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Trump killed her in the Town Hall tonight, despite that little liberal midget Matt Lauer doing his best to rig it in Hillary's favor. **** Matt Lauer.
What is she wearing in her ear?
Wearing an earpiece, getting cheating tips?
Crooked Hillary will stoop to anything
Don't forget to take the poll
Which candidate came out on top at the #NBCNewsForum?
Trump 51%
Hillary 49%
22,359 votes - 20 hrs left
No way, don't be silly. It's a low frequency electro-magnetic device connecting her to islamic terrorist aliens circling the earth in low orbit, awaiting transmission of nuclear codes to follow through with Obama's plan to achieve complete Muslim world domination.Could be a hearing aid or an earpiece
I watched as Trump predictibaly imploded last night in front of a national audience, proving yet again he's a charlatan who knows nothing at all about foreign policy, the military or really, anything at all that pertains to becoming president and running the country. I was sure his adoring fanboys here - like IndySteel - will jump at the opportunity to post what a great job he did. Like clockwork, you can always count on the America-hating, Putin-loving Trump clowns to hold up their end of the bargain. It would take hours to dissect all of Trump's bullshit, I'm sure there will be articles up soon doing just that. For now, this nugget of wisdom from Dangerous Donald:Trump killed her in the Town Hall tonight, despite that little liberal midget Matt Lauer doing his best to rig it in Hillary's favor. **** Matt Lauer.
Trump fangirl and generally the worse person on earth Ann Coulter gets obliterated. It's a sight to behold.
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No I don't.The Hildebeast has all that going on and you think she is a saint.
It wasn’t a debate, but the Commander-in-Chief forum Wednesday night was the first glance at what we have in store in the upcoming weeks — and let me just say that I couldn’t be more excited for the upcoming debates. Not only did Hillary Clinton look well-prepared and very presidential, but Donald Trump’s performance was an absolute disaster.
When Clinton was asked a question, she offered detailed, precise and thought out responses to questions that weren’t easy. Not only was she grilled about her emails and her vote on Iraq, but she was asked about issues with the VA and how she plans to stabilize the Middle East. While I wouldn’t say she was flawless (it’s difficult to do that in a 30 minute window answering complex questions), she still presented herself as someone who knows what she’s talking about and is ready to lead.
Then there was Trump — wow. Not only did he advocate for war crimes by saying that a part of his Middle Eastern strategy would be to “take the oil” of a sovereign nation, but he essentially admitted that he didn’t have a plan for ISIS when he said, “When I have a plan” — suggesting he doesn’t yet have one — when Matt Lauer pressed him on his plan to defeat the world’s largest terrorist organization.
Furthermore, he offered next to nothing as far as specifics go when he was asked questions.
Both candidates were asked to talk about their specific plans, attempting to avoid attacking their opponent — yet the vast majority of Trump’s answers were nothing more than the usual attacks against President Obama and Clinton rather than offering any substantive answers to any of the questions he was asked.
One of the most embarrassing moments for Trump came when Lauer asked him if he really believed he knew more about ISIS than “the generals” (something he claimed earlier in his campaign), and he essentially talked down about our current military leaders, clearly implying he knew more than they did.
Another absurd couple of moments for Trump came when he not only tried to claim he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning (he didn’t) and he said that Clinton’s decision to go into Libya was a disaster — even though he’s on video saying we needed to remove Gaddafi.
Not only did Donald Trump avoid directly answering basically every question he was asked, but the pathetic answers he did give were vague, filled with empty talking points and proved that he’s absolutely unqualified and unfit to be this country’s president.
If what I saw tonight is a sample of what we will see in a couple of weeks during the first presidential debate, I am more excited than ever — because Hillary Clinton is going to absolutely destroy him.
Name a city in Idaho that isn't the capital. Go ahead.
I do like that the state is shaped like a gun though!
Could be a hearing aid or an earpiece
In less than twenty minutes of talking, Donald Trump generated a list of statements, any one of which should be genuinely disqualifying.
- He called the existing generals of the US military “rubble” and declared that he would replace them with selections from the list of retirees who endorsed Trump.
- Given the opportunity to walk back his previous statement, Trump instead doubled-down on the idea that rape in the military is the inevitable result of allowing women to serve alongside men.
- He spent a full two minutes singing the praises of Vladimir Putin, and when reminded of a few of Putin’s foibles—invading Crimea, supporting dictators, generally killing people he doesn’t like—Trump replied with a remark about “thing Obama has done.”
- He excused his Putin love by declaring that Putin “has an 82 percent approval rating.” 82 percent? Bah! Fearless Leader won last election with 117 percent of vote!
- Trump once again called on America to replace nation-building with empire-building by “taking Iraq’s oil.” Using some kind of unspecified special troops that we can only assume includes Bruce Willis and the best damn oil-stealers on Earth.
- He revealed that he doesn’t have a secret plan to eliminate ISIS, except that he does have a secret plan, except that he’s going to ask the generals, and maybe he will make a hybrid plan, or maybe not. But he’s not telling.
- In perhaps the peak insanity of the night (though really, by the time we reached this point, my insanity detector was numb) Trump let America in on his secret military intelligence briefings and revealed the startling fact that he could tell that the intelligence staff was really pissed at Obama, and Clinton, and John Kerry … because “I’m really good at body language.”
- He finished by declaring that Hillary Clinton has “a happy trigger.”
Oh yeah, and Trump was against going into Iraq and Libya and anything you see, like film showing Trump cheerleading for going into Iraq and Libya, is a lie. So there.
Donald Trump revealed a not at all surprising, but still jaw-dropping ignorance of the US military, the government, the world, and the fact that we’re all capable of actually checking to see what he said last week. His answers included the usual Trump line up: Suggesting that the United States engage in a war crime, a jihad on military leaders who didn’t bow, and enough Putin love that it called for a clean-up crew.
And still, pundits are on your television right this moment, pretending that there was some equivalence between Trump’s and Clinton’s performance. Because … Honestly, I no longer know.
The Commander in Chief Forum was an embarrassment, but still enough to disqualify Trump
Hillary is toast
National Poll Shows Donald Trump Surges Among Hispanics, African Americans
Big non-surprise -- both sides see the results of the town hall through their own biased lenses.