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Trump picks Climate Change Skeptic Scott Pruitt to head EPA


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Apr 20, 2014
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Trump picks Scott Pruitt to head EPA

(CNN)Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is President-elect Donald Trump's choice for Environmental Protection Agency administrator, his former campaign manager told reporters Wednesday.

"Attorney General Pruitt has great qualifications and a good record as the AG of Oklahoma, and there were a number of qualified candidates for that particular position that the President-elect interviewed and he settled on Attorney General Pruitt and we'll look forward to the confirmation hearing," Kellyanne Conway told reporters Wednesday.

The move elevates a fierce EPA critic -- Pruitt had sued the agency over its regulations of power plants -- to the position of EPA administrator.

It's a signal the Trump administration is intent on reversing President Barack Obama's moves to curb climate change.

Trump said, "For too long, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent taxpayer dollars on an out-of-control anti-energy agenda that has destroyed millions of jobs, while also undermining our incredible farmers and many other businesses and industries at every turn." The President-elect added that Pruitt would " ... reverse this trend and restore the EPA's essential mission of keeping our air and our water clean and safe,"

Pruitt, who questions the impact of climate change, penned an op-ed in the Tulsa World earlier this year:

"Healthy debate is the lifeblood of American democracy, and global warming has inspired one of the major policy debates of our time," states the op-ed. "That debate is far from settled. Scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind… Dissent is not a crime."




Elections have consequences.
Ker-pow indeed. You go President-elect Trump.

It would have been better if he had announced he would be leaving the post vacant since the Federal Government has no authority to regulate anything inside the borders of a sovereign state.

Joe Scarborough “How fascinating that the Never Trumpers and the Wall Street Journal editorial page and the Bill Kristols, and all the people who were rightly the most skeptical of Donald Trump during the primary, have to sit back going, wow, I would not have gotten this with Jeb or Marco.”
This one is going to get the snowflakes and MSM all up in arms....

The louder they howl, the more I smile!

NBC Fears Trump’s Pick Will ‘Dismantle’ Obama’s EPA, CBS Smears

News broke Wednesday that President-Elect Donald Trump had selected Oklahoma Attorney General, and active opponent to the Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt to lead that very same organization. Word of Trump’s latest pick sent liberal environmental groups into a panic along with networks CBS and NBC. “The president-elect filled more administration posts today, putting a global warming sceptic in charge of protecting the environment,” announced anchor Scott Pelley on CBS Evening News.

CBS’s Nancy Cordes bemoaned Trump’s climate change switcheroo from earlier in the week. “Al Gore's meeting with Mr. Trump the other day gave environmentalists hope, but that hope evaporated today when Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt was tapped to head the environmental protection agency,” she whined.

Trump picks Climate Change Skeptic Scott Pruitt to head EPA

Mr. ElfiePolo, your take?

EPA's gonna be too busy doing Superfund sites, cleaning up exploded liberal brain matter, to pass a new regs.
Trump picks Climate Change Skeptic Scott Pruitt to head EPA

Mr. ElfiePolo, your take?


I want to see the Greenies lose their ******* minds and the economy get better enough that the government can't afford to let them have any influence ever again.
Maybe they will cut out about a Billion dollars worth of useless spending that currently goes toward kickbacks awarded to science frauds who can manipulate data to please their higher ups. That would be super.
Draining the swamp of global warming alarmists?

ha ha - The Purge

Trump Teams Memo Hints at Broad Shake-Up of U.S. Energy Policy

Advisers seeking to identify staff involved in climate policy

Advisers to President-elect Donald Trump are developing plans to reshape Energy Department programs, help keep aging nuclear plants online and identify staff who played a role in promoting President Barack Obama’s climate agenda.

The transition team has asked the agency to list employees and contractors who attended United Nations climate meetings, along with those who helped develop the Obama administration’s social cost of carbon metrics, used to estimate and justify the climate benefits of new rules.

The advisers are also seeking information on agency loan programs, research activities and the basis for its statistics, according to a five-page internal document circulated by the Energy Department on Wednesday.

The document also signals which of the department’s agencies could face the toughest scrutiny under the new administration. Among them: the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, a 7-year-old unit that has been a critical instrument for the Obama administration to advance clean-energy technologies.

This hire is good for business, but bad for people.
This is the stupid **** we would be facing if Hillary won. Just tax and raise the price of everything, that will save the world


Canadian government introduces first national carbon price


The Canadian government has approved a nation-wide carbon price with most of their provinces. Only Saskatchewan and Manitoba did not agree, citing concerns the price hike would make Canadian firms less competitive.

The plan calls for the cost of producing a ton of carbon pollution to rise 10 Canadian dollars ($7.60, €7.19) per year starting in 2018 until it reaches 50 Canadian dollars in 2022.

It's VERY bad for people......particularly people on the making tons of money from scaring gullible people with bogus climate studies. It's horrible that they might not continue getting rich from fooling people.

That's the only downside that I see.
It's VERY bad for people......particularly people on the making tons of money from scaring gullible people with bogus climate studies. It's horrible that they might not continue getting rich from fooling people.

I have a degree in science. The hundreds of research projects going on for climate change are bleak. Ocean temperatures are rising, and sea levels are rising. The Koch Brothers have launched a successful anti global warming campaign to confuse the masses.

Island nations are very concerned.

Here's an article from a trusted source, since they rightfully named Trump Man of the Year.

I have a degree in science. The hundreds of research projects going on for climate change are bleak. Ocean temperatures are rising, and sea levels are rising. The Koch Brothers have launched a successful anti global warming campaign to confuse the masses.

Island nations are very concerned.

Here's an article from a trusted source, since they rightfully named Trump Man of the Year.


Time naming Trump man of the year has no bearing whatsoever on their trustworthiness as a news source.
ha ha


Trump says nobody really knows if climate change is real

President-elect Donald Trump said Sunday that “nobody really knows” whether climate change is real and that he is “studying” whether the United States should withdraw from the global warming agreement struck in Paris a year ago.

In an interview with “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace, Trump said he’s “very open-minded” on whether climate change is underway but has serious concerns about how President Obama’s efforts to cut carbon emissions have undercut America’s global competitiveness.

“I’m still open-minded. Nobody really knows,” Trump said. “Look, I’m somebody that gets it, and nobody really knows. It’s not something that’s so hard and fast. I do know this: Other countries are eating our lunch.”

Flush them out!

Climate Scare Over: Top Experts Expose Scam

PHOENIX — Call off the doomsday bunkers and carbon taxes! The “climate” scare is officially over. The time for hysteria over alleged man-made global warming and CO2 has passed. The theory is toast — it is totally and completely debunked. At least it will be, once a soon-to-be-released “Weapon of Mass Instruction” exposing the climate fraudsters and their fraud is dropped on the world.

In early December, various prestigious scientists and a wide range of experts in various disciplines converged here, in Phoenix, Arizona, to forever demolish the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) alarmism and the deadly policies the alarmism underpins. After seeing the evidence, it will be impossible for the intellectually honest to go on believing the CAGW fantasy — or “cult,” as some top scientists have referred to the alarmist movement.

The keynote speaker for the event was Lord Christopher Mockton, the internationally known climate realist and former science adviser to U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. He began by going up on stage and putting a red “Make America Great Again” hat on his head. The crowd cheered. He also highlighted Brexit, the historic decision by British voters to throw off the chains of the European Union super-state by exiting the EU completely.

Lord Monckton's presentation began by outlining a series of “red flags” in the man-made global-warming theory and the alarmism surrounding it. Using a wide variety of graphs and charts focusing on everything from temperatures and trends to storms and global sea levels, Monckton showed that the United Nations was wrong about practically everything. In light of that, and more, he proposed that Britain and the United States should jointly leave the UN.

Much of Monckton's presentation revolved around new findings further debunking the climate scare.

Multiple scientists who spoke to the attendees echoed those concerns. The first official speaker at the event, for example, Princeton Physics Professor William Happer, began his presentation by demolishing the pseudo-science underpinning climate hysteria. Dr. Happer, a co-author of one of the early books on global warming, and a former director of energy research at the U.S. Department of Energy, started off by debunking a key point in the warming scare: The myth, constantly parroted by politicians, bureaucrats, and gullible people, that CO2 is “pollution.”

“We've heard that CO2 is a demon molecule that causes global warming,” he explained, noting that the earth was getting greener and crop yields were increasing in response to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. “We should tell the truth: CO2 will benefit the Earth.” He also showed that, in the Earth's past, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere were far, far higher than they are today. “It is measured in thousands of parts per million rather than hundreds, as we have today,” he said, adding that humans exhale about two pounds of CO2 each day just by breathing.

Dr. Happer explained that plants were actually “designed” to live in a more CO2-rich environment than currently exists. In fact, virtually all plants benefit from more CO2, which is why farmers pump it into their greenhouses. An early experiment on the subject was conducted in Arizona, showing that plants grow much, much faster and better when CO2 concentrations are doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled. “The EPA is just completely bonkers,” the professor exclaimed, pointing to the agency's bizarre and harmful war on the gas of life.

I have a degree in science. The hundreds of research projects going on for climate change are bleak. Ocean temperatures are rising, and sea levels are rising. The Koch Brothers have launched a successful anti global warming campaign to confuse the masses.

Island nations are very concerned.

Here's an article from a trusted source, since they rightfully named Trump Man of the Year.

The only way those hundreds of research projects get funded is if they are bleak. That's almost as funny as Time Magazine being cited as a trusted source.