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Trumps Tax bill looks like it will happen

That is a big fat lie because it counts premiums that are SUBSIDIZED. So a whole lot of people's premiums are staying cheap or free, while the rest of us who actually pay for it are getting massive increases. Mine has gone from $900/month to $1500/month, and from a $6000 deductible to a $13000 deductible in two years.

OK, and what happens when healthcare providers, who contract with insurance companies, are forced to care for uninsured patients because the irresponsible dumbfucks chose to not have insurance?

You have been, and will continue to, SUBSIDIZE it!
So what is it about the upper middle class that they should pay more and corporations should pay less?

You Libs like it when taxes are raised on The Rich so why are you complaining? If you can afford a house that costs enough that you can deduct the interest and property taxes, then guess what? You're rich.
OK, and what happens when healthcare providers, who contract with insurance companies, are forced to care for uninsured patients because the irresponsible dumbfucks chose to not have insurance?

You have been, and will continue to, SUBSIDIZE it!

The difference is that the free market knows how to handle it, and that our government is not ramming it down our throats. I trust the free market over our gov't EVERY time.
OK, and what happens when healthcare providers, who contract with insurance companies, are forced to care for uninsured patients because the irresponsible dumbfucks chose to not have insurance?

You have been, and will continue to, SUBSIDIZE it!

So, we don't need a huge government beaurocracy to make it even worse. Thanks for finally figuring it out.
The difference is that the free market knows how to handle it, and that our government is not ramming it down our throats. I trust the free market over our gov't EVERY time.

How much push back on the ACA was there from the insurance industry (free market)?
So, we don't need a huge government beaurocracy to make it even worse. Thanks for finally figuring it out.

Uh, the huge government beuracracy took over when they created Medicare and Medicaid and left the insurance companies insuring only the healthy and employed demographic. Nobody seems to want to change that arrangement.
So what is it about the upper middle class that they should pay more and corporations should pay less?

F'n A right! I spent the day reading up on this and I'm about to take a bath living in Massachusetts. It might be more beneficial for me to take a $10K pay cut...that's F'd up.
Being a upper middle class in a blue state is the wrong place to be.
You Libs like it when taxes are raised on The Rich so why are you complaining? If you can afford a house that costs enough that you can deduct the interest and property taxes, then guess what? You're rich.

People who need to finance the purchase of a house are rich? Dude...
So what is it about the upper middle class that they should pay more and corporations should pay less?

They shouldn't pay more, pretty sure I already said that. Corprations should pay less so that they can invest and expand in America without a competitive disadvantage. ALL job creators should pay less....I would argue corporations should pay nothing. We'd have unprecedented economic and wage growth if that happened. People talk about corporations as if they are evil empires that do nothing but steal from people. No, corporations are what provides most people with their jobs, benefits and investment income. Punishing them for making money is just punishing yourself. Yes, a few people get fabulously wealthy when they do well, but the rest of us also benefit. People in this country used to understand that. The bottom line though is that far less money needs to go the feds from everyone and everything. Federal spending is way out of control.
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OK, and what happens when healthcare providers, who contract with insurance companies, are forced to care for uninsured patients because the irresponsible dumbfucks chose to not have insurance?

You have been, and will continue to, SUBSIDIZE it!

I would rather subsidize people's illnesses than pay for them all to have ridiculous free insurance that pays for everything from birth control to chiropractic services to opiates. It was a whole lot cheaper that way.

And by the way, we are considering not getting insurance not because we are irresponsible dumbfucks. We have never gone without health insurance in our lives, but if this keeps up we CANNOT AFFORD IT. We have two kids going to college next year and because we're supposedly so fabulously wealthy we will not qualify for a penny of financial aid. We have spent close to $50,000 over the last 3 years on premiums and deductibles for insurance that has covered nothing but a few well visits and teeth cleanings. We already pay a shocking amount in taxes. If not wanting to keep bending over and getting ****** up the *** for the crime of working hard and earning a decent living makes us irresponsible dumbfucks, so be it. We've paid more than our fair share already.
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Two wrongs don't make a right. You know that but don't have the balls to call a spade a spade. Heaven forbid you criticize Trump/GOP for anything or his lapdogs on the board will growl in disapproval.

Thank you for the advice, Mr. Condescending. I read plenty enough. Twitter is simply to cover the fast moving aspects of the here & the now. It's a quick snapshot, not any type of analysis.

Ah Tibs... so rich. I want to hear it from YOUR MOUTH when you say "two wrongs". What is the Obama era wrong exactly in you opinion? The ACA? All his executive orders to bypass Congress? Passing totally partisan, major, legislation?

I want you to admit that your boy, Mr. Obama, Mr. Snake Oil Salesman started all this. Because you know he did.

If you admit that Obama was wrong on ALL OF IT, then I will admit what Trump is doing is wrong too. How about them apples?

Every conservative here has said for YEARS that the reason we hated Obama had nothing to do with politics. It had to do with his changing of executive branch power and his weak and failing foreign policy. And I stand by that 100%. The world was worse in 2016 than in 2008. You liberals love talking globalization but tell me one country that was really better, safer, more secure, more peaceful, more prosperous in 2016 than in 2008? There aren't any.

You keep forgetting many of us here VOTED for Obama in 2008. I know I'm not the only one critical of democrats that voted that way back then. But he was terrible. And I'm never making that mistake again. I'm not falling for smooth talking "change". You seem to think Trump was the great snake oil salesman that changed this country, but the truth is the country just woke up the greatest snake oil salesman in Obama and we all hated ourselves for voting for that fool. Trump is here BECAUSE of Obama and his failures. Don't ever ******* forget that.

And if you are on Twitter, get off it. There is no "snapshot" when it comes to debate. You either know the issue or you are an uneducated noob arguing nonsense (but based on your meme responses half the time, that could be the explanation).
I would rather subsidize people's illnesses than pay for them all to have ridiculous free insurance that pays for everything from birth control to chiropractic services to opiates. It was a whole lot cheaper that way.

A lengthy hospital as the result of a person not seeing a doctor because they didn’t have insurance is NOT cheaper. Another kid on welfare is NOT cheaper than birth control.
The world was worse in 2016 than in 2008. You liberals love talking globalization but tell me one country that was really better, safer, more secure, more peaceful, more prosperous in 2016 than in 2008? There aren't any.

What statistical facts are you basing that on? Certainly not the DJIA or the US Crime rate 2008-2016.
Business will now boom. Corporate rate needed to be cut and it was

Child tax credit increased

Ovamboland care penalty for not having insurance elimated.

Not perfect but better.

Good job Trump, now get the votes for the wall!
People who need to finance the purchase of a house are rich? Dude...

Again, you prove every day that you can't read, or at least only read what you want to see.
Ron Burgundy said:
If you can afford a house that costs enough that you can deduct the interest and property taxes, then guess what? You're rich.
Like most Dems and Libs you're a ******* moron. Obviously you've never done your own taxes and just go to H&R Block.
Let me walk you through this slowly because you're a Libtard.
On your annual Form 1040 everyone can claim what is the standard deduction, which for 2016 was $9300 as I recall.
In order to itemize your taxes you need to come up with MORE than $9300 in deductions. If your mortgage interest, property taxes, state and local income taxes, add up to less than $9300, then those things don't do you any good and you take the standard deduction of $9300.
You don't get to take the standard deduction of $9300 AND itemize. It's one or the other but you can't do both.
If your house cost enough that your interest and property taxes and state and local income taxes add up to MORE than $9300, then by the Democrats' reasoning you're rich.
I have owned my house for over 25 years and have never been able to deduct the interest and property taxes because I am not rich and therefore did not pay much for my house.
However the Dems and their parrots on social media like you are trying to sell the notion that everyone who owns a house will not be able to deduct their interest and property taxes when in fact only 30% of homeowners are currently able to do so and 70% are like me and are not able to deduct interest and property taxes because they add up to less than the standard deduction.
That 30% who do would be the wealthier 30% of the country. I fail to see why the Dems are not on board with this since they like more taxes on The Rich. (Actually I do, but it's a rhetorical statement.)

There. That's as simple as I can make it.
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Again, you prove every day that you can't read, or at least only read what you want to see.

Like most Dems and Libs you're a ******* moron. Obviously you've never done your own taxes and just go to H&R Block.
Let me walk you through this slowly because you're a Libtard.
On your annual Form 1040 everyone can claim what is the standard deduction, which for 2016 was $9300 as I recall.
In order to itemize your taxes you need to come up with MORE than $9300 in deductions. If your mortgage interest, property taxes, state and local income taxes, add up to less than $9300, then those things don't do you any good and you take the standard deduction of $9300.
You don't get to take the standard deduction of $9300 AND itemize. It's one or the other but you can't do both.
If your house cost enough that your interest and property taxes and state and local income taxes add up to MORE than $9300, then by the Democrats' reasoning you're rich.
I have owned my house for over 25 years and have never been able to deduct the interest and property taxes because I am not rich and therefore did not pay much for my house.
However the Dems and their parrots on social media like you are trying to sell the notion that everyone who owns a house will not be able to deduct their interest and property taxes when in fact only 30% of homeowners are currently able to do so and 70% are like me and are not able to deduct interest and property taxes because they add up to less than the standard deduction.
That 30% who do would be the wealthier 30% of the country. I fail to see why the Dems are not on board with this since they like more taxes on The Rich. (Actually I do, but it's a rhetorical statement.)

There. That's as simple as I can make it.

Ron there are exceptions. My house is valued at $134,000 I have claimed it every year but I also have a lot of unreimbursed expenses like mileage from doing outside sales. I am certainly not rich. I am really uncertain what this bill will mean for me personally.
Ron there are exceptions. My house is valued at $134,000 I have claimed it every year but I also have a lot of unreimbursed expenses like mileage from doing outside sales. I am certainly not rich. I am really uncertain what this bill will mean for me personally.

I know. I was trying to keep it simple for the Libtard. But it is true that if your house and other tax expenses aren't close to the standard deduction then there's no point in adding up everything else.
Also know that under Trump's plan the standard deduction will be almost double what it is now. So some people may not be able to deduct what they did before but the standard deduction will still be more than they were able to take by itemizing.
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I was at a Christmas party last night trying to explain this to my friend Ron. Same thing.

The so-called "middle class" that doesn't benefit from this are the really the educated, coastal elites that live in extremely high standard of living areas. And they didn't vote for Trump (R) and never will. These are people that live in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago making duel incomes of $250,000 and have houses/flats/condos that cost $750,000+. Those people are going to pay more. No doubt about that. They pay high property taxes. They live in states with the highest tax rates paying off massive social networks and public workers and their pensions. They take huge deductions on their loan interest. They itemize everything.

But for every family living in flyover America where houses still cost $200,000 to $300,000 and they have dual incomes in the $75,000 to $100,000 range. That have reasonable property taxes that pretty much only go to their public school systems (which is where it should only go). This new tax law is going to be great for them. More than $1000 in their pockets easy.

And I really don't understand why the democrats are trying to spin this as not good for the middle class.

The truth is the negative from the democrats perspective is very simple: the federal government will collect less taxes. That's completely where the so-called "increase in deficits" is coming from. And yes, just like Bernie Sanders said, the government might have to cut programs and try to reduce expenses (Bernie of course thinks this is a terrible idea but he's a communist). Maybe tackling Obamacare next year will help that.

Fundamentally, this is how it works between the parties. Democrats increase government expenses FIRST, then argue raising taxes is a necessary evil. Republicans lower taxes FIRST and then argue we need to cut social programs as a necessary evil.

This has been going on since the 1950's. You either believe in the democrats ideas of tax policy or the republicans. Those are the only two choices that exist.
I know. I was trying to keep it simple for the Libtard. But it is true that if your house and other tax expenses aren't close to the standard deduction then there's no point in adding up everything else.
Also know that under Trump's plan the standard deduction will be almost double what it is now. So some people may not be able to deduct what they did before but the standard deduction will still be more than they were able to take by itemizing.

I was deducting much more than the standard will be now. I believe I am screwed. I also was screwed by our City Council. The lowered our tax credit for income taxes paid working outside our city to circumvent the fact we vote down a tax increase repeatedly. My wife and I have to pay an extra half percent now that those working in the city don’t have to pay. On top of that the city she works in also raised it taxes. We tried to vote them all out but their were not enough people running. **** I hate taxes.

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Senate GOP repeals ObamaCare mandate

Senate Republicans have approved the repeal of ObamaCare’s individual mandate as part of their tax-cut bill, a major step forward toward ending an unpopular part of the healthcare law.

“Families ought to be able to make decisions about what they want to buy and what works for them –not the government,” Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said, hailing the accomplishment.



Muh Legacy!

Thus ends the most draconian, liberal fascist piece of freedom destroying legislation ever passed in our nation.
Congress clears spending bill, averting shutdown

President Donald Trump met with the “Big Four” congressional leaders — Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — at the White House on Thursday afternoon in a bid to jump-start negotiations over a two-year budget deal.

Senators approved the measure on a 81-14 vote, soon after the House passed it 235-193. Despite initial reluctance from conservative House Republicans, GOP leadership was ultimately able to pass it with votes to spare.

“We had a productive conversation on a wide variety of issues,” Pelosi said in a statement following the meeting. “Nothing specific has been agreed to, but discussions continue.”


“We had a productive conversation on a wide variety of issues,” Pelosi said in a statement following the meeting. “Nothing specific has been agreed to, but discussions continue.”

Translation: "We got our photo-op so we look relevant".