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Trump WINS South Carolina!

Debates? hahaha! like her little gentile talks with Bernie? will never happen with Trump

Trump would attack Hillary and drag out her clanking 10,000 skeletons from the closet - he would reduce her to a quivering pile of jello

Trump mocks Hillary Clinton: She's a 'marshmallow'

Donald Trump on Wednesday roasted Hillary Clinton for aligning so closely to President Barack Obama, mocking the former secretary of state and likening her to a marshmallow.

In his first campaign event since his dominant victory in the Nevada caucuses Tuesday night, Trump said Clinton’s rival Bernie Sanders is done and derided Clinton.

“Boy, did you ever see anybody so nice to the president, though?” Trump asked. “‘Oh, the president is wonderful,’ she says. ‘Oh, the president, he’s great.’ Whatever he wants to do she says, ‘Oh, that’s wonderful.’ Whatever he wants.”

Clinton in recent weeks has increasingly compared herself to Obama — so much so that Sanders has accused her of embracing the president to pander to African-Americans, a key voting bloc in South Carolina’s upcoming primary and a demographic she crushed Sanders in during the Nevada caucuses.

“Boy, oh boy. She’s become like a marshmallow. Everything he does, ‘Oh it’s wonderful.’ Whatever he wants to do, ‘It’s wonderful,’” Trump continued, echoing Sanders’ critical comments on Clinton.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...lary-clinton-marshmallow-219737#ixzz418G1UnxD

The angle Clinton will use is how he attacks women and she will try and use her sexism against his attacks. "He called me a marshmallow because I'm a woman".
The angle Clinton will use is how he attacks women and she will try and use her sexism against his attacks. "He called me a marshmallow because I'm a woman".

Are we sure of that?
The angle Clinton will use is how he attacks women and she will try and use her sexism against his attacks. "He called me a marshmallow because I'm a woman".

He attacks men and women equally.

That's called equality.

That's all he has to say.
I think the race is over in both parties.

Let's start debating the presidential election.

Here's another name

Rick Scott as Donald Trump's Vice President? Florida Gov Not Saying No

Rick Scott demurred this week when asked if he'd say yes to being Donald Trump's vice presidential pick.

"I’m focused on this job. I’ve got three more years in this job," the Florida governor told reporters in his Capitol office, the Tallahassee Democrat reported Wednesday.

Scott, who like Trump had no prior political experience before running for public office, has been on many pundits' VP shortlist since Trump announced his presidential campaign.

Scott drew even more attention to himself in January, when he penned an op ed in USA Today praising Trump. The article, written long before a single caucus or primary vote was cast in any state, stopped just shy of an endorsement, but made it clear Scott is a big fan of the billionaire.

"I won the governor’s race in 2010 and many outsiders — some of them business people — continue to shock the political establishment by coming into elected office from careers outside of politics," he wrote at the time.



(better hurry up and answer here before coach steals this and starts a new thread)
Regrettably there isn't a Trump / Max meme. Someone needs to make one tout de suite.


Image from a New Yorker mag cover
My biggest concern with Trump is that he has little concern with financial responsibility. He willingly takes risks that land him in bankruptcy proceedings on a regular basis. On a personal and corporate level, if that's how he wants to run his affairs that's fine, but he can hardly claim that his successful acumen as a business leader is an admirable quality. In fact, he's done nothing but fail over and over again. Were it not for the ridiculously lenient corporate bankruptcy laws that protect him personally, he would never have been able to recover from his numerous failures. I hardly wish to see the country attempt to right itself after a staggering Trump failure in foreign or domestic policy as he saunters away unscathed.

On the other hand, few politicians in recent memory have been as mired in scandal as Hillary Clinton. I can think of nobody offhand who is as comfortably engaged in controversy and conspiracy as the homely and haughty housewife turned power-broker. Her extraordinary ability to sidestep any consequences for the numerous scandals she, her family and the administrations she's been associated with have been tied to is staggering. Unlike Trump - nothing seems to go truly wrong for Hillary Clinton. true, a broken path of little people may be left scattered in the background, but you can bet that the trail back to Hillary will be significantly obfuscated.

Which brings me to American politics in general. The utter uselessness of any debate whatsoever is tragic in its scope. Does anybody really think it matters who becomes the next president (small p intended)? Does anybody really believe that this country isn't run by a cadre of super rich who ultimately decide through small orchestrated sessions (call it congress or senate if you must but I very seriously doubt **** gets done their either).

This country is ruled by transactions, some monetary in nature, some not. And folks like you and I could never HOPE to engage in such transactions. As such, we have nothing to do with it. Just sit down. Enjoy your cable television and hope they don't decide to **** you over too seriously too quickly. As long as we keep buying gasoline and continue increasing their profit margin at a reasonable rate, things will go generally smoothly. It's how the world works. It truly is.

They don't WANT to end war in the middle east. War in the middle east keeps the price of gasoline up. It also retains a purpose for our military and a great deal of our commercial goods. Terrorism is GREAT for the economy. It allows the government to continue monitoring our internet activity and our telephone usage. That allows easier access to our general television patterns and our shopping interests. That drives further commercialism. It also helps maintain a good sense of control should that ever be necessary.

And one day, it will be.

I hate to be jaded. But who ******* cares who wins the election. The current leaders are virtually useless and yet they win overwhelmingly. Did you vote? Does it matter if you do? No - The electoral college is going to take care of the process for you. The popular vote is completely unnecessary and pointless. In fact, why do we even bother voting at all? Why do they bother counting when we do? We have the electoral college. All they need to do is determine what a state's general preference is. We don't need to really count votes for that. We can just poll 100 people randomly and be done with it. That may even be more interesting. Draw 100 names from each state completely randomly and ask them live on television who they vote for. Boom, election finished.

No electoral college, no polling machines, no big process. The money we'd save. **** we could build a new jet that could bomb somebody in a foreign country we've never heard of. Because, undoubtedly - they deserved it.

Meds... Must have meds...
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Yes it matters who is elected president. Amidst all the sameness over the last two decades, you should still be able to see the remarkable damage one socialist punk from Chicago was able to do over the last seven years. Any republican would have done much less damage.
Last year I said to myself, "I can't believe this is who I have to choose from" but I held my nose and voted. This year it's ten times worse and ten times more irrelevant.

I can't stand Hillary but she's not the ideologue Obama is. She will be making deals and compromising on her non-existent principles just like her husband did, while also speaking in the dialect of whoever she happens to be talking to. Both of them would ***** out their own mother for a nickel or a vote so she won't do anything that will make her truly unpopular the way Bammy was willing to.

Trump is the great unknown...I don't know if his complete lack of intelligent insight on economic policy, Constitutional principles, healthcare, immigration and foreign policy will make him very weak, or very dangerous. If he is just the loudmouth figurehead I think he wants to be and lets people who know what they're doing run the country, we might be ok.

I can't stomach voting for either one of them, and feel like between these two, it really doesn't matter.
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Last year I said to myself, "I can't believe this is who I have to choose from" but I held my nose and voted. This year it's ten times worse and ten times more irrelevant.

I can't stand Hillary but she's not the ideologue Obama is. She will be making deals and compromising on her non-existent principles just like her husband did, while also speaking in the dialect of whoever she happens to be talking to. Both of them would ***** out their own mother for a nickel or a vote so she won't do anything that will make her truly unpopular the way Bammy was willing to.

Trump is the great unknown...I don't know if his complete lack of intelligent insight on economic policy, Constitutional principles, healthcare, immigration and foreign policy will make him very weak, or very dangerous. If he is just the loudmouth figurehead I think he wants to be and lets people who know what they're doing run the country, we might be ok.

I can't stomach voting for either one of them, and feel like between these two, it really doesn't matter.

Hillary has been ******* things up in this country for decades. Let's give someone else a chance.
Any republican would have done much less damage.

Congress and Senate dude. Congress and Senate. The entire American political system is rigged to be ponderous, lethargic and inexorably weighted toward the same ends. Corporatocracy. Essentially an upside down form of fascism where corporate interests rule the government and yes - it walks and talks quite a bit like Socialism. Because in order for a corporate environment to thrive, consumers gotta consume. For that to happen folks gotta have money, earned or not. Currency has GOT to flow from one interest to another because "old money" doesn't matter. It's all about "new money" and new money is based on transaction fees.

the president doesn't implement policy. The senate doesn't write laws. It's the insurance industry who wants Obamacare. They're the ones who want EVERY ******* person in America to be covered one way or another by insurance. And it will be paid for by tax dollars. You think Obama came up with that ****? You think HE'S ******* smart enough or ambitious enough or DECENT enough to actually want good, qualified, comprehensive health care for all Americans? **** no! the Insurance industry just wants to make sure that there is a PAYMENT for everyone. True, lots of people may not actually pay themselves but there's a PAYMENT for everyone.

I love that folks think presidents actually have anything to do with **** other than walking around and making speeches. They have 1, ONE executive power. They can Veto. They can stop a law from going through if they want to be *******. And even that can be overridden if congress and senate want to be hardcore ******* as well.

Now it's true, Obama has made ubiquitous use of so called "executive powers". America has stood by idly as he's done pretty much anything he's wanted to in the name of well, whatever the **** he wants. That doesn't mean it's necessarily legal or ethical. It just means Americans are so lethargic and unplugged we don't give a **** anymore. After 911 we just couldn't be bothered to pay attention anymore. We were pretty well convinced that our government was doing what was best for us and killing bad guys and that' all there was too it. Now we're in a state (note all the usages of that word) where the government does pretty much anything it wants to do and we really don't even lift our heads.

Our options are down to ******* Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Really...

The Republicans honestly in 12 years haven't been able to trot out anything better than Donald Trump. How ******* far out of touch ARE THEY? How bad has this country gotten when the conservatives simply can't produce anything in 12 ******* years? It's like they WANT to lose.

And Hillary? That's our other option? Maybe the master plan is just to get mass Americans to temporarily move to Canada.

The good news for everyone is - any conspiracy theorist with integrity at all couldn't bring himself to vote for Hillary if his or her soul depended on it. Because it kinda does...
Congress and Senate dude. Congress and Senate. The entire American political system is rigged to be ponderous, lethargic and inexorably weighted toward the same ends. Corporatocracy. Essentially an upside down form of fascism where corporate interests rule the government and yes - it walks and talks quite a bit like Socialism. Because in order for a corporate environment to thrive, consumers gotta consume. For that to happen folks gotta have money, earned or not. Currency has GOT to flow from one interest to another because "old money" doesn't matter. It's all about "new money" and new money is based on transaction fees.

the president doesn't implement policy. The senate doesn't write laws. It's the insurance industry who wants Obamacare. They're the ones who want EVERY ******* person in America to be covered one way or another by insurance. And it will be paid for by tax dollars. You think Obama came up with that ****? You think HE'S ******* smart enough or ambitious enough or DECENT enough to actually want good, qualified, comprehensive health care for all Americans? **** no! the Insurance industry just wants to make sure that there is a PAYMENT for everyone. True, lots of people may not actually pay themselves but there's a PAYMENT for everyone.

I love that folks think presidents actually have anything to do with **** other than walking around and making speeches. They have 1, ONE executive power. They can Veto. They can stop a law from going through if they want to be *******. And even that can be overridden if congress and senate want to be hardcore ******* as well.

Now it's true, Obama has made ubiquitous use of so called "executive powers". America has stood by idly as he's done pretty much anything he's wanted to in the name of well, whatever the **** he wants. That doesn't mean it's necessarily legal or ethical. It just means Americans are so lethargic and unplugged we don't give a **** anymore. After 911 we just couldn't be bothered to pay attention anymore. We were pretty well convinced that our government was doing what was best for us and killing bad guys and that' all there was too it. Now we're in a state (note all the usages of that word) where the government does pretty much anything it wants to do and we really don't even lift our heads.

Our options are down to ******* Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Really...

The Republicans honestly in 12 years haven't been able to trot out anything better than Donald Trump. How ******* far out of touch ARE THEY? How bad has this country gotten when the conservatives simply can't produce anything in 12 ******* years? It's like they WANT to lose.

And Hillary? That's our other option? Maybe the master plan is just to get mass Americans to temporarily move to Canada.

The good news for everyone is - any conspiracy theorist with integrity at all couldn't bring himself to vote for Hillary if his or her soul depended on it. Because it kinda does...
Executive actions, Supreme Court Nominees, cabinet appointments, and bully pulpit, dude. And veto power.
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Supreme Court Nominees
Which must be ratified by the aforementioned ponderous and lethargic Senate/Congressional groups. If the President has a friendly house he can slip a justice in IF one happens to die on his watch. As we've seen the process of getting a justice on the bench is no trivial thing with the utterly stupid bureaucracy that is American politics. Although, I can't argue too much. It isn't like a lifetime seat on the highest court in the land should be quickly rushed into.

cabinet appointments
For that president's term only - of course a president will bring his own people along. Any politician is going to bring his own posse along for the ride. It has been thus from the beginning, it will be thus until the end. That doesn't mean that the cabinet is effectual one way or the other. Do Obama's "Czars" have any more effect than Clinton's press guru had when Waco was burned to the ground. (See how I merged Hillary's current conspiracy turmoils the conversation at hand? I can turn ANYTHING into a conspiracy discussion.)

Executive actions
Many of them technically aren't even legal. There ARE circumstances where an executive action is warranted and circumstances where they are not. Some presidents simply refuse to acknowledge the difference between the two.

As for the bully pulpit, A president may choose to delay and utilize stall tactics just as senators. Is it an ***-hat move? Sure. As I said, our entire system is based on being ponderous and ensuring that things move extraordinarily slowly. I suppose in some cases this may be for the best. I don't pretend to know everything. I'm sure that there are several very good reasons that our system has evolved as it has. On the other hand, I think in many ways our current political machine has become painfully, oppressively bloated and that there's probably nothing in the world to do about it because the people in power absolutely won't relinquish that power. Ever. And certainly not to anybody who would consider for one moment attempting to change anything.
If you don't acknowledge the tremendous damage Obama has done outside of legislation with executive actions, selective executive inaction, regulations from appointees (which typically survive administrations), divisive and biased DOJ (race relations been worse in your lifetime?), and overall consistent abuse of executive powers, then never mind.
It's not that I don't recognize things that have occurred during the current president's tenure. I would merely suggest that the day to day life for average Americans hardly changes from one presidency to the next. We see gasoline prices slowly rise, we see consumer goods prices slowly rise, we see unemployment continue to rise.

This is not a new trend. It's hardly tied to a given party or president. And believe me, I'm no Obama supporter. I'm utterly A-political. Which is not to say I'm an anarchist. I just feel as though our current system is mired down and purposefully balanced to aid the wealthiest part of the political and economic elite. Does that mean I'm a socialist and want our entire economic base to change? Not at all. I would suggest that I'm much more capitalistic in my economic views, in fact. Regarding social programs, I do believe a society has a directive to police itself and manage it's own affairs. Basically we need to watch over those who truly can't do it for themselves. However that doesn't mean free social programs for every person who can produce offspring or come into the country. I'm rather exclusionary in fact regarding who should receive social services.

But that's another discussion.

In the end, as long as we can still get Netflix I suppose it doesn't really matter WHO gets elected. Life will pretty much go on as before. I seriously doubt most Americans will even wake up long enough to remember who even ran 3 years after the election. Honestly, I'm having a hard time remember who ran against Obama last time. I know it was McCain / Palin the first time, who was it last time? Seriously...?

Oh wait, was it Romney?

Or did he lose early? I guess I'll google it. - Yep. It was Romney. Romney / Ryan. See. That's how important it was to me. I know, you think it makes me a bad person. And yet - somehow my life went on.
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