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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

If you follow the argument, you’ll see that all I’m saying is that some good does come from war despite the costs whether it be WWII, Afghanistan or (hopefully) Ukraine. Of course the echo chamber turned into a strawman argument like everything else.
what good came from your brother dying in the WTC?
actually, your stance on the deaths of the Civil War is not that surprising. Sure, it comes across as crass and ignorant and elicits a response. But, overall, it highlights and underscores your ignorance. 3.2 million soldiers took part in the Civil War, and you want to erase - or, as your covid carrying kids would say in today's world, cancel - 1 million of those. Simply for being Confederate soldiers. You're ******* disgusting.

I had family on both sides of the war. As did many other families who lived along the Mason Dixon line. This was a truly unique time for this country's development and how it went forward to where we are now. Yet you're too ******* obtuse and flat out ignorant to understand any of this.
Same here Supe. Interesting thing about my older sister and her genealogy hobby is that she comes up with all kinds of information. I had family in the 19th regiment from Pennsylvania and North Carolina's 12th. Anyone saying both weren't Americans can go to hell.
Including the confederates among the Civil War dead is like including Ashli Babbit among the Jan 6 dead.

Ashli Babbit is the ONLY person murdered on January 6. No police died that day. Of course you are too stupid to know that.

Know the difference between Confederate soldiers and you? I mean other than the vast difference in testosterone levels, the presence or absence of a manbun, and the endless queefing by one party? Confederate soldiers actually put themselves at risk for their beliefs. The biggest risk you face is breaking a nail on the keyboard.

Go back to killing old people, Floggy.
His murder, and the 3,000+ others, woke the country and our leaders the **** up.
In the short term, yes to some degree. In the long term? Not at all. And that is beyond sad that you had to lose your brother and that is the ultimate truth to come out of it. Again, not to keep hitting on a point, but if we learned anything in the long term from that, would our border be wide open?
His murder, and the 3,000+ others, woke the country and our leaders the **** up.

That is the dumbest thing you said today and believe me, that is saying something.

"Woke our leaders up" how? Please, enlighten all of us. Tell us what they did not know on September 10, 2001 that they knew as of September 12, 2001. Go ahead, tell us.
Including the confederates among the Civil War dead is like including Ashli Babbit among the Jan 6 dead.

They all were Americans. And has been said prior to this, you've gone from just being a dumbshit to also being a low life piece of scum. You threw your brother out here and played politics with his life. You're vermin.
His murder, and the 3,000+ others, woke the country and our leaders the **** up.
takes one helluva douchebag to cheer his brother's death.
Do you believe this text is real? Has a new pic of hunter on it from 2022. Also why would there be a screen shot of someone replying and not the reply? Hunter is sleazy, but pretty sure this is fake

Another batch of information for you, worth $50 at LEAST. It was a WhatsApp message, not an iPhone or Android text.

Photos Place Hunter Biden At Father's House The Day He Invoked Dad’s Name to Threaten Chinese Business Partner

'I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father,' Hunter stated before issuing threat


Photographs on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop place him at his father's Wilmington, Delaware, residence on the day he invoked President Joe Biden's name in a text message, threatening his Chinese business partner to come down on him with their full weight if the business partner did not fulfill his "commitment."

In that message, sent on July 30, 2017, to an official, Henry Zhao, working with a Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC Energy—linked to Chinese military intelligence—Hunter Biden said he was sitting next to his father and that "we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled."

The message became public on Thursday, when Congress made public testimony from an IRS whistleblower, Gary Shapley, who obtained the message during his investigation of Hunter Biden's various tax crimes. Hours after the message was sent, Hunter Biden was pictured at his father’s home sitting behind the wheel of the president’s beloved 1967 Corvette Stingray with family members.

While Shapley did not supply evidence that Joe Biden was in fact in that room with his son, the timing indicates that he very well could have been sitting alongside the president as he said. Four photographs on the hard drive of Hunter Biden's laptop show him posing behind the wheel of Joe Biden’s 1967 Corvette Stingray at 6:49 p.m. on July 30, 2017. GPS metadata embedded in the photos shows they were taken in close proximity Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home.

If Joe Biden was sitting next to his son as he sent the message as it suggests, it would be a fatal blow to the president’s repeated claims that he never discussed overseas business deals with his son, and the photographs of Hunter Biden at what appears to be a family gathering at the Delaware home is the strongest indication that he was in close proximity to his father when he threatened the Chinese businessman. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

In the WhatsApp message, Hunter Biden continued: "Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. All too often people mistake kindness for weakness—and all too often I am standing over top of them saying I warned you. From this moment until whenever he reaches me."

"I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. I sure hope whatever it is you are doing is very very important," Hunter Biden said in a subsequent message, adding that it was 9:45 a.m. when he sent the message.

The Washington Free Beacon initially reported on the picture of Hunter Biden in the Corvette after classified documents were found in the garage where his father kept it.

It is not clear whether the Bidens received a call from their Chinese counterparts that day, but the two sides appear to have settled their differences. Hunter Biden wrote to Zhao a few days later on Aug. 2, 2017, that "my family sends their best wishes and looks forward to playing some golf when the director has time." Zhao extended his "best regards to you, Jim and VP," an apparent reference to Joe Biden and his brother, Jim Biden.

That same day Hunter Biden invoked "me and my family" in an email to CEFC director Gongwen Dong confirming that they had agreed to a $10 million contract for "introductions alone," with bonus payments for any successful business deals the Biden family introduces.

The relationship proved lucrative for the Biden family. CEFC Energy paid Hunter Biden at least $5 million in the ensuing months to scout out potential investments for the Chinese firm. The company paid Biden another $1 million to provide legal services for CEFC Energy executive Patrick Ho, who faced charges that he tried to bribe African officials for oil rights.

Biden and his father were at the time sharing office space in Washington with their Chinese partners, according to emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop. Biden asked the building manager to make a set of keys for his father, step-mother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden, and CEFC executives, who were referred to as "office mates."

There is other evidence that Joe Biden was aware of his son’s involvement with CEFC Energy.

Rob Walker, a longtime Biden family friend, told FBI agents on Dec. 8, 2020 that he was present when Hunter and Joe Biden attended a meeting at the Four Seasons in Washington, D.C., with CEFC officials. Walker said he believed Hunter brought his father into the meeting to impress the Chinese executives.

Tony Bobulinski, a California businessman, said he met with Hunter and Joe Biden in Los Angeles in May 2017 to discuss their CEFC venture. According to Bobulinski, "the big guy" Joe Biden was poised to receive a 10 percent equity stake in their joint venture with CEFC.

Hunter Biden's attorney, Chris Clark, did not respond to a request for comment.
those girls might be family members. I don't see Hunter trying to slip a finger in anywhere.
What fcking racism?? What the fck are you talking about? The only people they have to fear, is their own cartels.
The Latinos that already live here do not want the illegals coming here. Is that racism??
I guess you didn’t get the memo.
Everything that Democrats don’t like is rayciss.
Ashli Babbit is the ONLY person murdered on January 6. No police died that day. Of course you are too stupid to know that.

Know the difference between Confederate soldiers and you? I mean other than the vast difference in testosterone levels, the presence or absence of a manbun, and the endless queefing by one party? Confederate soldiers actually put themselves at risk for their beliefs. The biggest risk you face is breaking a nail on the keyboard.

Go back to killing old people, Floggy.
Yeah, the primary belief they were fighting for is way ****** up.
They all were Americans. And has been said prior to this, you've gone from just being a dumbshit to also being a low life piece of scum. You threw your brother out here and played politics with his life. You're vermin.
Playing politics would be pretending that I opposed the war in Afghanistan. Who’s doing that?
Yeah, the primary belief they were fighting for is way ****** up.

What "primary belief" was that?

"tHeY fiGhTeD fOR sLaVeRiEs!"

Actually no, that is simply not an accurate statement. The Southern states fought for a variety of reasons, certainly including the issue of slavery but also involving taxation and manufacturing and imports and exports. A small minority of Confederate troops owned slaves (between 2% and 20%, depending on who is arguing the point). Further, a series of laws passed by the northern-dominated Congress targeted Southern states. Only an idiot is unaware of that fact, so wear your dunce cap proudly, Floggy. One main culprit was the Morill Tariff of 1861, which imposed a significant tariff on goods imported into the United States. It was written by a Vermont steel mill owner, obviously to help his own finances, and was designed to punish the south, which imported vast amounts goods from England. The tariff increased prices significantly in Southern states while making money for the guy who wrote the bill - sort of a pre-Biden Biden bill.

I am of course not surprised that you have a pathetic knowledge of our nation's history. You are inherently lazy and stupid and believe whatever your betters tell you. The problem is that almost every person on earth qualifies as your better and the majority of what you believe simply is not true. Everything from masks to the vax to taxation to immigration to the supposed "benefits" of war to history and literature. You are a shining example of the morons produced by today's education, pompous ******** proclaiming their brilliance via some inane, ridiculous, unresearched statement that ignores any genuine effort at investigation.
Tell us Trog, what was most of them fighting for?
I’ll be honest. I don’t know what anyone is fighting for anymore. Seems people are fighting just to fight. It’s dumb. It’s like whether you are R or D you have to take a certain side. There aren’t many free thinkers left in America.
What "primary belief" was that?

"tHeY fiGhTeD fOR sLaVeRiEs!"

Actually no, that is simply not an accurate statement. The Southern states fought for a variety of reasons, certainly including the issue of slavery but also involving taxation and manufacturing and imports and exports. A small minority of Confederate troops owned slaves (between 2% and 20%, depending on who is arguing the point). Further, a series of laws passed by the northern-dominated Congress targeted Southern states. Only an idiot is unaware of that fact, so wear your dunce cap proudly, Floggy. One main culprit was the Morill Tariff of 1861, which imposed a significant tariff on goods imported into the United States. It was written by a Vermont steel mill owner, obviously to help his own finances, and was designed to punish the south, which imported vast amounts goods from England. The tariff increased prices significantly in Southern states while making money for the guy who wrote the bill - sort of a pre-Biden Biden bill.

I am of course not surprised that you have a pathetic knowledge of our nation's history. You are inherently lazy and stupid and believe whatever your betters tell you. The problem is that almost every person on earth qualifies as your better and the majority of what you believe simply is not true. Everything from masks to the vax to taxation to immigration to the supposed "benefits" of war to history and literature. You are a shining example of the morons produced by today's education, pompous ******** proclaiming their brilliance via some inane, ridiculous, unresearched statement that ignores any genuine effort at investigation.
OK Trog. Your turn. Lets see it.
Playing politics would be pretending that I opposed the war in Afghanistan. Who’s doing that?

This, right here, is why you are such an irritating kunt. Here is what you wrote:

No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

You then follow that with your usual series of non-sequiturs. And no, no good came from the war in Afghanistan for the simple reason that wars are now an American industry, driven by profit motive and not for any defensible purpose. Therefore, 4200 Americans are dead and the Taliban are still in charge, but this time with several billion dollars of American military hardware in their possession.

The incredibly botched withdrawal was simply the cherry on top of that **** sandwich. The United States had no business being in Afghanistan after it routed the Taliban in 2002. The US had no endgame, no exit strategy, no plan for what to do once it deposed the existing government, and the usual money-grubbers kept political donations flowing to keep the war going and their income stream alive and well.

So your idiotic take is that the "good" from the war is that "terrorism is no longer dinner table conversation." Hey, that cost only 4200 American lives, 20,000 wounded, thousands who suffer PTSD, billions of dollars in military equipment turned over to the same people the war targeted. But hey, "dinner table conversations" can be expensive.
I’ll be honest. I don’t know what anyone is fighting for anymore. Seems people are fighting just to fight. It’s dumb. It’s like whether you are R or D you have to take a certain side. There aren’t many free thinkers left in America.
There was a time when most people didnt know who was an R and who was a D.