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Trump to reverse Obama-Era use of race in college admissions


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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Not sure how I feel about this one. I mean, if you are using race to accept or deny college admissions ONLY in the name of diversity, then it is wrong, wrong, wrong. And using the Justice department to issue "guidance" to skirt making laws is just as wrong. However, racial discrimination in college admissions probably exists (I don't know for sure, I don't work in college admissions nor do I know anyone who works in college admissions), so there has to be something that prevents that, and I think affirmative action laws should cover that. But again, I don't know. I guess I need more information, so I will research and see what I can learn. Just thought this to be an interesting topic for discussion.

It's a good overturn. Race shouldn't be involved in any decision. Except for where you walk at night.
Sit down before you read this: I think I actually agree with Trump here.
Trying to make America lily white again, one day at a time. #winning
“The Obama guidance in this area was bad law and bad policy, and it’s good news if it is indeed being withdrawn,” Center for Equal Opportunity president Roger Clegg said in a press release. “Being opposed to racial preferences is not being against diversity, which is what the critics will claim: It’s simply being against discrimination. The federal government should not be going out of its way to encourage such discrimination, which is what the Obama guidance did.”

That guy gets it.
Trump Administration Reverses Obama on Affirmative Action

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration will encourage the nation’s school superintendents and college presidents to adopt race-blind admissions standards, abandoning an Obama administration policy that called on universities to consider race as a factor in diversifying their campuses, Trump administration officials said.

The reversal would restore the policy set during President George W. Bush’s administration, when officials told schools that it “strongly encourages the use of race-neutral methods” for admitting students to college or assigning them to elementary and secondary schools.

Last November, Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked the Justice Department to re-evaluate past policies that he believed pushed the department to act beyond what the law, the Constitution and the Supreme Court had required, Devin M. O’Malley, a Justice Department spokesman said. As part of that process, the Justice Department rescinded seven policy guidances from the Education Department’s civil rights division on Tuesday.

“The executive branch cannot circumvent Congress or the courts by creating guidance that goes beyond the law and — in some instances — stays on the books for decades,” said Devin M. O’Malley, a spokesman for the Justice Department.




'muh legacy'
Trying to make America lily white again, one day at a time. #winning

Come on. That's horseshit and a cop out. I have said it before and I will say it again......If I am on the table about to get my chest cracked open, I want the best damn surgeon possible. I do not care if that person is white, black, brown or whatever. I want the best. I don't want some half wit that was admitted to med school because of their skin tone, barely skated by and got a license to practice medicine.

And further, for example, if otherwise qualified white people are being denied admissions to lesser qualified minorities, isn't that too discrimination? Is it ok to discriminate against whites, but not anyone else? Seems that is what you are advocating. You don't achieve racial equality by holding anyone down in the hopes of raising another.

If you take race out of it, and go based solely on merit, my gut tells me you get the best qualified candidates for school, jobs or whatever.
If you take race out of it, and go based solely on merit, my gut tells me you get the best qualified candidates for school, jobs or whatever.

No question.
Trying to make America lily white again, one day at a time. #winning

Not to pile on...we usually see things differently, but I have no beef with you personally. This comment is just disappointing. How can you argue taking race out of the equation and qualifying on merit?

I’m hoping that you’re just intoxicated while typing that.
Geez, sensitive bunch today. In theory I agree with Sarge and others everything in life should be merit-based, skills-based, intelligence-based, social skills-based and on and on. I get it. I also feel - in general - white kids from middle and upper class families have a head start over kids from different, less comfortable and advantageous backgrounds. I like the idea that our higher education admissions at least take that into consideration, in some way. I am opposed to strictly race-based admissions, but do think there should be some consideration made to allow for less privileged kids a chance to get into colleges and universities so they can better themselves and their families and become the next great doctors, engineers, architects and astronauts. Do I want less qualified kids to get in because they're minorities? No, but I would like to see an equally qualified minority / hardship student make it, over say a rich family's kid who's dad schmoozes with the dean or happens to be a big donor, or simply has 'the connections' to make it happen.

As usual, I do play devil's advocate on this board, as it's skewered so hard to the right. I apologize if my post caused anyone to have a brain aneurysm, hope it works out okay.
Jesus Christ, Asian Americans get penalized around 200 points on college applications for SAT scores as compared to all other races because they do so well on them. If that isn't racist I don't know what is. Asians should be dancing in the streets that this racist rule might be ending. Tibs is trying to distract as usual. As we all know, in Lib land Asians don't count as a minority in America because they are largely successful through hard work. That is most certainly NOT KEEPING IT REAL. They are a disgrace to minorities everywhere in Libs' eyes.

And just so you know Tibs, Black kids get a bonus 50 SAT points on average over White kids too, no matter if they are poor, middle class, rich or filthy rich. For race only. So a dirt poor white kid living in a trailer park somewhere gets penalized 50 points and loses out in favor of a doctors kid that happens to be Black. What a sham. I hope it gets wiped out.
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But...but disparate impact laws pushed by the Obama cartel make it impossible to change...no?

Although the protected classes vary by statute, most federal civil rights laws protect based on race, color, religion, national origin, and sex as protected traits, and some laws include disability status and other traits as well. A disparate impact violation is when an employer is shown to have used a specific employment practice, neutral on its face but that caused a substantial adverse impact to a protected group, and cannot be justified as serving a legitimate business goal for the employer.[27] No proof of intentional discrimination is necessary.

The primordial problem with this whole line of analysis, of course, is that an infinity of good and bad things get unevenly distributed across populations for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with the kinds of discrimination that are banned in our laws and Constitution. People who aren’t very smart are disproportionately rejected by the Princeton admissions office. People who aren’t very tall seldom make it onto varsity basketball teams. (It often appears that white and Asian students—pace Jeremy Lin—don’t either.) Those who can’t hear very well seldom play violin in the school orchestra. And on and on.


A coalition of 64 Asian-American groups has filed a complaint against Harvard for discriminating against Asian-American kids in admissions. They’re right to assume there is a quota system at work. But they’re wrong that it is targeting Asian Americans. In fact, it is discriminating in favor of Blacks and Hispanics.

The complaint, filed with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, alleges that for Asian-American students to gain admission, they have to have SAT scores 140 points higher than white students, 270 points higher than Hispanic students and 450 points higher than African-American students.
'muh legacy'

more winning!

Sessions rescinds guidance on refugees, asylum seekers' right to work

Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Tuesday rescinded a 2011 guidance that dictated refugees and asylum seekers have the right to work.

The document, issued by the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices, stated that the refugees and asylum seekers are “authorized to work indefinitely” and can receive Social Security cards “without employment restrictions.”

The guidance also stated that employers cannot require employees to show Department of Homeland Security-issued documents, if they have a Social Security Card and a state-issued driver’s license or ID card. Employers were also blocked from refusing to hire refugees or asylum seekers for not having a Social Security number, according to the guidance.

The Justice Department announced Tuesday that it was rescinding 24 guidance documents that were deemed to be "unnecessary, outdated, inconsistent with existing law, or otherwise improper," according to a department release.

Geez, sensitive bunch today. In theory I agree with Sarge and others everything in life should be merit-based, skills-based, intelligence-based, social skills-based and on and on. I get it. I also feel - in general - white kids from middle and upper class families have a head start over kids from different, less comfortable and advantageous backgrounds. I like the idea that our higher education admissions at least take that into consideration, in some way. I am opposed to strictly race-based admissions, but do think there should be some consideration made to allow for less privileged kids a chance to get into colleges and universities so they can better themselves and their families and become the next great doctors, engineers, architects and astronauts. Do I want less qualified kids to get in because they're minorities? No, but I would like to see an equally qualified minority / hardship student make it, over say a rich family's kid who's dad schmoozes with the dean or happens to be a big donor, or simply has 'the connections' to make it happen.

As usual, I do play devil's advocate on this board, as it's skewered so hard to the right. I apologize if my post caused anyone to have a brain aneurysm, hope it works out okay.

The ones getting screwed now are Asians and poor white kids from rural areas. I think poor kids from rural areas have it the worst as there are no businesses and wealthy people near them setting up foundations and scholarships like there are in urban areas.
Ribs I don't know. I think you might be white.
Lily white. Hopefully I'll work on a tan next few weeks.

And from your actions, if we got rid of you I would call that winning.
Get rid of me? Holy smokes. I guess you took offense, sorry you feel that way. When did us 'whites' get so sensitive about being called white or poked fun at? Call a brother white nowadays he'll try to rip your arm off. Ironic how racially sensitive us white folks have become. Duly noted.
I dont know about this one folks..

Timing is everything they say...and the timing for the Trump administration to reverse this action...
is absolutely horrible considering the State of Union from the populace perspective at the moment..
I want to play WR for the Steelers, ' cept I'm old and slow.

Who do I call to complain?
Lily white. Hopefully I'll work on a tan next few weeks.

Get rid of me? Holy smokes. I guess you took offense, sorry you feel that way. When did us 'whites' get so sensitive about being called white or poked fun at? Call a brother white nowadays he'll try to rip your arm off. Ironic how racially sensitive us white folks have become. Duly noted.

calling trump racist based on this. A policy which I agree with. Thus youre calling me racist. **** you.
I dont know about this one folks.. Timing is everything they say...and the timing for the Trump administration to reverse this action...is absolutely horrible considering the State of Union from the populace perspective at the moment..
Finally someone who gets it. Trump seems like he's picking hot button items out of a hat. I guess riling up the base is more important than running the country. Just hope the car doesn't veer off the edge anytime soon....screeching tires around the bends. I'm glad so many of you have the stomach for this. I guess we never knew what would happen if the White House is run like the WWF or The Apprentice. Now we know.
Honestly, I never hear about Asians and Indians complaining about discrimination and white privilege. They are too busy working their ***** off to make a good living and lots of time sending money back to family at home.
I just don’t understand how they manage to overcome this insurmountable white privilege.