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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

It's a complete lie they have people from dozens of countries coming in. A bunch of countries isn't a race. That has been and always will be a load of horseshit.

For the democrats this is all about making the 20 or so million here illegally voters. So they can get permanent power. That's it. They don't give two ***** about those people or American citizens for that matter.

If they thought for a moment these folks would be voting republican in the future, they'd have a wall a mile high, 150k in troops and a ******* minefield along that border.
Ironically, many of those down here in Florida do vote Republican. But they need to get acclimated first. Once they see how good things are, they don't want that to change. Just the same as the rest of us.
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it. Go ahead, argue that!

Are you arguing Ukraine would be better off surrendering? I’m quite certain they would tell you to go **** yourself.
Do you even attempt to think before posting?
Ironically, many of those down here in Florida do vote Republican. But they need to get acclimated first. Once they see how good things are, they don't want that to change. Just the same as the rest of us.

Cubans hate the communists and they have strong family bonds. In fact anyone who comes here from a socialist country run by communists isn't going to vote Democrat, because they hear the exact same things from them that the communists say.

We make everyone go through a process to immigrate here. Yeah that process definitely needs reworked, but just skipping all of it and breaking our laws to come here isn't acceptable.

No country can take an unregulated amount of people immigrating to it and remain sovereign.
No good came from the war in Afghanistan? Why? Because Obama was President when Bin Laden was killed? Is the US not better off now that Islamic terrorism is no longer a dinner table conversation?

WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it. Go ahead, argue that!

Are you arguing Ukraine would be better off surrendering? I’m quite certain they would tell you to go **** yourself.
You dumb mothe rfuc ker, Afghanistan had zero to do with 911. Saudis did the work, Pakistan hid bin Laden.
You’re including confederate traitors and think the world would be better off today had the Nazis had prevailed over Europe. Hmmm…suspicion level raised.
Did you remove the dildo from your *** when you wrote that?
For the c*nt of all c*nts. Steeltime, take a bow.

Tried to paste your dumb *** table, but format's all messed up. Maybe (even) you will figure it out. Your "claim" is on the left, my response is in the middle, and your dark, soulless, gutless, wretched MAGA bull **** take is on the right, along with the rest of the bozo peanut gallery.

Chinese flu will kill us all, wear masks, you murderer!
Take common-sense approach to health & public safety during a once-in-a-lifetime, worldwide pandemic, with 768 million(!) confirmed cases and 6.9 MILLION (!) deaths globally. As any sensible person would do anywhere on earth, gladly got multiple shots of the vaccine, of which of 13,398,054,518 doses have been administered to date.React hysterically, deep-dive into conspiracy theories from mom's basement, pounding desk, drooling from the mouth.
Taxes are good, pay your taxes!Continuous, born and raised, lifelong American voter, citizen and taxpayer.Hysterical xenophobia, incessant personal attacks.
Donald Trump is a draft-dodger and mentally unfit to be President!
"Donald Trump is a draft-dodger and mentally unfit to be President!" 100% true, nothing to add here.
Voted for a draft-dodging, anti-American autocrat. The unhinged, belligerent and unfit-to-serve Donald Trump.
Trump is ruining America!Trump didn't "ruin" America. His presidency, and continous presence in American politics, is a deep embarrassment and insult to each and every American, particularly those who came before us. You guys have no idea, inside your MAGA bubble. It's beyond sad and pathetic. Unlike any politician in our lifetime, likely in all of history.Completely ignore, sugarcoat, whitewash every last thing regarding Trump. He is our hero, mentor, and savior. Absolute proof of deep & utter dumbassery of what once was the Republican party..
Trump deserves to go to jail cuz classified documents!Every case of "mishandling of classified documents' should be investigated and prosecuted, to the full extent of the law.Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Sebastian Gorka, Mike Lindell, Stephen Miller, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and Ted Cruz are our intellectual mentors and role models, our great American heroes. :rolleyes:
Trump is a tax cheat!
Trump is a tax cheat! Yes, finally, you're starting to come around.
**** the American justice system. **** our courts. **** our government, Burn it all down. WITCH HUNT!!
Trump is a Russian asset!Read the Mueller report. Nothing more, nothing less.I'm a **** ing idiot, couldn't find my way out of a paper bag
Trump will get us all killed by getting us into a war!Yeah, I definitely sleep better knowing Trump is nowhere near the WH. 100% better. Trust me, I'm not alone.Throwing **** at the wall, seeing what sticks, got nothing.
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WWII was by far our deadliest war but the world sure as hell is a better place because of it.

Not that we need more proof that you are rambling, bumbling idiot....but. Hell I can't resist.


The US Civil War was the deadliest war for the United States of America. 665,000 lives lost.

WWII cost us 405,000 lives.

For the c*nt of all c*nts. Steeltime, take a bow.

Tried to paste your dumb *** table, but format's all messed up. Maybe (even) you will figure it out. Your "claim" is on the left, my response is in the middle, and your dark, soulless, gutless, wretched MAGA bull **** take is on the right, along with the rest of the bozo peanut gallery.
Everything he said was 100% factual and you’re butthurt because you know it. Hungarian **** up commie.
If they thought for a moment these folks would be voting republican in the future, they'd have a wall a mile high, 150k in troops and a ******* minefield along that border.

This is why they haven't built a bridge to Cuba.
This is why they do everything they can to stem immigration from Cuba.
This is why they told Cubans under Joe - do not come to America.

Because they vote overwhelmingly Republican.
For the c*nt of all c*nts. Steeltime, take a bow.

Tried to paste your dumb *** table, but format's all messed up. Maybe (even) you will figure it out. Your "claim" is on the left, my response is in the middle, and your dark, soulless, gutless, wretched MAGA bull **** take is on the right, along with the rest of the bozo peanut gallery.

Gatdamn, didn't even last a day!

This is why they haven't built a bridge to Cuba.
This is why they do everything they can to stem immigration from Cuba.
This is why they told Cubans under Joe - do not come to America.

Because they vote overwhelmingly Republican.

So that makes those mother ******* racist.

See how that works..
Gatdamn, didn't even last a day!

It's back!!

You're right. Why bother. You likely have enough **** tormenting your soul. Don't need me around to pick at the scabs. Feel you, bro. Good luck, as always.
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Do you believe this text is real? Has a new pic of hunter on it from 2022. Also why would there be a screen shot of someone replying and not the reply? Hunter is sleazy, but pretty sure this is fake

Read the link at the bottom and pay me $50 for feeding you information.
You're right. Why bother. You likely have enough **** tormenting your soul. Don't need me around to pick at the scabs. Feel you, bro. Good luck, as always.
oh for ***** sake just go away. "i'm going away for real this time to maga pieces of ****" then comes back...and gets owned...i"m going away for real this time you maga pieces of ****" and then comes back...rinse, spit, repeat.
For the c*nt of all c*nts. Steeltime, take a bow.

Tried to paste your dumb *** table, but format's all messed up. Maybe (even) you will figure it out. Your "claim" is on the left, my response is in the middle, and your dark, soulless, gutless, wretched MAGA bull **** take is on the right, along with the rest of the bozo peanut gallery.

Hey idiot, I used the table format that is available only to paying members. Dumb freeloading baristas don't get to use the site's table function because they are dumb freeloading *******.

Go spread more Covid, tell us what a tough guy you are and how you would slap Putin around, then get my coffee.
I lost a brother in the World Trade Tower so go **** yourself.
The difference between you and me is that I have empathy. I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. honestly and truly. never in my lifetime will I ever say that your brother lost his life in vain. I will never celebrate it, justify it, or say that his life was lost for the greater good of some pittance of good. He deserved better. the fact that you celebrate his devastation as an accepted price for the greater good says a lot about your weakness as a man.
Not that we need more proof that you are rambling, bumbling idiot....but. Hell I can't resist.


The US Civil War was the deadliest war for the United States of America. 665,000 lives lost.

WWII cost us 405,000 lives.

Including the confederates among the Civil War dead is like including Ashli Babbit among the Jan 6 dead.
Including the confederates among the Civil War dead is like including Ashli Babbit among the Jan 6 dead.
y'know, **** off. seriously. you're a ******* piece of ****.
The difference between you and me is that I have empathy. I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. honestly and truly. never in my lifetime will I ever say that your brother lost his life in vain. I will never celebrate it, justify it, or say that his life was lost for the greater good of some pittance of good. He deserved better. the fact that you celebrate his devastation as an accepted price for the greater good says a lot about your weakness as a man.
If you follow the argument, you’ll see that all I’m saying is that some good does come from war despite the costs whether it be WWII, Afghanistan or (hopefully) Ukraine. Of course the echo chamber turned into a strawman argument like everything else.
Including the confederates among the Civil War dead is like including Ashli Babbit among the Jan 6 dead.
actually, your stance on the deaths of the Civil War is not that surprising. Sure, it comes across as crass and ignorant and elicits a response. But, overall, it highlights and underscores your ignorance. 3.2 million soldiers took part in the Civil War, and you want to erase - or, as your covid carrying kids would say in today's world, cancel - 1 million of those. Simply for being Confederate soldiers. You're ******* disgusting.

I had family on both sides of the war. As did many other families who lived along the Mason Dixon line. This was a truly unique time for this country's development and how it went forward to where we are now. Yet you're too ******* obtuse and flat out ignorant to understand any of this.