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Beijing Joe, Punxsutawney President, kills 11,000 American jobs, billions in wages

I want to say The Eisenhower administration.

The problem is twofold though. Universal suffrage gives deadbeats the right to vote on how money is spent and they don’t pay into the system. See Alexander Tyltler’s quote on People in democracy realizing they can vote to give themselves money. The other part of the equation is most of our debt comes from the government Ponzi scheme known as Social Security which most of the population has been duped into believing is an actual pension plan. Nobody wants to give that up and for us to fix our budgetary dilemma it will have to go away.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse [generous gifts] from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

Bondage to Spiritual Faith —-> Spiritual Faith to Great Courage —-> Courage to Liberty —-> Liberty to Abundance —-> Abundance to Complacency —-> Complacency to Apathy —-> Apathy to Dependence —-> and Dependence back into Bondage.”


We all have heard the phrase "make the world safe for democracy"...truth is democracy is not safe.

It would be shocking to many to learn that our Founding Fathers despised democracy. That's why they established a representative form of government.

Nowhere in the Constitution nor in the state constitutions is "democratic government" mentioned.

Sadly "...to the Republic for which it stands..." seems to be heading toward .." to the Democracy for which it stands, one Nation, under no God...."
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I want to say The Eisenhower administration.

The problem is twofold though. Universal suffrage gives deadbeats the right to vote on how money is spent and they don’t pay into the system. See Alexander Tyltler’s quote on People in democracy realizing they can vote to give themselves money. The other part of the equation is most of our debt comes from the government Ponzi scheme known as Social Security which most of the population has been duped into believing is an actual pension plan. Nobody wants to give that up and for us to fix our budgetary dilemma it will have to go away.
The gravity of debt doesn't seem to matter for the past generation, at least.
Until payment of debts is forced, there is most likely to be continued apathy. Why does the average person even care?

The stock market "going up" really masks the actual net wealth of the nation, and certainly adds to the internal disparity or lack of balance.

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“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse [generous gifts] from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence:

Bondage to Spiritual Faith —-> Spiritual Faith to Great Courage —-> Courage to Liberty —-> Liberty to Abundance —-> Abundance to Complacency —-> Complacency to Apathy —-> Apathy to Dependence —-> and Dependence back into Bondage.”


We all have heard the phrase "make the world safe for democracy"...truth is democracy is not safe.

It would be shocking to many to learn that our Founding Fathers despised democracy. That's why they established a representative form of government.

Nowhere in the Constitution nor in the state constitutions is "democratic government" mentioned.

Sadly "...to the Republic for which it stands..." seems to be heading toward .." to the Democracy for which it stands, one Nation, under no God...."

I used to refer to this all the time for the democracy idiots. We now vote for the morons who promise the most from the public treasury. We're plowing through dependence on our way to bondage.
I used to refer to this all the time for the democracy idiots. We now vote for the morons who promise the most from the public treasury. We're plowing through dependence on our way to bondage.

This is going to leave a mark. Ole Sleepy Joe doesn't realize the nest he just kicked. Some States use a large part of oil and gas revenues to fund their schools. Who's gonna pick up that tab now ? Who's gonna pick up the unemployment tab for the thousands of oil workers he's putting on the streets. All them good union Democrat voters out of work now...oops.

January 22, 2021·4 min read

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — President Joe Biden’s 60-day moratorium on new oil and natural gas leases and drilling permits is prompting widespread concerns in New Mexico, where spending on education and other public programs hinges on the industry’s success.

Top Republicans in the state as well as local leaders in communities that border the Permian Basin — one of the most productive regions in the U.S. — say any moves to make permanent the suspension would be economically devastating for the state. Half of New Mexico's production happens on federal land and amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties each year.

Congressional members from other western states also are raising concerns, saying the ripple effects of the moratorium will hurt small businesses already struggling because of the pandemic.

This is going to leave a mark. Ole Sleepy Joe doesn't realize the nest he just kicked. Some States use a large part of oil and gas revenues to fund their schools. Who's gonna pick up that tab now ? Who's gonna pick up the unemployment tab for the thousands of oil workers he's putting on the streets. All them good union Democrat voters out of work now...oops.


The old ones that can't be replaced because of stupid democrats.
Still anxiously awaiting one of our liberal friends to come along and defend this. Where are they? Tibs? Trog? 21?
Still anxiously awaiting one of our liberal friends to come along and defend this. Where are they? Tibs? Trog? 21?

They're hardly liberal and they can't defend the leftist nutjobs in charge of their beloved party. They have absolutely nothing to stand on with these clowns.
They're hardly liberal and they can't defend the leftist nutjobs in charge of their beloved party. They have absolutely nothing to stand on with these clowns.

Well, they sure do run their **** suckers quite a bit around here.
I just want to hear them defend these policies. It could be epic! ��
Coup in Myanmar, bombings in Syria.

The bed guys around the globe will step up their campaigns. We should hear from North Korea very soon.

I hope someone is keeping a tally of global malfeasance as America appears weaker, enables courage/rebellion around the world.

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Coup in Myanmar, bombings in Syria.

The bed guys around the globe will step up their campaigns. We should hear from North Korea very soon.

I hope someone is keeping a tally of global malfeasance as America appears weaker, enables courage/rebellion around the world.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

I’m not so sure I would call what’s happening in Burma a coup just yet. There appears to be massive voter fraud on the same scale we had here in November. The only difference is the Burmese military may have had the balls to do the right thing.
Coup in Myanmar, bombings in Syria.

The bed guys around the globe will step up their campaigns. We should hear from North Korea very soon.

I hope someone is keeping a tally of global malfeasance as America appears weaker, enables courage/rebellion around the world.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

Yeah... I'm curious what Tibs' theory on this is. Seems like since January 1st there is a fairly sizeable tick upwards in world instability. Biden is already setting the stage for increased military presence in a few countries. I expect him to say the talks with the Taliban have broken down and we need to put back some troops there. I expect China to start building islands and claiming territory in the China Sea again. I expect North Korea to start making some noise (unless Kim Jung-un really did die of Covid - I don't think we've seen him in public in months). Iran is already more emboldened. Pakistan let out that guy that killed a U.S. journalist.

I'm sure Tibs will be along saying it's all a coincidence.
Yeah... I'm curious what Tibs' theory on this is. Seems like since January 1st there is a fairly sizeable tick upwards in world instability. Biden is already setting the stage for increased military presence in a few countries. I expect him to say the talks with the Taliban have broken down and we need to put back some troops there. I expect China to start building islands and claiming territory in the China Sea again. I expect North Korea to start making some noise (unless Kim Jung-un really did die of Covid - I don't think we've seen him in public in months). Iran is already more emboldened. Pakistan let out that guy that killed a U.S. journalist.

I'm sure Tibs will be along saying it's all a coincidence.

no, he'll point to Trump being more focused on being Putin's bff and thus allowing the rogue nations to succumb to the evil spawns of the alt-right in the geopolitical world.
Biden's devotion to hiring utter incompetents is unparalleled in world history. Another example? He hired Suzi Levine as ... something. He just hires these morons as a tribute in return for their significant financial and big-tech help in dragging his decrepit, demented *** over the finish line.

She is supposed to guard Federal payments of unemployment assistance. The problem? She was in charge of security for Washington state's program when it paid $600 million to Nigerian swindlers.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Suzi Levine, who lost $600 million to Nigerian scam artists then helped block an audit of her department, will now lead the federal office that helps states manage jobless benefits. Why? Because she's a wealthy Democrat donor. Her incompetence went from my WA to the nation's.</p>— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) <a href="https://twitter.com/jasonrantz/status/1355264900919042048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

No, I am not making this up. Apparently, that idiot's department believed the Nigerians had inherited a bunch of money, and just needed a small sum - $600 million - to access the beaucoup bank account.

Joe Biden: stupid, slow, demented, but at least he is appointing morons even stupider than he is to make him look less stupid, lost, and slow.
Biden's devotion to hiring utter incompetents is unparalleled in world history. Another example? He hired Suzi Levine as ... something. He just hires these morons as a tribute in return for their significant financial and big-tech help in dragging his decrepit, demented *** over the finish line.

She is supposed to guard Federal payments of unemployment assistance. The problem? She was in charge of security for Washington state's program when it paid $600 million to Nigerian swindlers.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Suzi Levine, who lost $600 million to Nigerian scam artists then helped block an audit of her department, will now lead the federal office that helps states manage jobless benefits. Why? Because she's a wealthy Democrat donor. Her incompetence went from my WA to the nation's.</p>— (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) <a href="https://twitter.com/jasonrantz/status/1355264900919042048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 29, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

No, I am not making this up. Apparently, that idiot's department believed the Nigerians had inherited a bunch of money, and just needed a small sum - $600 million - to access the beaucoup bank account.

Joe Biden: stupid, slow, demented, but at least he is appointing morons even stupider than he is to make him look less stupid, lost, and slow.

So you are saying he is Tomlin 2.0
Biden finds more great minds to appoint to his cabinet.

California Labor Secretary Promoted to Biden Administration After Overseeing Massive COVID Fraud Scandal

Millions of Americans have struggled financially since the March outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. But new reporting reveals that rather than successfully helping those truly in need, the California government sent up to $31 billion in taxpayer money earmarked for “COVID relief” to fraudsters and crime rings.

The Golden State has paid out an astounding $114 billion in expanded unemployment benefits since the crisis began last spring. Of that sum, officials have confirmed 10 percent as fraudulent. That’s $11.4 billion definitely lost to fraud. The state has identified another 17 percent of the paid out funds as potentially fraudulent, meaning there’s roughly $20 billion more in suspected losses.

"There is no sugar coating the reality, California did not have sufficient security measures in place to prevent this level of fraud," California Labor and Workforce Development Agency Secretary Julie Su said.

“As millions of Californians applied for help, international and national criminal rings were at work behind the scenes working relentlessly to steal unemployment benefits using sophisticated methods of identity theft,” Su admitted.

In one particularly egregious example of just how easy the system was to game, the Golden State sent roughly $1 billion to criminals currently behind bars in jails and prisons who filed false claims.


$11 billion paid for false claims, including a billion ******* dollars paid to prisoners currently in jail. What, the state and Su could not figure out a way to determine that paying unemployment to people whose address is Folsom prison was probably a bad idea?

******* idiots.

This is what they want. No longer are the people the concern of the "leaders." They have another agenda, and the power to make it happen. Our "government of the people, by the people, for the people" is a thing of the past. We get to witness the end of a once great nation. It's over.
Democrat incompetence and graft.
This is what they want. No longer are the people the concern of the "leaders." They have another agenda, and the power to make it happen. Our "government of the people, by the people, for the people" is a thing of the past. We get to witness the end of a once great nation. It's over.

Democrats re wrote the constitution.
It starts out with, we the billionaires
Democrats re wrote the constitution.
It starts out with, we the billionaires

We, the billionaires, in order to establish a more perfect class of professional bootlickers and ***-polishers, establish Justice if you have the right skin color or bank balance, insure domestic obsequiousness, provide for the defence of politicians and those who live in mansions, promote the generals and billionaires and put everybody else on Welfare, and secure the Blessings of thought-police Liberty to the very few who deserve it and to our Posterior, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution for those in the United States of America with the correct skin color, political beliefs and bank accounts.