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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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New Trump hotel in DC





No hookers I know are worthy of an $800 hotel room, maybe some day

Nation's largest police union endorses Trump

The nation's largest police union on Friday endorsed Donald Trump for president, lauding his commitment to police officers.

The Fraternal Order of Police gave the GOP presidential nominee its endorsement after he received support from more than two-thirds of the group's national board.

"(Trump) has seriously looked at the issues facing law enforcement today. He understands and supports our priorities and our members believe he will make America safe again," said Chuck Canterbury, the FOP's national president.

"He's made a real commitment to America's law enforcement and we're proud to make a commitment to him and his campaign by endorsing his candidacy today."


Panic sets in!

ABC News says President Donald J. Trump would agree


You're actually going to vote for this ***** after he rolls over and says that terrorist Obama was born in the US?
Who gives a **** - it's great entertainment!

Trump in Miami





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Leftists are desperate right now...all I'm hearing now on TV is criticism over Trumps questioning of Baraks citizenship some 4 or 8 years ago, whenever it was.

What in hell does that have to do with anything? It has no bearing on anything. Desparate libfucks looking for fault somewhere.
Panic time!

Hillary Clinton’s Supporters, Once Certain of Victory, Now Racked by Doubt

As Hillary Clinton lurches toward Election Day, her supporters at times seem overwhelmed by a tsunami of unease, exacerbated by Mrs. Clinton’s bout of pneumonia and a slow-footed acknowledgment of the illness. They are confronting a question they had assumed, just a few weeks ago, they would not need to consider: Could Mrs. Clinton actually blow this?

“It’s like someone dropped ice water on the head of America”



Safe space! Find your safe space!

Latest Safe-Space Incursion: Wearing a 'Make America Great Again' Hat


Caught on camera

Uber driver picked up a passenger in Gainesville who became enraged over his Donald Trump sticker -- and he recorded the whole thing on video

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Boy the leftist douche cookies are really reaching these day. Anything to take away from her sorry *** health and pathetic policy ideas. Hildabeast is a criminal of epic proportions,a professional liar and pretty much a ****** human being to the core. Just a power hungry scumbag....and people still follower her. This country is filled with morons who shouldn't vote. She has absolutely no exceptional qualities to her whatsoever. She should be doing time in a federal prison like any other American would be doing had they been so careless with state secrets.
'LES DEPLORABLES!' Trump floors cheering Miami crowd as he enters to Broadway anthem

Donald Trump unveiled a new visual campaign theme in Miami on Friday – a mashup of the Broadway musical 'Les Misérables' and an epithet Hillary Clinton leveled at his supporters one week ago.

He took the stage, introduced by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, as the 'Les Mis' anthem 'Do You Hear the People Sing' blasted through loudspeakers.

The video screen behind the podium flashed to an artistic rendering of 'Les Deplorables' – pilfered from Reddit – complete with USA and 'Trump' flags replacing the French colors, and a bald eagle soaring over the revolutionary scene.

'Welcome to all of you deplorables!'



At one point this week i went to cnn looking for a story on self driving cars and the top 7 headlines in a row were negative trump stories... The meltdown is real... The hillbots cannot accept the race isnt a blowout like they were led to believe
They better get used to it.
I'd make John Bolton Secretary of State and give Mr. Newt something else to do like Secretary of Education.
Carly Fiorina for Secretary of Commerce.
Just a reminder to Bernie Buster supporters, there's STILL TIME to vote for JILL STEIN!




  • CskBYG0UAAMdR85.jpg
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you ran Tibs off and that's the best you can do?

way to **** up my project in getting him to vote trump
He'll be back. He always comes back.

Well until he does - this is your thread now, good luck - you ******* never do anything but quote from him and ignore me anyway

--------signing off, *******
Well until he does - this is your thread now, good luck - you ******* never do anything but quote from him and ignore me anyway

--------signing off, *******

Yeah yeah. Want some Kleenex? It's always been my thread. Quit yer bitchin. I've hit you with more karma in this thread alone than I've given anyone else total. Why such a man-crush on the Tibtard?
Well until he does - this is your thread now, good luck - you ******* never do anything but quote from him and ignore me anyway

--------signing off, *******

Meh it had to get boring running a one sided debate anyhow... No true Hillary supporters around anyhow
But but Obummer is going to be personally offended if his minions don't vote for the hildabeast.
But but Obummer is going to be personally offended if his minions don't vote for the hildabeast.

With TIBS' Odummy obsession one would think he'd fall in line with the rest of O's minions. Guess life ain't so fun when you HAVE to support that loser/criminal/lying-inbred Clinton.

Probably sitting there with a gun and his mail in ballot, doesn't know weather to cry or wind his watch.
Meh it had to get boring running a one sided debate anyhow... No true Hillary supporters around anyhow

You haven't met my father's side of the family....

The real reason Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns is he knows investigative reporters will discover tax fraud.

Kind of like Hillary in the 90's... yep thats right she "forgot" to pay her taxes here and there once... tried to hide it... the issue with making something stick on Trump is hillary has already done it all so no one cares about what horrid things he has done... at best the dems can hope to prove that he is every bit as deporable as she is... thats not how you get voters to vote for you...

she has no new ideas, a bad track record of getting things done, a bad track record of starting trouble, and a horrid mount of corruption directly tied to her. she is a bad choice for most people in the country. its just that simple.
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