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Trouble in the Big Sandbox

I admit I have become more non-interventionist over the years. These people have their various differences with each other, but the one thing most of them have in common is they absolutely friggin hate us. I disagree with a lot of non-interventionists on the reasons why, but the fact remains. **** 'em. Let them kill each other, but annihilate anyone who gets any serious military capability or nukes.

Iran strands at the brink of nuclear weapons or may already have a bomb. I wouldn't be shocked to see a test detonation in the near future. You can't hide those
Iran strands at the brink of nuclear weapons or may already have a bmartyrwouldn't be shocked to see a test detonaproblem. the near future. You can't hide those

The whole mutually assured destruction dynamic goes out the window with these theocrats. The martyrdom belief makes the Persians a serious problem. We may, in fact, be looking at a nuclear exchange.
Iran strands at the brink of nuclear weapons or may already have a bomb. I wouldn't be shocked to see a test detonation in the near future. You can't hide those

I agree. If someone truly cares about this planet, they will elect somebody who is not going to let this happen. That excludes Rand Paul and a lot of the other libertarians, by the way. It's one of the main reasons I voted for Santorum in the primary and Romney in the general.
I agree. If someone truly cares about this planet, they will elect somebody who is not going to let this happen. That excludes Rand Paul and a lot of the other libertarians, by the way. It's one of the main reasons I voted for Santorum in the primary and Romney in the general.

That and you are obviously a racist
There are 30,000 Americans plus other Europeans running the oil industry in Saudi. Destabilize that country and we are in a world of ****.
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I agree. If someone truly cares about this planet, they will elect somebody who is not going to let this happen. That excludes Rand Paul and a lot of the other libertarians, by the way. It's one of the main reasons I voted for Santorum in the primary and Romney in the general.

I don't even know where to begin with this. I will simply say that you are confused as to what a non-interventionist foreign policy is.
I don't even know where to begin with this. I will simply say that you are confused as to what a non-interventionist foreign policy is.

Paul's own words were that a nuclear Iran is not a threat, although I understand he's walked that back some.
I don't even know where to begin with this. I will simply say that you are confused as to what a non-interventionist foreign policy is.

I'm on board believing that there ain't a lot oftb is confused about.
Paul's own words were that a nuclear Iran is not a threat, although I understand he's walked that back some.

Okay I will break it down for you.

Iran has no way to deliver a nuke to the USA.

If Iran develops a nuke they are balanced by a nuclear armed Israel.

Like a nuclear capable Pakistan is balanced by a nuclear capable India the key is that we allow Israel to free reign to handle the situation as they see fit.

The Israelis haven already stopped the Iranian Nuke program cold because we have held them back from it. See Raid on Osirak.

The Iranians are not a threat to us.
Okay I will break it down for you.

Iran has no way to deliver a nuke to the USA.

If Iran develops a nuke they are balanced by a nuclear armed Israel.

Like a nuclear capable Pakistan is balanced by a nuclear capable India the key is that we allow Israel to free reign to handle the situation as they see fit.

The Israelis haven already stopped the Iranian Nuke program cold because we have held them back from it. See Raid on Osirak.

The Iranians are not a threat to us.

Wholeheartedly disagree. Iran may not be able to deliver a nuke via rocket, icbm, etc. From iran., but I disagree That they cannot get a nuke here. With out porous border? The help of Russia, cuba, Venezuela, whoever?

Second. while India and Pakistan are not ruled by people I would want to live under, both countries seem to understand the concept of mutual anahilation (sp?). I have zero faith that the Iranian leaders do. In addition, I have zero faith that the Iranian leaders would be in Iran when an attack occurred in order to escape the martyrdom their people would suffer.
The FBP has got his li'l titty in a ringer now, even the pinheads at CBS are throwin' stones at him.

Okay I will break it down for you.

Iran has no way to deliver a nuke to the USA.

If Iran develops a nuke they are balanced by a nuclear armed Israel.

Like a nuclear capable Pakistan is balanced by a nuclear capable India the key is that we allow Israel to free reign to handle the situation as they see fit.

The Israelis haven already stopped the Iranian Nuke program cold because we have held them back from it. See Raid on Osirak.

The Iranians are not a threat to us.

If Islamic nut jobs will strap bombs to themselves,hijack planes and fly them into buildings. I see them as a credible threat to bring a nuclear weapon here and detonate it in one of our large cities like New York. It's nothing that a lead box couldn't cover up in transportation. The Muslim world would dance in the streets just as they have always done when one of their ****** up minions does something evil to the great satan.
Originally Posted by DBS1970
Okay I will break it down for you.

Iran has no way to deliver a nuke to the USA.

If Iran develops a nuke they are balanced by a nuclear armed Israel.

Like a nuclear capable Pakistan is balanced by a nuclear capable India the key is that we allow Israel to free reign to handle the situation as they see fit.

The Israelis haven already stopped the Iranian Nuke program cold because we have held them back from it. See Raid on Osirak.

The Iranians are not a threat to us.

I think it's a little more involved than that 'D'. , Boehner invited Netanyahu to speak to Congress so that we could all hear the other side of this school yard scuffle but naturally the FBP has his nose all outta joint over it.

Thou shall not cross Dear Leader.

Netanyahu roiled the Obama administration when he scheduled an address to a joint session of Congress in March about the Iranian nuclear talks, without coordinating his visit with the White House. After news broke of Netanyahu’s address last week — he was invited by House Speaker John Boehner — the White House accused Boehner and Netanyahu of failing to notify the White House of the coming visit in breach of “long-standing protocol.” The White House said Obama would not meet Netanyahu on the early-March visit.

With their gutter sniping failing to stop Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned March speech before Congress, White House aides are unloading their full arsenal of bile.

“He spat in our face publicly, and that’s no way to behave,” one Obama aide told an Israeli newspaper. “Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

It is pointless to say petty threats do not become the Oval Office. Trying to instruct this White House on manners recalls what Mark Twain said about trying to teach a pig to sing: It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Still, the fury is telling. It reminds, as if we could forget, that everything is always about Obama.

How dare Israel be more concerned with the existential threat of Iranian nukes than with Obama’s feelings? And what do members of Congress think they are, a separate branch of government or something?

The crux of the deal is not with the immediate threat to the US but to Israel, our "friend" over in that sandbox.

Any deal that leaves Iran with a capacity to make a nuke in weeks or months will ignite a regional arms race. As I have noted, American military and intelligence officials believe a nuclear-armed Iran will lead to a nuclear exchange with Israel or Arab countries within five years.

Israel has the most to lose from an Iranian nuke, and *Netanyahu can be expected to articulate a forceful argument against Obama’s disastrous course. That’s why House Speaker John Boehner invited him, and it’s why the president is so bent out of shape and refuses to meet with Netanyahu. He doesn’t want Americans to hear the other side.

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We have Syria in flames.
We have ISIS controlling huge chunks of the Middle East, beheading anyone that sneezes un-Islamically.
We have the Gov't of Yemen overthrown.
We have Al Qeada in Yemen launching terror raids against the West.
We have Saudi Arabia, who just lost it's monarch, and we don't know how that is going to impact us.
We will always have the Israel-Palestinian issue, ad infinitum.
We have the Arab spring, that has thrown just about every N. African country into chaos.
We have Iran digging it's claws into every conflict, hoping to expand it's influence.....and succeeding.
We have a President who wants to play golf all the time.

What a ******* goat ****.

This has a possibility of turning out REAL bad.

ISIS in my opinion is more dangerous than Al-Qaeda.

They are well funded

They seem to be able to recruit and fight a bit better

They force conversation to radical Islam, which means a generation more thinking like they do

The USA is not doing enough to stop them.

The night mare scenario is upon us. What if ISIS had a nuclear weapon or dirty bombs? I'm 95% sure they would use it with the likely target being New York, London, or Israel. So how would they get one? A black market deal with Pakistan or Iran is plausible. Or perhaps a theft. Either way these mad men and women are pushing us closer to a disaster. Boots on the ground are needed.
There will be ZERO call from the population for pushback, UNTIL there is another 9/11 type attack.

I for one am suggesting to any ISIS people out there following this thread. What ever you do, DO NOT STRIKE Washington DC, we would be extremely dis-heartened and possibly not able to go on any longer if that happened.

Saddam was like a cork on the Champaign bottle. And we pulled the cork.
There will be ZERO call from the population for pushback, UNTIL there is another 9/11 type attack.

I for one am suggesting to any ISIS people out there following this thread. What ever you do, DO NOT STRIKE Washington DC, we would be extremely dis-heartened and possibly not able to go on any longer if that happened.


LOL, well done
Saddam was like a cork on the Champaign bottle. And we pulled the cork.

And you don't think that Saddam wouldn't have been taken down in the Arab Spring...like the others? Iraq was a country held together by a ruthless despot. With it's sectarian divides, it was bound to crack at some point. Saddam was more of a cork in a bottle of blood.
no.... saddam was a butt plug in a diarrehtic ***.
Fact is 21 may be on to something ( or on something). Same deal w Libya and mo.... At least there'd have been a **** ton more dead muzzles if we'd left them in power even if they'd have fallen in the 'rab spring. And dead muzzles us good muzzles.