is an university of California (liberalist school in America) theory. Then you prove you are easily influenced by the media. Yes, if a white cop kills a black person it's going to be a high profile.

To support your point...this whole black/death by cop issue is such an amazing case of abuse by statistics. The information people like Blitz are consuming and so many others are believing are just wrong. I've posted this elsewhere and will continue to do so. To date, no one can show me why White men and Hispanic men aren't up in arms. We, as a %, are killed much more often than black men who encounter the police FAR more often. The data shows the police, who encounter violent black men at a much higher rate than white/Hispanic men, show much more patience and tolerance with blacks.


As I posted back in September of 2016 (and not a thing has changed):

  • In 2015, 50% of the victims of fatal police shootings were white, 26% were black (despite the very high rate of violence in this community which would lead one to believe more African Americans would be victims)
  • More whites and Hispanics die from police ‘homicide’ than blacks
  • Black and Hispanic officers are more likely to fire a gun at a black person than a white police officer is
  • A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black person than a black man is likely to die by being shot by a police officer

Now consider the following: Per the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. In many urban jurisdictions, 70% of violent crimes are committed by blacks. This means that police officers far more often encounter black violent offenders than they do white or Hispanic violent offenders. YET 50% of police shooting victims are white, despite police dealing with many more black violent offenders. And more Hispanics die from police homicide, than do blacks, despite blacks committing more violent crimes.

Translation: Based on the above, the police show much MORE restraint with violent black offenders than they do with whites and Hispanics. There's no other way to slice it. The police encounter many more violent blacks than they do Hispanics and whites, but they shoot more whites and Hispanics. They shoot more whites and Hispanics at a higher % rate than they do blacks that they encounter more often.

Whites and Hispanics should be up in arms, because by percentage, they are more likely to die at the hands of a police officer than a black man is.

Then this from the CDC

In 2012, according to the CDC, 140 blacks were killed by police. That same year 386 whites were killed by police. Over the 13-year period from 1999 to 2011, the CDC reports that 2,151 whites were killed by cops — and 1,130 blacks were killed by cops.

By 2011, law enforcement shootings caused 2.74 deaths for every million blacks, and 1.28 deaths for every million whites. While the death-by-cop rate for whites has held pretty steady over these last 45 years, hovering just above or below the one-in-a-million level, the rate for blacks has fallen. In 1981, black deaths by cop stood at four in a million, but since 2000 has remained just above or below two in a million.

Since 1981, the rate of black death by cop has dropped from 4 per million to 2 per million? You don't say. Yet violent crimes by blacks remains infinitely higher than other populations?

The media and Crappernick have you all bamboozled.
Initially I thought that this decline in ratings being blamed on protests was really reaching for something.
Then I realized that posts like this actually prove the theory completely correct.
The fact that people cannot even see what the protest represent and just automatically dismiss them is the point to me. Black people are killed by police at a hugely disproportionately rate.
See Charlottesville.
Tell me again how BLM is a hate group actually don't bother.
**** this thread

See my post above. They are not killed at a hugely disproportionately rate. That's just incorrect.

No black person died in Charlottesville, SMH.

And if you don't think BLM has become a hate group, I present you Micah Johnson and the 5 dead police officers in Dallas, AND the countless other police around the country over the past year alone gunned down by the hand of someone in the BLM or through BLM-inspired violence.


Alexander Bonds’ anti-cop rhetoric echoes the Black Lives Matter-inspired vitriol spewed by previous cop assassins over the last three years.

Ismaaiyl Brinsley, who assassinated NYPD Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos on Dec. 20, 2014, had posted on Instagram: “I’m Putting Wings on Pigs Today. They Take 1 of Ours . . . . .Let’s Take 2 of Theirs.” Gavin Long, who assassinated a sheriff’s deputy and two police officers in Baton Rouge on July 17, 2016, declared in a suicide note: “I must bring the same destruction that bad cops continue to inflict upon my people, upon bad cops as well as good cops.” Micah Johnson, a supporter of the New Black Panther Party and other black nationalist groups, said he wanted to kill white people and white cops in particular before assassinating five Dallas officers on July 7, 2016.

Those assassinations were followed by gloating on social media. “That n—a that shot the cops is a legend,” read a typical Twitter message after Brinsley’s murder of Officers Liu and Ramos.

On Wednesday, a commenter on the New York Times web page claimed that Alexander Bonds’ assassination of Officer Familia is an understandable response to racist cop violence: “Cops kill Blacks and always get away with it. Is it any wonder that this is going to happen as well? They know they have no chance in the courts. While I would never encourage something like this, it’s easy to understand his motivation.”

Actually, it is tragically easy to understand, though certainly not condone, the motivation, given the drumbeat of lies about the police that have been amplified by the media and the political establishment during the Black Lives Matter era.
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I stopped reading at "University of California".

Yeah and I stopped reading when I read

Originally Posted by blitzburghv5
Statistics you say ? ************ ill be glad to offer you some statistics......

When I lived in da 'Burg, that was Wiley Avenue language.

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If you belong to a group that is disproportionately criminal, your group will have problems in society. Shouldn't there be some protests against the criminals and the culture that practically fosters them? As usual, however, it is all someone else's fault. No introspection needed at all.
If you belong to a group that is disproportionately criminal, your group will have problems in society. Shouldn't there be some protests against the criminals and the culture that practically fosters them? As usual, however, it is all someone else's fault. No introspection needed at all.

And you're racist for pointing that out.
And you're racist for pointing that out.

He used to be called a realist. Facts now = racism.

We realistically used to point out that the problem was in the community. Now, that is glossed over and everyone else is now to blame.

It's a Liberal tactic. The easiest way to fix the problem is ignore the problem exists, or shift the problem elsewhere.

Example: Don't cover Chicago. Don't talk about it. Pretend there is no issue there. Focus on 200 KKK idiots in Charlottesville. "The real problem in this country is White Supremacy!"....not 3,550 shooting incidents a year and nearly 1,000 deaths in Chicago...alone.

The same has been done regarding 70+ percent of black children being born to unwed mothers and the importance of the family unit. I live this last example personally through the young African American boy my family's been mentoring for 5 or so years...and we are losing him, sadly. The power of not growing up with a mother and father is profound. Devastating. When children are moved around, shuttled around like you might transfer pillows from one bed to another, there are long lasting effects. It's heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time.

The two biggest things that could be done to improve the plight of African Americans in this country are to teach them to marry again and build families and get them off of dependency on our Government. Those two things have ruined that society. Absolutely ruined it.
Franco Harris gets it...

NFL Hall of Famer Franco Harris says national anthem protests would not have been tolerated in his day.

In an interview with Mediate, Harris was asked about NFL players refusing to stand for the national anthem, a demonstration that was started last season by Colin Kaepernick to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

During the 2017 NFL preseason, other players like the Seattle Seahawks' Michael Bennett and the Oakland Raiders' Marshawn Lynch had similar protests of their own.

A recent protest by a group of Cleveland Browns players caused a backlash with local police and EMS workers, who said they would not participate in an upcoming pregame flag ceremony.

Harris said that America certainly has social issues that must be dealt with, but Kaepernick and other players should find a different platform for their protests.

“If someone has a certain stance that they want to take, that’s fine,” Harris said. “When he puts on that suit, when he steps out on that field, now it’s more than just him. It's his teammates, it's the NFL, and it's the fans."

Harris went on to say that the team must come first, and coaches and teammates in his day would have confronted Kaepernick over his protest.

“We had two of the meanest guys in football, who I think would’ve dealt with it that way, and that would’ve been Joe Greene and Jack Lambert," Harris said.

Another NFL legend, Jim Brown, recently said he wants to support Kaepernick, but he cannot stand behind disrespecting the American flag and national anthem.

Kaepernick remains a free agent, which has led to accusations of blackballing and calls for an NFL boycott.
See my post above. They are not killed at a hugely disproportionately rate. That's just incorrect.

No black person died in Charlottesville, SMH.

And if you don't think BLM has become a hate group, I present you Micah Johnson and the 5 dead police officers in Dallas, AND the countless other police around the country over the past year alone gunned down by the hand of someone in the BLM or through BLM-inspired violence.


Look dude. If you do not think that black people are killed by police at a higher rate than other races, that's fine. Nobody said that more black people are killed.
I hate this and avoid this category like the plaque.
It was my fault for even commenting on this topic because let's be real, people who don't see it now... Won't ever see it.
I come took this site for one reason and one reason only.
Steelers news. Carry on
Look dude. If you do not think that black people are killed by police at a higher rate than other races, that's fine. Nobody said that more black people are killed.
I hate this and avoid this category like the plaque.
It was my fault for even commenting on this topic because let's be real, people who don't see it now... Won't ever see it.
I come took this site for one reason and one reason only.
Steelers news. Carry on

I understand there is bad **** that happens to people based only on there color of skin. But it's not what we think that matters the numbers are the numbers they are facts. The media uses these instances to pit white vs. black. But the truth is you are more likely to die by cop if you are white. But if we do we don't make the news.
Look dude. If you do not think that black people are killed by police at a higher rate than other races, that's fine. Nobody said that more black people are killed.
I hate this and avoid this category like the plaque.
It was my fault for even commenting on this topic because let's be real, people who don't see it now... Won't ever see it.
I come took this site for one reason and one reason only.
Steelers news. Carry on

Blacks are also responsible for 80% of violent crimes. Perhaps that should be adressed as a cause of why first. I agree we need more police accountability and I think that LEOs are far to militant and resort to escalation of force way to often, but the fact remains until we lower the rate of young black men committing violent crimes we will not be able to lower the rate they are killed by police trying to apprehend them for those crimes.