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Trump's speech at the UN. Excellent

Trump stood there in front of the world and let them know that the days of using the US are over. He called out the UN Council on several fronts including the US paying more than any other body and that other nations need to step the **** up. He re-proclaimed full support of Israel. He called socialism what it is, a failed ideology. He belittled Kim Jung Un..."Rocket man" brilliant. He called out Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba. The gave thanks and kudos to nations that deserved it. Reaffirmed our Aliances and he spoke of our constitution and Let the world know that the people have the power.

Globalist a heads exploded.
oh, hardly. I've told you to let that **** roll off your back, but you can't. And while you only get that **** here on this small portion of the internet, our POTUS gets that and much, much more 24/7. So let that sink in a bit. You cannot handle this, but expect the POTUS to be able to withstand non-stop volleys and endless insults to not only himself, but his wife, minor child and grown children.

I asked what part of the ******* speech you did not agree with. Not your entire take on Donald Trump and his administration. I fully ******* know you cannot stand that he's POTUS, nor will you accept it. I fully ******* know you wanted someone other than him. But, the clowns running in opposition proved to be less well-received than he was. Thus, he IS the POTUS and he IS your President, like it or not. I didn't much give a **** about Obama's policies, but I sure didn't attack the ****** every ******* day for 8 goddamn years.

So, what part of this speech did you not like, Tibs?

You think that narcissistic scumbag is that worried about insults when he's too busy stuffing his pockets from the treasury and hiring lawyers for his lawyers while trying to figure out how to stay out of jail?

Tibs is EXACTLY right; you people live in an alternative reality.
Trump stood there in front of the world and let them know that the days of using the US are over. He called out the UN Council on several fronts including the US paying more than any other body and that other nations need to step the **** up. He re-proclaimed full support of Israel. He called socialism what it is, a failed ideology. He belittled Kim Jung Un..."Rocket man" brilliant. He called out Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba. The gave thanks and kudos to nations that deserved it. Reaffirmed our Aliances and he spoke of our constitution and Let the world know that the people have the power.

Globalist a heads exploded.

Ever the victim class.............the Reich Wing...what can you say?
Ever the victim class.............the Reich Wing...what can you say?

You think that narcissistic scumbag is that worried about insults when he's too busy stuffing his pockets from the treasury and hiring lawyers for his lawyers while trying to figure out how to stay out of jail?

Tibs is EXACTLY right; you people live in an alternative reality.

so what part of his speech chaffed your taped-and-tucked dong, elfie?
Oh no Mr Bush. You are the worst President ever. Killing over 3000 in Manhattan and then 10's of thousands over the next ten years in your bull S. War. Top top it off you took our Socal security money to the tune of 1.8 trillion to pay for your fake murderous war. Hey we know your drinking yourself to death to forget. But that won't work.

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so what part of his speech chaffed your taped-and-tucked dong, elfie?

the fact that he gave it as President of the United States is what chaffed the ******* ***....the libtards are just a group of whiney ******* who don't understand they don't get their way all the time....
Oh no Mr Bush. You are the worst President ever. Killing over 3000 in Manhattan ...

Oh, because he knows how to fly a plane. Right? RIGHT? Otherwise, stupidest comment ever.

Top top it off you took our Socal security money to the tune of 1.8 trillion to pay for your fake murderous war.

Yeah, about that.

There has never been any change in the way the Social Security program is financed or the way that Social Security payroll taxes are used by the federal government. The Social Security Trust Fund was created in 1939 as part of the Amendments enacted in that year. From its inception, the Trust Fund has always worked the same way. The Social Security Trust Fund has never been "put into the general fund of the government."

Most likely this question comes from a confusion between the financing of the Social Security program and the way the Social Security Trust Fund is treated in federal budget accounting. Starting in 1969 (due to action by the Johnson Administration in 1968) the transactions to the Trust Fund were included in what is known as the "unified budget."


So not so much. Sorry to interrupt your "Republicans murder the elderly and eat children!!!" rant with, you know, facts ... but please. Continue with how George ******* W. Bush bankrupted social security.
I mean the primary message of Trumps Un speech was anti globalism and socialism in its base... it was a 180 degree turn from the Obama admin direction... there is no doubt it was scripted to his base voters and its obvious who eats it up and who is appalled by it... we will see if it ends up rhetoric or not...
I mean the primary message of Trumps Un speech was anti globalism and socialism in its base... it was a 180 degree turn from the Obama admin direction... there is no doubt it was scripted to his base voters and its obvious who eats it up and who is appalled by it... we will see if it ends up rhetoric or not...

Didn't hear hardly any of the speech. Based upon who is appalled by it, it must have been awesome.
Oh no Mr Bush. You are the worst President ever. Killing over 3000 in Manhattan and then 10's of thousands over the next ten years in your bull S. War. Top top it off you took our Socal security money to the tune of 1.8 trillion to pay for your fake murderous war. Hey we know your drinking yourself to death to forget. But that won't work.

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President Trump Delivers A Speech Ordinary Americans Have Waited 30 Years To Hear

Venezuelan Envoy Jorge Arreaza said “For a moment, we didn’t know if we were listening to President Reagan in 1982 or President Trump in 2017.”

Mr. Arreaza, of course, thought his statement was an insult to the current U.S. President, as did every fake reporter in the fake news media, many of whom were no doubt getting major cases of the vapors as they listened to the President’s speech.

CNN’s Jim Acosta publicly wet his diapers over the decision by President Trump to refer to North Korea’s dictator as “Rocket Man.” ABC’s Terry Moran said the President’s statement that the U.S. may “destroy” North Korea borders on a war crime, apparently unaware that his hero Barack Obama had made the very same threat towards the Norks while he was occupying the White House.

Can it be a coincidence that America’s community of fake journalists, its population of liberal/progressive/socialist/communist voters and politicians, the snakes and skunks who infest the Deep State in Washington, and leaders of despotic regimes around the globe all had exactly the same reaction to a speech in which the President of the United States emphasized he plans to put the interests of the American people above the interests of the globalist community? Well, no, it’s no coincidence at all, is it?

Meanwhile, the normal people of America have been waiting 30 years to hear an American President deliver exactly this speech, a speech before the international globalist community that firmly places their safety, their security, their families, and their prosperity as the President’s number one priority in his job.

The last time Americans heard such a speech from one of their Presidents, it was June 12, 1987. Ronald Reagan, speaking to an audience of international leaders from a podium placed in front of the Berlin Wall, said “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

In the end, this key early passage set the tone for President Trump’s entire speech: “In America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign. I was elected not to take power, but to give power to the American people where it belongs.”

Those are two sentences Ronald Reagan would have been happy to deliver as well, and those two sentences explain why this is a speech normal Americans loved, and the globalists detest. God Bless Donald Trump for having the courage necessary to be mistaken for Ronald Reagan. It’s been 30 long years since anyone had that to say about an American president.


The Reagan myth continues...and much like Reagan it will be delicious when the CONservatives are left holding an empty bag. The only difference this time is the criminal in question will pay.

I don't think Trump really knows much about anything he's talking about.

Trump is doing just fine. Seems like the people who don't know what they are talking about were all of those experts that picked Hillary to win.
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/L8XuphFGqlSfe" width="480" height="247" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/amused-chuckle-L8XuphFGqlSfe"></a></p>

That was the most cringe-worthy speech by a US president, maybe ever. Of course you loved it.

Why? There is nuclear nut in North Korea firing missiles over Japan, and he pointed out the USA is paying for 22% of a program.
Loving Trump's U.N. Speech

Donald Trump's speech to the United Nations on Tuesday was not just great, it was totally refreshing.

The president's address to the U.N. General Assembly was so perfect it almost made me forget all the horrible speeches his predecessor gave to that corrupt, bloated and anti-American body.

For the first time in eight years the world saw an American president not spending half his time apologizing to the U.N. for our country's past, present and future.

President Obama's U.N. speeches always managed to make it sound like the United States was no different from Iran and North Korea.

He'd say we're going to stop their evil, and we're also going to stop our evil, as if there was a moral equivalency between us and those inhuman hellholes.

On Tuesday President Trump did not pussyfoot around or ignore the obvious threats the rogue regimes of North Korea and Iran pose to a peaceful planet.

He blasted both countries, calling them out for violating "every principle on which the United Nations is based. They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.

"If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few," Trump said, "then evil will triumph. When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength."

Winners focus on winning.

Losers focus on winners.

Strange that tibs and Elfie don't understand that they are like bitter stains fans

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delz hits it.

had the previous administrations been more heavy-handed in how they dealt with the norks, we'd not be in such a dire position. Now, these ******* have nukes. Mind you, it takes a bit more than 8 months to develop nuclear technology, so this is NOT on Trump. The norks having nukes is a direct product of the previous POTUSes sitting on their hands and essentially doing nothing.

the problem with the norks having nukes isn't that they'll shoot a missile to the continental United States. it's that they're also developing smaller products. Which can then be sold to terrorists and THOSE can be detonated in large metropolitan cities. I'd be quite surprised if the norks didnt sell to terrorist factions if they knew the terrorist factions intended to detonate inside our country.

so, yes, Trump must clean up the mess in NK while all the lame duck administrations prior wail and cry about how he's going against the grain that they so willingly went with.

It just really frustrates me when news organizations bring on so-called "experts" from these previous administrations, pass off their opinions as factual or irrefutable "news" and now have the gumption to criticize Trump on his "tone" with North Korea.

Even Tibs and Elftard know the problem with North Korea has been around and brewing longer than Trump. Way longer!

Japan is the real ally here. Japan hates all those ******* mainlanders anyway. Japan hates China. Has for millenniums. We have to be the hammer but Japan the hand/arm.

The minute that ****** Kim Jung Un and his batch of scared scientists **** up, he's in trouble. I just hope it's his own people that die and not someone in South Korea or Guam or Japan.