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Trumps Tax bill looks like it will happen

If you care about economic growth and corporations investing here instead of in foreign countries you should care about the corporate tax rate.

I should have clarified. I meant i don't care if they get a tax break. I would think giving them a break would help keep businesses is the US and provide a boost, but that would be difficult to calculate
If and when Trump's tax bill passes and reality starts sinking in for middle class families around the country, make sure you come back and thank the President and his supporters. You will not be able to push this onto McConnell, Ryan et al. This is Donald J. Trump's tax bill. He owned it, and he owned it big. It looks like it will hurt basically everyone but the very rich and large corporations. Which is frankly, what would be expected from a Trump/GOP tax bill. Then, they will be back to slash Social Security, Medicaire and Medicaid to help pay for it. This is a big **** you from the filthy rich of America to the working classes, the elderly and the poor. The worst part, it's based on the failed concept of trickle-down economics, which sounds great on paper but never works the way it's described. Yet hypnotized Trumpsters and Republicans are lapping it up like honey. Like with all things Trump, this will not end well.


If you look, you'll see more job creations ( More people paying taxes ) and fewer people on welfare drawing funds since Trump has was elected. This means more money coming in and less going out.

If SS or Medicare funds get low, then you will see a tax raise for it, not before. Most people rely on the market for retirement, which has sky rocketed with Trump and will go even higher if this tax law is passed.

I think 4.5 to 5% GDP is possible under Trump who will make Obama's economy, borrowed billions and all look very, very bad.

Dem's are against it because it will work and kill their vote with Small to the medium business owner in addition to chipping away at those who vote democratic because they are on welfare. The affordable care act, which as we know is anything but affordable for the middle class has to go, and this new tax law can chip away at it too.
I should have clarified. I meant i don't care if they get a tax break. I would think giving them a break would help keep businesses is the US and provide a boost, but that would be difficult to calculate

It's extremely simple to calculate. A 15% reduction in taxes is Yuge. I heard the ******** aren't going to make it happen in 2019 though. Sons of ******* should make retroactive to this year.
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That is incorrect. The bill was put on the floor yesterday for debate. Nice try though.

Sarge this is what I'm referring to:

1. The Treasury Department still has not released a formal estimate of how the tax code overhaul will impact the economy, despite repeatedly promising to do so. Congress’s nonpartisan scorekeeper, the Joint Committee on Taxation, announced yesterday that the Senate GOP tax plan would add $1 trillion to the deficit — even after accounting for the positive impact from economic growth.

2. The lack of meaningful committee hearings to scrutinize the draft legislation means flaws and problems won’t become totally clear until after it takes effect — at which point it will become much harder to grapple with unintended consequences. A handful of negotiators designed this bill almost entirely behind closed doors, and specifics were closely held secrets until the home stretch. GOP leaders are now trying to rush it through before opponents have time to mobilize against it.

3. Previous tax cuts have passed with crossover support. This is not a bipartisan effort. Democrats offered an amendment last night to return the bill to committee, and it went down on a 52 to 48 party-line vote.

4. Many Republican politicians are not being forthright with their constituents that some in the middle class are going to see their taxes go up under this bill. They continue to insist on television and elsewhere that everyone is going to benefit, but that’s just not the case.The new JCT report finds that only 44 percent of taxpayers would see their tax bills reduced by more than $500 in 2019 under the Senate plan.

5. Trump has not released his tax returns, so we cannot fully assess how much this legislation will personally enrich him.
-- Breaking with a bipartisan tradition that dates back more than 40 years, he is the first president to conceal his returns from the American people since Richard Nixon. He promised voters during the campaign that he’d release them, but he made clear after the election that he has no intention of keeping his word.

6. Breaking with history, Republicans are trying to pass massive tax cuts when the economy does not need a stimulus.

Republicans are looking to grow the debt by a trillion dollars to cut taxes at a moment when the economy grew 3.3 percent in the third quarter and the unemployment rate is down to 4.1 percent. Stocks hit record heights Thursday, as the Dow Jones closed above 24,000 for the first time ever.

Nothing will ever by bipartisan again Tibs. Don't use that to judge laws. Same argument Republicans use against Obamacare, which you support.

If Congress passes one big, huge law a year, they consider it a success. I hate it, but it's the new Republic we live in.

Just like Obamacare for the left, I consider this tax bill imperfect but a "good start". Same language democrats used. And just like Obamacare, I suspect this tax bill will be good on some things and ****** on others.

The point is as a democrat, you thought the "good" of Obamacare outweighed the bad based on your political views. I think this tax bill, as a republican, will do more "good" than bad based on core conservative principles.

This bill is not different than Obamacare. It will be hard to "repeal and replace" even though every democrat will probably run on that platform in 2018 (maybe successfully, who knows).

You complaining about the process is superficial at best and hypocritical at worst.
If they wanted to help the middle Class, you just double the deduction and remove the mandate, Leave EVERYTHING else alone. What they did instead is just double down on "Trickle Down Economics"
Nothing will ever by bipartisan again Tibs. Don't use that to judge laws. Same argument Republicans use against Obamacare, which you support.

If Congress passes one big, huge law a year, they consider it a success. I hate it, but it's the new Republic we live in.

Just like Obamacare for the left, I consider this tax bill imperfect but a "good start". Same language democrats used. And just like Obamacare, I suspect this tax bill will be good on some things and ****** on others.

The point is as a democrat, you thought the "good" of Obamacare outweighed the bad based on your political views. I think this tax bill, as a republican, will do more "good" than bad based on core conservative principles.

This bill is not different than Obamacare. It will be hard to "repeal and replace" even though every democrat will probably run on that platform in 2018 (maybe successfully, who knows).

You complaining about the process is superficial at best and hypocritical at worst.

Much like Obamacare, tax reform is needed. But the urgency isn’t nearly as great as it was/is with healthcare. Our taxes aren’t escalating like our health insurance premiums are.
Much like Obamacare, tax reform is needed. But the urgency isn’t nearly as great as it was/is with healthcare. Our taxes aren’t escalating like our health insurance premiums are.

Agreed but Obamacare made it worse not better. We will see if the tax reform makes it better or worse. Putting politics aside let's hope it's good for both of our benefit.
Much like Obamacare, tax reform is needed. But the urgency isn’t nearly as great as it was/is with healthcare. Our taxes aren’t escalating like our health insurance premiums are.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/26ghtd9bGrBq9DiRa" width="480" height="303" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/redneckisland-cmt-redneck-island-26ghtd9bGrBq9DiRa">via GIPHY</a></p>
Sen. Mitch McConnell: 'We have the votes' to pass tax bill

Senate Republicans were confident they had the support needed to pass their tax overhaul Friday as last-minute changes brought more GOP lawmakers on board.

"We have the votes," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters after GOP senators emerged from a meeting.

By passing the bill, the Republican Party would step closer to its goal of overhauling the American tax code under a unified government. As McConnell spoke, the GOP still had not released the final text of the bill it wants to push through later Friday.


Much like Obamacare, tax reform is needed. But the urgency isn’t nearly as great as it was/is with healthcare. Our taxes aren’t escalating like our health insurance premiums are.

Bullshit argument. The Republicans have as much urgency to pass at least ONE issue they've been politicizing about as any Democrat ever. This is very important because who knows when Congress/President will be aligned like this again. It only lasted for the democrats for 2 years (for 2009 and 2010). It just doesn't happen that often.

I am frustrated at Congress that they haven't passed small pieces of legislation like the 111th Congress did with Obama (although to be fair much of that was bank bailouts), but you do have to put into perspective that Obamacare and Dodd-Frank (two of the biggies) didn't happen until the 2nd year of this term (March and July of 2010 respectively). If the Republicans can get a bill like this onto Trump's desk before Christmas, then there is still LOADS of time to get things done next year where I hope immigration reform is on the docket.

If this Congress and President pass major tax reform and major immigration reform in this term, it will go down as a fairly big win for the conservative platform in this country.
Much like Obamacare, tax reform is needed. But the urgency isn’t nearly as great as it was/is with healthcare. Our taxes aren’t escalating like our health insurance premiums are.

What "urgency"? My health plan was fine until obama ****** it all up! Our health insurance premiums are escalating BECAUSE of obamacare!
According to delzjc, this is business as usual, partisan politics, the way it's always been done in Washington. It seems to me it's something much more chaotic and ill-conceived than that. So you're telling me this isn't Trump and the GOP mindlessly rushing ahead trying to get this passed? To secure a short-lived, cheap political victory? With over five hundred lobbyists converging on the Hill? Making last second amendments and changes to a law that nobody's read in it's entirety? Wtf?

Call her Pocahantas, mock her all you want, Senator Warren brings you up to speed on the tax bill travesty. Great job by the GOP on this, really. What a clusterfuck, FUBAR moment playing out before our very eyes.

<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fsenatorelizabethwarren%2Fvideos%2F886485118180649%2F&show_text=1&width=560" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="426" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Cory Booker is live now. <a data-onclick="[["TahoeController","openFromVideoLinkHelper",{"__elem":1},"page_timeline","unknown"]]" class="async_saving _400z _2-40 _5pcq" href="https://www.facebook.com/corybooker/videos/10157467061267228/" data-video-channel-id="36872302227" data-channel-caller="channel_view_from_page_timeline" rel="async" target=""><abbr title="Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 1:39am" data-utime="1512175157" data-shorten="1" class="_5ptz timestamp livetimestamp">26 mins</abbr> ·

Just got the Republicans’ tax bill and I’m going to read as much of it as possible before Senate Republican leaders start votes on it tonight.

It’s 500 pages long and I don’t know if I’ll make it through before we’re forced to vote on it. This is absurd.

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This is an ACTUAL page of the bill. Senator Durbin just tried to introduce it INTO THE RECORD and it was REJECTED:
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That is incorrect. The bill was put on the floor yesterday for debate. Nice try though.

What bill? That bill put on the floor yesterday or the one submitted tonight that contains Lord knows what? Debated by whom? I'm a bit shocked everyone's onboard with the government being run this way.

Trump as President - and seemingly hundreds of lobbyists representing big money GOP contributors and special interest groups - are pushing for this, condoning this, driving this. What does that tell you about the independance and transparency of the two chambers of Congress?

Has the swamp been drained under Trump. so now we're cool with it?
Sounds like things are humming along, just like they should in the halls of government.

Amy Klobuchar · Outrageous — the GOP Tax Plan is 500 pages long. We got it 3 hours ago and the vote is TONIGHT. How is that enough time to review & debate legislation that will completely change our nation's tax system for a decade? One trillion in debt… they don’t want America to know what is in it.
Senator Edward J. Markey The entire U.S. tax code is being rewritten on a Friday night in crayon
��️ #GOPTaxScam
"Believe it or not, nobody's seen it,” said Sen. Angus King about the GOP tax bill. “We're going to be voting on one of the most important votes we'll ever take in this body that'll affect this country for the next thirty years. Nobody's seen the bill.”
Senator Martin Heinrich is at United States Capitol. We haven’t had time to read it – and the Senate GOP didn’t have time to write it. Every single American will be impacted by the #GOPTaxScam - every senator should vote NO and demand that this insanity stop.
"To call this a circus would be an insult to circuses" Independent Senator Angus King on GOP tax bill process: pic.twitter.com/j6n8s2jKXC

But sit tight, you'll soon get colorful, shiny pictures posted of the Donald (& Melania in stilettos) telling you what a great Win! this is for the country. Try to play along, nod your head, do something.
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<iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FABCNews%2Fvideos%2F10156625827418812%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
All this happened during Obamacare bill too Tibs. Roles are just reversed. Remember all the yeah voters that never even read the entire bill? Your outrage is pretty comical and hypocritical.

Here Tibs, let me remind you of the fiasco back then:




For someone that talks a good game and comes across as thinking they are educated on subjects Tibs, you sure as hell have a short ******* memory. Maybe you should stop reading **** Twitter for your news and start reading for a change.
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They put the alternative minimum tax back in.....they ******* put the AMT back in. Un-F'n real. **** this ****. You couldn't increase the corporate tax 1-2 percent but instead threw it right back on the middle class. F.U!!!!
They put the alternative minimum tax back in.....they ******* put the AMT back in. Un-F'n real. **** this ****. You couldn't increase the corporate tax 1-2 percent but instead threw it right back on the middle class. F.U!!!!

I am steaming right now. They waited until the very last possible minute and inserted it back in right before passing the bill. It was a bait-and-switch tactic that I'm 100 percent sure was always in their pocket. You guys lost my vote....PERIOD! You didn't change anything, you did nothing for me.